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Sid Roth - I Visited Heaven and Was Healed When I Did THIS

Sid Roth - I Visited Heaven and Was Healed When I Did THIS
Sid Roth - I Visited Heaven and Was Healed When I Did THIS
TOPICS: Healing

Sid Roth: Welcome, Holy Spirit, our most important guest. Go and flow. My guest, Jareb Nott, recently had a medically-verified healing by practicing what he was taught by the Holy Spirit. Briefly, explain biblical meditation.

Jareb Nott: Yes. Right now in our society and our culture, Sid, we see people that are burdened with depression, anxiety, struggles of life, the burdens of life and the storms of life. And it's pulling us down. And right now, our culture and our society is at an all-time high for anxiety and stress-induced diseases.

Sid Roth: I haven't looked this up yet, but I would assume that suicides are up.

Jareb Nott: Suicides are up. Suicides are up because the spirit of fear is so tangibly gripping our society and our culture right now, that fear is on the increase, and as a result, depression leading to suicide. And so biblical meditation as a gentle description from heaven, brings us into the Glory of God, when we are called to rest in His presence and to be in the presence of Jesus, kind of like we are in this room right now. We're in the presence of God, and we're feeling that tangible glory. This is the type of moment where we are called to enter in with God, where He takes away the burdens of the depression, the burdens away from the fear, and He lifts those off of us so that we can live a life of glory free from the distractions of our infirmities, of the storms of life. And from that place of glory, we find our freedom, we find our purpose and we find our destiny that's written in heaven.

Sid Roth: That is so strong. I hope you caught what he said. "Biblical meditation ushers us into the presence of God". Who wouldn't want to be in the presence of God, because if God is for you, who could be against you? Jareb, why do so many believers not understand biblical meditation?

Jareb Nott: We have a problem in our Christian culture right now, where we have relegated meditation as a concept and as a word to the secular new-age community of the world. The Eastern religions of the world have perfected meditation and their practices of meditation. So one of the problems that we have right now in the Christian world is, among the body of believers, the word "meditation" carries a connotation that's associated with Eastern meditation and religion. And we've done a disservice; we've abdicated a command from God. In Joshua 1:8, God Himself commanded the...

Sid Roth: What you're saying, because the enemy has a cheap counterfeit, we have thrown out the real thing.

Jareb Nott: Absolutely, we have. We have thrown it out, and we have allowed a biblical principle to be adopted for full use by the kingdom of darkness. It's ours to take back. We don't need to redeem meditation. A lot of practices are trying to be redeemed by Christianity right now, and I will not mix the holy and the profane. This was holy time of glory presence that God gave to us as believers in Jesus, that we've just set aside, we've tabled this experience. And it's time to take it back.

Sid Roth: Now, is meditation specifically referred to in the Bible?

Jareb Nott: It is. In many, many circumstances in the Bible, we have more than 250 Scriptures that I've catalogued myself that are related to meditation, and pulling back in the Glory of God, starting with the story of Creation. God meditated. When he finished His creation story on the seventh day, it said, "God rested". Well, the word for "rest" is that He came into a place of contemplation. Well, why did He do that? He did it for our benefit. He didn't need to do that, but He was teaching us the value of resting in His glory. And then in Joshua 1:8, God said to "meditate endlessly on the law". And so that was a command, that we're no longer under the law, but the principle of that model is still in effect. Then in Psalm 46:10, we see the beautiful Scripture where God says, "Be still and know that I am God". And once we come into that place of stillness, I can feel it now.

Sid Roth: I was just going to say, I can feel the presence of God coming out of you, especially when you stated the Words of God that you meditate on.

Jareb Nott: Yes.

Sid Roth: That's when it came out. Now you've just had recently an experience of being caught up to heaven. He explained about being in two places at the same time.

Jareb Nott: Yes. So Ephesians, I believe it's Ephesians 2:6, it says, "We are co-seated with Jesus". And He began to impart to me that that is not just a figure of speech, that there is actual science that can back up what Scripture says. I don't worship at the altar of science, but when I find science that proves what the Scripture says, oh, my faith just rises. And so I use that as an opportunity now to teach people. And the Bible says that we are co-seated with Jesus. And I'm in this moment with Jesus, and it struck me that the science of super-position, the science of particle duality and the science of quantum physics are all in agreement that two things can exist in multiple locations at once. That's part of our natural environment, our world says that.

Sid Roth: So what you're saying is, you are here with me.

Jareb Nott: Yes.

Sid Roth: But you're also seated in heavenly places?

Jareb Nott: At this moment, yes. And when we acknowledge that with our mind and we come into agreement that I am in this place, there brings a stillness to the room. And a stillness will begin to settle, because now, all of a sudden, I'm tuning my mind to heaven. And it's from that place where I am intentional and I'm seeking the face of Jesus in the quiet of my room, He shows up.

Sid Roth: You get healed when you're meditating on the Bible.

Jareb Nott: Yes.

Sid Roth: Recently you had a major healing while you were practicing biblical meditation. Tell me briefly.

Jareb Nott: Wow, major healing. In January of 2023, not long ago, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. I found myself sitting in the doctor's office for a routine visit. And during this visit, I learned something that just absolutely took me by surprise. And he began to profess over me that I was one of millions of Americans now who suffer from diabetes, and he began to proclaim a destiny, a life path over me. But I just remember the urgency of the fire of God in my belly well up, and I looked at my doctor and I said, "No. I don't accept that. I will not accept this destiny". And then from that place, I walked out of that office, resolute that my time in the presence of God, in the Glory of God, will be where I find my healing. And so I spent the next several moments and days in the still, quiet place of heaven. And you know, Sid, what I saw, what I watched is, I watched without taking any medication, without taking any supplements and without doing anything different, I watched as I meditated my blood glucose levels declined back to a place where they were absolutely normal. It's miraculous, it doesn't happen. And so what I realized is that from a scientific perspective, meditation reduces blood sugar. Okay, now I know that's a science piece, but when we're talking about Scripture, God promises that when we join Him, He will join us. Jesus says, "Abide in me, and I abide in you". He's not going to abide in a broken vessel. He needs that vessel to be healed and to be whole. We are a temple for His presence, in His glory. I leaned in to Jesus, and He immediately healed me.

Sid Roth: Wow. When we return, I want Jareb to demonstrate how he meditates, and pray to fine-tune your hearing. Be right back.

Sid Roth: Jareb, what would you say to someone who says that they just don't have the time to connect with God? Sounds like a little time-consuming.

Jareb Nott: Well, isn't that everyone's problem right now, that we have so much to do, and we're losing our time. And Sid, one of the problems that, again, one of the problems that we have in our culture right now is that we are consumed with things to do, consumed with the business of life, and everything that we say "yes" to becomes another thing on our plate. And I challenge now, everybody listening and watching, that, are the things that have consumed your plate, are they part of your destiny from heaven? Are they part of your plan from God? He wrote your destiny in Psalm 139:13 through 16, where it says, "Your days were written in His book," every day. And if it's not written in that book, I challenge, whether it's for you and for your time consumption. So there's a challenge I put before people. But then very practically, I use a teaching method where I encourage people, take a look at their phone, and how many hours and how much time do we spend in front of our phone right now? And there's a term called "Zombie Scrolling," Zombie Scrolling or perhaps I can use a different term, multi-tasking on the phone to such a degree that it consumes us. And that's a draw. But we're consumed. Hours spent on the phone scrolling, and not really learning about our life or the God destiny that He has within us. So my challenge to people, take three minutes, put down your phone, welcome the presence of the Glory of God. Come into that Psalm 46:10 moment. Welcome His presence for three minutes, is my challenge to people, and for three minutes that day, and then five minutes the next day. And then you'll see the pattern grow, and it has to grow, because once you experience that tangible Glory of God in that first three minutes, you don't want to stop. You want to do it again, because it's the...

Sid Roth: And what if it doesn't happen in three minutes, what's your advice?.

Jareb Nott: If it doesn't happen, you've got to keep trying, because God's presence is simply waiting for you to enter in and say "yes" to His glory and to His presence. But Sid, sometimes, to your point, we are blocked. There's a block that people have in their mind, and they can't hear the voice of God. So very simply, one of the methods that I encourage people to use is to pray. There's a difference between prayer and meditation, and I open with a prayer, "Holy Spirit, take my mind, take my thoughts captive right now in Jesus' Name, begin to speak to me. I surrender my thoughts. I surrender the business of my day, and the business of my life, and I choose now to enter into a place of stillness, allowing You to speak to me".

Sid Roth: It's not necessarily a feeling. It's a choice.

Jareb Nott: It's a choice. It's a choice to connect. And once we make that decision, He honors that decision by joining us every single time. It's never a missed moment, He will always join us. We have to acknowledge it and then accept that He's there. But once we acknowledge that He's there, then we can feel His tangible presence.

Sid Roth: You teach biblical meditation to your children.

Jareb Nott: Yes. I do. I have the glorious honor of bringing my children into the throne room of heaven. And through this process, I teach them to breathe the breath of God, the Neshamah breath of God into their nostrils and become at peace, and to welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit. And when they do, they enter into the glorious presence of God and rest. This is our charge as parents, to bring our children into the glory and into the presence. And what better way for them to answer life's problems than to have them enter the glory for their problems and prayer needs.

Sid Roth: Now you have provoked me to jealousy, because I'll tell you what, I'm going to have to read your book, because you have such a high degree of presence just radiating out of you. I think you have to read his book, too. You know, I've heard of hotel rooms with bugs.

Jareb Nott: Yes.

Sid Roth: But you went into a hotel room that had something far worse than bugs.

Jareb Nott: Yeah.

Sid Roth: Tell me about that.

Jareb Nott: Oh, I was teaching. I was on the road, and I was teaching a deliverance school. And I was up the very next morning to teach, it was my turn to teach. And I had been preparing all night, or all day. And I remember heading to bed in a very peaceful, calming moment, and well-prepared for my teaching the next day. And I woke up. It was 2:00 a.m., and I woke up to the most awful smoke burning sensation in the room that I've ever smelled. It was dense, thick, and it smelled like a dumpster was on fire. So I got up immediately and I began to run around the room just to make sure there wasn't anything actually burning.

Sid Roth: Right.

Jareb Nott: And then when I went into the hallway. And when I got into the hallway, there was absolutely nothing there, it was clear. And I went back into the room, of course it was still there. And I had an opportunity to, right in that moment, realize, this is spiritual. There is a spiritual attack, and to realize that I'm teaching how to set people free from demonic oppression. And so I was used to this type of thing. So I sat on my bed and I began to pray. And I said, "Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, what would you have me do in this moment"? And I heard the words that I love about Smith Wigglesworth. One of the stories that I love about him, when he encountered a demonic entity in his home, his response was, "Oh, it's just you". And then he went back to bed. And I remembered that moment, and the Holy Spirit was prompting me to not give in to the temptations of the enemy, and not to engage. And so I did the very same thing. I said to whatever demon is in this room, "You unclean spirit that's in this room," I said, "I don't have time for you. And I'm going to bed". And I turned around and I got under the covers, and I went to bed. And in that moment, it left. It disappeared from the room.

Sid Roth: You didn't command it to go? It just...

Jareb Nott: I didn't have to.

Sid Roth: You ignored it.

Jareb Nott: I ignored it.

Sid Roth: I'm wondering if that isn't the best deliverance going, just ignore them.

Jareb Nott: Let me tell you, Saul... or Exodus 14:14, Moses told the Israelites, he said, "All you have to do is be still, and the Lord will fight for you". That was the message.

Sid Roth: Now briefly, you told me that you incorporate meditation with your deliverance sessions, when you pray for people, when you pray for people to have deliverance. Quickly.

Jareb Nott: We do. Yeah, so every deliverance, we have an opportunity to bring our clients to the throne room of heaven. And historically, deliverance is all about a fight with the enemy. And I'm not about fighting with the enemy, I am all about welcoming the presence of the Holy Spirit to arrest the enemy, and to cause the enemy grief, so that it leaves. I don't need to yell and scream at the demons, because the Holy Spirit arrests them in the presence of the Lord. And when that arresting happens, they go.

Sid Roth: What do you personally attribute to the flow tangibly of God's Spirit coming out of you right this second? I feel it. And if I was more of a visionary, I would see it.

Jareb Nott: Sid, I spend time in the presence of God. I have devoted hours of my life to sitting in the presence of God, so that I can become everything that He says I can become in my destiny, but more importantly than that, so that people can witness the power and the Glory of God through me, as I can witness to them and bring them into the Glory of God. That's what you're feeling right now. I don't have anything to brag about, it's God in me, it's Jesus in me that I received through that abiding time in Him.

Sid Roth: "Jesus in you, the hope of glory". How about this, let's start at basics. I want to make sure that you have your own experiential knowledge with God. It's good that Jareb has it. It's good that I have it. But I want to make sure that you have your own experiential knowledge with God. I want you to repeat out loud this prayer with me, and mean it to the best of your ability. Repeat after me: "Dear God, I've made many mistakes in my life. And I'm so sorry. I believe the Blood of Jesus washes me clean. And now that I'm clean, Jesus, come and live inside of me. I make You not just my Savior, but my Savior and Lord. Amen". You hear from God so well. Tell us what God's speaking to our viewers right now. Look in the camera.

Jareb Nott: Right now God would have you know that He's waiting. He says, "I'm waiting for you". He says Psalm 46:10 is a moment to come into His presence, to slow down in the business of life. He said, "Come to Me, I'm waiting for you, because in that place of abiding, there is healing". He says, "There is hope". He says, "There is joy". For many of us, there are so many insurmountable problems in life. He said, "There is absolute freedom when you join Me in the abiding place of true biblical meditation". And I just pray over you, I declare over you right now that everyone watching and listening would receive an impartation of the Glory of God in your space and in your room right now, in this very moment, as you take a moment to be silent before Him, as the problems and storms of life disappear and they wash away, just like Jesus when He was on the boat with His disciples, and He woke up and He commanded peace to the story. There was an abiding moment that even Jesus was partaking in on that boat, where He was sleeping during the storm. He was inviting us to meditate in the midst of our storms. So I speak to you now, it's time to come into a place of abiding, a place of abiding, a place of meditation, for the Glory of God to saturate your body, to saturate your mind, to saturate your spirit and to fully envelope every fiber of your being, all the way down to the DNA level, where the enemy has gotten its grip and his rapid fingers around thoughts in your mind. See, the enemy's tactic is to wrap himself around your thoughts and around your mind. And so right now, the Glory of God, I sense it coming into your body and into your mind and into your DNA, unwrapping the unhealthy thoughts from the enemy, and refilling those places with His glory, with His truth, with His love and with His grace. And you will be healed.

Sid Roth: Well, we have to let them go biblically meditate now.

Jareb Nott: Yes!

Sid Roth: They're running!

Jareb Nott: Amen. Amen. Amen.