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Craig Smith - Talent

Craig Smith - Talent
TOPICS: Unselfie, Selfishness, Talent

Let’s face it: we don’t live in a world that encourages sacrifice... and especially not sacrifice for the sake of others. We’re too busy sucking in our stomachs for that perfect selfie to think much about reaching out our hands to others. But Jesus calls us to post a very different picture for the world to see, a picture he described this way: “Greater love has no one that this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13).

The selflessness that Jesus calls his followers to means investing our time, talents and treasures in others. Unfortunately, the world can’t teach us what that looks like, so join us for the Unselfie series this August and see what the Bible says about how we’re to invest our God-given resources every single day.

This weekend Craig walks us through what it looks like to serve with your talents; that your talents are a gift from God! Peter starts with a command that sounds very much like the one we began our series with. Jesus said, “My command is this: love one another as I have loved you”. Peter picks up that same command and adds a couple of important details... listen to learn more!