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Sid Roth - I Received This Prophetic Word Inside a Dream

Sid Roth - I Received This Prophetic Word Inside a Dream
Sid Roth - I Received This Prophetic Word Inside a Dream
TOPICS: Prophetic, Dream

Sid Roth: Welcome, Holy Spirit! Go and flow. My guest, Corey Russell, was raised in a Christian home, but like most Christians, did not know God experientially. So at 13, he got into drugs and sex, but in your college parking lot, something amazing happened. What happened?

Corey Russell: It's true, Sid. I went dark into this world throughout my teenage years, the drugs, the sex, all the lifestyle. And I go off to college, and yet I had a praying mom. I had a praying mom, my best friend had a praying mom. And they were storming the gates of heaven.

Sid Roth: Did you know they were praying for you?

Corey Russell: No. I didn't know. We didn't know. We were just so lost in our world. We didn't have a clue what they were doing. And yet my friend went through a season where he was weird, and it ended up leading to his salvation. And so he, two weeks later, shows up to college where I was at, and he takes me to lunch, and he shares with me that for several months, the spirit realm was opened up to him. He was seeing angels, demons, seeing what was controlling us. And he said that on the very last night that we were together, the voice of God broke in and said, "Satan's raising up an army, but I'm raising up an army, too". And he started preaching to me saying, "Corey, you need to give your life to Jesus. Hell is real. You need to give your life to Jesus". And I said, "Shut up, and take me back to school". And I was mad at him. And he takes me back to the school, pulls into the parking lot, and right before I get out of the van, I felt a presence I had never felt before in my whole life. Yeah, I later found out it's the Holy Spirit, as I felt Him move from the right of my body to my left, and I began to shake violently, like I was having a seizure.

Sid Roth: You know, I'm going to tell you something. As you're sharing this, I'm starting to shake. But go ahead.

Corey Russell: I do every time I tell it. I feel the presence of God.

Sid Roth: I do, too, when you're talking.

Corey Russell: He pulled in the back of the parking lot, he started praying. And as he started praying, I knew I had to get out the Name, "Jesus". But all I could get out was, "Geez". And so I kept trying to say His Name, and I went, "Geez"...

Sid Roth: Why couldn't you get it out?

Corey Russell: There was, like, literally, like a demonic hold around my throat. I later found that out, I didn't know what it was. I couldn't say His Name.

Sid Roth: Hmm.

Corey Russell: And He's in my ears screaming, "Say it! Say it"! I said, "I'm trying! I'm trying"! And finally, I remembered taking a deep breath, and with all the power inside of me, I just screamed the Name, "Jesus"! And right when I screamed His Name, the hold broke off of my throat. God came and breathed into my mouth. And I kept saying, "I've got air. I've got air. I've got air". And after about a minute, I heard the voice of God for the first time, as He said, "Corey, get out of the van, get on the pavement, and give Me your life, you're mine". And so in the middle of a college parking lot with kids running everywhere, I screamed, "Jesus Christ, I give You my life. I'm Yours". And that moment I passed from death to life, delivered of all the drugs, the alcohol and the perversion, and hit by the power of God.

Sid Roth: Okay. You and your buddy are now normal.

Corey Russell: That's right.

Sid Roth: "Normal" defined by the Bible, not normal defined by the world. You're in college. Did you have an impact on any other students?

Corey Russell: What we began to see happen is within a month, I had a drug ring of friends that begin to have encounters like mine. I end up leading my little brother to the Lord, who was still in the high school, and over the next six months, we would see half the high school come to Jesus.

Sid Roth: Wow.

Corey Russell: We would see a local Church begin to host the move of God, as we would have five meetings a week until 3:00 in the morning. And I fell in love with the presence of God, and we saw God touch a small community in Northwest Arkansas, that people's lives are still changed to this day.

Sid Roth: Now, there's someone that a lot of people have not heard of, but he became very influential in your life.

Corey Russell: Yes.

Sid Roth: His name was, because he's in heaven now, Daniel Nash. Tell me about him.

Corey Russell: Yeah, so I ended up marrying my wife in '98, had our first daughter in '99, our second 2003 and our third in 2010, and the Lord was talking to us about a son that was coming. And on June 26th, 2012, my son was born, and we named him Josiah Nash Russell, and we named him after Daniel Nash. Daniel Nash was an intercessor with Charles Finney during the second great awakening. This man, many people know the name Charles Finney, but many don't know so much about Daniel Nash, and him and another man would forerun Charles Finney's revival campaigns, and that they would rent a basement for around 25 cents a week. And they would literally, Linda Ravenhill interviewed a woman that hosted him in her home, and she said she would listen down there as they would begin to cry and groan and travail for the breakthrough of God to come into that region. They would move in such intercession, they understood a principal, Sid. That if you win the battle in the heavenlies, then the Word of God will go forth in power. And they saw this. Charles Finney himself would always say that Daniel Nash would show up on the first night of a revival campaign, and he would say this, all he would say is, "The Lord has come". And Finney said, "I never knew a time he was wrong". Several months after Daniel Nash died, Charles Finney's itinerate revivals stopped in their intensity.

Sid Roth: Wow.

Corey Russell: Finney attributed so much of the success of his revival, I mean, we're talking about conservatively...

Sid Roth: How successful was Finney's revival?

Corey Russell: In an eight-week revival in Upstate New York, they saw 500,000 confirmed new converts. Five hundred thousand.

Sid Roth: Do you know, Billy Graham was asked, "What is your biggest regret"? He said, "I made converts and not disciples".

Corey Russell: Yes.

Sid Roth: What happened with Nash's people?

Corey Russell: That's a... well, they found such a depth and a character, they say 80 percent of the converts of Finney's revival stood the test of time. They went on to grow deeper in the Word, grow deeper in prayer, and live lives of holiness. And I think that was the impact, Finney understood the connection between prayer and evangelism. And that that brings a depth, and then they would follow it up with discipleship, and all of those things.

Sid Roth: Okay. After being a believer, after these wonderful things, he went through a very dark season, he and his wife, in his life. Tell me about that, Corey.

Corey Russell: Yes, so as I was saying, we named Josiah, Nash, and we called him Nash, and on March 16th, 2013, I was in London, England, ministering. I was preaching the gospel over there. And on the second night, I come out of the ministry time, someone gives me a phone, and I'm thinking that someone wants me to pray for a relative of a friend of theirs in the ministry time. And I take the phone, and I hear my wife saying that our son is dead. Our son passed away. She laid him down for a nap, and he didn't wake up from his nap. A horrible virus had come through our family, and his heart wasn't able to navigate it. And I received the nightmare of calls at a very dark time. And then I would fly back to Arkansas, and we would go on a journey that's lasted the last 10 years.

Sid Roth: Did you get bitter or better as a result?

Corey Russell: I would say I got better. I would say that I took my pain, I took my confusion, and I took my questions and I threw them at the feet of Jesus. And I went deep into Him, and I went deep into the Word. And the Lord began to release five psalms that were, I would say, life rafts to me and my family, to be able to navigate those years after our son's death.

Sid Roth: Then, you had an encounter with God in 2014, and a dream from a very trusted prophetic voice.

Corey Russell: Yes.

Sid Roth: Tell me briefly about that.

Corey Russell: One of the psalms was Psalm 2. And Psalm 2 is when the devil is raging over Jesus' inheritance. And I felt the devil's rage over my family. I felt the devil's rage over my wife, over my children, and over our future, and wondering, are we going to make it? Are we going to make it? And it was in a season of praying Psalm 2 in 2014, that I was asking God for my inheritance. I was saying, "God, would You bring forth generations out of this moment"? And it was in that season that a prophetic friend of mine, Jeremiah Johnson, sent me a dream. And he said that in the dream, the Church was under siege. Cultural wars were increasing, and we were, like, in Medieval times. Everyone ran to the city square, and we realized, we don't know how to pray in these days. We don't know how to pray in these days. And in the dream, I walk in smiling, and I go, "These are the days we've been waiting on". "These are the days we've been waiting on". And in the dream, he began to prophecy over me. And He said, "Corey, for every one voice of awakening, I'm going to raise up seven voices of intercession". "For every one voice of awakening, I'm going to raise up seven voices of intercession". And then He said this, "I've given Lou Engle the Nazarites, but I'm giving you the Nasharites. And the Nasharites will be a hidden army of intercessors".

Sid Roth: I never heard the term "Nasharites". Had you?

Corey Russell: Never. I had never heard it. And he says, "These Nasharites will be hidden intercessors. They may not be known in the eyes of men, but they're going to be famous in heaven. And I'm going to hear their prayers, and I'm going to send revival to their families, revival to their Churches, and revival to their nations".

Sid Roth: How many Nasharites are you entrusted to raise up?

Corey Russell: Right before this dream, I'd had a lunch with Reinhard Bonnke, and after you get around someone like that, your faith gets big. And after I got that dream, I said, "God, give me 100 million Nasharites for global revival, the return of the Lord and the salvation of Israel". I said, "Lord, I will spend the rest of my day awakening this army of intercessors to take their stand in the earth".

Sid Roth: When we return, Corey is going to talk about the amazing! And I say amazing connection between the Nasharites and Israel! And every time he teaches on this subject, the supernatural takes place. Be right back.

Sid Roth: Most believers don't know about the throne room, and how important it is to keep our eyes focused on the throne room. Corey, explain.

Corey Russell: Yeah, it was in Psalm 2, to where I was seeing the warfare. I was seeing the warfare around my family, and I didn't know how to pray. I felt the chaos, confusion and rage of the evil one. And yet it's in Psalm 2, Verse 4, the Father is looking at the very same situation, and it says, "He who sits in the heavens laughs". And the Lord began to teach me, "Corey, I want to bring you up to the throne room in the heavens to get My divine perspective over the rage of the evil one. I want to fill you with My confidence that no matter how much the devil is raging, how much confusion and chaos is coming against your family, I want you to know it's not going to stand. I want to teach you how to sit with Me, to see as I see, and to speak as I speak, over the storms, into seeing peace come to your family". Do you know, several times, three times in the gospels, Jesus lifted His eyes to heaven? He did it before He fed the five thousand, He did it before He raised Lazarus from the dead, and He did it before He prayed John 17, Jesus ascended to the throne. And I find so many believers live victim to the chaos, confusion, anxiety and fear of our families, our circumstances and the world around us, and yet the Biblical command, Paul tells us in Colossians 3, "Set your mind on things above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God". This is the call that He gives us to. We wage the battle from the throne room. That's how we do it as we come up there, and the Bible talks about the throne room all the way through. And there's that lie out there, "You're so heavenly-minded, you're no earthly good," that's an absolute lie. We're no earthly good to anyone unless we become heavenly-minded. And we take the resource and the power and the presence of the throne room of God, and release it, "Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is heaven".

Sid Roth: Now, when you release this, when you teach on this, what normally happens to the group you're teaching?

Corey Russell: What I will see happen often is oppression, depression, heaviness, anxiety, torment, get broken off of people's minds and souls. And I see deliverance come. I see literal oppression, where people are weighed down, gripped with anxiety over the future. I see a supernatural peace come over them. I see a supernatural presence, and I see joy come back to them, because there's joy, peace and righteousness in the throne room. And that's what touches people. And I see them walk in freedom. It's amazing.

Sid Roth: I'm going to have you teach on this in a moment. But tell us about your wife's two encounters in 2021.

Corey Russell: So I got the Nasharite word in 2014, but honestly, my wife was still frozen in trauma and in pain due to the loss of our son.

Sid Roth: Hmm.

Corey Russell: And I just preached it in faith, saying, "Are we going to make it? Are we going to make it? We're gonna make it. We're gonna make it". And in 2021, we were in a meeting in Dallas. And over the course of a weekend, the Lord began to release the Fire of God upon my wife.

Sid Roth: What's the Fire of God?

Corey Russell: She began to feel heat melting her cold heart. She literally began to feel where there was coldness, numbness and dullness, she started feeling again. She started hearing God again. Matter of fact, the second night of this little weekend, right before she goes to sleep, she hears a phrase from the Lord, and the phrase was this: "Do you love Me"? That's a phrase that Jesus asked Peter in John 21. And it speaks about Peter's restoration into ministry after failure. And Dana heard it, and she said, "You know, Jesus, I love You". And she knew that was an invitation. The very next morning, we were in a meeting. It was a Sunday morning, and that specific morning, it was February 21st, 2021, Jews, both secular religious and, secular and religious Jews from around the world were crying out for the Messiah to come. And Lou Engle was in our meeting that morning, ironically. And he stood up there, and he said, "It's time for the Church to fill the vacuum that while Jews from around the world are asking for Messiah to come, we would ask for the revelation of Yeshua as Messiah". And he got up there and began to pray. And as he prayed, I saw my wife immediately fall to the ground. She fell right to the ground and began to weep and cry and pray with loud cries and prayers. And for the next four hours, she didn't move. She didn't move as she was weeping. And when, four hours later, when I pulled her back up and she looked at me...

Sid Roth: Did you stay there for four hours watching her on the floor?

Corey Russell: I was lost in it, too. I was sitting right next to her, yes. She was gone. It was, like, 2:00, and I dragged her out of the Church. And I said, "Honey, what did you see"? She said, "I see the Nasharite army, Corey".

Sid Roth: Ooh!

Corey Russell: "I'm seeing it, and I need you to know this, Corey, it's an Isiah 62 army. Set watchmen on the walls, that God's going to set across the earth for the salvation of Israel".

Sid Roth: Why is Israel so important?

Corey Russell: Phew! Because God is a covenant-keeping God. God has a plan for redemption for the whole world. And He has chosen a man by the name of Abraham, who brought forth the nation of Israel, and it's through Israel that light is going to come to all the nations of the earth. Why is Israel important, because Jesus has chosen one plot of ground, one piece of real estate, in the whole earth, that He has made his eternal home. He has chosen that plot of land from where He's going to rule forever, and Israel's calling is to be a light to the nations. And it's to be a priestly nation to all the other nations of the earth. And the Lord is awakening an intercessory army in the Church to contend for Israel's destiny.

Sid Roth: I'm curious. Since Hitler and what happened to the Jews, six million died, I haven't seen such a rear-up of anti-Semitism, not just in the United States, but the whole world is turning rapidly anti-Semitic, or anti-Jewish. Do you have any idea as to why?

Corey Russell: Because the devil is raging. He knows his time is short. And he's doing everything he can. Jesus told us this in Matthew 23:37, he's looking at the Jewish religious leaders, and He says, "You will not see Me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord.'" And the devil's rage is to destroy the very people that will welcome Jesus back as their Messiah. So all of the devil's rage, what we're seeing happen right now in the Middle East and across the world is the rage of Satan to abort the plan of God. But we know it's not going to happen.

Sid Roth: I want you to say a two-word prayer that I said over 50 years ago, that changed my life. It's not a Billy Graham special, although I'm a fan of Billy Graham's, I want you to say out loud, "Jesus, help"! Say it now, studio audience. Audience at home: Jesus, help! Help, Jesus! I want you to pray over the viewers in our studio audience right now, look into the camera, and pray what God showed you to pray.

Corey Russell: I pray right now for every person that's walking through chaos, confusion and the rage of Satan against their families, against their marriages, against their children, and against their lives. Father, I pray right now that You would bring everyone listening at the sound of my voice up to the throne room. I pray right now a holy invitation out of Revelation 4, come up here. I want to show you things. I break off every spirit of fear, anxiety and torment, every lying spirit, tormenting spirit. I break your power, and I say, come up to the throne. And Father, I pray right now for every one of my viewers, every one of these viewers, I pray. Release Your heart and the revelation of Your zeal for Israel and Jerusalem. God, I pray that You would remove every destructive heresy that has replaced us for Israel. And I pray that You would release light to the mind and light to the heart, concerning Your heart for Your people. I pray, Lord, that You would break in with your power right now. I pray for the release of the Glory of God in living rooms, the release of the Glory of God in bedrooms. And I pray that You would break off all blindness, break off all arrogates and release Your light in the Name of Jesus.

Sid Roth: While Corey was praying, I saw wrists. Wrists, I don't know whether it's tendons, but if you have anything wrong, any pain in your wrist, start moving it now. You're healed in Yeshua's Name. And I'm also hearing hips, someone's hip is being healed. And backs, it's pain of all kind, backs. If you have a backache, stand up and bend over. Corey, are you hearing anything?

Corey Russell: Yes. I just see the tender rising of God coming to hearts right now, in the same ways the scales fell off of Saul of Tarsus' eyes. I see scales falling off of people's eyes. I see loss coming to salvation in Jesus right now. And I see even believers that have not known God's heart for Israel; revelation is breaking in right now upon them.

Sid Roth: If you will pray for the peace of Jerusalem, if you will pray for the completeness of Jerusalem, you shall have heart peace that no man can ever take from you, in Yeshua's Name I seal this, Amen.