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Rabbi Schneider - Two Decades of Impact

Rabbi Schneider - Two Decades of Impact
TOPICS: Rabbi Schneider: Devotions

I'm speaking directly to you, my beloved YouTube friend. This is specifically a message that's designed for those of you that listen to my teaching, that listen to this ministry on YouTube. I started out in television about 20 years ago on Christian television, and then from television we moved to radio. And the Lord just continued to give us opportunity to preach the gospel all over the world. And now here we are on YouTube. YouTube was the last thing that we added.

And what I have found is that when I began broadcasting on television, God's people that were being blessed and touched by the messages that he gave me to share responded to those messages. And they supported the messages so that I could continue to broadcast on television because, believe it or not, Beloved, don't turn me off. Please, just listen to me because it's true what I'm saying. Everything costs money. Even Jesus had a treasury. So, for example, my YouTube costs me money to do. The equipment costs money, the editors cost money. Everything costs money. But here's what I found. My beloved friends, generally speaking, people that watch me on YouTube don't respond financially like they do on television and radio.

I'm asking you today, beloved YouTuber, if you're being blessed by the truth of God's word from my ministry to you through this YouTube channel, would you support the ministry? Would you support this ministry unto the Lord financially? It's a biblical principle. The Lord told us in His Word that those that go out for the sake of the truth and if you listen to my content, it's based in the Word of God. I'm going out in the name of the truth and for the truth. And you can measure what I teach by the written word of God. So the Scripture says those that go off for the sake of the truth should be supported by the rest of the Christian community so that we that are out there on the front lines can continue to do what we do.

So that I can continue to broadcast. I know that most people that watch YouTube aren't used to responding financially to YouTube content, but it all costs money. I'm simply asking you, beloved friends, would you please support Discovering the Jewish Jesus financially? I mean that from the bottom of my heart. It's a biblical truth. And I believe that what we offer up unto the Lord as a sacrifice will come back to us, "pressed down, good measure and running over into our lap"

One of the things that we're doing because of those that support us financially is we're in prison systems and people in prison systems are given an app by the prison system, which is an approved app with selected approved content on the app. And we're right now in the hands of 400,000 inmates through the app that the prison system is giving them. But that costs us money. All of it does.

So I want to thank you, my beloved YouTube friend, for opening up your heart right now to the Lord. And I want to thank you in advance to responding and to surrender to the Lord regarding this most crucial and important act of obedience in which we offer up to the Lord our tithes and offerings. It's a biblical principle. Let's walk in the ancient steps, Beloved. God bless you. Thank you for your support. Shalom.