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Sid Roth - 2 Angels Came to Me with an URGENT MESSAGE

Sid Roth - 2 Angels Came to Me with an URGENT MESSAGE
Sid Roth - 2 Angels Came to Me with an URGENT MESSAGE

Sid Roth: Welcome, Holy Spirit! Go and flow. My guest, Tony Kemp, is truly a pastor's pastor. He has witnessed the power and demonstration of miracles all over the world. He said that binge watching "It's Supernatural"! eight hours a day transformed his ministry. Now he says, prepare for the greater glory. It's coming soon! What have you been seeing lately, Tony?

Tony Kemp: I was in a service in Dallas, Texas, it was an international service. Twenty-eight nations were represented, 600 people. There's a woman in the congregation, she cannot walk. She's in a wheelchair. She has metal in her body. No one prays for her. The glory of God comes into the service, Sid, and she hears a voice. And the voice said, "Rise and walk". She gets up. As she walks, the metal disappears. She comes up on the stage, and this is one of those services where, you know, people have flags, to swing the flag. Let me tell you.

Sid Roth: Well, look, if you got rid of metal in me, it'd be a miracle. I don't have any metal, No.

Tony Kemp: Amen. Amen. Let me give you a second example. I was in new York, at an Assembly of God church, and the youth pastor, who was the son of the pastor, has an open vision in which he sees two angels; one about 5 foot 10, that was the one that spoke to me, and one about seven feet tall. He tells me, he sees them as clear as you see me and I see you. In that congregation, there were two individuals who had muscles that were calcifying and becoming bone. In the congregation, one man, his muscles were calcifying, becoming bone, and all of a sudden as he's sitting there, his feet come up on their own. Then God heals him, takes the pain away. I believe he had it for 20 years, and he gets up and walks. Another woman whose muscles were calcifying down her body, she's healed by the glory and by the presence of Yeshua, the Messiah.

Sid Roth: You had an encounter with two, and you say, "ancient angels".

Tony Kemp: Yeah, before I tell you about that, Sid, I should say this. I had an angelic encounter before that, and this is what the angel said. He said, "The day of Noah is upon you". And this is a quote: "The Lord is coming very, very soon". The reason that I say they were "ancient," is they appeared ancient. They looked like they had shepherd's rods, these two angels kept appearing. The first time that I just told you about was in Arkansas. I left Arkansas, and I immediately went to minister in Mississippi. While I was in Mississippi, I ministered on a Friday night, finished up, got up on a Saturday morning, because I was to continue ministering that day. And those same two angels appeared in my room; again, looking ancient, which I understood to mean that they were going to show me the ancient ways to know the ancient of days. And so the Word of the Lord, to me, was this: "Shepherd the people into the Father's holiness". Later on I was to be preaching in Holland, Michigan. I ministered Saturday night to some youth, and they were praising the Lord and enjoying the glory of God. I was to do two services on that Sunday morning. Again, in my hotel room, these same two angels appear again. And this was pretty extraordinary. Again, I wasn't looking for this, but this is what the two angels said, one speaking on behalf of the other. Number one, it wasn't just an instruction to me, I believe it's an instruction to all of us, "Repent, obey the Word of God, Walk in the light, and you'll be clothed with white". What was emerging from me Sid was, there seemed to be this theme on internal development. And I would have to admit, Sid, that if I was to be honest, and I think if a number of us would be honest, we are behind in our spiritual development. And this was the priority of the Father being revealed to me. The Father wants me to know Him much more intimately. And I can do that if I bring to Him the fruit of repentance, if I can practice righteousness, which is doing the Word every day, and if I can get to know the Father and Jesus.

Sid Roth: What would you suggest we do to catch up from where we're behind?

Tony Kemp: Oh, yes. I had mentioned the Word of the Lord, because that's first. In Matthew, Chapter 4, this is what the Scripture says. The enemy comes to Jesus, and Jesus responds and says, "It is written. Man will not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God". When I received the Word of the Lord, when I think the Word, speak the Word, do the Word, Joshua 1 and 8, it releases God's creative life, His love, His presence, His power and His glory within me. And so this is a time where we need to work on our inner development, our inner intimacy with God so that we can mature in the Messiah, Jesus, and be fully ready not just for the physical return of the Messiah, Jesus, but we need to get ready for the manifest presence and Glory of God that is soon to arrive and literally hit the earth.

Sid Roth: So how do we prepare?

Tony Kemp: How do we prepare? This is a very interesting question, because I had an appearance of Jesus and an angel, because...

Sid Roth: Why do you have all these appearances? Can't you share a little of them?

Tony Kemp: All I can tell people to do is, just watch "It's Supernatural"!

Sid Roth: Okay.

Tony Kemp: And they'll get a revelation and an impartation. When you read the Bible, don't just read it for information, read it for revelation. When you're listening to a preacher or some people testify about Jesus, you can get an impartation because what you're getting when you're reading the Word of God, more than information and revelation, you're getting an impartation, and you're getting an introduction into a realm where you can experience what that prophet experienced, what that apostle experienced, because it's for all of us. It's for every single one of us who will open our hearts and have a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. The Father wants to encounter us and wants us to encounter the Father through the Messiah, Jesus.

Sid Roth: "Eye has not seen, ear has not heard all that God has in store for us". And I think it starts in the secret place and it starts in the Word of God.

Tony Kemp: Yes.

Sid Roth: The power of the secret place awaits you. Get ready to take a step into the extraordinary atmosphere of synchronization. Be right back.

Sid Roth: Tony says that secret place connects us to the Throne of God. He calls it, "synchronization". Synchronization with the throne of God. Explain.

Tony Kemp: Explain. I love the prophet, Elijah, and those who are Jewish, the love Elijah and they love Moses, and those of us who are the followers of the Messiah, we should love Elijah, because Elijah is a picture of synchronization. In fact, in One Kings, Chapter 17, this is how the Scripture opens up. Elijah the prophet comes before a wicked king, and this is what he says. "As the Lord God lives before whom I stand, there'll be no rain or dew these years until I give you the word". This is what's interesting. He stood before the Lord. That means he waited upon God, he attended God, he waited for God. He was silent before the Lord, he prayed, he listened, he obeyed. And here's what's wild: When God decided it was time to stand against sin and evil, because of Elijah's intimacy with God, he knew it was time for him to make a stand. And when God stood, he stood. And God said something very interesting. God says to Elijah, "Leave, go by the brook Cherith," by the way, which means, "to cut a Covenant". And He says, "Hide yourself there". And during this three or so-year period, God hides. So I need to be in harmony with my heavenly Father. I need to pick up what He's thinking, pick up what He's saying. When He's silent, I need to be silent. When He speaks, I need to speak. And I need this sensitivity to the Holy Spirit so that when God hides, I hide.

Sid Roth: The synchronization is something Jesus said, "I only do what I see My heavenly Father doing".

Tony Kemp: John, Chapter 5, Verse 19, Jesus says, "The Son can do nothing from Himself," it doesn't originate from me. The Son only does what He sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise. Jesus said, "As the Father has commanded me, even so I do". Here's what's wild about the prophet Elijah. God tells him to go to Zarephath. That was Jezebel's home town. That was the seat of Satan at that time. And God sends him there, a widow woman gives him some bread, some water, which God multiplies. And then there's a counterattack of the enemy, and many people are suffering a counterattack from the enemy. Her son dies, and then right there, the Scripture says, "Elijah stretches himself, and the boy is brought back to life". We see the first time a person's physically raised from the dead. God stretches, the man of God stretches. And we see this pattern, because of the man of God's consecration, because of his dedication, to the Father's will, plan and purpose, he was joined. He was a Levi, he was literally joined to the Lord. And the Bible says, "He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit," and we see the miraculous.

Sid Roth: You talk about an inside job. What do you mean, it starts from the inside?

Tony Kemp: Oh, my, you remember the apostle Paul, he said, "We with an unveiled face, are beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord". So when you get up in the morning, you go and you look in the physical mirror just to see what you look like. And the Word of God shows us what we look like, and when we see something in the physical mirror that we don't like, we make adjustments and changes. Well, the Word of God is that mirror. In fact, James, the half brother of Jesus, one of the apostles of Chapter 1, Verse 2, he says, "When a man looks into the perfect law of liberty and does what the Word says, be a doer of the Word," which is "Poiein," it means "creativity". So when I look into the Word of God and I begin to make the changes that the Word of God says, something happens within me. There is this glory. We all are looking into the mirror of the Word. And we're being changed and transformed from one degree of glory to another. This is the inner glory. The Colossians 1:27, "The Messiah in you, the hope of glory". I need this inner glory to be increased within me, because very soon, there is coming a manifest glory that is waiting. And I'm going to need the strength of the inner glory to stand up under the weight of the Greater Glory that's coming. And the reason I say this is because Jesus said, during Passover with His 12 disciples, He said, "I have many things to say to you now. But you cannot merit". In the Greek, it means you cannot stand up under the weight of it. Here's the thing, Sid. If the inner glory is weaker than the outer glory, this is where I will experience moral failure, because I will allow the enemy to come in, and steal God's ultimate intention, which is for me to be like Jesus.

Sid Roth: I've seen people where the glory comes on them, they literally can't stand, if that's what you're talking about.

Tony Kemp: Yes. Oh, absolutely. We need to be able to be, "Strong in the Lord and the power of His might," so when this greater glory comes, we can still stand and minister the Messiah, Jesus, while other people are literally falling out under the power of God.

Sid Roth: Now I remember seeing a few years ago Rodney Howard-Browne.

Tony Kemp: Yes.

Sid Roth: And he shares the story, when the glory first started coming on him. And I was there. I saw it. He was like almost frozen, he couldn't move. He couldn't speak. What good is that for an evangelist?

Tony Kemp: Well, you know what, it's funny that you brought something to my mind. I was in a Baptist church, and I was ministering the Word of the Lord, and a woman came up to the altar, and her feet got stuck to the floor. The glory of God came, her feet got stuck to the floor. We ministered around her. The service was over. She was still stuck to the floor. I was sitting in the pulpit area with the pastor, and she was still stuck to the floor. The Spirit of God says, she can get up and move now, and she'd be against the wall. A woman comes up and says to her, "You know what that sign means"? She said, "What"? She said, "Plant your feet in the Lord, the Messiah, Jesus".

Sid Roth: How do we build up this inner glory you teach of?

Tony Kemp: Oh my goodness, the first key is always the written Word of God. But the second key is to bend my knee in everyday life to the Lordship of the Messiah, Jesus. It is hearing and obeying. So it is praying, it is fascinating. It is waiting upon the Lord. And as one of our dear brothers spoke, it is being silent to God, because of the silence, you're in submission. You're saying, "I am ready to hear. I am ready to obey. I'm ready to do whatever it is You say". And when the Father sees that, because that was the heart of Jesus. Jesus had that heart. Jesus would not act on His own. In fact, let me say this, this is interesting, in John's gospel, it says that there was an angel that came down to the pool of Bethesda, and there were sick people there. And whoever got in the water when the angel stirred the waters, got healed. That was the assignment. When Jesus walks through there, he sees a man who was paralyzed for 38 years, and He does the same thing the angel does. He was the one person that the Father points out. And He tells the man, "Rise and walk". And here's the thing I'm going to say to people. You can do what you couldn't do before, as soon as Jesus tells you to do it. This is the key, because in John's gospel, Chapter 2, the mother of Jesus comes to Jesus and says, "They've run out of wine". She goes to the servants and says, "Whatever my Son tells you to do, do it". And the Scripture says, this is the beginning of miracles Jesus did. The Greek there for beginning is "arche". It means archaic, it means the pattern from which copies are made. After that, in John's Gospel, what you see is, is Jesus is told something by the Father, Jesus tells somebody to do it, they do what they say, and it follows with the miraculous. The miraculous follows an instruction that you obey.

Sid Roth: Very briefly, yes, this question's come to me twice. How do you read the Bible?

Tony Kemp: When I was younger, I read the Bible for information. Now I read it for revelation and impartation. And let me tell you how this came to me. I was, the Holy Spirit spoke to me, He said, "Fast 14 days, read the Book of Daniel three times, I'll give you revelation of prophecy". I noticed something about Daniel. Daniel was reading Jeremiah. And as a result of reading Jeremiah, he was taken into a prophetic realm, and he had a visitation from God. So I read the Bible with expectation with anticipation, with excitement, because I'm getting ready to step into a realm where God is, okay, I'm getting ready to meet God. The written Word, I'm getting ready to experience an appearance of the living Word, Jesus, the Messiah. So that's how I approach the Word of God. Something is getting ready to happen in my life as a result of the presence and the power of the Spirit.

Sid Roth: Pray an impartation for everyone that is viewing. An impartation for a hunger for the Word, for a hunger for God, for a hunger for the glory, to be filled with the glory.

Tony Kemp: Listen, my whole thing is hunger for my heavenly Father. I have a thirst for the Spirit of the living God. I want to know Jesus like I've never known Him before, and I want to know the presence and the power of God like I've never known Him before. And even as Sid and I are talking, right now, the Holy Spirit is moving. He is moving on your heart. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the glory. And whenever He manifests Himself, things cannot remain like they were before. And so right now, I pray that the Father will give you this hunger, this thirst, this desire for more of Him than ever before. And here's the point. "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst, for they shall be filled". And I release the fullness of the Messiah, Jesus, into your life. And I'm telling you right now, you're going to see God show up in your life, God show up in your marriage, God show up in your children and grandchildren, God show up in your career and company, God show up in your life, your church and your ministry like never before.

Sid Roth: I want you to say out loud. Out loud, right now, "Jesus, I make You my Lord. I make You my Savior. I make You my everything. Give me revelation in Your Word. Give me hunger. Just as Tony said that was important in his life, it's important in my life. I want to know You better. I want to fulfill everything in my book of life. In Yeshua's Name. Amen".