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Sid Roth - Simple Method to Hear God (Even Works for Atheists)
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Sid Roth - Simple Method to Hear God (Even Works for Atheists)
Sid Roth - Simple Method to Hear God (Even Works for Atheists)
Sid Roth : My favorite part of the show. Welcome, Holy Spirit, go and flow. My guest, Ed Rush, a top gun fighter pilot, started badly. He failed kindergarten which he says is impossible, except for him. Tell us how that happened. Ed Rush : So I was [...]
Sid Roth - Raised by Two Lesbian Mothers, Look What Jesus Did
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Sid Roth - Raised by Two Lesbian Mothers, Look What Jesus Did
Sid Roth - Raised by Two Lesbian Mothers, Look What Jesus Did
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Ross Johnston, grew up in a lesbian household, and was born through artificial insemination. Ross, what was your childhood like? Ross Johnston : Well, for me, it was normal, because when [...]
Sid Roth - I Visited Heaven and Was Healed When I Did THIS
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Sid Roth - I Visited Heaven and Was Healed When I Did THIS
Sid Roth - I Visited Heaven and Was Healed When I Did THIS
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit, our most important guest. Go and flow. My guest, Jareb Nott, recently had a medically-verified healing by practicing what he was taught by the Holy Spirit. Briefly, explain biblical meditation. Jareb Nott : Yes. [...]
Sid Roth - Jesus Healed This Doctor When He Made ONE Simple Change
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Sid Roth - Jesus Healed This Doctor When He Made ONE Simple Change
Sid Roth - Jesus Healed This Doctor When He Made ONE Simple Change
Sid Roth : I have been investigating miracles for over 30 years and I thought what if I take the best of the best miracles, the most verified, and put it in a book how helpful would that be for people to encourage them and to find out how wonderful [...]
Sid Roth - Warning! These Toxic Emotions Are Making You Sick
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Sid Roth - Warning! These Toxic Emotions Are Making You Sick
Sid Roth - Warning! These Toxic Emotions Are Making You Sick
Sid Roth : Hello! Sid Roth here! Welcome to my world where it's 'naturally supernatural'! What happens if you have a terminal disease? You go to the elders of your congregation. They anoint you with oil and you're not healed. Then you go to the [...]
Sid Roth - Amazing Miracles Caught on Camera
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Sid Roth - Amazing Miracles Caught on Camera
Sid Roth - Amazing Miracles Caught on Camera
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural! My guest Todd White was shot point blank in a drug deal that went bad. Point blank! Not one bullet touched him, it was almost as if there was an invisible [...]
Sid Roth - Watch These 24 Minutes If You Want to Be Healed in 2024
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Sid Roth - Watch These 24 Minutes If You Want to Be Healed in 2024
Sid Roth - Watch These 24 Minutes If You Want to Be Healed in 2024
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Becky Dvorak, learned firsthand how to rely on God when she ran an orphanage in the mountains of Guatemala. Becky, what did your son die from? Becky Dvorak : My adopted son when he was one [...]
Sid Roth - 2 Angels Came to Me with an URGENT MESSAGE
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Sid Roth - 2 Angels Came to Me with an URGENT MESSAGE
Sid Roth - 2 Angels Came to Me with an URGENT MESSAGE
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit! Go and flow. My guest, Tony Kemp, is truly a pastor's pastor. He has witnessed the power and demonstration of miracles all over the world. He said that binge watching "It's Supernatural"! eight hours a day [...]
Sid Roth - I Had 4 Dreams About Donald Trump
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Sid Roth - I Had 4 Dreams About Donald Trump
Sid Roth - I Had 4 Dreams About Donald Trump
Bob Duvall : Now, Robert, I want to find out about four dreams you've received from God about President Donald Trump. Now, let's stop right there, because when people hear President Donald Trump, that provokes reactions one way or the other. So, [...]
Sid Roth - I Saw Jesus with His Eyes on FIRE!
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Sid Roth - I Saw Jesus with His Eyes on FIRE!
Sid Roth - I Saw Jesus with His Eyes on FIRE!
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Catherine Mullins', parents were pastors. She knew and loved Jesus from an early age, and was filled with the Spirit of God, at age five. She doesn't remember not feeling His tangible [...]
Sid Roth - I Asked God What's Coming in 2024
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Sid Roth - I Asked God What's Coming in 2024
Sid Roth - I Asked God What's Coming in 2024
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Kenneth Copeland, is known worldwide as a general of the faith. For almost 60 years, his teachings have revolutionized a generation. Kenneth and Gloria have been married for 60 years. I'm [...]
Sid Roth - I Broke Their Blood Covenant with Satan! Then This Happens
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Sid Roth - I Broke Their Blood Covenant with Satan! Then This Happens
Sid Roth - I Broke Their Blood Covenant with Satan! Then This Happens
Sid Roth : Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest, Jennifer Toledo, had an experience. Jennifer, this is so phenomenal. You were in Africa in a remote village, and you were about ready to die. And you [...]
Sid Roth - An Angel Stayed at My House for 3 Weeks
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Sid Roth - An Angel Stayed at My House for 3 Weeks
Sid Roth - An Angel Stayed at My House for 3 Weeks
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. Did you know there are end-time angels that have been released in such quantity, angels that have never been on planet earth before, why are they here? They're [...]
Sid Roth - God's Response to My Immature Prayer Shocked Me
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Sid Roth - God's Response to My Immature Prayer Shocked Me
Sid Roth - God's Response to My Immature Prayer Shocked Me
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Shane Winnings, was raised in a religious home but saw no miracles. He lived like the world but thought he was going to Heaven. Shane, what was your lifestyle like? Shane Winnings : Yeah. I [...]
Sid Roth - God Gave This Marine an Unusual Order
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Sid Roth - God Gave This Marine an Unusual Order
Sid Roth - God Gave This Marine an Unusual Order
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Rick Jimenez, was raised Catholic. When he joined the Marines he left the church. Then after five years of marriage and two children, he found himself on the brink of divorce, and losing his [...]
Sid Roth - I Saw 2 Demonic Generals No One Talks About
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Sid Roth - I Saw 2 Demonic Generals No One Talks About
Sid Roth - I Saw 2 Demonic Generals No One Talks About
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. My guest, Steve Foss, heard a choir of angels singing for 40 minutes! It began a search for him in which he literally reached into the invisible world, and [...]
Sid Roth - This Video Will Change Your Prayer Life Forever
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Sid Roth - This Video Will Change Your Prayer Life Forever
Sid Roth - This Video Will Change Your Prayer Life Forever
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow! My guest, Mark Morozov, is proclaiming good news worldwide. He comes from a strong lineage of ministers and prominent prophets that have planted multiple congregations in Russia and Ukraine. Mark's [...]
Sid Roth - I Saw Angels and Demons Fighting Over My Soul
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Sid Roth - I Saw Angels and Demons Fighting Over My Soul
Sid Roth - I Saw Angels and Demons Fighting Over My Soul
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit, go and flow. Both Dr. Mina and Yvon Attia were born and raised in Egypt and they understand Middle Eastern culture. This opens a depth few of us here in the West have, they operate in significant miracles. Tell me [...]
Sid Roth - God Told Me Why Satan Was Allowed in Heaven
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Sid Roth - God Told Me Why Satan Was Allowed in Heaven
Sid Roth - God Told Me Why Satan Was Allowed in Heaven
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. I recognize that you are here big time. This is your platform. Have your way. In Jesus Name I release your glory now. My guest Dr. Francis Myles was astounded by miraculous results as he traced the footsteps of [...]
Sid Roth - An Angel Gave Me an Urgent Word For ALL Believers
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Sid Roth - An Angel Gave Me an Urgent Word For ALL Believers
Sid Roth - An Angel Gave Me an Urgent Word For ALL Believers
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guess, Todd Coconato, a Hollywood child actor, was stabbed nine times and went into the presence of God. Then God said, "Do you want to live? Or die"? When Todd said he wanted to live, God [...]
Sid Roth - I Thought My Mom Was Saved, UNTIL God Showed Me This
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Sid Roth - I Thought My Mom Was Saved, UNTIL God Showed Me This
Sid Roth - I Thought My Mom Was Saved, UNTIL God Showed Me This
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Marty Darracott, has seen thousands saved, healed and delivered when he's actually baptized them at the North Georgia Revival. He operates in very precise words of knowledge. Tell me about one [...]
Sid Roth - I Preached That Tongues Were of the Devil, UNTIL
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Sid Roth - I Preached That Tongues Were of the Devil, UNTIL
Sid Roth - I Preached That Tongues Were of the Devil, UNTIL
Sid Roth : Hello. I'm here with Pastor Todd Smith from the North Georgia Revival. It's unbelievable, the little sleepy, Southern town in Georgia. And sometimes he'll have more people on a Sunday night for the water baptism service than are in the [...]
Sid Roth - Satan Just Tried to Kill Me, He Doesn't Want You to Hear THIS
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Sid Roth - Satan Just Tried to Kill Me, He Doesn't Want You to Hear THIS
Sid Roth - Satan Just Tried to Kill Me, He Doesn't Want You to Hear THIS
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Mario Murillo, has seen thousands of people saved, healings, radical deliverances and so much more. Mario, what do you do the afternoon before the great miracle service? Mario Murillo : Well, [...]
Sid Roth - Jesus Wants ALL Believers to Do This (But FEW Will)
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Sid Roth - Jesus Wants ALL Believers to Do This (But FEW Will)
Sid Roth - Jesus Wants ALL Believers to Do This (But FEW Will)
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Eric Gilmour, believed in God, but his world was rocked when he walked into the thick, visible, tangible presence of God. Eric, you said your mom tricked you? What happened? Eric Gilmour : [...]
Sid Roth - Jesus Showed Me Secrets to Discern the Spirit Realm
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Sid Roth - Jesus Showed Me Secrets to Discern the Spirit Realm
Sid Roth - Jesus Showed Me Secrets to Discern the Spirit Realm
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Demontae Edmonds, was raised traditional Southern Baptist. Then the supernatural took over. Demontae, tell me about the 4-hour vision you had. Demontae Edmonds : Yeah, so I was around 7 years [...]
Sid Roth - What John Paul Jackson Saw Coming in the Future
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Sid Roth - What John Paul Jackson Saw Coming in the Future
Sid Roth - What John Paul Jackson Saw Coming in the Future
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. My guest, John Paul Jackson, is a proven prophet. As a matter of fact John Paul, uh before we tell them of what you've seen, which is the next 10 years, and [...]
Sid Roth - God Gave Him Wealth Secrets For All Believers
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Sid Roth - God Gave Him Wealth Secrets For All Believers
Sid Roth - God Gave Him Wealth Secrets For All Believers
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest Steve Foss had a prophecy in the year 2000 about the economic collapse. I want to hear about this. What did God tell you? Steve Foss : Well, in 2000, [...]
Sid Roth - The Secret Demons Don't Want You to Know
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Sid Roth - The Secret Demons Don't Want You to Know
Sid Roth - The Secret Demons Don't Want You to Know
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. Do you realize, just as I'm doing this introduction, God is beginning to heal people in their back, and in their neck, and in their hip? God is such a good God. [...]
Sid Roth - It Took 14 Men to Hold Back This Demon-Possessed Girl
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Sid Roth - It Took 14 Men to Hold Back This Demon-Possessed Girl
Sid Roth - It Took 14 Men to Hold Back This Demon-Possessed Girl
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. Speaking of naturally supernatural, my guest, Evangeline Weiner, from before you were even born, your parents were speaking about the invisible world and the [...]
Sid Roth - 4-Year-Old Boy Has Mysterious Heavenly Visitor
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Sid Roth - 4-Year-Old Boy Has Mysterious Heavenly Visitor
Sid Roth - 4-Year-Old Boy Has Mysterious Heavenly Visitor
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest, Eddie Rogers literally had an angel pour liquid gold all over him. And he was changed forever. You'd be changed forever. If you just saw an angel, [...]
Sid Roth - People Experience Heaven When He Sings
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Sid Roth - People Experience Heaven When He Sings
Sid Roth - People Experience Heaven When He Sings
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here with Andre Ashby. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. It's the rarified air of heaven. You're going to hear music today that's not just music, it's music from heaven. It's called prophetic music [...]
Sid Roth - Jesus Told This Girl About His Soon Return
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Sid Roth - Jesus Told This Girl About His Soon Return
Sid Roth - Jesus Told This Girl About His Soon Return
Sid Roth : Now my guests naturally are in the supernatural: Wesley and Stacey Campbell. And Stacey, when you were very young, you had no paradigm of God. You didn't understand anything about God, and yet, he came to you. Tell me about that. Stacey [...]
Sid Roth - What I Saw in a Vision Left Me Trembling
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Sid Roth - What I Saw in a Vision Left Me Trembling
Sid Roth - What I Saw in a Vision Left Me Trembling
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow! My guest, David Harris, was raised in a traditional church, but he turned to a lifestyle of drugs and partying at age 16. David, what was the catalyst that made you run to the world? David Harris : [...]
Sid Roth - I Received This Prophetic Word Inside a Dream
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Sid Roth - I Received This Prophetic Word Inside a Dream
Sid Roth - I Received This Prophetic Word Inside a Dream
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit! Go and flow. My guest, Corey Russell, was raised in a Christian home, but like most Christians, did not know God experientially. So at 13, he got into drugs and sex, but in your college parking lot, something [...]
Sid Roth - Satan Murders His Wife, Instantly Regrets It
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Sid Roth - Satan Murders His Wife, Instantly Regrets It
Sid Roth - Satan Murders His Wife, Instantly Regrets It
Sid Roth : My guest operated in an amazing realm of healings and miracles. This made him a threat to the realms of darkness. Satan tried to obliterate him with a cold, calculated assault by murdering his wife. Chad Gonzalez : It's been an [...]
Sid Roth - Autistic Boy Receives Amazing Gift from Heaven
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Sid Roth - Autistic Boy Receives Amazing Gift from Heaven
Sid Roth - Autistic Boy Receives Amazing Gift from Heaven
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. I don't know about you but I have been breathing the air of heaven, and I love that atmosphere. What happens when a Jewish doctor has an incurable illness [...]
Sid Roth - The Timing of Jesus' Return Has Been Revealed
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Sid Roth - The Timing of Jesus' Return Has Been Revealed
Sid Roth - The Timing of Jesus' Return Has Been Revealed
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest is Mark Biltz, and he has Revelation like few people that receive them. Let me give you an example. Let's supposed you lived 2,000 years ago in [...]
Sid Roth - Nurse Sees Something Amazing at Patient's Last Moment
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Sid Roth - Nurse Sees Something Amazing at Patient's Last Moment
Sid Roth - Nurse Sees Something Amazing at Patient's Last Moment
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth: welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest Melanie Hemry was a registered nurse. And as a registered nurse, she happened to be one of these backslidden Christians, but she saw things that were [...]
Sid Roth - WARNING, America's Future Hinges On ONE THING
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Sid Roth - WARNING, America's Future Hinges On ONE THING
Sid Roth - WARNING, America's Future Hinges On ONE THING
Sid Roth : Welcome. Welcome, Holy Spirit. Thank you for being our most gracious, important guest. Dr. Michael Brown is Jewish, has a doctorate from New York University, he speaks, reads and writes over a half a dozen Sematic languages, and is [...]
Sid Roth - I Talked to Jesus for 1 Hour (He Answered My Hardest Question)
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Sid Roth - I Talked to Jesus for 1 Hour (He Answered My Hardest Question)
Sid Roth - I Talked to Jesus for 1 Hour (He Answered My Hardest Question)
Sid Roth : Welcome Rauch HaKodesh Welcome, Spirit of the Living God. I'm reminded of my friend Kathryn Kuhlman. She would say, "Don't grieve the Holy Spirit. He's all that I have," and I tell you He is all that I have, and He's more than [...]
Sid Roth - He Came to Curse Me, But God EXPOSED Him
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Sid Roth - He Came to Curse Me, But God EXPOSED Him
Sid Roth - He Came to Curse Me, But God EXPOSED Him
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. You are our most invited guest. Last month, my guest, Jerame Nelson, came back from a meeting where God's glory was so manifest, His presence so apparent. God showed up, and if he did not have a clear word from God, [...]
Sid Roth - This Heavenly Visitor Shook Me to My Core
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Sid Roth - This Heavenly Visitor Shook Me to My Core
Sid Roth - This Heavenly Visitor Shook Me to My Core
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth welcoming you to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. My guest, Paul Keith Davis, was in a building and he saw a gathering of angels that are specifically sent to prepare things for the return of the Messiah: for [...]
Sid Roth - What I Saw in the Spirit Realm Shocked Me
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Sid Roth - What I Saw in the Spirit Realm Shocked Me
Sid Roth - What I Saw in the Spirit Realm Shocked Me
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. My guest, David Tomberlin, hears specific names of people, and then they are healed. I love it. David, when you were 21, you were on top of the world. What was [...]
Sid Roth - I Saw Heaven and Hell, And Came Back With an Urgent Message
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Sid Roth - I Saw Heaven and Hell, And Came Back With an Urgent Message
Sid Roth - I Saw Heaven and Hell, And Came Back With an Urgent Message
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit, to God be not some of the glory, not the glory, but to God be all the glory, all the glory! No room for anyone else to be able to take credit, and, God, we so trust that You're going to show up today. That miracles [...]
Sid Roth - This is an URGENT WORD for All Believers
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Sid Roth - This is an URGENT WORD for All Believers
Sid Roth - This is an URGENT WORD for All Believers
Sid Roth : Welcome. Welcome. Welcome, Holy Spirit! If You weren't here, I wouldn't want to even be doing this show. For 30 years, when my guest, Isaac Pitre, teaches this revelation, healings and miracles explode. Isaac accepted the Messiah at 18. [...]
Sid Roth - I Saw Demons Guarding THIS in the Second Heaven
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Sid Roth - I Saw Demons Guarding THIS in the Second Heaven
Sid Roth - I Saw Demons Guarding THIS in the Second Heaven
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth welcoming you to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. I love the rarified air of heaven. I mean take a deep breath. My guest, Steven Brooks, was in Israel, and what was it, 6 golden angels showed up? Steven Brooks [...]
Sid Roth - Jesus Gave This Iranian a Strong Warning About America
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Sid Roth - Jesus Gave This Iranian a Strong Warning About America
Sid Roth - Jesus Gave This Iranian a Strong Warning About America
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. Welcome, Rauch HaKodesh! You are awesome in this place, and we're just starting. My guest, Ramin Parsa, was raised under an Islamic regime. Ramin, tell me some of your earliest remembrances, and what life was like [...]
Sid Roth - Urgent Warning Vision from Jesus
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Sid Roth - Urgent Warning Vision from Jesus
Sid Roth - Urgent Warning Vision from Jesus
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. You're our most important guest, and I'm so glad You're here. I can't wait for you, our audience, to hear how my guest Raphael Giglio's Jewish grandfather, that happened to own four prominent West Palm Beach, [...]
Sid Roth - Super Bowl Halftime Show
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Sid Roth - Super Bowl Halftime Show
Sid Roth - Super Bowl Halftime Show
As a young boy, I had a goal. My goal was to become a millionaire before I was 30. Out of the blue, I had a thought. It was like a question, really. And a young kid shouldn't have a question like this. What happens when you die? And I thought, well, [...]
Sid Roth - New Age Guru Gives Jesus ONE DAY, What Happens Next is Shocking
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Sid Roth - New Age Guru Gives Jesus ONE DAY, What Happens Next is Shocking
Sid Roth - New Age Guru Gives Jesus ONE DAY, What Happens Next is Shocking
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit. I am so glad You're here with us, and to God be not the glory. To God be all the glory. My guest, Mike Shreve, was raised in the Catholic Church but felt no power, so he left the church. Then he knocked on all the [...]
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