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Sid Roth - Amazing Miracles Caught on Camera

Sid Roth - Amazing Miracles Caught on Camera

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural! My guest Todd White was shot point blank in a drug deal that went bad. Point blank! Not one bullet touched him, it was almost as if there was an invisible shield and then he heard a voice. But Todd, you were raised in a home where you had to be sent out to a boys school...

Todd White: Yup.

Sid Roth: Tell me about that.

Todd White: I was at like 11 1/2, my parents had been divorced and I was a rowdy child and my mom worked for a pizza shop, one of her three jobs and a guy was a mason in there so I grew up in the masonic homes in Elizabeth town.

Sid Roth: Is that where you started on drugs?

Todd White: I started it. Yup, at about 6 months after that, I started using at 12 years old, started getting high and then it just escalated.

Sid Roth: And you went into the marines and you went awol, and you ended up in in prison. You had a big mess going on.

Todd White: I sure did.

Sid Roth: And then you get married.

Todd White: Ya.

Sid Roth: Or, you didn't get married, but you had a child.

Todd White: Well, I did. We actually, I got extradited, kicked out of the marine corp, bad conduct discharge, the whole nine yards. And I met a girl on a blind date at a bar one night, and I kind of tricked her into having a child. We actually had a child together and we lived together for 9 years. And I was an atheist and a drug dealer, a drug addict.

Sid Roth: How long were you a drug addict?

Todd White: 22 years.

Sid Roth: Mmm. And so there was, you went looking for drugs one night.

Todd White: Yeah

Sid Roth: Alright, tell me about that.

Todd White: Ya. I actually, I went out one night, I had actually asked Jesus to come into my heart about 4 1/2 months prior, but I never got into the word. I never understood that that's what was going to transform me with relationship with Jesus. I went out one night to get, to get some crack and I picked up this kid on a back street. I had lost my girlfriend and my daughter who had chased me out in town. I picked him up and once I had the drugs in my hand, I told him that I was a police officer and started to read him his rights. And he started to freak out.

Sid Roth: You were conning him because you didn't have money for the drugs.

Todd White: That's it. And I pulled over and I told him to step out of the car and put his hands on the hood and when he stepped out of the car to put his hands on the hood, I hit the gas and he unloaded a 9mm at me. I don't know how many bullets it was, but I know it was enough to know I shouldn't be here right now. And I heard an audible voice say to me, "I took those bullets for you. Are you ready to live for me yet"? And I went and actually did the drugs, I didn't get high that night and it was so weird because they were very real drugs. I had smoked crack and I knew what they were. I went home, my girlfriend was at home and she hated me. She was ready for me to leave. She was an atheist also, and she, I never represented Christ in me saying that I knew Jesus. So she said,"You need to leave". And I said, "I actually do need to leave". And that night I left the house. Three days later, I went to a place called teen challenge. I was in teen challenge for a two month period of time. I had a radical encounter with Jesus three nights in a row and he told me to go home. And when i...

Sid Roth: You know, we just can't speed this up. It's just so amazing that when you first went into teen challenge, you started having bad dreams.

Todd White: Horrible...

Sid Roth: And then you met a street man.

Todd White: Yup.

Sid Roth: Tell me about that.

Todd White: I had horrible nightmares every night. Every night when I would go to sleep, I'd be attacked. It was the only place where satan had access to my soul, which is your mind, will and emotions. And he had access to that and at night when I'd go to sleep, I would have these horrible nightmares. So every night, my roommates in teen challenge were petrified of me because I'd run around the room screaming and yelling and hollering and hiding underneath the bed, it was just horrible. So one day, I'm across the street at teen challenge in Harrisburg at the induction center and I had my guitar. I didn't know how to play, but I was just strumming the strings and a homeless man came up and he was pushing a shopping cart. And I looked, he had army fatigues on, they're like floods, he had a swim cap, he had a swim goggles on his head, sneakers on, he's pushing a shopping cart.

Sid Roth: A real character.

Todd White: A real character. The people we're actually supposed to love and not just walk past. And I looked at him and I said, "Man, do you know how much Jesus loves you"? And he pulled his shopping cart over and he said, "I do. Do you know how much he loves you"? And so he started to talk to me and he told me that I had a demon. And he didn't know me, he didn't know where I was from and he sat there and he talked to me. And I didn't get upset. The guy that I was with from teen challenge, the other man that was in the program, he actually walked across the street mad because he told him he had a demon and he didn't want to hear that. But this guy knew something about me that there's no way he knew. And I didn't understand what words of knowledge were or anything, I was brand new, had no idea. So he starts to preach the gospel to me like I've never heard and I said to him, I said, "Man, why are you out here? Why aren't you preaching somewhere"? And he said, "20 years ago, the Lord told me to pick up my cross and follow him. And I've been pushing this shopping cart". And it was full of Bibles, "Across the nation, from mission to mission talking to anybody who would listen". And he said, "We're going to pray and this thing. It's not touching you, this thing's leaving you". And so he prayed and I didn't feel anything. I went back in, they kind of made fun of me because I was talking to the homeless guy out across the street, but when I turned around, he wasn't there. And I have no idea where he went, all I know is that I went back in there, my life seemed to be the same, but I went in there and went through my day. That night I had a dream that I was in a valley. And in a valley with a broad bottom to it and steep sides. And I went and it started shaking in my dream and I thought these demons were coming to chase me again. And instead of them coming to chase me, I heard a voice say, "Behold, I'm never, I'll never leave you nor forsake you. I'm always with you". And immediately I woke up. And I went into the prayer room that I had programmed myself because I had made the commitment to go into this place and if there was really a God, I was going to find him. So I had to leave everything. So I was in there and I would go into the prayer room everyday and the Bible was kind of hidden. I didn't understand it, I had adhd my whole life, so I never read a book. The Bible was the first book that I could understand. And it just so happens to be the one that's most important for me to understand. And I opened up to Psalm 23. And I saw, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. And I woke up immediately, or I came out of this thing that I was in when I was out of the prayer room. And I was like, that's God! This was God talking to me. What I mean when I woke up, I was like, I got lost in that scripture, just for a second. And I went through my day, didn't say anything to anybody. The same dream the second night, the same valley.

Sid Roth: And it was the third night...

Todd White: The third night

Sid Roth: What did God tell you?

Todd White: When it got, when it got so amazing because there was a light that went from behind me the whole way down this valley and there was a voice that came from behind me. And he put his hand on my shoulder and he said, "Do not fear, I will never leave you, nor forsake you. I'm always with you. This addiction will never touch you again". And I woke up. He told me to go home, he actually said, "Go home".

Sid Roth: But you hadn't completed the teen challenge program.

Todd White: No, I was only there for two months because it's never the program that changes you, it's Christ in the program.

Sid Roth: I know, but they don't let you go after two months.

Todd White: No. They were actually, you, the thing about teen challenge is you have access to leave to leave. It's an open door. But once you say you're going to leave, you have to leave.

Sid Roth: So you leave, you go back to your girlfriend and your daughter and she hates your guts!

Todd White: Right. But she had, she had started to come to Christ before I was in teen challenge. But when I was in there, she had started to give herself fully to believing that God could transform me. So I come home and we got married 4 days later in the middle of a church service. We just did it, right in between. Awe! God's so amazing.

Sid Roth: Okay, so that was about 4 1/2 years ago.

Todd White: Yes.

Sid Roth: What kind of marriage do you have now?

Todd White: I have the most incredible wife and the most incredible marriage, where we've never been closer. And my wife is amazing and I love her because in the Bible it says to love your wife like Christ loves the church and that's an unconditional love.

Sid Roth: What about your daughter who never knew her father outside of a drug addict?

Todd White: Yes. God has by his grace and amazing mercy has allowed my daughter to never look back, but only look forward. And anytime we look back, it's to only look at as a part, never apart from the blood of Jesus and the testimony of what he's done. So now she knows that her dad always keeps his word, he never lies, and he always follow through with everything. And that God has completely transformed not just her daddy, but her life, her mommy's life, now we have also have Zoe, who is my littlest one. She's going to be three in June. All of our lives, Zoe's out there with me, destiny's out there with me and when we go into Walmart, we pray for people. And Zoe prays, "Owe be gone. In Jesus' name"

Sid Roth: Todd, do you know, i, it just Dawned on me, when that homeless man, who disappeared, I think he could have been an angel, I believe somehow you received an impartation. He has an impartation of love that is so amazing. Of miracles, of words of knowledge. Don't go away, we'll be right back .

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here with Todd White and I love it. Todd received such an impartation, I mean you lived for the devil for all those years as a drug addict and you really live for God now. I mean not this facade that's called religion or called Christianity, I mean reality. You go out on the streets because you love people. I want you to see Todd out on the streets in action.

Todd White: You're having a hard time getting this like, I see your head going, what!? It will be good man, it will be real good. Okay, let me see your hand. Back I command you right now, in Jesus' name, let him go. Every bit of pain, let him go. Every muscle, every tendon. Father, I thank you in Jesus' name. Every disc right now, let him go. Man, I'm hearing this, you get back pain all the time, you get a constant, it's constant.

Man: Ya.

Todd White: Let me see your feet. It's throwing your back out, right? The left one, right?

Man: Ya.

Todd White: It's at least an inch short, right?

Man: Ya, because I broke it.

Todd White: You broke it and they put it back together and the didn't put all the pieces back. Daddy thank you in Jesus' name, left leg I command you, grow.

Woman: There is goes!

Todd White: Right now, in Jesus' name. Other... Young

Man: That's amazing.

Todd White: That is amazing dude.

Woman: Check your back.

Todd White: Ya, check your back. Stand up and check your back, it's done. Woman watching: how'd you do that?

Todd White: Here's what I did, I just prayed in Jesus' name and Jesus healed him right now. Cartilage, I command you be restored in Jesus' name, right now. Move your ankle.

Soldier: Whoa!

Todd White: Stomp on it.

Soldier: Thanks be to God bro!

Todd White: Ya! Keeping going. Isn't God good?

Todd White: In Jesus' name. Lord you're amazing, we just love you and thank you. You're going to feel a warmth go into your chest right now. Jesus, thank you. In Jesus' name. You feel that? It's like a real heat in your chest right now. Do you have something that like is a nag?

Man: My eye.

Todd White: What's wrong with it?

Man: I got shot.

Todd White: You got shot in the eye?

Man: Yes.

Friend: It's a long story.

Todd White: Is it blind?

Man: Almost.

Todd White: No way dude.

Man: Ya, like 50, like 50%.

Todd White: 50% blind.

Man: Ya.

Todd White: So you would know if that thing opened up?

Man: Oh ya!

Todd White: Come on man, this will be good. We're going to pray for your eye.

Man: Please do.

Todd White: Your right eye?

Man: My right eye. How'd you know, I didn't tell you that by the way?

Todd White: Just hold on. Just say, say Jesus...

Friend: Jesus...

Todd White: We thank you...

Friend: We thank you

Todd White: For a brand new eye.

Friend: For a brand new eye.

Todd White: Eye, we command you see...

Friend: Eye, we command you see...

Todd White: Right now.

Friend: Right now...

Todd White: 100%

Friend: 100%

Todd White: Eye open...

Friend: Eye open....

Todd White: In Jesus' name.

Friend: In Jesus' name

Man: Significantly better, it really is.

Todd White: It's going to be 100%, let's pray again. We had 50%...

Friend: We had 50%...

Todd White: We're at 80%...

Friend: We're at 80%...

Todd White: And we're thanking you for a finished job.

Friend: And we're thanking you for a finished job.

Todd White: Eye open.

Friend: Eye open.

Todd White: In Jesus' name.

Friend: In Jesus' name.

Todd White: Open it.

Man: Much better.

Todd White: What's up dude, what do you see?

Man: It really is.

Friend: What are you seeing?

Man: It really is. I'm seeing almost full vision right now.

Todd White: Right on dude.

Man: Ya.

Todd White: So it' not completely full yet.

Man: No, not yet.

Todd White: Okay, come on man, one more time. Open...

Friend: Open...

Todd White: Right now...

Friend: Right now...

Todd White: Full vision...

Friend: Full vision...

Todd White: Open it up.

Man: Are you kidding me?

Todd White: Come on dude!

Man: Are you kidding me right now?

Todd White: No dude. It's your eye, what do you see? It's 100%.

Man: It really is.

Todd White: I guarantee it is! And it's 100% right now.

Man: It really is.

Todd White: What do you think of that?

Man: I think it's unbelievable.

Todd White: It's amazing.

Man: It really is.

Sid Roth: Todd, that is so wonderful. But that is normal. Does this happen often to you?

Todd White: Everyday.

Sid Roth: Tell me about that man in the wheelchair that had the rods, just briefly.

Todd White: Oh, okay. I was down at VCU, was down in a church, down in Richmond and I was getting ready to, I had just come to the church, it was my first day, I had the lepile mic on, I'm getting ready to preach and share, whatever God was putting on my heart. And the pastor was getting ready to hand me the mic and say, "Okay, here's Todd". And I heard a voice in my heart, not audibly, a thought, run out of the church now. So I ran out of the church, I just ran. And the people were like, okay the guys leaving, what's going on? I go down to the corner and I see a man coming across the street and the man's in a wheelchair. So he comes across the street Andi said to him, I say, "Hey buddy, how are you"? And he said, "Oh, I'm okay". He said, "What do you want". I said, "I don't want anything, I just see that you're in a wheelchair, why are you in it"? He said, "Well, like 30 years ago, back in 1976, so it'd be longer than that, I fell off a bridge and I shattered my leg and actually really hurt myself so there's two steel rods going from my thigh to my shin bone". On each side of his knee so it holds the leg in. And that was how his knee got solid with calcium the whole way through because he hasn't bent his leg. So I said, "Man, God can heal your knee". He said, "Well, I don't believe that". I said, "Well, I'm not interested in whether you believe it or not. I'm not trying to convince you right now. Look, let me pray for your knee". He said, "Well, I broke my ribs a couple days ago, I just fell and my ribs are broken and I'm in severe pain". I said, "Well, I need to pray for your ribs then, okay"? "Don't you touch my ribs," he said. And I reached in and I put my hand on his ribs and I said, "In Jesus' name, I command you be healed right now". And all of a sudden, he just looked at me and his eye got big. And I said, "Move your ribs around". He goes, "All the pain's gone". And the ribs came together right there. So now the man is a little less combative. And I said to him, he's a homeless man and I said to him, I said, "Come on man, you've got to let me pray for your knee". He said, he goes, "It ain't going to change anything". And now he's less fighting it, but he's like, it's kind of almost like a question, "It ain't going to change anything," like that, because now his ribs are healed. So we prayed for his knees and prayed and my lapel mic is on in the church, so now the church, the people are all starting to come out.

Sid Roth: They're all hearing everything.

Todd White: They're starting to come out, ya. It's so good. And so I said, "Come on, in Jesus' name", we prayed and nothing happened. And he said, he just looked at me like, I told you. And we prayed again and all of a sudden he bent it just a tiny bit. And then the third and fourth time, we just kept hitting it and hitting it and hitting it. The word is a Hammer and you pound that thing and keep on hitting it and keep on hitting it. And all of a sudden his knee bent and he freaked out. He goes, "I've never seen it do that before"! It can't bend, it has metal in there. So he stands up, gets out of the wheelchair and his back's bent over. His back's like that. And I said to him, I said, "What's wrong with your back"? He said, "I broke my back in the fall". So know his knee, but his knees moving so we just prayed for his back and he stood straight up right there on the street, right there on the corner. Then he bent over and touched the ground with his hands and walked.

Sid Roth: Do you realize what a miracle that is?

Todd White: It's amazing.

Sid Roth: Everything you've told me, but especially the metal rods.

Todd White: Yeah.

Sid Roth: I mean how does he bend his knees with metal rods?

Todd White: That's it. We have seen people where, we've prayed for people where they go back to the doctor and the metal's gone. It's not there anymore and that's a real good way to get to a doctor's heart, because they put it in.

Sid Roth: You know one of the things that you taught me, Todd taught me something that is so phenomenal, when I pray for the sick people sometime I have a cop out and I say to myself, "Oh, they just don't have any faith". But what did you teach me?

Todd White: Well, it says these signs follow those that believe. It doesn't say these signs follow those being prayed for. So the believing believer, the one that's praying is responsible fully and completely for that person being healed. I can't afford to depend on their faith. How are we going to touch the witches? How are we going to touch Muslims? How are we going to touch Hindus? See I don't go up and run from witches or run from Muslims. I love them, I want to hug a witch because I know that God will touch them.

Sid Roth: Your faith, you made a statement, he said, "My faith trumps their unbelief". I love it! Don't go away, we'll be right back.

Sid Roth: Hello, Sid Roth here with Todd White and Todd I am overwhelmed with your chutzpah. Chutzpah is a Hebrew word, it means nerve. But you had nerve for the devil, now you have nerve for God. Let's take a look at it right now.

Todd White: Okay.

Girl: Yes, I go to school for clinical laboratory science.

Todd White: Wow!

Girl: Pretty much a hippy, I believe in evolution...

Todd White: Right but I believe God started evolution for a reason.

Girl: Right. Because there has to be scientific evidence for everything.

Todd White: Which one of you backs is messed up?

Girl: Backs?

Todd White: Ya, back. It's your back. Do you have scoliosis?

Girl: No.

Todd White: What do you have?

Girl: Nothing.

Todd White: You have something going on?

Girl: I don't know, I'm just in a lot of pain.

Todd White: A lot of pain. Now I want you guys to come and watch, because this is going to be so good. You want to stand right up here. Now here's what, you sit there, and here's what I want you to do. I want you to give me your shoes, your feet.

Girl: You want me to take em off?

Todd White: No, you don't have to take them off. Okay, here's what I know, I know what I hear in my heart and I hearing that one of your legs is shorter than the other by a significant amount and you already knew that, right?

Girl: Ya.

Todd White: Okay, where here I'm going to give you something to figure out scientifically because this will blow you away because this, you're into science and I think it's amazing that God's given you such an amazing mind that's good. But right now God's going to grow your leg out because I'm going to command your bones to grow and your ligaments and your tendons. And your back's going to be healed and your leg is going to grow out. So that right there is amazing and he loves you, okay?

Girl: Okay.

Todd White: You ready?

Girl: Ya.

Todd White: Okay. Jesus thank you. Father I thank you for growing out her left leg right now. Bones ligaments, tendons in Jesus' name. Get out here right now. Now you do me a favor. You scientifically explain what just happened?

Girl: No.

Todd White: You can't.

Girl: No.

Todd White: Because it's a miracle. Jesus' loves you so much!

Girl: Thank you.

Todd White: Which one of your necks is giving you trouble. Your neck?

Girl: A little bit.

Todd White: Yeah. Right now.

Girl: Oh my God, that is so...

Todd White: No, but watch this, now watch. I want you to scientifically explain this right now. It's on your, it's on this side, come here. God's going to completely heal your neck because he's just, he loves, he loves the mind, he does. It's just that sometime our minds try to get in the way of our heart because our heart can take it's place where I brain can never fit, right? Neck I command you be healed because Jesus is Lord and he loves you so much. Come Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name. Move your neck. And no one has a problem with one of their wrist right now.

Girl: I did, when I do cheer stuff, but not right now.

Todd White: You do, is it both of them or just this one? Daddy thank you in Jesus' name. Wrist I command you be healed right now. Carpal tunnel, I curse you and command you to let her go, in Jesus' name. Move your wrist.

Girl: I wish you could do that to me.

Todd White: No, I'm hearing wrist, God will heal you right now. Come here. Daddy thank you so much that you love her so much God. That you just bless her God because she's an amazing daughter. Father I thank you that right now her heart is so and outgrow her brain because you love her so much. God, thank you for your daughter. Jesus' thank you for your daughter.

Girl: Wow.

Todd White: Yeah. It's called a miracle. Come on, it's the real deal.

Sid Roth: Todd, your faith is so outrageous. It's so normal. I want everyone to walk in this kind of faith. This is normal for you when you listen to his special CD, I believe that his faith will just jump on you. In fact, Todd, I'm going to put a demand on your gift right now. You have such a marvelous gift. I want you to look into the camera and I'm going to surprise you. I want you to sing whatever God puts in your heart and as Todd sings, you are going to be delivered and healed. You believe God right now. Todd sing.

Todd White: Amen. Oh Lord, I thank you for your sons and daughters. Oh Jesus, come into their life right now. And we give you glory, and we give you praise. Holy. Father I thank you in Jesus' name Lord God. We crush cancer in Jesus' name. We command it to leave the bodies right now. Father I thank you for every joint, for every bit of arthritis, we curse it and command it, let go right now in Jesus' name. Father, I thank you for all mental disorders right now. For bipolar, for schizophrenia , I command you, let them go right now in Jesus' name. Father I thank you for amazing breakthrough in every area of mental incapacity to make it the capacity of the Kingdom of God in Jesus' name.

Sid Roth: And I pray that you be normal. Todd is normal, in Jesus' name.