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Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When Nothing Makes Sense
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Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When Nothing Makes Sense
Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When Nothing Makes Sense
So it was sometime in 2017 or so that I was in my normal place sitting by my best friend. And actually, I wasn’t sitting, I was standing, because it was in worship and I had a really normal week. I had been in God’s Word, full of faith, praying, and [...]
Craig Groeschel - God Can Handle Your Doubts
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Craig Groeschel - God Can Handle Your Doubts
Craig Groeschel - God Can Handle Your Doubts
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s a real, genuine spiritual hunger with people today. In almost 30 years of leading the church, I think that I’m seeing perhaps more of a kind of organic spiritual hunger with people asking questions and [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Benefit of Doubt
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Craig Groeschel - The Benefit of Doubt
Craig Groeschel - The Benefit of Doubt
What do you do when you have questions about God, but you don’t have any easy answers? For example, you might have really prayed and believed by faith that God would heal your friend that had cancer, and you prayed and you prayed and you prayed, but [...]
Craig Groeschel - Where Christians Get It Wrong
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Craig Groeschel - Where Christians Get It Wrong
Craig Groeschel - Where Christians Get It Wrong
Well one year Amy decided that she really wanted some fruit trees at our house. And so she said, «Sweetheart, could we plant some fruit trees»? What do you think that I said? Yes sir. You think I said Silly woman, we can’t even keep fern plants [...]
Craig Groeschel - When God Doesn't Do It
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Craig Groeschel - When God Doesn't Do It
Craig Groeschel - When God Doesn't Do It
When I was a kid, I absolutely, for some odd reason, loved vending machines. Anybody else weird like me as a kid, I loved vending machines. There’s something about walking up to a vending machine when you had 35 cents in your pocket. 'Cause [...]
Craig Groeschel - Be a Leader Worth Trusting (with Dr. Henry Cloud)
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Craig Groeschel - Be a Leader Worth Trusting (with Dr. Henry Cloud)
Craig Groeschel - Be a Leader Worth Trusting (with Dr. Henry Cloud)
— Well, Dr. Cloud, I’ve been waiting a long time to have you on the podcast. It’s a great honor to have you with us. — Well, Reverend, I’m glad to be here. If you go to the doctor out, I’m going to the Reverend out. — All right, Henry, glad to have [...]
Craig Groeschel - 4 Questions to Jump-Start Your Momentum
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Craig Groeschel - 4 Questions to Jump-Start Your Momentum
Craig Groeschel - 4 Questions to Jump-Start Your Momentum
In our previous episode, we talked about the four factors that fuel momentum and today, we’re gonna talk about four ways to jumpstart your momentum. My dad used to be a baseball coach and he’d always say instead of momentum, he’d say mo. He goes you [...]
Craig Groeschel - Cynt Marshall, The First Black Female CEO in the NBA
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Craig Groeschel - Cynt Marshall, The First Black Female CEO in the NBA
Craig Groeschel - Cynt Marshall, The First Black Female CEO in the NBA
— Let me tell you about our guest today. Cynt Marshall is amazing. She literally for 35 years was a part of AT&T, rose to be the senior vice president of human resources, and the chief diversity officer. From there she’s now the CEO of the [...]
Craig Groeschel - 4 Factors That Fuel Momentum
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Craig Groeschel - 4 Factors That Fuel Momentum
Craig Groeschel - 4 Factors That Fuel Momentum
Hey, it’s great to have you back for another episode of the Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast. And guess what? We are launching into our ninth season of bringing leadership content designed to help you get better, because we know that everyone wins [...]
Craig Groeschel - Becoming Strategically Unreasonable
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Craig Groeschel - Becoming Strategically Unreasonable
Craig Groeschel - Becoming Strategically Unreasonable
Hey, welcome to the «Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast». Where we’re incredibly passionate about helping you become a leader that people love to follow. If you’re new to our leadership community, we drop a new teaching on the first Thursday of [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Art of Vulnerable Communication (with Albert Tate)
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Craig Groeschel - The Art of Vulnerable Communication (with Albert Tate)
Craig Groeschel - The Art of Vulnerable Communication (with Albert Tate)
— Hey, it’s great to have you back for another episode of, «Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast» where we are very passionate about helping you become a leader that people love to follow. If you’re new with us, we drop a new episode on the first [...]
Craig Groeschel - Mastering John Maxwell's Laws of Communication
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Craig Groeschel - Mastering John Maxwell's Laws of Communication
Craig Groeschel - Mastering John Maxwell's Laws of Communication
— Well, get ready. The interview today is gonna be incredibly helpful to you. We’re talking to John Maxwell, arguably the number one leadership expert in the world, author of over 100 books. Three of his books sold over a million copies. The new one [...]
Craig Groeschel - A Faith That Puts God Second
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Craig Groeschel - A Faith That Puts God Second
Craig Groeschel - A Faith That Puts God Second
Start with an easy question today. If you are a Christian, if you’re a disciple of Jesus online, you can type this in the comment section. If you’re a follower of Jesus, what should come first in your life? What should come first? It’s an easy [...]
Craig Groeschel - Small Choices That Keep You Stuck
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Craig Groeschel - Small Choices That Keep You Stuck
Craig Groeschel - Small Choices That Keep You Stuck
How many of you would say, that generally speaking, you want to do what’s right? Raise your hand. You can type in the comment section, I wanna do what’s right. You wanna obey God. I wish I could say I always wanna do what’s right, but a lot of times [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Trap of Comfortable Christianity
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Craig Groeschel - The Trap of Comfortable Christianity
Craig Groeschel - The Trap of Comfortable Christianity
I was on a trip and I met this guy. That was really, really cool. How many of you know what it’s like when you meet someone and you just immediately hit it off? You know what I’m talking about? We just hit it off. And it was really interesting. I [...]
Craig Groeschel - Feeling Unworthy of God's Love
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Craig Groeschel - Feeling Unworthy of God's Love
Craig Groeschel - Feeling Unworthy of God's Love
Well, today, we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas to every single one of you. All of our Life Church locations, those of you around the world at church, online, on behalf of my family, to all [...]
Craig Groeschel - Peace for Your Anxious Mind
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Craig Groeschel - Peace for Your Anxious Mind
Craig Groeschel - Peace for Your Anxious Mind
One of the many things I love about Christmas, I love the decorations. Anybody else at all? Type in the comment section, "I love the decorations". Now, to be clear, I don't like putting them up at all, and it's my job to get the [...]
Craig Groeschel - Hope When It Feels Hopeless
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Craig Groeschel - Hope When It Feels Hopeless
Craig Groeschel - Hope When It Feels Hopeless
We’re starting a message series on Advent. How many of you know a lot about Advent? Raise your hand. A lot about Advent? Online, you can say, «I know a lot about Advent». Or you can say, «I don’t know a lot about Advent». When I was a kid, I had an [...]
Craig Groeschel - Because of You
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Craig Groeschel - Because of You
Craig Groeschel - Because of You
Today we're gonna do something different. And what I wanna do is I wanna take a moment to say thank you to every single one of you. And my goal today is to show you, and I'm praying that God would do this to show you that you matter more [...]
Craig Groeschel - When God Seems Slow
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Craig Groeschel - When God Seems Slow
Craig Groeschel - When God Seems Slow
Is there anyone here today that you've been praying for something, asking God for a miracle, believing that God is going to work and He hasn't answered your prayer yet? Would you raise your hands today? Those of you online, you can type in [...]
Craig Groeschel - Anxious Hearts, Fearless Faith
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Craig Groeschel - Anxious Hearts, Fearless Faith
Craig Groeschel - Anxious Hearts, Fearless Faith
I'd love it if you would raise your hand today at all of our churches. You can type in the comment section online, "This is me". Raise your hand today if every single part of your life is going great right now, raise your hand. Raise [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You're Under Attack
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Craig Groeschel - When You're Under Attack
Craig Groeschel - When You're Under Attack
I'm trying to remember, is there anything going on this week at all? I'm trying to remember, like, especially those of you in the U.S., we got people around the world, anything going on this week in the U.S.? Anything? There's [...]
Craig Groeschel - Living for Jesus in a Culture of Compromise
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Craig Groeschel - Living for Jesus in a Culture of Compromise
Craig Groeschel - Living for Jesus in a Culture of Compromise
At all of our churches, raise your hands if relationally right now, you're experiencing any tension, any complicated conversations, or have any friends going crazy on social media. Raise your hand. Raise your hand. Online, you can type in, [...]
Craig Groeschel - When Your Emotions Are Out of Control
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Craig Groeschel - When Your Emotions Are Out of Control
Craig Groeschel - When Your Emotions Are Out of Control
I wonder how many of you have ever watched a movie or a TV series, and then after the whole thing, it ended with no resolution. It didn't make sense. You get to the end of it and you're like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, [...]
Craig Groeschel - God's Not Done With You
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Craig Groeschel - God's Not Done With You
Craig Groeschel - God's Not Done With You
Well, today we're in chapter two of the Book of Jonah, and I want to show you my favorite verse in the entire book of Jonah. Hang on a second. Did I say chapt..? What's chapter I say? Chapter, what chapter are we in? Three! It's been [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You're Waiting on God
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Craig Groeschel - When You're Waiting on God
Craig Groeschel - When You're Waiting on God
At all of our churches, for those of you that are believers, you're followers of Jesus, would you take a moment and raise your hand if you believe in the power of prayer? Raise your hand high if you believe in the power of prayer. Online, you [...]
Craig Groeschel - God's Plans Are Wrecking Mine
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Craig Groeschel - God's Plans Are Wrecking Mine
Craig Groeschel - God's Plans Are Wrecking Mine
I wanna talk to those of you that are followers of Jesus and I'm curious, if you are a Christian, how many of you want to hear from God? You want God's will for your life. Great news that you do, but I gotta warn you, whenever God speaks [...]
Craig Groeschel - Why Doesn't God Give Me What I Want?
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Craig Groeschel - Why Doesn't God Give Me What I Want?
Craig Groeschel - Why Doesn't God Give Me What I Want?
I wanna start today by giving you a little pop quiz. Little pop quiz. The good news is that this does not count on your final grade, so this is just for fun. We're gonna play true or false. And just to make sure at all of our churches [...]
Craig Groeschel - Why Don't I Feel Like Enough
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Craig Groeschel - Why Don't I Feel Like Enough
Craig Groeschel - Why Don't I Feel Like Enough
Well, at some point, most of you will likely hit a wall. You've got too much to do. You feel like you're drowning. You feel like you just can't take it anymore. Some of you online, you might even type in the comments section, [...]
Craig Groeschel - When Self-Love Is Selfish
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Craig Groeschel - When Self-Love Is Selfish
Craig Groeschel - When Self-Love Is Selfish
I walked into a grocery store, and I was on an assignment from Amy. My assignment was simple, get a gallon of milk. But as you know, in today's culture, that's not as easy as it sounds because way back in the olden days when I was a kid, [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Danger With "Your Truth"
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Craig Groeschel - The Danger With "Your Truth"
Craig Groeschel - The Danger With "Your Truth"
Today we're gonna begin a new message series. It's called "Almost True". There are so many beliefs in our culture today that sound true, feel true, and they're almost true, but they're not true. And I just wanna warn [...]
Craig Groeschel - When Your Mind Is Out of Control
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Craig Groeschel - When Your Mind Is Out of Control
Craig Groeschel - When Your Mind Is Out of Control
How many of you have a difficult time slowing your mind? Raise your hands up. You had a difficult time slowing your mind. Those of you online, you can type it in the comment section if you want. I have a hard time slowing my mind. Some of you did [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You're Losing Hope
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Craig Groeschel - When You're Losing Hope
Craig Groeschel - When You're Losing Hope
What I want to do is I want to ask you about your favorite genre of movies. Those of you online, you can type in the comment section whichever one is your favorite. But those of you at all of our Life.Churches, I need you just to shout out when I [...]
Craig Groeschel - Normal Isn't Working
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Craig Groeschel - Normal Isn't Working
Craig Groeschel - Normal Isn't Working
Whenever you meet someone and you know that they're not from where you're from, one of the first questions you typically ask them is what? Where are you from? Because where you're from tells you a lot about who you are and how you [...]
Craig Groeschel - Your Most Important Assignment
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Craig Groeschel - Your Most Important Assignment
Craig Groeschel - Your Most Important Assignment
So if you are a follower of Jesus, I wanna ask you, what kind of a Christian are you? If you are a Christian, what kind are you? I'll give you a couple of choices, and these'll kind of be extremes. Are you one of those bold ones? I mean, [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You Don't Feel Good Enough
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Craig Groeschel - When You Don't Feel Good Enough
Craig Groeschel - When You Don't Feel Good Enough
So on this Mother's Day, I've got good news and I've got bad news. What do you want first? Let's start with the good news. How about that? The good news is this. No matter what you think about you, and no matter what anyone else [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You're Tired of Being Tired
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Craig Groeschel - When You're Tired of Being Tired
Craig Groeschel - When You're Tired of Being Tired
I wonder how many of you often feel anxious or overwhelmed with all that you have to do? Would you raise your hands up right now? Anybody else like there? God bless you. You can all be saved. I see your hands everywhere. We see it all the time, [...]
Craig Groeschel - Finding Freedom From Your Worries
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Craig Groeschel - Finding Freedom From Your Worries
Craig Groeschel - Finding Freedom From Your Worries
Well, I'm curious, how many of you right now might have something that you're a little bit worried about? Raise your hand, again. Some of you go, "I got a lot that I'm worried about". I don't blame you, because [...]
Craig Groeschel - Finding Peace in Your Thoughts
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Craig Groeschel - Finding Peace in Your Thoughts
Craig Groeschel - Finding Peace in Your Thoughts
Before we start today, I wanna ask you a question. And we'll consider this kind of like your public service reminder. Fair enough, everybody needs a little help every now and then. How many of you have a will prepared for when you die? Raise [...]
Craig Groeschel - Hearing God's Voice
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Craig Groeschel - Hearing God's Voice
Craig Groeschel - Hearing God's Voice
Do you ever find it difficult to hear God's voice? For example, if you have a decision that you need to make and so you think, well, maybe I should pray about it. And so you pray about it and you might say, okay, God, I wanna do what You want. [...]
Craig Groeschel - Does God Still Love Me?
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Craig Groeschel - Does God Still Love Me?
Craig Groeschel - Does God Still Love Me?
Well, today we celebrate the tomb is empty. Our Savior has risen from the dead and I wanna express my praise to God and my love to all of you. Happy Easter. You guys look better than normal. I mean, you look good. You look Easter good. Touch the [...]
Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When You Don't Understand
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Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When You Don't Understand
Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When You Don't Understand
What do you think is the most disobeyed verse in the Bible? Think about it. What do you think is the most disobeyed verse in the Bible? Now, nobody knows for sure and nobody can prove it, but one could argue that one of the most important verses is [...]
Craig Groeschel - Escaping the Porn Trap
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Craig Groeschel - Escaping the Porn Trap
Craig Groeschel - Escaping the Porn Trap
The first time I saw pornography, I was in the fifth grade. I was over at my buddy Steven's house, and he found his dad's stash of Playboy magazines, probably 75 or so of them in a big trunk. And Steven and I, in the fifth grade, memorized [...]
Craig Groeschel - Do This to Get Closer to God
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Craig Groeschel - Do This to Get Closer to God
Craig Groeschel - Do This to Get Closer to God
If you could ask God for one thing and only one thing, what would you ask God to do for you? Think about that. If you could ask God for one thing and only one thing, and you cannot say, I know what some of you're thinking, you're thinking, [...]
Craig Groeschel - Freedom From Your Negative Thoughts
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Craig Groeschel - Freedom From Your Negative Thoughts
Craig Groeschel - Freedom From Your Negative Thoughts
I wonder how many of you have ever stopped to ask yourself, "why do you do what you do"? "Why do you do what you do"? Because chances are, in a similar situation, you often respond with similar actions. Why is it that you [...]
Craig Groeschel - Get Rid of Your Guilt
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Craig Groeschel - Get Rid of Your Guilt
Craig Groeschel - Get Rid of Your Guilt
I wanna ask you a very personal question, and I hope this isn't too direct, but how many of you have ever been caught doing something wrong? Again. Am I coming on too hot? Do I need to take you to dinner first before we get that first? [...]
Craig Groeschel - When Your Mind Won't Stop
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Craig Groeschel - When Your Mind Won't Stop
Craig Groeschel - When Your Mind Won't Stop
How many of you have a difficult time slowing your mind? Raise your hands up. You had a difficult time slowing your mind. Those of you online, you can type it in the comment section if you want, "I have a hard time slowing my mind". Some [...]
Craig Groeschel - When Less Is Better
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Craig Groeschel - When Less Is Better
Craig Groeschel - When Less Is Better
Lemme just tell you honestly that this message has the potential to impact your life as much or more than any message we do this year. And I say that sincerely. It has the potential to impact your life as much or more. But at the same time, this [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Habit That Will Heal Your Heart
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Craig Groeschel - The Habit That Will Heal Your Heart
Craig Groeschel - The Habit That Will Heal Your Heart
Let me ask you a question. When you lie, who do you think you lie to the most? Can we just go ahead and start the year and get ridiculously honest? How many of you lie? Raise your hands. Go ahead and leave 'em up, leave 'em up. Go ahead [...]
Craig Groeschel - You Can Make a Difference
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Craig Groeschel - You Can Make a Difference
Craig Groeschel - You Can Make a Difference
I wanna take a moment and just sincerely say thank you, like from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for being here today. You made it. And your presence, it really, really matters. Like in all the busyness of your life, you chose to [...]
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