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Joyce Meyer - This Hurts Good - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - This Hurts Good - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - This Hurts Good - Part 2
You know the scripture we read, if you wanna be my disciple, you gotta forget about yourself, take up your cross and follow me. If you want the high life, you gotta give up the low life. And the low life is living selfishly and self-centered. The [...]
Joyce Meyer - This Hurts Good - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - This Hurts Good - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - This Hurts Good - Part 1
I’m gonna call this one, «This Hurts Good!» 'cause, you know, when you really understand, when you’re maybe going through a tough time, that it is actually working something good in you, you can say, «This hurts good. It hurts: but it’s digging [...]
Joyce Meyer - Dying to Live - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Dying to Live - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Dying to Live - Part 2
You know, how many of you, it irritates you when you do something for somebody and they don’t even say, «Thank you»? Well, see, then you have to look at it like God’s having me look at it now. We shouldn’t do it, just, they should thank you, but [...]
Joyce Meyer - Dying to Live - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Dying to Live - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Dying to Live - Part 1
You know, I thank God for books because it was a lot of books that helped me in the healing that I needed when I began a relationship with Jesus. And one of those books was… I read a lot of old books. I read a lot of books that were written in the [...]
Craig Groeschel - When Self-Love Is Selfish
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Craig Groeschel - When Self-Love Is Selfish
Craig Groeschel - When Self-Love Is Selfish
I walked into a grocery store, and I was on an assignment from Amy. My assignment was simple, get a gallon of milk. But as you know, in today's culture, that's not as easy as it sounds because way back in the olden days when I was a kid, [...]
Mike Novotny - How to Deal With Yourself
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Mike Novotny - How to Deal With Yourself
Mike Novotny - How to Deal With Yourself
This year is not heaven. All right, put down your pens and your phones for just a second. I need you to put your right hand in the air like this, and make about an inch with your two fingers. Everyone got it? Good. Now I need you to grab about an [...]
Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 6
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Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 6
Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 6
You know, the Greek mythology tells us about a beautiful youth who loved no one until, one day, he saw his reflection in the water, and he fell in love with his reflection. He was so lovesick that he finally wasted away and died. Then he turned into [...]
Michael Youssef - Self Loving in the Last Days
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Michael Youssef - Self Loving in the Last Days
Michael Youssef - Self Loving in the Last Days
In the end of chapter 2, and the beginning of chapter 3, we literally see the apostle Paul, right before our eyes, makes an extremely sharp turn. You can actually call it a U-turn. Look, it's a sharp turn from what he was saying to Timothy in [...]
John Bradshaw - Dying to Self
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John Bradshaw - Dying to Self
John Bradshaw - Dying to Self
In Galatians chapter 2 Paul says, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live". He's talking about dying to self. So, how do you die to self? In Romans 6:11 he says, "Reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Crucifixion of King Self
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Adrian Rogers - The Crucifixion of King Self
Adrian Rogers - The Crucifixion of King Self
Be finding, if you would, Philippians chapter 2. I want to talk to you today on this subject, "The Crucifixion of King Self". There is a cruel despot that wants to rule over your life and keep you in bondage. He is, beyond the shadow of [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Cure For The 'I' Problem
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Robert Jeffress - The Cure For The 'I' Problem
Robert Jeffress - The Cure For The 'I' Problem
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". America is widely known for our rugged individualism and sometimes to our detriment. Aggressive ambition is applauded. We're encouraged to push our way to the [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Self
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Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Self
Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Self
Luke chapter 15 is something. It can be outlined, all three parables, by lost, found, celebrate. First parable's the story of lost, found, celebrate. Second parable, lost, found, celebrate. Third parable, lost, found, celebrate. And the [...]
Joyce Meyer - Less of Me, More of God - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Less of Me, More of God - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Less of Me, More of God - Part 2
I'll tell you a story that I think's interesting. My daughter went to the grocery store, and she had left her purse in her car. And so, when she got in the checkout, she didn't have her credit card. And so, she told the girl, she [...]
Joyce Meyer - Less of Me, More of God - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Less of Me, More of God - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Less of Me, More of God - Part 1
I wanna talk to you this morning, afternoon, whatever it is, less of me, more of Jesus. Amen? And, read you, here, what John the Baptist said. John, chapter 3, verse 22, "After this, Jesus and his disciples went into the land and (the [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Cure for 'I' Disease
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Skip Heitzig - The Cure for 'I' Disease
Skip Heitzig - The Cure for 'I' Disease
Good morning. You know what I like about this service? You're the noisiest. You're the rowdiest. I actually like that. It's called feedback. All speakers love feedback. So thank you. What's that? Oh, I appreciate it. Trust me. I [...]
John Bradshaw - The Selfishness Paradigm
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John Bradshaw - The Selfishness Paradigm
John Bradshaw - The Selfishness Paradigm
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. There are few things more beautiful, more peaceful, or more relaxing than a place like this. Botanical gardens are a feature of many major cities, and if you've ever visited [...]
Jack Graham - Choosing Service Over Selfishness
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Jack Graham - Choosing Service Over Selfishness
Jack Graham - Choosing Service Over Selfishness
Take your Bible and turn with me, please, to Proverbs 23 and verse 26. We're in a series of messages from the book of Proverbs called CHOICES. Choices are vital, not only for the direction of your life, but for your ultimate destination and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Today's Gospel vs. the Truth
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Rabbi Schneider - Today's Gospel vs. the Truth
Rabbi Schneider - Today's Gospel vs. the Truth
The book of Romans is the gospel that was once and for all delivered to the church by the apostles. And so today we're picking up in verse 16 of chapter 1. Paul begins by saying this: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel". Now, I want [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Behavior and Character of the Last Day Society - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Behavior and Character of the Last Day Society - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Behavior and Character of the Last Day Society - Part 2
Self-centeredness, self-centeredness, this is an immoderate concern with one's own interest and well-being, egotism. The Bible talks how, you know, thinking higher of yourself than you ought to think. In fact, you'll see some advice given [...]
Craig Smith - Talent
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Craig Smith - Talent
Craig Smith - Talent
Let’s face it: we don’t live in a world that encourages sacrifice... and especially not sacrifice for the sake of others. We’re too busy sucking in our stomachs for that perfect selfie to think much about reaching out our hands to others. But Jesus [...]
Craig Smith - Time
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Craig Smith - Time
Craig Smith - Time
Good morning. Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So glad you’re here and joining us for this week, number two of our Unselfie series. If you weren’t here last week, let me just get you caught up a little bit, so we’re on the same page. Well, what we [...]
Craig Smith - True Love
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Craig Smith - True Love
Craig Smith - True Love
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So glad you’re here, whether you’re in the big room or joining us online, or down in the middle. We’re so glad you’re taking this time. How many of you were here last week for our 75th anniversary celebration? Was that [...]
David Jeremiah - A Biographical Prophecy, End Times People
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David Jeremiah - A Biographical Prophecy: End Times People
David Jeremiah - A Biographical Prophecy: End Times People
Shon Hopwood grew up in a Christian home in rural Nebraska, and he had parents who had started a local church. He was the oldest of five children, and he was bright and excelling on standardized tests. He also played basketball in high school and [...]
David Jeremiah - The Spirit and the Flesh
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David Jeremiah - The Spirit and the Flesh
David Jeremiah - The Spirit and the Flesh
It was June 12, 1979, and Bryan Allen was making aviation history. He actually flew a pedal-powered plane across the English Channel, a plane that you pedal that makes no motor, just you pedal it. The amateur cyclist and pilot powered The Albatross [...]
Derek Prince - The Three 'Loves' That Are The Root Of All Problems
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Derek Prince - The Three 'Loves' That Are The Root Of All Problems
Derek Prince - The Three 'Loves' That Are The Root Of All Problems
Now let’s go on with this list of corruption. I’m running out of my time now, but anyhow: Verse 2: Men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, [...]
Joyce Meyer - Get Over Your Sweet Little Self
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Joyce Meyer - Get Over Your Sweet Little Self
Joyce Meyer - Get Over Your Sweet Little Self
I wanna talk to you today about an unselfish attitude. Do we have any selfish people here today? I see one hand, way up, and in a few kinda like... I think it's one of the biggest battles that we fight. I know for myself, growing up in a [...]
Joyce Meyer - Living Beyond Yourself
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Joyce Meyer - Living Beyond Yourself
Joyce Meyer - Living Beyond Yourself
Well, thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life", and we really want you to enjoy every day of your life, but even more important God wants you to enjoy every day of your life. And I'm sure some of you think, [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Mantaining An Unselfish Attitude
Joyce Meyer - Mantaining An Unselfish Attitude
This living with this aggressive, unselfish attitude and actually living like you're not and I'm not the most important thing in the universe. Alright, here's a scripture you're not gonna care for much but nonetheless it's [...]