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Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When Nothing Makes Sense
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Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When Nothing Makes Sense
Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When Nothing Makes Sense
So it was sometime in 2017 or so that I was in my normal place sitting by my best friend. And actually, I wasn’t sitting, I was standing, because it was in worship and I had a really normal week. I had been in God’s Word, full of faith, praying, and [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Stand When You Don't Understand
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Adrian Rogers - How to Stand When You Don't Understand
Adrian Rogers - How to Stand When You Don't Understand
Would you take God’s Word and turn to the book of Job, comes just before Psalms in the Bible, the book of Job. And, turn to chapter 1. You’re going to find out that as you go through life, there are many, many things that will not make sense to you. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care About Debt on the Lord
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Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care About Debt on the Lord
Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care About Debt on the Lord
Hello, everybody. I’m Kenneth Copeland. There’s very, very important things. We have to remember that these are blood-backed covenants. Covenants in the animals, circumcision, all pointing to the sinless blood of Jesus that ratified everything in [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Protect Your Heart by Casting Your Care
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Kenneth Copeland - Protect Your Heart by Casting Your Care
Kenneth Copeland - Protect Your Heart by Casting Your Care
Well, praise God for the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast, isn’t it wonderful? Wednesday’s edition, praise God, halfway through the week. And I was telling the class, I was going down a totally different direction. And I was back there praying, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care on the Lord To Stay in Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care on the Lord To Stay in Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care on the Lord To Stay in Faith
Hello, everybody, I’m Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer’s Voice of Victory Broadcast, and I’m going to tell you something. Last night, I got in the bed, I thought, well, I’ll just catch up on my 700 Clubs. I hadn’t watched them in a long time. [...]
Steven Furtick - Is This Part of The Plan?
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Steven Furtick - Is This Part of The Plan?
Steven Furtick - Is This Part of The Plan?
This is an excerpt from: Page Turner The Holy Spirit showed me we would be speaking in this series about some necessary messes in your life. It’s a mess right now, but it is not because God forgot where to put things. It is not because God has left [...]
Joel Osteen - Trust While You Are Waiting
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Joel Osteen - Trust While You Are Waiting
Joel Osteen - Trust While You Are Waiting
I want to talk to you today about Trusting While You’re Waiting. We all have times where we feel stuck, not making progress in our career, and haven’t met the right person, problem is not turning around. It’s easy to live frustrated, wondering why [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Pray, Hope, Wait, Pray
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Peter Tan-Chi - Pray, Hope, Wait, Pray
Peter Tan-Chi - Pray, Hope, Wait, Pray
Today we will discuss «Unleash God’s power» How? Persevere in prayer. Say that with me. Persevere in prayer. What is the meaning of the word persevere? You know, the tendency is for us to give up, especially when your prayers are not answered. How [...]
Bill Johnson - Building Trust
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Bill Johnson - Building Trust
Bill Johnson - Building Trust
All right, grab your Bibles and open to Mark 9. Mark 9. Most popular teachings in the church are teachings that are in reaction to an error or to a truth taken to an extreme. And whenever we react to an error, we’re prone to create another error. [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Doubting God's Promises?
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Peter Tan-Chi - Doubting God's Promises?
Peter Tan-Chi - Doubting God's Promises?
Three qualities that I want you to learn from the faith of Abraham. Alright? The first one is Obedience. The second one is restedness, Rest, the third one is total Surrender. Let’s begin with the first one, the faith of Abraham, The evidence of true [...]
Bill Johnson - According to Your Word
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Bill Johnson - According to Your Word
Bill Johnson - According to Your Word
Today, I wanna look at one part of the Christmas story that always impacts me. The only thing I don’t like about Christmas is that we tend to look at scriptures or sing songs that we only do like one time a year. And for the believer, these themes [...]
Robert Barron - Trusting God in Dire Straits
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Robert Barron - Trusting God in Dire Straits
Robert Barron - Trusting God in Dire Straits
Peace be with you. Friends, our first reading is that wonderful, wonderful story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. It's one of my favorites. It's a kind of hidden gem, I think, in the Old Testament. Like so many of the stories in the [...]
Steven Furtick - Where Is God In This?
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Steven Furtick - Where Is God In This?
Steven Furtick - Where Is God In This?
This is an excerpt from: God's Got The Hard Part So, I came to ask a question today: Where is God in this? "I've been sowing, I've been weeping, but I'm not reaping yet. Where is God in this? You tell me he's here, but [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Take Comfort, God is in Control
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Peter Tan-Chi - Take Comfort, God is in Control
Peter Tan-Chi - Take Comfort, God is in Control
Take Comfort. God is in Control. Everybody, Take Comfort, God is in Control. Now this is scary. You know why it’s scary? Because we don’t like somebody to be dictating everything. Ah, let me now clarify based on the Bible, what is the meaning of [...]
James Meehan - Does God Care About My Worries?
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James Meehan - Does God Care About My Worries?
James Meehan - Does God Care About My Worries?
I believe that the words of Jesus that we are going to study today will absolutely transform many of you in ways that maybe you don't quite expect, and in ways that for some of you, you honestly don't want, because you have been living a [...]
Creflo Dollar - Faith in the Middle of the Attack
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Creflo Dollar - Faith in the Middle of the Attack
Creflo Dollar - Faith in the Middle of the Attack
Go with me to the book of Romans chapter 5 and verse 2. We're gonna talk about faith and grace in the midst of discomfort. We all agree that there is a purpose in discomfort. It is something that no one who's alive on the planet can avoid. [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 4
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 4
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 4
I think most of us can testify, I know I can, that the times of discouragement and the times of disappointment and the times when we get down in the dumps are the times when we have taken our eyes off of Jesus. I have. In fact, I remember back when [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 3
Hindsight is the ability to see things clearly after they happen, to see things clearly after they happen. Now, it's the opposite of foresight, because foresight is the ability to see things before they happen. Just about all of us are good at [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 2
Have you ever experienced, or witnessed somebody else experience, something that you immediately stopped and said, "This is totally and truly unfair. This is pure injustice. This is a blatant lie". What compounds the problem is that [...]
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Encouraging Words in Discouraging Times - Part 1
Perhaps I have not seen this level of discouragement among God's people, and I know there's a lot to be discouraged about. Continuous discouragement can sap your energy. Continuous discouragement causes loss of hope. Continuous [...]
Joyce Meyer - Trusting God - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Trusting God - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Trusting God - Part 3
Well, thank you so much for joining me today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". I love teaching the word, and I'm glad that you love hearing the word. I've been talking the last couple of days about trusting God. And now, we come down [...]
Joyce Meyer - Trusting God - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Trusting God - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Trusting God - Part 2
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life," where I love to have the opportunity to share the Word of God with you because I know it's life-changing. I'm talking about trusting God. And it's the only [...]
Joyce Meyer - Trusting God - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Trusting God - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Trusting God - Part 1
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". And, you know, I can't think of anything that can help you enjoy life more than learning God's word, because all of it is just true and wonderful. And if we [...]
Michael Youssef - Trusting God
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Michael Youssef - Trusting God
Michael Youssef - Trusting God
Today, I don't think you need to be a prophet to recognize that we live in hazardous times. We are watching with our own eyes how good is called evil and evil is called good, how the righteous is scorned and the wicked is praised. We're [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Overcoming the Fear of Failure
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Jentezen Franklin - Overcoming the Fear of Failure
Jentezen Franklin - Overcoming the Fear of Failure
I wanna preach to you today about how to break loose from fear. How to break loose from specifically, and it applies to all fear, but I feel like that God wants His people to be a fearless people, a courageous people, a people who walk in faith, not [...]
Charles Stanley - Overcoming Worry
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Charles Stanley - Overcoming Worry
Charles Stanley - Overcoming Worry
What do you worry about most in life? Is it your health, your marriage, your children? Maybe you worry most about what other people think about you. Maybe it's because you're worried because you don't know what God thinks about you [...]
Steven Furtick - Struggling to Trust God
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Steven Furtick - Struggling to Trust God
Steven Furtick - Struggling to Trust God
This is an excerpt from: Now Turn North How much trust you have depends on how much truth you've hidden. If you're having a hard time trusting God in an area of your life right now, it may be a sign that you have not hidden the truth in [...]
Steven Furtick - Trust God's Timing
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Steven Furtick - Trust God's Timing
Steven Furtick - Trust God's Timing
This is an excerpt from: "Not Now" Is Not "No" How many of you have something in your life right now that's taking longer than it should if God is big? Okay. How many of you have something in your life right now that you [...]
Joel Osteen - Peace With The Plan
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Joel Osteen - Peace With The Plan
Joel Osteen - Peace With The Plan
I want to talk to you today about Peace With The Plan. What causes a lot of frustration is when our plans don't work out. We thought by this time we'd be further in our career, we would have met someone by now, we still wouldn't be [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - From Fear to Trust in God
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Peter Tan-Chi - From Fear to Trust in God
Peter Tan-Chi - From Fear to Trust in God
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What an honor and joy it is to share the Word of God with you. We are in the Psalms. The Psalms are special to the heart of Jesus, to the hearts of the apostles. It is the most commonly [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Turn Disappointments to Blessings, Trust God
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Peter Tan-Chi - Turn Disappointments to Blessings, Trust God
Peter Tan-Chi - Turn Disappointments to Blessings, Trust God
You are watching Great Commission Church of Christ Changing Lives for Eternity This morning I want to share with you something very important related to disappointment. How many of you have been disappointed at least once in your life? Show your [...]
Rick Warren - How to Trust God When You Don't Like the Changes in Your Life
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Rick Warren - How to Trust God When You Don't Like the Changes in Your Life
Rick Warren - How to Trust God When You Don't Like the Changes in Your Life
As your pastor, I am deeply concerned, about how you're handling the trauma and the stress of all of the changes that have taken place in your life in the past 18 months. Now, certainly the global pandemic of COVID, changed everything. And [...]
Robert Barron - Trust in the Lord
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Robert Barron - Trust in the Lord
Robert Barron - Trust in the Lord
Peace be with you. Friends, our first reading is one of my favorites in the Old Testament. It's a kind of hidden gem, and I've been drawing inspiration from it for years, sharing it in talks and retreats and so on. And it's one [...]
Charles Stanley - Is God in Everything?
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Charles Stanley - Is God in Everything?
Charles Stanley - Is God in Everything?
I want to ask you a real tough question. Is God in everything? Is God in everything in your life? It's a tough question and one sometimes, we would like to avoid but one that every one of us need to have a very clear answer about in our life. [...]
Gregory Dickow - The Secret to Trusting God, Even When You Don't Feel It
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Gregory Dickow - The Secret to Trusting God, Even When You Don't Feel It
Gregory Dickow - The Secret to Trusting God, Even When You Don't Feel It
One of the things that I've found in Jesus was he pushed into the boat with with Peter, and he preached from Peter's boat to the Multitudes and Luke Chapter five and when he was done preaching, he said, Now let's go out to the deep. [...]
Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
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Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
I want to talk to you today about Trusting God's Ways. We're not going to understand everything that happens in life. There will be detours, delays, even dead ends, times where it looks like we're stuck. It's easy to get [...]
TD Jakes - Daddy I See The Wood
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TD Jakes - Daddy I See The Wood
TD Jakes - Daddy I See The Wood
Let us not forget that it is by his stripes we are healed, that he was wounded for our transgressions, and he was bruised for our iniquities, and the chastisement of our peace was upon him. And with his stripes, we are healed. And let us not be so [...]
Joel Osteen - Something's Cooking
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Joel Osteen - Something's Cooking
Joel Osteen - Something's Cooking
I want to talk to you today about Something's Cooking. We all have things that we're waiting on. It's easy easy to be frustrated: "Why is this taking so long? I thought I'd be married by now. I thought I'd be over this [...]
Joel Osteen - Be Comfortable Not Knowing
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Joel Osteen - Be Comfortable Not Knowing
Joel Osteen - Be Comfortable Not Knowing
At one point or another, we all face uncertain situations. We have a problem and we don't know how it's going to work out. We study the facts, the numbers, the reports, the odds are against us, so we do our best to come up with a plan, to [...]
Jack Graham - Prison Break
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Jack Graham - Prison Break
Jack Graham - Prison Break
Take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Genesis. We have been telling the story, the amazing story of Joseph. It concerns destiny; his destiny for sure, and yours as a follower of Christ as well. GOD'S FAVOR AND YOUR FUTURE. [...]
Allen Jackson - God Said... I Believe - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - God Said... I Believe - Part 2
Allen Jackson - God Said... I Believe - Part 2
It's good to be with you again. We're going to continue our discussion on "God Said and I Believe". One of the most challenged statements in the Bible we meet in the very first verse. It's Genesis 1, "In the beginning [...]
Allen Jackson - God Said... I Believe - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - God Said... I Believe - Part 1
Allen Jackson - God Said... I Believe - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. Our topic for this session is "God Said... and I Believe". Sometimes there's a big gap between those two. I would submit that the challenge of being a Christ follower is learning to submit what [...]
TD Jakes - It's a Faith Thing
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TD Jakes - It's a Faith Thing
TD Jakes - It's a Faith Thing
The problem with you receiving the promises of God is that sometimes God promises you the most illogical stuff. As long as I've been walking with God, God said something to me a few years ago, I wrestled with him about three years telling him, [...]
James Meehan - How to Trust God
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James Meehan - How to Trust God
James Meehan - How to Trust God
James Meehan : Well, hello and good day to you. We are so glad that you're joining with us on this week of "Switch Uncut" where we're gonna have a conversation about faith, following Jesus and the Bible by exploring a passage of [...]
Creflo Dollar - Trusting God in the End Times - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Trusting God in the End Times - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Trusting God in the End Times - Part 2
If you can have faith in Jesus being given to you, then you will be successful in navigating through hard times or challenges. And you will have some difficult times. But you gotta remember Romans 8:32, he gave me Jesus. Whatever confronts your [...]
Creflo Dollar - Trusting God in the End Times - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Trusting God in the End Times - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Trusting God in the End Times - Part 1
Let's go to Hebrews chapter 13, verses 5 in the Amplified. Hebrews 13:5 in the Amplified Bible. I just wanna take you through the Word this morning. I wanna show you that God is committed to your care. God is committed to your care. God is [...]
Creflo Dollar - Satan's Plot to Steal Your Trust - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Satan's Plot to Steal Your Trust - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Satan's Plot to Steal Your Trust - Part 2
1 Timothy chapter 6, verse 9 through 11 in the New King James Version. 1 Timothy chapter 6, 9 through 11, in the New King James Version. In the last days, the love of money, preparing you to be a part of the community of Babylon the Great. Verse 9, [...]
Creflo Dollar - Satan's Plot to Steal Your Trust - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Satan's Plot to Steal Your Trust - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Satan's Plot to Steal Your Trust - Part 1
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of James chapter 5, verses 1 through 8, I'm gonna read out of the New Living Translation. We can all agree that there are a lot of things happening in the world today. And when we look at Israel, [...]
Joel Osteen - Let Go of Control
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Joel Osteen - Let Go of Control
Joel Osteen - Let Go of Control
God puts promises and dreams in all of our hearts. We know we're going to get well, that our business is going to succeed, or that we'll meet the right person, but God doesn't tell us how or when it's going to happen. Too often, [...]
James Meehan - Worry vs. Trust
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James Meehan - Worry vs. Trust
James Meehan - Worry vs. Trust
— Welcome to Switch Uncut! I am one of your hosts, James Mihen. This is our other host, Katelyn Caffrey, and today we're gonna be talking about faith following Jesus and the Bible, walking through some scripture to figure out what does it mean? [...]
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