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Sid Roth - I Asked God What's Coming in 2024

Sid Roth - I Asked God What's Coming in 2024
Sid Roth - I Asked God What's Coming in 2024

Sid Roth: Welcome, Holy Spirit. Go and flow. My guest, Kenneth Copeland, is known worldwide as a general of the faith. For almost 60 years, his teachings have revolutionized a generation. Kenneth and Gloria have been married for 60 years. I'm curious, how did you meet Gloria Copeland? She is such a...

Kenneth Copeland: Well, it was supernatural!

Sid Roth: ...great teacher you know.

Kenneth Copeland: My dad worked for National Old Line Insurance Company in Little Rock, and TCU was playing Arkansas for the Southwest Conference championship. My dad called up to see if he could get the penthouse at National Old Line, they said, "Sure, we're going to the ballgame, you and Ken can do what you want to". Anyway, I went to an after-game party. And this man came up to me and said, "My daughter's the best-looking girl in the State of Arkansas". I said, "Is that right"? He came back later, he said, "You don't believe me, do you"? He said, "I'm going to prove it to you". So I was looking forward to seeing what the best-looking girl in the State of Arkansas looked like. The 8th of October is on a Sunday, in 1961, and that elevator opened, and I went, man! He wasn't kidding! We walked around, I said, "Gloria, would you like to come out on the deck and look at the city"? She said, "Sure". So we walked out there, and she patted me on the back, and that was it!

Sid Roth: Okay. You became a pilot for Oral Roberts.

Kenneth Copeland: Yes, I did. I didn't have any money, and I knew I was supposed to be there. And I just fell down on the floor the night before, and I started praying to the Spirit as hard and fast as I could. Sid, I said, I wonder if I would be quiet, He'd say something to me? Man, I already down an ear. "Well, it's about time! I couldn't get a word in edgewise. Get on your feet"! I was shakin', I was stood in a military brace. He said, "I sent you here, I'll take care of you here. They can't make a minister out of you, all they can do is train you. I've already made a minister out of you". So I called my dad. He said, "Where are you"? I said, "I'm in the Registrar's office at ORU, why"? He said, "Eddie Matthews came by, and he dropped off a check and said it was for your ministry". I said, "How much"? "Three hundred and seventy-five dollars and fifteen cents, the first quarter". So after I took, tithe of that, I had 15 cents, I thought, well, Gloria and I will get a candy bar and go broke again. So I left, and the Lord stopped me out in front of the Learning Resource Center, said, "Go up to the sixth floor". Well, I went to the sixth floor, and I said, "My name's Kenneth Copeland, and I just registered for school. And I'm a commercially rated pilot, and I need all the help I can get". And she said, well, it was Ruth Rooks, but I didn't know then. She said, "Tell Dean". So I told him, and he just grunted at me. So I said it twice. And I had my first lesson in faith. I turned around, and Oral Roberts was standing beside me. He said, "I'm Oral Roberts". He might as well have said, "I'm God". He said, "I understand you're a commercially rated pilot"? I said, "Yes, sir". He said, "Can you handle our airplane"? I said, "Yes, sir". He said, "Two weeks ago, I started to hire a new co-pilot, but the Spirit of God said no. There's a student coming, you're my man"!

Sid Roth: Wow.

Kenneth Copeland: It started a relationship with him that, you talk about supernatural. Phew!

Sid Roth: He taught you many things.

Kenneth Copeland: Yeah.

Sid Roth: But tell me a couple of the main things that'll help us.

Kenneth Copeland: Never second-guess God. Spend time in the Book. And this is a book of blood covenance, and you spend time here. And you live in it. This is a manifestation of God. "The Name of Jesus is a weapon given to us by the Spirit of God against the forces of darkness".

Sid Roth: Another general in the faith, Dr. Kenneth Hagin Sr.

Kenneth Copeland: Oh, yes.

Sid Roth: Tell me some top things you learned from him. I know he was a real father to you in the...

Kenneth Copeland: Yes. And the force of faith, what it is, how it works, how it's released, we know it's a spiritual force. Now in the King James, it says, "Faith is the substance of things, hope for the evidence of things we don't see". In the Classic Amplified, Hebrews 11:1 in the Amplified, "Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things we hope for, being proof of the things we do not see and conviction of their reality faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses". And then in the sixth verse, it says it's impossible to please Him without that.

Sid Roth: That's the Amplified Classic.

Kenneth Copeland: Classic, yes.

Sid Roth: Right.

Kenneth Copeland: I spent time listening to both of them. And then I spent enough time in this Book to live in it, to absolutely live in it. This is a manifestation of the glory, this is a manifestation of God. This is God. It doesn't contain the Word of God, it is the Word of God. And it's the Word of God because it's His bond. Now, those two men, when you look at the 4th Chapter of the Book of Ephesians, that they did this for me: "And He gave some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists and some pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying, or the building up, of the Body of Christ, until we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ". Christ is not his last name.

Sid Roth: It's a title.

Kenneth Copeland: It's The anointed. So it's the Anointed One, and His anointing. And they did this for me. Well, if it took all of these to do it then, it takes all of them to do it now. These are these ministry gifts. And so they began, both of them, I had an example of an evangelist on one side, and a teacher on the other. And the two of them together built a foundation unto me. I said to Brother Roberts one day, I said, "You use your faith like a mechanic uses a tool". I said, "You go to your toolbox, and you use it". He said, "Well, I never thought about it like that, but I do". Now in my mind, I've seen on the platform one day, I was over here holding his coat, and he was sitting out there, and this young woman he was ministering to, and they had the platform up there, and she was standing down here. And I see him right here. And he said, "Now, Christ is right here. He's right here". Now, the Lord told him to lay his right hand on people, because of the manifestation he had in his hand. He said, "He's right here. And He's the one who told me to lay hands on you". I thought, "Oh, Christ in me the hope of glory". So I began to put something in a nutshell, that's extremely important. Begin to have faith in the God that lives in here, not just the God that's in heaven. The God inside minded, and trust this God. Listen to Him. I don't want to do anything, Sid Roth, without enquiring of the Lord. David enquired of the Lord about what He did, and I learned that, to enquire first. And over the years, we started with nothing, and we learned about being redeemed from the curse of the law. And most people don't know what it is, but the curse was three things; spiritual death, sickness and disease, and poverty. But the blessing of Abraham was spiritual life and divine health, and prosperity. So it's that simple, but Galatians 3:13, "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us, for it is written, 'Cursed is everyone that hangs on the tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles by faith.'" Well, hang on. And the fact that faith works by love, the love of God. And the Scripture says, "The Love of God's been shed and brought in our hearts by the Holy Ghost". He's in here. Love is in here. So you need to let Him do the talking.

Sid Roth: When we return, Kenneth will teach what God has shown him that was built upon the shoulders of the teaching of those two great generals, and what he sees coming for 2024. Be right back.

Sid Roth: Now Kenneth Copeland and I had never really met, until recently when I spoke at his church. The presence of God was incredibly strong on this man. But a few weeks later, I spoke to him on the phone, and God's presence felt literally, Kenneth, a hundred times stronger than when I saw you in person. I believe he's been touched by The Greater Glory. But before he releases this Greater Glory on our audience, I want Kenneth to teach us some of the most important nuggets God has revealed to him.

Kenneth Copeland: Have faith in God. Well, what about my country? Have faith in God. What about my children? Have faith in God. What about my finances? Have faith in God. But if you're going to do that, you're going to have to get one of these, because He wrote it. And I keep wanting to get a new one broken-in, but I can't turn this one loose. And I was over in the Book of Hebrews one day with David Barton, and I've read the Book of Hebrews so many times that, and highlighted so many things that it just, I was right there.

Sid Roth: You've highlighted that, trust me.

Kenneth Copeland: And he said, "Where do you get a white highlighter"? "What"? He said, "Yours is yellow". I said, "Well, I only highlight the good stuff".

Sid Roth: I don't know how you left anything out.

Kenneth Copeland: And have faith in God, or have the faith of God, what's cross-referenced to this. Well, of course it is, because when I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I didn't realize it then, because I was Scripture illiterate, but faith was placed in me, according to the twelfth Chapter of the Book of Romans. And then I learned there to make my body a living sacrifice before God. And Jesus said, "Have the faith of God, for whosoever", this is a "whosoever" thing, "Whosoever shall say unto this mountain", "Whosoever shall say," to that old car, that new car. "Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, 'Be thou removed, and be though cast into the sea,' and not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he says will come to pass, he will have whatsoever he said". But now, wait a minute. Now listen to this. "Therefore, I say unto you, what things to ever you desire when you pray, believe you receive them", no, wait. "But when you stand praying, forgive," if you have ought against any. Faith will not work in an unforgiving heart, or even in an unforgiving environment. Whatever it is, you have to do it by faith. And you go to the Book to do it, you don't do it, you do anything by feelings in this business.

Sid Roth: What do you mean, you "Go to the Book to do it"?

Kenneth Copeland: This one.

Sid Roth: You take a promise? What do you actually do?

Kenneth Copeland: Well, the steps to answered prayer is to start here. You find the promise that covers your situation, so now you have the answer to the prayer, so you pray that. If it's healing, go to the Healing Promises. If it's finance, go to the Finance Promises. They're all in here. Everything, so let's get forgiven. Now, this man was there. Talking about the blood, and we're talking about blood convenance. "This then", I'm in First John Chapter 1: "This then is the message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you, that God is light". Ah! So God is light. In Him there's no darkness at all. We learned something right there. And "If we say we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from unrighteousness". I believe that, whether I feel like I'm forgiven or not. I had an experience down to South Florida one time in the early days, and I lost my temper. I didn't cuss, but I felt like it. Anyway, anyway, I was walking around that room, in my hotel room, I said, "I'm going to go back over". And I heard it in here. "What are you talking about"? I said, "You know what I'm talking about". See, I just visit with Him all the time, and you get to where you hear His voice, and long as it matches this. And I said, "No, I'll just get you another boy, I'm not going back over there". "Why"? I said, "Because you know what I did and you know what I said". He said, "Didn't you confess that before Me"? I said, "Yes, I did". Right in here, He said, "Kenneth, when you confessed, it's not when I found out about it". He said that, "When you got rid of it". "Oh, okay". Feelings, "Well, I don't feel like You forgave me", that didn't have anything to do with it. Whether I feel like it or not, this is a blood-bought promise. Jesus died and bled for this thing. I can believe that.

Sid Roth: What was God showing you for 2024?

Kenneth Copeland: Well, I set aside a week and fasted and prayed about it, when I went to my prayer cabin in Southwest Arkansas and prayed about it. I prayed about it and prayed about it and prayed about it. And then the Lord downloaded my partner letter while I was there. And just kept praying about it and praying about it. And I heard that the people of faith that live, one thing, if you live, the just shall live by faith, if you honestly do that, then you never have to change your lifestyle one way or the other, because faith's what's producing what you have, anyway. And I heard Him say, "Twenty twenty-four, the people of faith will be on victory's shore. And they'll launch out into the deep, and win souls galore in 2024, and that many changes are coming". And I said, "What am I supposed to pray for 2024 for the government, and for the changing of this nation"? He said, "Pray this: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed by Thy Name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven". That settled that!

Sid Roth: You talked about the prayers in that Book, the Bible, and how important they area. But the most important prayer you can give right now, that is totally life-changing, I know it because it happened to me, is a prayer to have your own experiential knowledge with God that no man can over rob you of, can ever take from you. No one can ever talk you out of that. You are beyond being talked out. I want you to say out loud this prayer. "Dear God I'm so sorry for my mistakes. I'm so thankful for the Blood of Jesus because the Blood of Jesus totally erases all of my mistakes. And now I make You not just my Savior, but come inside of me and be Lord of my life. Amen".

Kenneth Copeland: "The Word is nigh you even in your mouth and in your heart, that is the word of faith which we preach, that if you shall confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, for with the heart man believes under righteousness, with the mouth, confession is made under salvation". For the Scripture says, "Whosoever believes on Him should not be ashamed. There's no difference between the Jew and the Greek, for the same Lord, overall, is rich unto all that call upon Him. Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. How shall they call on Him if they have not believed? They can't. How shall they believe in Him if they've not heard? They can't. How shall they hear without a preacher? They can't. How shall they preach, except there'd be sin, as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace and bring glad tidings and great things". So then, faith comes. Faith can't help it. This Book is full of faith. "So then, Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God". This broadcast today should have started faith working on the inside of you. But don't go by how you feel. You believe it because you heard it today. And you thank God, "Thank God my faith is growing. I have it. It's in me".

Sid Roth: Well, I know one thing, I know because you watched this show, you're going to fall in love with Jesus all over again.

Kenneth Copeland: Yes. Oh dear Lord, yes.

Sid Roth: And you're going to fall in love with the equivalent of Jesus, the Word of God. The Word was with God, the Word was God, and the Word became flesh. I pray in Yeshua's Name that your love relationship starts today.

Kenneth Copeland: Yes, amen. Hallelujah.