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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 1

Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 1
TOPICS: Isaiah, Brokenness, Blessing, Extraordinary

You're watching Great Commission Church of Christ Changing Lives for Eternity and we're going to talk about a topic that's very close to my heart. Look here: Be Broken, Be Blessed. This is so counter-intuitive. How can I be broken and then blessed? When you think of the word "broken," what comes to mind? I tell you, in the world when something is broken, you throw it away. In this world, when something is broken, you throw it away. But with God, it's different. In fact, with God, before you are He cannot truly use you until you are broken. Is this mentioned in the Bible? I'm going to share with you that over the next few months we're going to be looking at characters in the Bible and one thing you'll notice is that they all experienced brokenness.

How can brokenness be a blessing? Broken Marriage, Broken Heart How many of you have experienced heartbreak in your relationship? You know what I mean, right? Have you ever experienced being broken? Be honest. Have you ever been disappointed by someone you love? Yes, how can this be a blessing? You know, there is a Japanese art called Kintsugi. What is Kintsugi? Kintsugi is when you repair broken porcelain by gold they use gold paint or gold powder why? They want to highlight the story of the incompleteness of the porcelain because when it is broken and you repair it, the story, the charm comes out, so this Japanese technique is such a master artist, they put the broken pieces together and it becomes I realized something beautiful. It's like your life today. Your life may be a mess. But if you leave it to a master artist, it's Jesus Christ Himself. He can turn bad things into good things.

Do you believe in God? Can you fix your brokenness? How many of you believe God can do this? Today I want to encourage you all. It could be a failed marriage, a dysfunctional family, poor choices or even your own life. You feel like your life is a mess. Together we will learn what is brokenness? Brokenness is true repentance. You see yourself. Brokenness is contrition in your heart. You know you have heard God and you have truly repented. Brokenness is humility. Brokenness is the willingness to be surrendered. It is no longer me, but Christ. That is brokenness. I'm going to show you all these broken concepts through the Bible.

For example, in Psalm 51 we read together: The sacrifice God requires is a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart. You will not despise, O God, this great thing. David writes that when David was covering up his sin God sent people to expose him. As we go through this series, you're going to learn more about his life. But if you read Psalm 51, David was very contrite, He wrote Psalm 51. In the middle of Psalm 51 he said, O priest, this is what you want, Lord, a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart.

What is he talking about? David is saying, if you look at the previous verse, this is what David is saying: You do not love sacrifice, but if you did, I would offer it. Burnt offerings, you are not pleased with. In other words, David is saying, if you want outward godliness, if you want outward sacrifices, I could have done that. I could have given you many cows, many lambs, many sacrifices. But God, that's not what you want. You know what God wants? The sacrifice God wants. If you want to please God, what are you going to offer to God today? God is saying give me a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart. I confess to you: This is the question today, many Christians.

Believers are superficial because we have religion. We haven't really met Jesus personally. We look at ourselves and we think we're better than others. We like to judge. But David was saying: Lord! I know what will please you with a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart. If you don't know what I'm talking about, listen and you'll learn. I'm going to share with you how you can offer God a broken heart and a contrite heart. What is the opposite of a broken spirit that breaks the joy of God? To understand what brokenness is, let's look at the other side: a person who is not broken. He is proud, self-centered, complacent, and self-assertive.

You see, there are many Christians who act like this. They are proud, they are self-centered and all they think about is their own complacency, and they don't like to pray. Why do they think they can spend their lives on their own? They haven't experienced brokenness. Brokenness is a process, there are no shortcuts. Sometimes it's painful, but it's necessary. So in the rest of the series you and I will be learning about the lives of men and women of God? Why? I want you to understand that if you read the Bible, the kind of people God uses are not perfect people. They are not great people. They are ordinary men, ordinary women. But we have an extraordinary God.

What would He do? You're going to see brokenness in the lives of these people. Today we're going to talk about Isaiah. Say it with me: Isaiah. Over the next few weeks, you're going to learn about Moses, Joseph. In fact, next week, you're going to take Up with your friends, if they're not here today, guys, I'd like to ask you all to do me a favor and please try to bring someone here next week, okay? I'm going to talk about Jonah. I'm going to share with you how God used Jonah. Jonah through Brokenness. Brokenness is a process, there are no shortcuts, and sometimes the process is painful. How many of you will try your best to invite someone next Sunday?

Please raise your hand, raise it high! How many of you are not selfish? Are you going to invite someone next Sunday, please raise your hands how many of you are selfish you won't invite anyone okay let us repeat that how many of you are willing to try your best to invite someone next Sunday, Please raise your hands, lift them high! Lift it higher! I haven't finished speaking yet! I'm looking at some of you and if some of you don't raise your hands let me tell you why you're always thinking about yourself you have religion but you don't have a relationship (with the Lord) if you don't care about other people You don't even know what it means to be a Christian.

What I'm going to share with you today I hope will encourage you. There was a time when I didn't care about other people, but something happened in my life that I want to share with you. This is what Jesus told us: Brokenness The Importance of Everyone Please Read, Everyone Read: Be Prepared! rise! Jesus said to the crowd again: If anyone wants to follow me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. Christians are people who follow Jesus. So Jesus is asking all of you today if you want to become a true Christian. If someone wants to follow Jesus, He has given you a condition. First, he must deny himself. Second, take up your cross every day. Third, follow me.

The topic I want to share with you today is not popular. You will not read it. A lot of pastors are saying this but I'm going to say this because my burden is that you become a true follower of Jesus that is not superficial Christianity is not consumerism, that you come to God based on what He can do for you without knowing that God is Who is going to make sure that you are a true follower of Jesus? He puts the conditions on you. If you want to follow Him, listen to me. If you want to follow Him. If you want to follow Jesus, what do you have to do? First, self-denial. In other words, there are many things in life that you don't like to do but you have to do. And the things you like to do, you don't want to do. Why? Because Jesus gave Himself up daily.

What does that mean? Over the next few weeks you are going to come take up your cross every day and follow Him now you and I know only God can help you deny yourself Take up your cross every day and follow Him You are not Jesus yet until you understand this verse Followers of you may have religion, you may come here every Sunday my friend, you do not have Jesus so this topic is important. We're going to talk about Isaiah. How many of you have heard of Isaiah? Raise your hands. How many of you have read the entire book of Isaiah? Stand up, stand up, you've read the whole book of Isaiah, please stand up. You know why I'm looking at some of you? Surprisingly! How could you miss the most important book in the entire Bible?

Isaiah Did you know that Isaiah is the most prophetic book in the Old Testament? Isaiah is a book in the Old Testament that talks about "who Jesus is". 700 years before the coming of Christ, Isaiah was used by God to explain who He is to people. If I were you, I would read the book of Isaiah. You Be sure to read the Bible. Don't sit down yet. I've been standing all morning, okay? So I'd like to get some sympathy so would you guys like to commit to those of you who are standing review Isaiah and read the whole Bible thank you and please sit down those of you who are sitting when are you going to take Christianity seriously and read the Bible Woolen cloth?

You know I've been talking about this for 35 years. Read the Bible! Is my message correct? You must read the Bible. You must read the Bible. Do you know why I like you to read the Bible? You never know what you're missing Hey! Whether you read it or not doesn't affect me. Do you want to be blessed? Read the Bible! Read the Book of Isaiah Now, who is Isaiah? Everyone, Isaiah is one of the prophets who was powerfully used by God. He served God for 60 years from 740 BC to 680 BC. This was almost the length of his life, but he was used by God for nearly 60 years. Probably the oldest prophet. The prophet God used the longest was probably Daniel, but Isaiah was one of them. He stayed faithful to the end. He is one of my heroes.

Isaiah. Isaiah is one of my wife's favorite books. If you ask my wife, her favorite book in the Bible is Isaiah. He served Uzziah and Jotham (son of Uzziah) under different kings, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were killed during the reign of Manasseh. History tells us that in the Talmud he was sawed in half. I don't know how he was sawed. Is that so? But he was martyred, why? Because Isaiah obeyed the Lord. Obedience to God is not always easy, but He was used in a mighty way.

Let me give you an example. What is the outline of the book of Isaiah? Isaiah is like the Bible. It's a miniature Bible. There are 66 books in the Bible. There are 39 books in the Old Testament. Now do an arithmetic problem. Multiply 3 by 9... Pay attention! 3 times 9 is 27. There are 27 books in the New Testament. There are 66 books in total. So now you understand the Bible? How many books are there in the Old Testament? 39 How many books are there in the New Testament? 27 out of 66 in total The entire Bible Isaiah is a miniature Bible with 66 chapters the first 39 are about judgment the last 27 are about comfort the coming Messiah I thought let you see how the Bible is put together It's interesting, it's amazing.

Now let's start with some examples of how God reveals Himself to Isaiah to show you why I love that you learn from Isaiah. For example, Isaiah chapter 53 This whole chapter is about Jesus and let me give you an example for us to read together: Yet He was pierced for our transgressions Wow! Isaiah wrote about the crucifixion before it was invented Continue reading: The punishment for our sins was bruised for our peace; by his stripes we were healed Isaiah Who are you talking about? Jesus. Look at the next verse. We all like sheep have gone astray. Each of us has turned to his own way. But the Lord God our Father has laid upon Him the sin of us all. Who does "He" here refer to? Jesus.

Isaiah was used by God. Amazing scriptures. Many beautiful scriptures but my favorite is how God used Isaiah, a simple man, to save an entire nation. Isaiah 37 verse 21, let us Read together Isaiah son of Amoz sent to King Hezekiah and said: This is what the Lord God of Israel says: Because you have prayed to me concerning Sennacherib king of Assyria Now tell Isaiah historically Asia was living in dangerous times. The Assyrian Empire was becoming more and more powerful. Assyria decided to attack and invade Jerusalem. Israel Hezekiah was afraid, so Hezekiah prayed to God. God told Isaiah: Tell the king: Tell the king: Because you pray to me I will help you. This is what God told Isaiah to tell the king. What was this message?

So this is what the LORD said about Sennacherib king of Assyria: He will not come to this city nor shoot arrows here. Wow! He will not come to the city with a shield, nor will he build a fortress to attack the city. By the same way he came, he will return by the same way, and he will not enter the city. This is what the Lord declares. If you read this far you will notice that there is a similar document in the British Museum written by a historian from the Assyrian era. It is contained in a metal cylinder and records this period of history. It tells how the Assyrian king He attacked Jerusalem but for unknown reasons, the king returned to Assyria and did not attack Jerusalem. Assyrian historians did not write what made the king return to Assyria! Isaiah tells you what happened.

Do you want to know what happened? The Bible tells us that when King Hezekiah was so afraid he prayed to God and God told Isaiah you tell the king: The Assyrians will not enter Jerusalem and I will protect you. You know what God did? The Bible tells us that on that night God sent an angel. Just like in the Marvel comics, God sent this super angel, just one. What did this angel do? Let's take a look. Then the angel, just one, so the angel of the Lord went out and slew 185,000 soldiers in the Assyrian camp. And in the morning, someone got up. Look! These people are all dead! The power of God! One angel could kill 185,000 Assyrians. No wonder King Sennacherib came home. But they don't tell you why he came home.

This is documented in the British Museum's history of the Assyrian Empire. The Bible is accurate. It tells you what happened. Things God Uses Isaiah God can use you but what is the process? Well, you need to know. The process is like this: Look here: Be broken, and then you will be blessed. When you are blessed, you will be a blessing. What is the process of being broken? In the book of Isaiah, especially chapter 6, you will see that first to meet God, you need to meet God. Who is God? Then you begin to experience His grace and then you embrace the mission He has given you. Let's talk about what it means to be broken, to be blessed. It starts with God meeting God, and then you'll meet yourself.

Look at me, look at me God. ...Everyone, raise your hands up God...and then you see yourself when you see yourself, amazing things happen you realize you are a sinner and then what do you experience God? Look at me, meet God, you go through, see yourself you go through forgiveness of sins, the Bible tells us you become a blessing so, everyone, God, forgiveness, blessings simple, simple, like kindergarten God, forgiveness, blessings, this is brokenness. Let me share with you that in the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a high throne with His garments hanging down and filling the temple. So the background of Chapter 6 is in the year that King Uzziah died. Why? Was King Uzziah's death important?

Let me tell you why this is important. Because King Uzziah was only 16 years old when he came to the throne. He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. Uzziah decided to seek God. He sought the Lord, and God made him prosper. Can you imagine? Only 16 What are those 16-year-olds doing today? I tell you what they're doing, they're playing with (cell phones), right? What would those 16-year-olds do today? Maybe you're still playing Jolin or something but let me tell you from the days of King Uzziah in the Old Testament all the way up to the days of Jesus when you turn 13 you're a man our question today we have for teenagers Teenagers have low expectations and they will not grow up to Uzziah, praise God! He became king at the age of 16.

Was he a good king? louder please! Good king or bad king? Good King, why? The Bible says that he did what was right in the sight of the Lord. It was amazing that he continued to seek God: As long as he sought the Lord, God prospered him. The problem was: Because he was strong, his heart became arrogant and he did evil things against the Lord—he Ladies and gentlemens, it's a paradox in the Christian life, it's ironic that when you put God first, He blesses you but as soon as God starts blessing you you start focusing on that blessing and you forget about God. That's why Uzziah did something. His greatest challenge was success. A leader's greatest problem is success itself. He became proud.

What happened to him now? He was very proud. The Bible tells us that when we enter the house of the Lord, we must burn incense on the altar of incense. What does it mean to burn incense? Only priests can enter the temple to burn incense. The priests told him, they stopped King Uzziah. Uzziah, it is not your business to burn incense for the Lord. Boss! Don't do this! Look at me now. If someone corrects you. If someone tells you: What you are doing is wrong, what will you do? what will you do? Sorry, wake up! wake up! What if someone told you, Malayan??? 26:57 What you are doing now is wrong! What would you do? If you were a humble person and someone criticized you and someone corrected you, what would you say? Thank you! But if you're proud, like King Uzziah, the problem with success is you become proud.

Proud people don't listen. Proud people have this sense of entitlement. They feel like they deserve this. You know what happened to Uzziah? king? Then Uzziah was angry and took the censer in his hand to burn incense. He did not listen. A humble person will listen but a proud person will not listen. He was angry. The Bible tells us that when he was angry with the priest, leprosy suddenly broke out on his forehead. God used leprosy. Hit him. Look what the Bible says: Leprosy came out of his forehead. So they rushed him out of the temple; and he himself went out quickly because, everyone read: The LORD brought disaster on him.

Why did God do this? Can I tell you something? The Bible is very clear: God wants us to be humble. If you are not humble, you will bring God's judgment. Could you ask the person next to you, look them in the eye, and ask the person next to you: Am I proud? Now listen to me, a proud person will never admit that he is proud. It's like body odor. You know, you can't smell your own body odor. A proud person will never admit that he is proud. But others can see it. Let me Let me ask you a question, if you came to CCF and the usher told you where you could park or the usher told you where you could sit, would you listen? Or will you be angry? You see, when you get angry it's because you're entitled, you proud and proud people will feel hurt and get angry.

The Bible says this: King Uzziah was leprous until the day he died, so he lived in another house with The house of the Lord was isolated. God isolated King Uzziah. I have seen this happen. I know some Christian leaders who have been powerfully used by God. When they succeeded they became proud. I saw what God did. Their ministry is no longer viable and you know why? The Bible says that you all should also gird yourself with humility and submit to one another. Read this together: God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. That's why I told all of our leaders this when I was in Texas.

I talked about this topic when I was in Toronto. I talked about this topic when I was at Shatta. I was meeting with all the Christian leaders, and I told them: If you want a good ending, and you want God to use you, you have to learn. Be broken, be humble because the irony in the Christian life is the more you seek God and the more you put Him first, the more He blesses us, but when He blesses us more our tendency is to become proud and entitled. I am guilty of this many years ago, I remember I was invited to be a guest speaker at a conference and I was so tired, I was looking for my room and they couldn't give me a room but they gave other guest rooms to other participants and I used his plus Lu told my wife they don't understand Tagalog don't they know I'm the guest speaker here? Then the Lord rebuked me. The Lord said: You have a sense of entitlement.

Honestly all of us have that tendency. We become proud. God said: No! I resist the proud and give grace to the humble. So you can ask the person next to you again: Are you a proud person? Proud people will never admit it. By nature, we are all proud people. That's why ushers sometimes have problems. They want you to sit here and I won't! You disobey instructions. We obey traffic rules. Why? A sense of entitlement. Now let's see what happened By the way, a warning to all leaders: Let's read this sentence: The main professional risk of a leader is pride That's why this topic is close to my heart is broken, blessed Uzziah The rest of the events, the whole life, was written down by the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz.

So you have to know that Isaiah must have been a well-educated man. He was a scribe. He wrote down what happened. He had Living a comfortable life History tells us that he was probably related to the king so he lived a very comfortable life but God did something in his life to get him out of his comfort zone Do you want to know what happened? Okay, you'll see this. Let's go back to Isaiah chapter 6. In the year of King Uzziah's death I saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and high. His garments hanging down covered the temple. The exaltation of God, great men of God, take note: What happens to the nation when a king dies in the year of Uzziah? Will there be instability? Will there be anxiety? Of course there will be.

But look at how God called Isaiah to take the initiative. God revealed Himself to Isaiah. God gave Isaiah a vision. It's amazing. The Bible tells us what Isaiah saw. Isaiah saw the Lord sitting. What does that foreshadow on the throne? It's very simple. The kings of the earth will come and go. Your life may seem chaotic. Your life may seem out of control. Remember that song? Who is in control? Lord, sitting on the throne, you know what God is telling me? When I felt like I had so many problems and my life seemed out of control God told me: Peter! Relax! I'm in charge! Please tell the person next to you: relax! The Lord is on the throne. God is saying: I'm on the throne.

Okay, your marriage, your life may seem chaotic, no problem, I'm in power. Isaiah saw a seraphim. Seraphim means fire, the angel of fire, Seraphim. When you add the suffix phim it becomes plural, so there are a lot of super angel seraphs, angels of fire, standing above Him with six wings each, covering his face with two wings, two wings covering his feet Wings to fly This is to show you the majesty of God They feel they don't even deserve to see God's face They don't even feel worthy for God to see their feet Their feet are covered Do you understand? What does the Bible tell us they were doing? They were worshiping God. Holy! Holy! Holy! The Lord of hosts, His glory fills the whole earth! You see angels worshiping. What are they saying? Holy! Holy! Holy!

Now listen to me You need to meet God Who is God to you? When the angel said: Holy! Holy! Holy! Do you know what the angels are saying? Notice, the angels are not saying: Almighty, Almighty, Almighty The angels are not saying: Omniscient, Omniscient, Omniscient The angels are not saying: Wisdom, wisdom, wisdom No, no, the angels are just saying: Holy! Holy! Holy! Why? What is the holiness of God about? Unparalleled, completely sanctified, morally perfect without a shadow of darkness. The Bible says God is light, therefore holy! Holy! Holy! Meaning God is above all else, perfectly holy and sinless and you can trust Him completely and that to me is my comfort because I have a God who is not only almighty not only is he on the throne but he is holy so why Want to repeat it three times? I tell you why three times.

In Hebrew, there are no such words: beautiful, prettier, most beautiful. No adjectives. No superlatives. So how do you express it? To emphasize the superlative, repeat: Holy! Holy! Holy! This is how they describe it. God is absolutely holy, incomparable. The foundations of the threshold shake at the sound of the cry. The temple is filled with smoke. Can you imagine? Just the voice of an angel The foundations of the threshold shake at the voice of the cryer Who is this cryer? It's not God, it's just His creation, it's just one of His angels. The power of His angels makes the whole place tremble. You'll see the same sight, proving to you that the Bible is one.

In Revelation Chapter 4, that's God's. Revelation You see, God reveals Himself to us. You cannot find God on your own. You have to seek Him but He has to reveal Himself. The Bible says: Immediately I was moved by the Holy Spirit. Look! Everyone read: And behold a throne set in heaven, and one sitting on the throne. Who sat on the throne? God What is happening? Everyone read: Each of the four living creatures had six wings. Isaiah saw the same thing that John saw. Eyes were full of eyes inside and outside. They said day and night: Everyone read: Holy! Holy! Holy! The Lord God is the Almighty, who was, who is, and who is to come.

My friend, this is God. You have to worship Him. Years ago, I used to worship God because of what He could bring me. My knowledge of God was superficial. When that day comes, God opens my eyes to realize who God is. Today I worship God because of who He is, not just because of what He can do for me. I worship God because He is worthy of our worship. He is Almighty. Yes, He is holy! Holy! Holy! Once you do that, something will happen. You will begin to see yourself. If you see the holiness of God, meet the living God, not religion. Meet Him, and you will begin to see yourself. Look! Isaiah said: Woe to you! Woe to me! I perish!

Do you know what this means in Filipino? I am dead! Why am I dead? I saw the Holy God and I saw myself as a sinner. Everyone read: Because I am a man of unclean lips and I live among people of unclean lips, and because my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts, Isaiah saw God, and he gave Him many titles, the King of hosts, the Lord of hosts. Jehovah, but most importantly he saw himself. Everyone who met God personally had the same phenomenon. Peter, when he met Jesus he said: Jesus! leave me! I am a sinner! Moses, when God met Moses. Moses knelt down. Why? Sooner or later when you meet God, everyone take note: You will see your own sinful nature.

Some people are superficial and they criticize others. They see the sin of others. But people who are close to God, this is my experience with being close to God. People they don't judge others, they only look at themselves Let me tell you: Proud people focus on the sins and failures of others and can easily point out their mistakes This is what I have noticed, a lot of Christians they are proud and they criticize Others but broken people are more aware of their own sins and spiritual needs than others. I have seen some people who criticize others. You know why? They don't trust God. Listen to me, the older I get and the more I know the Lord, I don't have time to focus on other people. I look at my life and I say: Lord! I thank you! You forgive me I am a sinner!

Why does Isaiah talk about his lips? Why is Isaiah talking about me being a sinner and my lips being unclean? Let me tell you why in the Bible you will notice that what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart. You see the Bible connects words, mouth and heart. I see. Many people have confessed to me. You know what they confessed? Those obvious sins they talk about immorality, they talk about stealing but rarely do I hear anyone say Peter, pray for me I have a tongue that sins often. How many of you know how sinful your tongue is? Most of us don't. clear. Think about yourself you don't even think your tongue is a reflection of your heart you are sinning with your tongue the bible is very clear the bible says what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart so true holiness begins in the heart and Isaiah knew this.

A little Isaiah said: Lord! Although I am supposed to be a prophet, Lord, there is something wrong with my heart. I am a sinner because out of my heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander. These are all unclean things. You see, Isaiah saw the connection between the two: heart and tongue, heart and mouth. The Bible says: For we are all at fault in many things. If anyone is not at fault in his words, he is A perfect person can also control his whole body. If you can control your tongue, the Bible says: You are a perfect person. Now tell me honestly: How many of us are guilty of gossip and tongue? Please raise your hand! How many people have never sinned with their tongue? You are a perfect man. Isaiah said: Lord! I am a sinner! How many of you have reached this point?

Let me ask you a question, what is this color? louder please! Look a little longer! White. Are you sure? I used this image a few years ago. My son gave it to me. Now I'm going to change the background, okay? I'm not going to change the dot, just the background. What is the current color of this dot? louder please! Now I change the background. What color is this dot? what is the difference? Friends, you think you are holy compared to other people, that's our problem we compare each other I'm not as bad as that person now you compare yourself to Jesus you compare yourself to the holiness of God I promise you, you will say... you will say like Isaiah: Lord! Woe to me, I am a sinner. You will begin to see your selfishness. You will begin to see the sin that people cannot see. It is called the sin of the heart.

If that happens to me, my friend, when I begin to see the sin in myself, Something happens right away. Once you humble yourself, you know what happens? Look at Isaiah, the Bible tells us, Then a seraphim flew to me with a hot coal in his hand, which was taken from the altar with fire shears. The burning coal came from the altar because the altar signified the sacrifice of animals for the sacrifice. Atoning for our sins is a sign of what Christ will do. So the angel took a coal from the altar and touched my mouth, saying: Behold, this coal has touched your mouth and your sins will be taken away. Hallelujah forgiven! What did God do the moment Isaiah admitted his sin? God takes the initiative.

You see, the brokenness in the Christian life is all about God initiating something. God takes the initiative to reveal it to Isaiah. God takes the initiative to forgive Isaiah. You know why? God wants you to learn certain lessons. We need grace. If you haven't experienced God's grace, it's honestly hard to be passionate about God. Do you know why? Look at what Isaiah went through. Isaiah wrote the following verses: God revealed to Isaiah that these words were spoken by God. God was speaking to Isaiah. Everyone reads: Come and let us reason together, says the LORD. God is inviting you today. Let us come and talk. What shall we talk about? God says: Let us read: Though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be as red as crimson, they shall be as white as wool.

What was the whitest thing in the Old Testament times? Snow, wool. God says to all of you today: If you will humble yourself and admit that you are a sinner, God says: Come to me and I will change your heart and I will cleanse you from your sin. I feel inspired! I don't know about you, but oh my gosh! Praise God! I am totally forgiven! I am as white as snow! And you? Are you as white as snow? Or are you as red as red? ah! Praise God! Because of Jesus you know the New Testament tells us the same thing. Let's read it together. He rescues us from the dominion of darkness and transfers us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, Jesus. Everyone read: In the beloved Son we have salvation. Redemption, Forgiveness of Sins How are our sins forgiven?

When Jesus died on the cross, you see, Isaiah saw the gospel of Christ, but forgiveness would come. Isaiah did not beg for forgiveness. God took the initiative and sent seraphim to cleanse him. Did you know that God sent His Son, Jesus, for you? Die to experience brokenness Hear me: You have to meet God not religion, but God Next you have to see yourself and then you will experience forgiveness, that's how you are broken to meet God, Lord! I am a sinner and I need you and then you go through absolution. My wife and I went to Texas a few weeks ago and we were picked up by this lady and she gave me permission to share that her name was Nancy and she told us that her life She said she had been addicted to drugs and alcohol for 45 years.

I said: What do you mean you are addicted to alcohol? She said: Every day my husband and I would drink until we were so drunk that we were not just drunk, but drunk until we were unconscious. One day her 7-year-old daughter met Jesus. Someone invited the little girl to Sunday school, went to church and she became a Christian. Why did she allow her daughter to go to church? Because they could be left alone, they could drink. When the daughter met Jesus, the daughter started telling her and her husband about Jesus. The husband got angry. Years later, the husband said, "Shut up"! Stop talking to me about Jesus! So the daughter kept quiet. When the daughter reached the age of 15, her mother Nancy encountered a wonderful... shall we say, sequence of events. Her father was shot and killed. Who killed his father? suicide. His father committed suicide.

So Nancy was very shocked. She began to think about life. What is the meaning of life? Long story short she was so desperate you see when something comes to you it's not because God was angry but in her situation she was desperate and you know what she did? She started drinking again, even more in the evening but this time she couldn't get drunk. Those of you who have ever been drunk, it's scary when you drink and you can't get drunk because you want to get drunk. She thought of her daughter. Tells the story of how Jesus turned water into wine. She said that Jesus was turning alcohol into water. Then she thought about her daughter Jesus. She went to the bathroom and was in pain. Her body ached. She wanted to pass out. She couldn't sleep because alcohol was so bad for her.

It didn't affect her and she knelt down. What she said: She said: I prayed and I said: Lord! If you are real, please save me! Change me! I was sick and tired of my life and I realized that when you are broken your honest prayers come from a broken heart. The next morning she woke up completely changed and no longer had any interest in alcohol. Desire no longer desires drugs. From that day on, she never touched alcohol again. Isn't it amazing? ah! That's not the end of the story. A few years later her husband told her: Nancy! I see the changes in your life and I want Jesus too. This husband also gave his life to Jesus. Both husband and wife are volunteers at the church. She came to pick us up. My wife and I were picked up in a brand new black car. Chevrolet Suburban Do you know how big this Suburban is? Brand new black Saber class, I said what is your job?

She said: My husband is in the oil industry and I am a volunteer. My wife and I are serving the Lord. We visit prisoners. We go into prisons. We tell them about Jesus. What happens to her? She met the Lord, was broken, and experienced forgiveness. Friends, God wants you to experience the blessing of forgiveness. What is the blessing of forgiveness? Brokenness is a Blessing The blessings of brokenness: forgiveness, intimacy with God, revival, fruitfulness. This is what happened to Nancy and it happened to Isaiah, like Psalm 34, the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. You see, the blessing that comes with brokenness is forgiveness of sins, salvation.

The Bible tells us that among us Some people have not experienced forgiveness of sins. I tell you what. You have religion but not Jesus. The Bible tells us that God dwells in two places. For thus says the Most High, the One who endures forever, whose name is Holy: I dwell in the highest. The Most Holy Place God's First Abode: The Most High and Holy Place also dwells with those who have a contrite and humble spirit. The Bible says: God will manifest His presence in your heart. What if you do? Humility and contrition. This is the amazing truth. I'm not talking about God's omnipresence. I'm talking about God's personal omnipresence. God's manifestation and presence. He makes himself very real. There are two places. The divine place, heaven, and... everyone.

Read together: What is the purpose of living with those who have a contrite (broken) and humble spirit? Everyone reads: To revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite Note: Reviving, renewing, reviving You know, I have a lot of leaders who come to me and say, Peter, I'm exhausted. You know what I tell them? The reason you're burned out is because you're serving God within your own agenda. If you're broken before God, serve God according to His agenda. You stop trying to prove to people how good you are. You're already broken. You're not. To impress people you are not there to show people how good you are you are broken it is no longer your agenda that matters it is no longer your glory it is God that matters when you humble yourself before God.

He promises you certain things I will revive you, I will renew your spirit ladies and gentlemen God has shown this to me over the years when I feel down, when I feel exhausted I go to God, I said: Lord, I am here and I can honestly tell you that my spirit is always revived and I am always very happy to serve the Lord. Do you know why? Because God has promised me: I will be with you and revive the contrite heart and revive the spirit of the humble. No wonder, once you experience brokenness you will experience intimacy, you will experience revival. The Bible tells us: I heard the Lord Voice: Whom shall I send? Who is willing to go for us?

Let me ask you who is God talking to? I heard the voice of the Lord saying: Whom shall I send? Who is willing to go for us? who? God was not speaking to Isaiah. How did Isaiah hear Him? I call it: Intimacy, when you have an intimacy with God because you have a broken spirit, a broken heart, you start to hear the voice of God and you start to understand what God wants. You know what Isaiah said? Everyone Reads: I'm Here You know what most of us would do? Isaiah said: Here I am, please send me! You know what most of us would do? Here I am, please send him! I'm here, please send her! When you experience God's forgiveness, God's grace, you will want to serve Him.

My friend, do you know why I serve Jesus? Not for people. I serve Jesus because He loves me and He died for me. I think the greatest privilege ever given to mankind is the privilege to serve the Lord. All of you, I know that in your hearts you want to serve God. The only problem is Yes: Have you ever encountered the Lord broken. The Bible says, Isaiah... Isaiah said this about Jesus because he saw His glory. Do you understand? God is talking to Jesus They are having a meeting: Who will go for us? God is talking to Jesus because the Gospel of John says: Isaiah said these things and Isaiah is quoting, and if you read the rest of Isaiah chapter 6, that is what John is quoting, Jesus is quoting, Isaiah says : Because whose glory did I see? Jesus' point to Him and speak.

Friends, God has a mission. God is saying: I love the world, but the world is sinful. Who is going to tell them that I love them? Isaiah volunteered: I'll go tell them, will you volunteer? Is God calling you? Look at me now, please don't tell me: Here I am, Lord! Let Pastor Peter go! I'm here, please send me! It's amazing what God can do with a broken heart if He gets all the pieces.

Years ago I gave my broken life, broken heart to the Lord. My father used to own the largest textile company in the Philippines. We built the Philippines. The first polyester fiber company. We are so powerful. My office is in the best hotel in Manila. No one can import fiber without our permission. I hobnob with government officials. I play golf with cabinet members, that was years ago just something happened and I got kicked out of our own company how is that possible? How could you possibly get kicked out of your own company? Nothing is impossible in the Philippines. It's martial law. The late dictator's family is interested in our business.

I remember that day clearly. He asked me to go to his office and he told me: Resign! It was hard for me. I didn't know how to support a family. I was married. That's why I had to go back to school. I got a master's degree from AIM. Why? I needed to get a job and it was hard but I can tell you something and when I look back the best thing that ever happened to me was because God slowly but surely broke down my pride. People often don't realize they are proud. I was proud but I never realized I was proud I used to be very close to people in high positions but I became proud so when I lost my job, lost my position, lost my power, can you imagine me What has happened to your heart? But God did something: Heart surgery I gave Him my brokenness What did God do?

I'm telling you, it's amazing when you surrender everything! Peace, joy. When God takes something away, He will give you something back. But to me, it's amazing that God gave us a business that I couldn't have imagined at the time. You see our family is in a new industry. It's Real estate development we build communities we build houses we do construction it's another industry but it's all from God you know some things happen to me my heart moves when I see people now before I didn't care about others I Didn't care if they were being abused but when I was being abused I started seeing people I started seeing a lot of people being hurt because there was a lot of injustice going on and even today I see a lot of injustice going on in this country but do you know?

I never had any sympathy until I became a victim myself, so Ladies and gentlemens, brokenness is a process, it's necessary, but it's a blessing. Have you been broken? Is God breaking you? I tell you, when we were almost finished Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit". Jesus is saying: Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground, it remains a grain. When it dies, it bears fruit. But you must be buried. You must die to yourself. Ladies and gentlemens, many years ago they found the seed in Israel. This is a palm. The seeds of the tree are over 2000 years old.

Do you know what they do with the seeds? They planted it and they planted the seed in southern Israel and if you guys come with me to Israel next year I'm going to try to show you this place and it's called the Methuselah tree seed and it's over 2,000 years old as of 2008 and as of today 2015 it's now 3 meters tall that seed is alive, but for many years it was nothing but a seed, just like you God wants to use you, God wants you to be fruitful but you refuse to cooperate with God you see, God wants to break us, you know that? You need to cooperate with Him, God takes the initiative but you have to do your part Isaiah said: Lord! I'm here! Please send me! And you? Are you broken? This is the biggest challenge today. Not a broken Christian. Full of ego. Full of pride. All your thoughts are about you.

I suggest you pray this prayer: Lord! No matter what the cost, please break me! Let me repeat: If you want to be used by God, if you want to go from ordinary to extraordinary, pray this prayer. This is a dangerous prayer. Lord, no matter what the cost, please break me! Let's bow our heads, if God speaks to you You know you're not broken yet You're full of ego, full of pride But you say: Lord! I'm here I want to be broken and blessed Please stand up and praise God! You want me to pray for you You want to be broken, now you want to pray this prayer Lord! No matter what the cost, please break me! Then stand up! Between you and God In fact you could add: Lord! Please break me as gently as you can and that's okay because the truth is: we always resist God and are full of self and full of pride and that's why our Christian lives are superficial.

You have no real joy. You have no real peace. I can tell youi why. Because you still allow yourself to be the king of your life. You know as far as I'm concerned, I'm so afraid of making my own decisions. I say: Lord! It's not me anymore, I want to do your will I don't want to do it my way That's called brokenness. And you? Have you ever reached the point of surrender where you are tired of your own life? Why don't you stand up? I know some of you are struggling, praise God! But some of you are full of pride and you still don't want to commit your life. I suggest you pray this prayer and be honest. God will work.

You say: Lord! No matter what the cost, please break me! Is there anyone else? Do you remember? Whether you agree with it or not, sooner or later, God is going to break you. You may ask: Why do you pray this? Lord please break as gently as you can I God loves you and He won't let you go Next Sunday I want you to bring your friends you guys keep your heads down right now you pray for them today I want Tell the story of Jonah How God broke Jonah's pride But in the meantime is there anyone else today? Praise God!

Between you and God You pray this prayer: "Lord, whatever the cost, break me"! If you don't pray this prayer, I will pray for you and I will say: "Lord, whatever it takes, break that person"! You know why I want God to break you? Because God is preparing you for eternity. At the end of your life, everything you have will be left behind. Your money, your success, your trophies, everything will be left behind. The only thing you take to heaven is you, or Is there anyone else who is broken, or not yet broken? Praise God!

Father God in heaven, I thank you! You have touched so many lives here and they are willing to pray this prayer: Whatever it takes Lord, whatever it takes, break me! Lord, I pray for everyone here too. Those who are still sitting, those who have not yet stood up. You know their struggles. You know their hearts. I pray for them: Lord! Just as you did some powerful things in the lives of David, Moses, Daniel, and Joseph, how you had to break them before they could use the metaphor of the seed. Thank you. How we need to die to our own ambitions. We need to die to our self so that You can use us. Will You bless Your people here today? I pray for those who are not sure if they are saved. Lord, the reason they are not sure may be because they have not met you yet. They do not know your holiness. They have not committed their lives to you. Lord! We are here! All of us, we come to you, no matter what it takes, break us as gently as you can and use us as powerfully as you can, we pray it all in the name of Jesus Amen, amen!