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Watch 2022-2023 online sermons » Tag cloud » rabbi schneider: devotions
Rabbi Schneider - He Will Make Your Paths Straight
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Rabbi Schneider - He Will Make Your Paths Straight
Rabbi Schneider - He Will Make Your Paths Straight
Beloved, one of the earliest Scriptures I remember learning was Proverbs chapter 3, verse 5-6: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Waiting on the Lord
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Rabbi Schneider - Waiting on the Lord
Rabbi Schneider - Waiting on the Lord
Yeshua said in John 7:38, "He who believes in me from his", get this, now, "innermost being", got a mosquito there, "will flow rivers of living water". I want to focus on that word "innermost". Where does this [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Rooted in the Lord
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Rabbi Schneider - Rooted in the Lord
Rabbi Schneider - Rooted in the Lord
I'm reading from the Book of Psalms. First chapter. First in the third verse. Hear the Word of God. "Blessed is the person who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners. He will be like a tree planted by [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Power of His Presence
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Rabbi Schneider - Power of His Presence
Rabbi Schneider - Power of His Presence
Rabbi Schneider : Father we open up our hearts to You. Fill us with Your precious Holy Spirit. Cynthia Schneider : I'm always amazed at how when Rabbi gets up to minister and he begins to minister the Word and all of a sudden seeing demonic [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Strengthened in Our Inner Man
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Rabbi Schneider - Strengthened in Our Inner Man
Rabbi Schneider - Strengthened in Our Inner Man
Ah, it feels so good out here. Again, I'm in the fall season here in the Columbus, Ohio area. It's so gorgeous. Fall day, blue skies, warm temperature. You can smell the leaves in the atmosphere. Really rare day here. And it really reminds us how [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Two Decades of Impact
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Rabbi Schneider - Two Decades of Impact
Rabbi Schneider - Two Decades of Impact
I'm speaking directly to you, my beloved YouTube friend. This is specifically a message that's designed for those of you that listen to my teaching, that listen to this ministry on YouTube. I started out in television about 20 years ago on Christian [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Always Fixed on God
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Rabbi Schneider - Always Fixed on God
Rabbi Schneider - Always Fixed on God
Baruch Hashem, beloved. Welcome today, bless the name of the Lord. Beautiful day outside as you can see. We're at fall time here in the Ohio area. You can see behind me the beautiful trees. Wow, this is a great day, because we've had some warm [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Forgiveness
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Rabbi Schneider - Forgiveness
Rabbi Schneider - Forgiveness
I want to build tonight by speaking the most simple but profound thing that I could say to you: Jesus loves you. I want to ask a question right now. I want you to be honest with God. Who's here tonight and the Lord is convicting your heart? You [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Building the Right Foundation
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Rabbi Schneider - Building the Right Foundation
Rabbi Schneider - Building the Right Foundation
Welcome and shalom today, my brothers and sisters. I'm speaking now especially to moms, I'm speaking now, especially to moms, dads and grandparents. I'm looking at the book of Proverbs chapter 22 verse six, a scripture that probably most of you are [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Signs and Wonders to Reach Israel
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Rabbi Schneider - Signs and Wonders to Reach Israel
Rabbi Schneider - Signs and Wonders to Reach Israel
I want to tell you about something really exciting that happened at the NRB, which stands for the National Religious Broadcasters Conference this year. It was in Nashville, Tennessee. It's the largest gathering of Christian broadcasters in the world [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
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Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
Many of us are familiar with Psalm 139, where David talks about how he's been fearfully and wonderfully made and how precious are the thoughts of the Lord towards him. It's such a beautiful psalm. We've got a little background noise. A lawn is [...]
Rabbi Schneider - He Died in Our Place
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Rabbi Schneider - He Died in Our Place
Rabbi Schneider - He Died in Our Place
Baruch Hashem, blessings to you, my beloved friends. Thank you for letting me minister to you today. We're looking at the Gospel of John, two foundational scriptures from John chapter one. Reading the Word of God, chapter one verse three says this: [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Bring Ourself Into Alignment With an Eternal Reality
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Rabbi Schneider - Bring Ourself Into Alignment With an Eternal Reality
Rabbi Schneider - Bring Ourself Into Alignment With an Eternal Reality
You know, when you look at young people, they are only conscious of what's going on in their own life right now. I remember myself as a young person. I mean, I grew up during the Vietnam War and all these things that were going on in politics and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, 1,500 Years in the Making
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Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, 1,500 Years in the Making
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, 1,500 Years in the Making
Welcome and greetings in the name of Messiah, Yeshua. I'm excited because we're in the midst of the season that we call in Hebrew, Shavuot. Of course the Christian church refers to the same day as Pentecost. It's really the same day. But [...]
Rabbi Schneider - From Sinai to the Upper Room, His Spirit in You
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Rabbi Schneider - From Sinai to the Upper Room, His Spirit in You
Rabbi Schneider - From Sinai to the Upper Room, His Spirit in You
Everything that Yeshua, that Jesus did during His earthly ministry He timed to the exact day to fulfill these spring holy days. In other words, as many of you know, once again, He was crucified on Passover. He was buried during the next spring holy [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Entirely Dependent on God
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Rabbi Schneider - Entirely Dependent on God
Rabbi Schneider - Entirely Dependent on God
Baruch Hashem. Beloved, we're going to Psalm number 18, verse 32 today. It's the psalm of David. Listen what David said here. "The God who girds me with strength and makes my way blameless." So this is an incredible encouragement to me [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Do Not Harden Your Heart
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Rabbi Schneider - Do Not Harden Your Heart
Rabbi Schneider - Do Not Harden Your Heart
Baruch Hashem, blessed be the name of the Lord, beloved ones. We are continuing today to give our attention to the Word of God, because the Word of God strengthens us, cleanses us, confirms us, and establishes us in Him. Romans chapter two verse [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Glory is Rising Upon You
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Glory is Rising Upon You
Rabbi Schneider - God's Glory is Rising Upon You
Remember King David's words? Bless the Lord, Oh, my soul, and all that is within me. Bless His holy name. God is so good. God, You're so good. God, You're so good. You're so good to me. Amen. Isaiah chapter 60 verse two. “For behold, darkness will [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Give as You Have Received, Channel Your Blessings
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Rabbi Schneider - Give as You Have Received, Channel Your Blessings
Rabbi Schneider - Give as You Have Received, Channel Your Blessings
I love what we call the Aaronic Blessing. When the Lord told Moses that the priest, Aaron, and the continual priesthood should speak these words over God's people and the priestly prayer, or the Aaronic Blessing, I should say, goes like this. “The [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Hang on and Cling to God
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Rabbi Schneider - Hang on and Cling to God
Rabbi Schneider - Hang on and Cling to God
God is so good. God is so good. God is so good. He is so good to me. Amen. Praise the Lord. We love you today, Father God. We thank You for your goodness. And we rejoice in You today Abba Father in Yeshua's name. Thank You for the gift of Your Son. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Through Jesus, Our Messiah
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Rabbi Schneider - Through Jesus, Our Messiah
Rabbi Schneider - Through Jesus, Our Messiah
Baruch Hashem bless the Name of the Lord. We are in the midst of the Passover season, which is closely connected to the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Technically, Passover lasts one day, and then it's immediately followed by the seven days of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Christ, our Passover Lamb
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Rabbi Schneider - Christ, our Passover Lamb
Rabbi Schneider - Christ, our Passover Lamb
Chag Sameach. That's Hebrew for Happy Holiday. It's the Passover season. This is such an important time of year. You know, Yeshua is the fulfillment of Passover. In fact, Paul calls Him, Christ Our Passover. Our Jesus is the Lamb of God that's come [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living, Exploring the Significance of Passover and Tithing
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Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living, Exploring the Significance of Passover
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living, Exploring the Significance of Passover and Tithing
Well, this is an important time of year as it regards to the Lord reminding us about the great themes of our redemption that are reflected in the Appointed Days of the Lord, which are recorded for us in the Torah, the first five books of our Bible. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Drink in the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit
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Rabbi Schneider - Drink in the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit
Rabbi Schneider - Drink in the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit
As you can see, beloved, I'm standing in the wind right now. I got my peyos behind my ears because if I don't, they'll be in front of my eyes. So it's an interesting thing to film when you're getting blasted by the wind like this, but I love it [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Look up! Be Prepared
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Rabbi Schneider - Look up! Be Prepared
Rabbi Schneider - Look up! Be Prepared
Well, you can see, my friends, I'm standing right now in a very windy Jerusalem. In fact, I'm right outside Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives. You can see the old city behind me. You see the wall, you see the Temple Mount. And it's an exciting place [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Seize God's Truth
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Rabbi Schneider - Seize God's Truth
Rabbi Schneider - Seize God's Truth
Well, you might hear some humming beneath me here. I'm on an electric boat on the Sea of Galilee. I just got done filming an episode on how Yeshua walked on the water. And in my years of walking with God, you know, what I've realized is I am [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How To Drink of The Spirit
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Rabbi Schneider - How To Drink of The Spirit
Rabbi Schneider - How To Drink of The Spirit
Most of you know of the last day of the feast and the ceremony that took place during this day the water pouring ceremony, Hoshana Rabbah, written about in the Gospel of John chapter 7. And now Yeshua was in the temple. During this last great day of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - His Power is Perfected in Our Weakness
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Rabbi Schneider - His Power is Perfected in Our Weakness
Rabbi Schneider - His Power is Perfected in Our Weakness
Baruch haba b'shem Adonai. Welcome my beloved friend in the name of the Lord. I'm here in Israel, I'm actually overlooking the mount where Yeshua spoke the sermon on the Mount, and I just got done recording four episodes on the Beatitudes. You know, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Path of Sacrificial Love with King David
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Rabbi Schneider - The Path of Sacrificial Love with King David
Rabbi Schneider - The Path of Sacrificial Love with King David
One of my favorite aspects of God is His beauty. You know, the Bible tells us that we can know who the invisible God is by looking at what He created. And so when you and I look at the creation and we see the beauty, the waterfalls, the rainbows, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - I WILL NOT Be Afraid
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Rabbi Schneider - I WILL NOT Be Afraid
Rabbi Schneider - I WILL NOT Be Afraid
Beloved, As you can see, I'm on the Sea of Galilee, I'm in Israel with my team and I've talked about how Yeshua ministered so many miracles right on the Sea of Galilee. I was in the Book of Matthew during the last message that I preached. It'll be [...]
Rabbi Schneider - There's a Blessing for Boldness
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Rabbi Schneider - There's a Blessing for Boldness
Rabbi Schneider - There's a Blessing for Boldness
Baruch Hashem, beloved, I'm in Israel. This may be the spot where Yeshua preached the most famous sermon in the Bible of His, the Sermon on the Mount. Now, I don't know that this is the spot. We just know this is the general area where He preached [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Word is Your Sword
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Rabbi Schneider - The Word is Your Sword
Rabbi Schneider - The Word is Your Sword
I want to reach out to all my brothers and sisters today. I want you to know God has called you to be free. The call on your life and your destiny is to be happy. Jesus has given us his joy. This is abundant life. Jesus said, I have come to give [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Word is Your Weapon
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Rabbi Schneider - The Word is Your Weapon
Rabbi Schneider - The Word is Your Weapon
You know, I think if we explored each other's lives and did a spiritual pole of humanity, we find that everybody struggles with fear and anxiety. Why? Because the devils chief weapon that he uses against mankind is fear, doubt and hatred. So we're [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Ask God for Help
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Rabbi Schneider - Ask God for Help
Rabbi Schneider - Ask God for Help
I want to revisit today Philippians four, four, six and seven. I began on it last time. I said, be anxious for nothing. And I can tell you, you know, overcoming anxiety is not just like a flip that we can turn on like if we've been walking in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Become Transformed Through Giving
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Rabbi Schneider - Become Transformed Through Giving
Rabbi Schneider - Become Transformed Through Giving
Most of us have been in a church service where the worship music has been playing, oftentimes people are raising their hands and singing, they're worshiping God. And you have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. You literally felt the presence of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - El Elyon, A Name Most High
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Rabbi Schneider - El Elyon, A Name Most High
Rabbi Schneider - El Elyon, A Name Most High
So one of the titles of the Lord in the Tanakh in the Hebrew Bible the Hebrew Bible, is the title for the creator, El Elyon. El Elyon means God, El, Most High. God Most High. The first time this descriptive title of our creator is used is the book [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The False Pursuit of Humanity
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Rabbi Schneider - The False Pursuit of Humanity
Rabbi Schneider - The False Pursuit of Humanity
I want to make the point today that when the Lord created us in His own image, when the Creator, from whom when the Creator, from whom everything originates from, created us in His own image, He gave us His very DNA. We are created in His image. And [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What the Lord’s Name Reveals?
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Rabbi Schneider - What the Lord’s Name Reveals?
Rabbi Schneider - What the Lord’s Name Reveals?
So we're gonna dive in now. Very first verse of the Hebrew Bible, we have a title of God. All of us are familiar with the verse: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. You'll see in my studio here that I've actually got in the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - One Important Spiritual Discipline to Master
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Rabbi Schneider - One Important Spiritual Discipline to Master
Rabbi Schneider - One Important Spiritual Discipline to Master
John 8:28, "When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he, and I do nothing on my own initiative, but I speak these things as the father taught me". What I love about this is that Jesus did not live by his own [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
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Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
Baruch Hashem, welcome today to the Seeds of Revelation. You know, all this doesn't happen without a team, okay. I mean, this is not something, it's just rabbi schneider doing all this stuff, I got an awesome anointed God-called team around me. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Supernatural Consequences
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Rabbi Schneider - Supernatural Consequences
Rabbi Schneider - Supernatural Consequences
If you and I do not abide in the Light, we find ourselves in the darkness. And when we're in the darkness, destruction can fall upon us and evil spirits can enter our lives. When we willfully sin, we open up a legal door for unclean spirits to come [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God is Holy AND Approachable
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Rabbi Schneider - God is Holy AND Approachable
Rabbi Schneider - God is Holy AND Approachable
I wonder what percentage of you right now know the answer to this question. I'm sure that it's quite a lot. I don't know if it's 70%. I don't know what the percentage is. Shortest version of the Bible. What is the shortest verse in the Bible? Tyler, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Purposeful Disobedience
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Rabbi Schneider - Purposeful Disobedience
Rabbi Schneider - Purposeful Disobedience
Jesus sat down began to teach. "The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, having set her in the center of the court, they said to Him, 'Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act.' Now in the Law [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Fulfillment of Hoshanna Rabbah
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Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Fulfillment of Hoshanna Rabbah
Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Fulfillment of Hoshanna Rabbah
This is during the Feast of Sukkot. Now we're in John 7. John 7 is about Jesus going into the temple. He was teaching in the temple during the Feast of Tabernacles. So we're going to pick up now in verse 37. "Now on the last day, the great day [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus is Lord
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Rabbi Schneider - Jesus is Lord
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus is Lord
Well, what better place to celebrate the birth of Mashiach Messiah into the world than from the land of Israel? That's where we are today. As you can see, the great city of Jerusalem behind me. Now, this direction is Bethlehem, Yeshua's birthplace. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God is Your Helper
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Rabbi Schneider - God is Your Helper
Rabbi Schneider - God is Your Helper
I want to give you a word right now that I think will help many that are watching and listening. Comes from Isaiah, chapter 41, verse ten. I'm concentrating on a new section of this verse today. Here are God's word. I will strengthen you. Surely I [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The History of Hanukkah: God's Desire For Dedication
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Rabbi Schneider - The History of Hanukkah: God's Desire For Dedication
Rabbi Schneider - The History of Hanukkah: God's Desire For Dedication
As we're getting ready to celebrate Hanukkah this year, I wanted to begin by telling you the history and then I wanted to bring it forward and show you how Yeshua was celebrating Hanukkah in the pages of the New Testament. So, first of all, what had [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Faith is the Opposite of Fear
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Rabbi Schneider - Faith is the Opposite of Fear
Rabbi Schneider - Faith is the Opposite of Fear
I want to revisit today Isaiah, chapter 41, verse ten, the grass withers and the flowers fade. But beloved, the word of God abides forever. Hear God's word. Do not fear. For I am with you. Do not anxiously look about. For I am your God. Do not [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Messianic Rabbi Breaks Down the Gospel in the Book of Romans
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Rabbi Schneider - Messianic Rabbi Breaks Down the Gospel in the Book of Romans
Rabbi Schneider - Messianic Rabbi Breaks Down the Gospel in the Book of Romans
So, if you want to understand the gospel and the message of Jesus, we've got to go to the beginning of the book of Romans. How does Paul start out his preaching through the word of God in the book of Romans? Does he just promise everybody that God's [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Be Rooted in the Old AND New Testaments
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Rabbi Schneider - Be Rooted in the Old AND New Testaments
Rabbi Schneider - Be Rooted in the Old AND New Testaments
Many believers, followers of Yeshua, of Jesus, they don't really understand the fullness of what can be received through the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament. In fact, some people today are wanting to unhinge. That's the word that's out there. [...]
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