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Peter Tan-Chi - Entrust
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Peter Tan-Chi - Entrust
Peter Tan-Chi - Entrust
Greetings! In the name of our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What a joy to be with you today to continue the MOTIVATE series. How we impact the lives of our loved ones, families, children, and students. How can we influence their hearts [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Teach
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Peter Tan-Chi - Teach
Peter Tan-Chi - Teach
We would love for you to join us in worshiping God. together. As we continue our series on MOTIVATE, let me remind you what we have been through M-O-T-I-V-A-T-E: M: Role Modeling, kids copy us, people copy us. O: Open Communication, learn to listen [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Train
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Peter Tan-Chi - Train
Peter Tan-Chi - Train
Greetings! In the name of our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a pleasure and honor to worship with you today. We will continue the MOTIVATE series. 8 secrets on how to impact the lives of our children, loved ones and students for [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Affirmation
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Peter Tan-Chi - Affirmation
Peter Tan-Chi - Affirmation
Greetings! In the name of our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so happy to have the privilege of worshiping with all of us today. We have discussed 8 secrets to influencing the hearts of children, the hearts of loved ones, to have a [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Vision
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Peter Tan-Chi - Vision
Peter Tan-Chi - Vision
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today we will continue the Motivate series. 8 secrets to influencing loved ones, children, friends for long-term change. Let's do a quick review. M: Modeling. O: Open Communication. T: [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Intimacy
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Peter Tan-Chi - Intimacy
Peter Tan-Chi - Intimacy
Greetings! In the name of our awesome Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We've covered the 8 secrets of long-term influencing. How we influence the hearts of those we love, our children, our friends. First, Example; Second, Open Communication; Third, [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Time
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Peter Tan-Chi - Time
Peter Tan-Chi - Time
What a pleasure to spend time with you all today. We are going through the MOTIVATE series, how to influence your loved ones, students, family members, especially your children. How to influence the heart for long-term change. If you remember, we [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Open Communication
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Peter Tan-Chi - Open Communication
Peter Tan-Chi - Open Communication
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Last week, we started the MOTIVATE series. 8 important Biblical principles on how to influence your children, loved ones and students. Quick review. 8 secrets to influencing the heart for [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Modeling
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Peter Tan-Chi - Modeling
Peter Tan-Chi - Modeling
Hello everyone. What a great day to worship with you today. I'm excited about this Sunday's message. Last week, we discussed the importance of family We discussed the importance of understanding God's design. Today, I want to share with you eight [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Discover God's Design for the Family
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Peter Tan-Chi - Discover God's Design for the Family
Peter Tan-Chi - Discover God's Design for the Family
Praise God! Praise God, glorify God for the 36th anniversary Sunday service. Do you remember our main message last Sunday? Why God calls us, to make disciples. Discipleship begins at home. Discipleship begins at home. Start at home. I am reminded of [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Unstoppable God, Our Greatest Hope
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Peter Tan-Chi - Unstoppable God, Our Greatest Hope
Peter Tan-Chi - Unstoppable God, Our Greatest Hope
Praise God for His amazing faithfulness, love, and grace. God has done wonderful work in CCF church over the past 36 years. May the glory be given to God. Let us all praise Him and thank Him for all He has done. 36 years ago, we started with a small [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Blessed to Bless
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Peter Tan-Chi - Blessed to Bless
Peter Tan-Chi - Blessed to Bless
Greetings to you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. What a joy it is that we gather together to worship the Lord this Sunday! What a joy it is that we gather together to worship the Lord this Sunday! We listen to the Word of God and my prayer [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - The Secret of Rest in Times of Stress
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Peter Tan-Chi - The Secret of Rest in Times of Stress
Peter Tan-Chi - The Secret of Rest in Times of Stress
Hello, it's such a pleasure to be with you again. Have you ever realized that in this time of pandemic, our problems, our challenges are not just about COVID-19. Our problems, our challenges are not just about COVID-19. But the impact of this [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - When Life Seems Scary Call 91-1
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Peter Tan-Chi - When Life Seems Scary Call 91-1
Peter Tan-Chi - When Life Seems Scary Call 91-1
What a privilege it is to be with you again as we worship together and study the Bible together. What an honor it is to be with you again as we worship together and study the Bible together. And of course most of all. It is important to know more [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - When Life Seems Unfair, Focus on God
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Peter Tan-Chi - When Life Seems Unfair, Focus on God
Peter Tan-Chi - When Life Seems Unfair, Focus on God
Hello everyone! We just finished our week of fasting and prayer. I pray that I believe you have a closer relationship with God. I am also sure that during this period of fasting and prayer, many unexpected things have happened. Let us praise God for [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Repent, God Restores
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Peter Tan-Chi - Repent, God Restores
Peter Tan-Chi - Repent, God Restores
Father God, we thank you for all the fathers. We thank you. If not. You, the father, will not know how to be a practical, proper father. So, I pray that you would lead all of us fathers to become more and more like Christ so that we can represent [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - When God Seems Silent, Wait on the Lord
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Peter Tan-Chi - When God Seems Silent, Wait on the Lord
Peter Tan-Chi - When God Seems Silent, Wait on the Lord
Have you ever experienced a prayer that went unanswered by God? Do you like waiting? How many of you like to wait? Honestly, I have a hard time waiting. Many times, I struggle with not getting answers to my prayers. Today, we are going to look at a [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - From Fear to Trust in God
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Peter Tan-Chi - From Fear to Trust in God
Peter Tan-Chi - From Fear to Trust in God
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What an honor and joy it is to share the Word of God with you. We are in the Psalms. The Psalms are special to the heart of Jesus, to the hearts of the apostles. It is the most commonly [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Learn From Job, Endure
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Peter Tan-Chi - Learn From Job, Endure
Peter Tan-Chi - Learn From Job, Endure
Do you know that the reality of pain and suffering is something we cannot avoid? Many times people will honestly ask questions like: If God is love and God is almighty why does He allow suffering? Have you ever thought about that question, if God is [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Turn Disappointments to Blessings, Trust God
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Peter Tan-Chi - Turn Disappointments to Blessings, Trust God
Peter Tan-Chi - Turn Disappointments to Blessings, Trust God
You are watching Great Commission Church of Christ Changing Lives for Eternity This morning I want to share with you something very important related to disappointment. How many of you have been disappointed at least once in your life? Show your [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Do Not Grab, But Grab On to God
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Peter Tan-Chi - Do Not Grab, But Grab On to God
Peter Tan-Chi - Do Not Grab, But Grab On to God
You are watching Great Commission Church of Christ Changing Lives for Eternity God uses ordinary people, turn to the person next to you Tell your neighbor: God uses ordinary people Is God using you right now? If God uses ordinary people, is God [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 2
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 2
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 2
So glad you're watching the Great Commission Church of Christ come back to change lives for eternity because I promised you this was part two of our series on brokenness and we've been talking about the deeds of some biblical characters and our [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 1
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 1
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 1
You're watching Great Commission Church of Christ Changing Lives for Eternity and we're going to talk about a topic that's very close to my heart. Look here: Be Broken, Be Blessed. This is so counter-intuitive. How can I be broken and then blessed? [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be a Faithful Witness
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be a Faithful Witness
Peter Tan-Chi - Be a Faithful Witness
This is the reality of life What happens to you is out of your control but how do you handle what happens to you It's your responsibility. It's within your control. Why am I talking about this? Because I know a lot of people are hurting today, [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Experience God's Grace
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Peter Tan-Chi - Experience God's Grace
Peter Tan-Chi - Experience God's Grace
Last week we talked about getting ready for the return of Christ. What will help you stay ready? Today I want to share with you the importance of God’s grace. What does God’s grace mean? Because Acts 22 is Paul's personal story and he talks about [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Live Intentionally
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Peter Tan-Chi - Live Intentionally
Peter Tan-Chi - Live Intentionally
You know, we've been looking at the Book of Acts. We've already reached Acts 20, so I'll take you back a little bit. We've been looking at the book of Acts, which is the history of how the church began. Over the past few months, we've been going [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Pursue God's Mission by the Power of the Holy Spirit
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Peter Tan-Chi - Pursue God's Mission by the Power of the Holy Spirit
Peter Tan-Chi - Pursue God's Mission by the Power of the Holy Spirit
Our message for today, let's read it together: Pursuing God's Mission by the Power of the Holy Spirit What does this mean? First, do you know God's mission? Ladies and gentlemen, can you whisper to the person next to you: What is God's mission for [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Know God's Will and Do It
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Peter Tan-Chi - Know God's Will and Do It
Peter Tan-Chi - Know God's Will and Do It
Knowing God's will is one thing, but doing it is another. Why is it important to know God's will? Okay, single people, are you listening to me? I'm sure you've asked yourself, Lord, who should I marry? Yes or no? If you are a man, who should I [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Experience The Power of God's Spirit
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Peter Tan-Chi - Experience The Power of God's Spirit
Peter Tan-Chi - Experience The Power of God's Spirit
Our topic today is so exciting because it has to do with the importance of not only knowing God's will, but doing God's will. If I asked you how many of you truly desire to do God's will, raise your hands. You will know God's will only if you desire [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Resolve Conflicts in Truth and Love
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Peter Tan-Chi - Resolve Conflicts in Truth and Love
Peter Tan-Chi - Resolve Conflicts in Truth and Love
Today, I'm happy to share with you a very, very important topic related to conflict. When was the last time you encountered conflict? Second, how many of you have had conflicts this week? Raise your hand if you've had a conflict with someone this [...]
Peter Tan Chi - Pray Without Ceasing
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Peter Tan Chi - Pray Without Ceasing
Peter Tan Chi - Pray Without Ceasing
Today our topic is: Ceaseless Prayer. Please tell me: Ceaseless Prayer. How is your prayer life? Someone shared with me a few years ago that prayer is like a thermometer and a thermostat. A thermometer measures room temperature. Am I right? Your [...]
Peter Tan Chi - The Truth That Matters Most, Share It
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Peter Tan Chi - The Truth That Matters Most, Share It
Peter Tan Chi - The Truth That Matters Most, Share It
This morning I will continue our series on the Book of Acts. This is related to Jesus and his resurrection. Let's read together: The most important truth. What is the most important truth? Let me share with you some elements of truth that are [...]
Peter Tan Chi - Be a Blessing, Share the Gospel
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Peter Tan Chi - Be a Blessing, Share the Gospel
Peter Tan Chi - Be a Blessing, Share the Gospel
Today, I want to continue sharing with you the content of last Sunday. A quick review, everyone, Acts of the Apostles tells how the early church began. So the Bible tells us that in the Book of Acts, from chapter one to Chapter 8, this first part [...]
Peter Tan Chi - Live Life to the Full, Be Spirit-Filled
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Peter Tan Chi - Live Life to the Full, Be Spirit-Filled
Peter Tan Chi - Live Life to the Full, Be Spirit-Filled
What a joy to be back. I want to continue sharing the Book of Acts with you, it's so important, and if you don't mind, let's do a quick review, okay? What is the theme of Acts? Read together, Jesus is constantly at work through the Holy Spirit in [...]
Peter Tan Chi - Be Courageous
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Peter Tan Chi - Be Courageous
Peter Tan Chi - Be Courageous
Over the past few weeks we have been discussing that truth matters. Please tell me: truth is important! In Acts, you will study the history of the early church, how it started, and you will learn about the Holy Spirit. Truth is important. For [...]
Peter Tan Chi - Practice the Habits of a Spirit-Filled Church
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Peter Tan Chi - Practice the Habits of a Spirit-Filled Church
Peter Tan Chi - Practice the Habits of a Spirit-Filled Church
Praise God! We have been discussing the importance of truth. Last Sunday we discussed the first sermon in history. What was that sermon in history about? Chapter 2 of Acts is spoken by the apostle Peter. Why is this information so important? So you [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Are You A Faithful Witness?
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Peter Tan-Chi - Are You A Faithful Witness?
Peter Tan-Chi - Are You A Faithful Witness?
This year, we are starting a new series called "Truth Matters," specifically in the Book of Acts, where we will study Acts 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. Why is truth important? Tell me, why is this important? Because truth, even if you deny the [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Experience the True Gospel
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Peter Tan-Chi - Experience the True Gospel
Peter Tan-Chi - Experience the True Gospel
Everyone, a quick refresher, what is the Book of Acts about? Can you sum it up in one sentence? Let me tell you. "Acts", everyone reads: Jesus Christ continued to work through the Holy Spirit in the lives of the apostles and their people. [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Continuously Filled with the Holy Spirit
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Continuously Filled with the Holy Spirit
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Continuously Filled with the Holy Spirit
Our topic today is simple. Let's read together: "Be Continuously Filled with the Holy Spirit". The book of Acts is the continual work of Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, to His apostles and among His people, so Jesus Christ is still [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Sure of Your Salvation
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Sure of Your Salvation
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Sure of Your Salvation
Today I want to share with you the importance of making choices. Tell me, make good choices. The truth is, whether you like it or not, we make thousands of decisions every day. I was shocked. You Google the internet and you'll find out. In fact, [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Do Not Judge
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Peter Tan-Chi - Do Not Judge
Peter Tan-Chi - Do Not Judge
The Sermon on the Mount is God's own way of telling us how to live. What was the message last Sunday? Don't worry. That was last Sunday. God gives us commands for our protection and for our good. Because the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew chapters 5, [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Don't Worry, God Will Take Care of You
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Peter Tan-Chi - Don't Worry, God Will Take Care of You
Peter Tan-Chi - Don't Worry, God Will Take Care of You
What was the message last Sunday? Serve God. Remember you cannot serve two masters, you have to serve God. Okay, today we continue to talk about Chapter 6 of Matthew. It's about worry. Don't worry. Let's say I did a study. on Google. What are people [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be A Genuine Christ Follower
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be A Genuine Christ Follower
Peter Tan-Chi - Be A Genuine Christ Follower
We're starting a new series. But it's not entirely new, it's part of the Sermon on the Mount. The greatest sermon ever written is called the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus begins by telling us how to be happy, the secret to happiness. Do you remember [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Salt and Light
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Salt and Light
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Salt and Light
Today, we're going to focus on our special topic, which is so important to me, but before we get into our topic today, I want to ask you a question, if someone asked you, what is your purpose in life? What would you say? Why are you alive? You'd be [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be a Peacemaker
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be a Peacemaker
Peter Tan-Chi - Be a Peacemaker
We are talking about a series about (legit) true happiness. God wants us to be truly happy. It's just that we are looking for happiness in the wrong places. Let me quickly share with you the background of this series that we have been talking about [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Find Your Satisfaction in Christ
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Peter Tan-Chi - Find Your Satisfaction in Christ
Peter Tan-Chi - Find Your Satisfaction in Christ
Today's information is related to legit. We are talking about a series called What? Legit. do you know? I didn't understand this word before. This word is used by young people, legit. What does legit mean? Reality. Get rid of hypocrisy and be free. [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - When Discouraged, Fix Your Eyes on God
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Peter Tan-Chi - When Discouraged, Fix Your Eyes on God
Peter Tan-Chi - When Discouraged, Fix Your Eyes on God
Prioritize first things first. This is the real foundation. We mess up, we have problems, because you don't know how to prioritize things first. There is a Chinese saying called "Look at the importance". Do you know this? You have to learn [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - First Things First
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Peter Tan-Chi - First Things First
Peter Tan-Chi - First Things First
We are starting a new series. Our topic today is: First Things First. It's about priorities. Why are priorities important? Does anyone have an answer? Ask yourself, why is prioritization important? Second question, what are your top five priorities? [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - God's Love Is Unchanging; Receive It, Give It
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Peter Tan-Chi - God's Love Is Unchanging; Receive It, Give It
Peter Tan-Chi - God's Love Is Unchanging; Receive It, Give It
You know, I was looking up the word "love" on Google, and the results surprised me. Do you know that the most asked question this year, the most asked question on Google this year is: What is love? Do you know this? what is love? This [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Unchanging God, Live Wisely
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Peter Tan-Chi - Unchanging God, Live Wisely
Peter Tan-Chi - Unchanging God, Live Wisely
Change is inevitable. How many of you like change? Be honest with me, do you like change? Please raise your hand. You see, most of us don't like change. Do you know how I know? Where you sit, some of you have written your names on your seats. Every [...]
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