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Rabbi Schneider - Forgiveness

Rabbi Schneider - Forgiveness
TOPICS: Rabbi Schneider: Devotions, Forgiveness

I want to build tonight by speaking the most simple but profound thing that I could say to you: Jesus loves you. I want to ask a question right now. I want you to be honest with God. Who's here tonight and the Lord is convicting your heart? You need to release somebody. You need to forgive them. You need to let them go. If that's you, would you raise your hand tonight. Wow. So many tonight.

I felt the Holy spirit leading me and prompting me to take a significant amount of time to minister on the need that we all have to forgive people that have hurt us.

I want to lead you in a prayer. I want those that are able to, to come up here in this empty space. Come quickly, please.

And so we culminated by helping people to understand how to forgive, showing them Jesus on the cross speaking. One of the last things He said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do". And we taught people how to release that same forgiveness on those that had hurt them.

And then concluded just by worshiping the Lamb that was slain from Revelation chapter five.

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain. Lift your hands and worship Him. Come on. Worthy is the Lamb. Come on. Worthy is the Lamb. Everybody, yeah. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.