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Peter Tan-Chi - Pray, Hope, Wait, Pray

Peter Tan-Chi - Pray, Hope, Wait, Pray
TOPICS: Prayer, Patience, Hope, Trust

Today we will discuss «Unleash God’s power» How? Persevere in prayer. Say that with me. Persevere in prayer. What is the meaning of the word persevere? You know, the tendency is for us to give up, especially when your prayers are not answered. How many of you have unanswered prayers now? Until now you are still praying. It has not been answered. Raise your hand. That’s reality and your discouragement is you stop praying. I have good news for you. Today [what] you will learn is don’t give up praying. Keep praying. And I will tell you why. And I will tell you how.

So what’s the message today? Unleash God’s power, what must you do? Persevere. Persevere means you keep on, even though you don’t feel like doing it anymore. You just keep on doing it. Persevere. Four important words I want you to know about perseverance, to pray. Number one, perspective. Say that with me, perspective. Your perspective will impact the way you pray. Perspective is crucial. It’s how you see things. All of us have perspective. Number two word is the word Plan. What is God’s plan? When He doesn’t answer our prayer, you must understand His plan. God has a plan. You must align with His plan. The third important word is promise, say that with me, promise. Do you understand God’s promises? Have you claimed any of His promises? And the fourth important word I call it suspense. Later on, I will tell you. Okay? So don’t leave. You will stay here until you’ve heard, until you hear the fourth word. Okay.

So what is the first word? Perspective. Second word Plan. Third word. Promise. So let’s start with perspective. Why is perspective so important? Can you guess? Perspective impacts your thinking. Everybody point to your head. You know what you think is important. You know why? What do you think will impact your emotion and your emotional will impact your action. Remember the key principle of TEA principle. T-E-A. Thinking affects Emotion affects your Action. But perspective determines how you think. So I’m going to share with you how Jesus tried to change the perspective of the disciples. Do you remember last two weeks we discussed how He taught them how to pray first? How do you pray, everybody? Our Father, who art in heaven.

When you pray Our Father who art in heaven, you are already changing your perspective. You are not praying to somebody who is so busy who has no time for you. You are praying to somebody who loves you, who cares for you. So Our Father, who art in heaven, your perspective has to change. Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done. Once you pray that «Your will be done» it’s called you have surrendered all your needs. So the next part deals with your needs, physical needs. Give us this day our daily bread. What else? Forgive us our debts as we have forgiven those who are indebted to us. You are asking now for your spiritual needs, forgiveness. And then you are asking for your future needs. Lead us not into trials, but deliver us from the evil one.

After teaching them how to pray, He continues, «Then», everybody read, «he said to them, 'Suppose one of you has a friend goes to him at midnight and says to him, 'Friend lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey, and I have nothing set before him'» (Luke 11:5-6) Now, many people don’t know how to interpret this parable. I’m going to tell you how. But first let me explain to you this story. So He’s now giving the story of a friend who is arriving in a place to visit his friend and the friend went to see a friend. Do you notice that word friend keeps repeating? I will give you a hint. He is telling you that God is more than a friend. While the analogy has to do with a friend asking for help, I want you to know already right now the hint is God is more than a friend.

So what did this friend do? Well, «and from inside he answers and says, 'Do not bother me. The door has been already shut, my children and and I are in bed. I cannot get up and give you anything.'» (Luke 11:7) Now, you may not understand what is he talking about? Because today many of us live in multiple rooms. In a house you have two bedrooms, three bedrooms. In the time of Jesus, only one room. You sleep together. The kitchen is nearby, but one room. So for the father to get up, he will wake up everybody. So do you understand the context? Why at night? They usually travel at night because it is very hot during the daytime. So that’s the background. And the guy said, «Please don’t bother me».

Now the story continues. Then the Bible tells us, I tell you, everybody read now, I tell you, even though he will not get up and give him anything, everybody read because he is his friend. Because of his persistence, friend and persistence. He will get up and give him as much as he needs. God is more than a friend. God wants you to know your perspective when you pray is you are not bothering Him, you can keep on asking and God is never bothered. Let’s read. Luke 18 tells us «Now He was telling them a parable to show that, everybody, at all times they ought to pray and not lose heart». (Luke 18:1) Why do you lose heart? You know why you lose heart? Because when you pray and nothing seems to happen, you give up. So He’s now telling them a story. Keep praying. Don’t lose heart. Then He introduced two characters. The first one is a judge, the second one is a widow. Let’s find out. «In a certain city, there was a judge».

Now, this judge is not good. Who did not fear God and did not respect man. In other words, this judge has no sense. He is just waiting for a bribe. «There was a widow in that city and she kept coming to him,» (Luke 18:3) Now, you will not appreciate this story until you know, a widow in the time of Jesus. In the time of Jesus, a widow is completely helpless. Who will take care of the widow? They are the most helpless people. And God is now telling you in this story many times you and I are like the widow. We are helpless. We need help. There’s a judge. But see, do not think God is like this judge. You know why? because this judge is not a good judge. «'Give me legal protection from my opponent». (Luke 18:3) The judge will not do it.

If you read the story, the judge refused to help the widow. But the lesson of this story is the widow kept bothering the judge. So the judge finally said, «If I don’t help this girl, I’m going to be in trouble». So out of, shall we say, irritation, what is irritation in English? Out of annoyance. Yeah, very good. Very good English. Irritation. I better do something. And then Jesus gave the reality. God is not like that. What’s my proof? Let’s read. The Lord said hear what the unrighteous judge said, He said I would help. And now the contrast: «Will not God bring about justice for His people who cry to Him day and night? Will He delay long over them? I tell you, He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth»?

Meaning when Jesus comes again, will He find you and me praying? What will make you persevere? What’s number one? Perspective. Who are you praying to? God the Father. And God is saying, I am not bothered. You keep coming to me. It’s okay. What’s the message today? Unleash God’s power, what must you do? Persevere in prayer. What will make you persevere? What’s number one? Perspective. Who are you praying to? God the Father. And God is saying, you keep coming to me. It’s okay. What’s my proof? Let’s look at Luke 11. Luke 11 tells us, I say to you, now this is a continuation of the story. I say to you, everybody read now, «ask and it will be given; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you». (Luke 11:9)

Do you notice the grammar here? You will not appreciate the grammar if you read it in the English version. But in the original language, the grammar is very emphatic. «Ask» means keep asking. Say that with me. Keep asking. Present imperative. God is telling you keep asking Don’t just ask. Keep asking. Say that with me: keep asking. Most people think prayer is just asking. Uh-uh, the perspective I want you to see now, look at the plan of God. It includes more than asking. Everybody read: «Seek» Say that with me, keep seeking. That’s the meaning. Keep seeking and you will find. Next keep knocking and it will be opened. So the idea is don’t give up, persevere.

I like this quotation from R.C Sproul, «Prayer does change things, all kinds of things. But the most important thing, it changes who? It changes us». You see, God’s purpose when it comes to prayer is not just for you to ask. Prayer, perseverance in prayer will make you grow spiritually. When you pray, what are the possible answers? Tell me, what are the possible answers? Yes. Yes. That’s all you like, right? Yes. Next. No. Next? Wait. Next. I see. Most of you do not know the next one. The next one? Our God says «I have something better». Why will God not answer me immediately? Very simple. Because prayer is not just asking. Prayer is helping you grow spiritually by making you dependent.

Do you notice something in your life? I grew most spiritually when there are problems, trials and have to be on my knees and have to be dependent on the Lord because I don’t just pray once, I pray regularly. And then when I begin to pray more, God begins to sanctify my heart. By not answering your prayer, God allows you to listen to the Holy Spirit. You know, persistent prayer is not forcing God to listen to you. Persistent prayer is making you learn to listen to God. Next thing. Why is there delay? God’s plan? You will not know what is God’s plan until you learn to wait and keep praying. What do I mean? Look at Psalm 27. What is God’s plan? Many of us think prayer is only asking for things. Read this together. Together. «One thing I have asked from the Lord that I shall seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple». (Psalm 27:4)

Notice that prayer. One thing I ask. You’ll be thinking. You’ll be asking for things, for position, for power. No. One thing I ask. What is that thing? That I shall seek. Notice: one thing, one pursuit for the rest of my life. All the days of my life. What is that? Everybody read, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple. Christians, don’t be shallow. Many of us love the things of God. We love blessings. No problem. But there is something greater than material blessings, than earthly blessings. The greatest blessing of prayer is God Himself. Until you realize how precious, how great, how good God is, you will not have a hunger for Him and you will not know the beauty and sufficiency of God many times until you lose everything.

Let me repeat, you will not know God is sufficient for your life until you lose everything. And then you discover by losing everything, you discover God is sufficient. You know what is the background of this prayer? Let’s read verse three, «Though a host encamp against me, my heart will not fear. Though war arise against me. In spite of this, I shall be confident». (Psalm 27:3) You know what David was saying? David was praying this prayer in the midst of danger, in the midst of war. You see, he did not ask, kill my enemy. He did not say, fulfill your promise in my life. See, God gave David a promise when he was a teenager. Can you tell me what was that promise? The Bible tells us when David was a youth, maybe 15 years old, 16 years old. When he was young, God told him you will be the king. God anointed David.

So everybody knew God’s will, God’s promise, you will be the next King. Why was David not a king as of now? Who was stopping David from becoming king? The overstaying king. King Saul was jealous of David. King Saul knew that David would be the future king, but he refused. He wanted to kill David. So the motto of King Saul is at all costs, look for David, kill him. What did David do? He ran, kept running. If you don’t understand God’s perspective, you don’t understand God’s plan, this is what will happen to you. If prayers are not answered, you get disappointed. David could have been disappointed. You promised me the kingdom. The kingdom, I would be king. It’s not happening. You get discouraged. When you get discouraged, you be careful. You get disillusioned. And worst of all, you are in despair. You give up hope.

You know, some people have left Christianity because they have never been a Christian in the first place. They never understood theology. I’m warning you, in the face of disappointment, the tendency is you get discouraged. And when you get discouraged, the tendency is to be disillusioned with God. You will say, is God real? Is it worth it? I’m going to tell you right now, correct your perspective, because if prayers are not answered, God has a wonderful reason. So look at David’s prayer in Psalm 27. What did he say? «I would have despaired. I would have despaired». Notice: «I would have given up hope unless» unless what? «unless I believe I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living». (Psalm 27:13)

Many people over-spiritualize the Bible. You overspiritualize. You think all the promises are about future, you think all the promises are all about spiritual blessings. Yes, but it’s more than that. Do you believe God wants to bless you? Yes or no? Does that include material blessing? Louder. Ahh, you need now a proper theology. I am not advocating prosperity theology. «Name it, claim it». «Lord, I want a Mercedes Benz». Boom! Where’s the Mercedes Benz? «All right, let’s go with BM, Lord». You see, I’m not teaching that, but I’m saying God promises to bless you. Yes or no? Now whatever that blessing is, I tell you, many times it includes provision for your body, not just your soul. That’s why we studied this last week, remember? «Seek first His kingdom and his righteous…» and what? «and all of these things would be added unto you». (Matthew 6:33) But you got the right perspective.

Why is God delaying? Well, the reason why God is delaying, can I tell you why? Because delays are God’s instrument to mold your character. What must you do? Everybody read, together, together. «Wait for the Lord. Be strong. Let your heart take courage. Yes, Wait for the Lord». He waited. Do you realize when David was running away from King Saul, David had opportunities to kill King Saul. One opportunity when King Saul went to the cave David was inside the cave. King Saul did not know that David was hiding in the cave. So the men of David said this guy is dead, let’s kill him and all your misery would be over. David said, Ah, don’t do that.

A few years later, King Saul went after David again. And this time King Saul was sleeping. He overslept. David and his men went to the camp and right then and there. His bodyguard told him, «Sir, this is the day we don’t have to run any more. Let’s kill him. Let’s kill him now». David said, «No, no, no. I cannot kill him. I will not kill him». You know what the bodyguard said? «Okay, boss, you don’t kill him. I will do it. He won’t even feel the pain». What did David say? «Alright, kill him… but don’t tell me how you will do it». Is that what David did? No. The misery of David would have been over. Just kill King Saul and then you become king.

You know what David said? Look at 1 Samuel. David said to Abishai, that’s his bodyguard. That is right hand man, «Do not destroy him for who can stretch out his hand against the Lord’s anointed…» (1 Samuel 26:9) Meaning David respected the position of King Saul. He is the Lord’s chosen one. How can I kill him? David said, everybody read, «As the Lord lives surely the Lord will strike him or His day will come that he dies or he will go down to battle and perish». (1 Samuel 26:10) You see what David is saying? If God wants him dead, God will do it, but not me. «The Lord forbid that I should stretch out my hand against the Lord’s anointed; but now, please take the spear that is at his head and the jug of water, and let us go». (1 Samuel 26:10–11) He did not allow his men to kill King Saul. It takes faith to wait upon the Lord.

So how do you persevere in prayer? Perspective. See God’s perspective. God is real. God is alive. God is all powerful. But you must know His plan. His plan is to mold your character while you are waiting. And then what’s the next word I want you to remember? Promise. Look at Luke chapter 11. What is the promise? Together, «For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and him who knocks, it will be opened» (Luke 11:10) Again, if you read it based on the original everyone who keeps on asking you will receive, the one who keeps on seeking, you will find, the one who keeps on knocking, it will be opened. Read the next verse. What is the qualification of God answering your prayer? It’s the heart of a father. What do I mean?

If you ask for the wrong thing, he is not going to give it to you. Where do you see that? Let’s read the next verse. «Now suppose one of you fathers, (the analogy now go back from a friend to a father is asked by his son, (father and son, father and son relationship,) for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he»? (Luke 11:11) In other words, God is saying, «if you ask for a fish, I will surely give you a fish, not a snake. Vice versa. If you ask for a snake, I’m not going to give it to you. It’s bad for you». So this verse tells us God will only answer you prayer in His mind if it’s good for you. «Or if he asks for an egg, he will not give him a scorpion, will he»? (Luke 11:12)

God will not answer your prayer when your request is a scorpion or a snake. It’s not good for you. God will say no. I have something better. Therefore, everybody read. «If you then being evil (it’s a comparative statement. Human beings compared to God, we are not holy) If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, (everybody read) how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him»? (Luke 11:13) In the Book of Matthew, same thing. «How much more will your Heavenly Father give what is good to those who ask Him»? Now I began to meditate on this verse. Why did He mention the Holy Spirit? Can I tell you why? Because the Holy Spirit is the greatest gift that God can give you.

Let me repeat, the Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ Himself. Once you have the Holy Spirit, you have everything. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God in your life. And God is saying you’re asking for all of those? I have something better for you. I will give you Myself. Once you have God’s Spirit, you have everything. You have power. You have eternal life. Many of us are looking for the right thing in the wrong places. There’s nothing wrong to seek happiness. Nothing wrong. Your problem is this: you are looking for happiness in the wrong place, you are looking for happiness in a person. You will never find it. Take it from me. Happiness can only be found in Jesus Christ. Look at 1 John chapter five. You better understand the qualification of how God promised to answer our prayers together, «This is the confidence which we have before Him, (everybody, read) If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us». (1 John 5:14)

So you must understand what is God’s will, God’s promises. And then you claim it. Keep on claiming it until God tells you, stop. Now I’ll give you an example of the power of claiming God’s promises. The best example I can think of is Elijah. This is why the New Testament says «The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much». (James 5:16) So the Bible is now describing Elijah. His prayer life was effective because he was living in accordance with the will of God. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours. In other words, Elijah is just like you, just like me. He’s not perfect.

Notice an example of his powerful prayer. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain. It did not rain on the earth for three and a half years. He prayed again and the sky poured rain and the earth produced its fruit. Superficially, when you look at this verse, you say, «Wow, Elijah was such a man of power». He prayed, no rain, no rain. Then he prayed, rain, there’s rain, yes or no? That is until you understand the Old Testament. The Old Testament is not giving Elijah the credit for no rain. It was God’s promise. It is God’s will. What do I mean? You see, God told Elijah «You go see King Ahab and tell him because he was wicked, he was evil, I will stop the rain. There won’t be any rain». Elijah got the message from God. He got the promise of God. No rain. So he sent a message to King Ahab, «King Ahab, you need to repent». No rain.

So now you understand it was not Elijah’s idea to have no rain. It was God’s idea. It was God’s command. It was God’s will. It was God’s promises. After three and a half years, God told Elijah, «Now, you go tell the King I will send rain». because King Ahab got the shock of his life. He realized who God is. Look at that verse in 1 Kings chapter 18. Let’s read together. «It happened after many days, the Word of the Lord came to Elijah in the third year saying, 'Go, show yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the face of the earth.'» (1 King 18:1) Elijah was simply an instrument of God. You see, God could have sent rain without Elijah, but God said, «Now I promise you there will be rain. You go tell King Ahab». Elijah said to Ahab, «Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of the roar of a heavy shower». (1 Kings 18:41)

If you look at the Bible, there was no rain, but he said, heavy shower. I hear it, it’s coming. But there was no rain. The power is from where? Let’s find out. «But Elijah went up to the top of Carmel. He crouched down on the earth. He put his face between his knees. He said to his servant, 'Go up now, look toward the sea.'» (1 Kings 18:41–43) So they went and see. «So he went up and looked and said, 'There is nothing.' and he said, 'Go back' seven times». (1 Kings 18:43) What was Elijah asking the servant to see? Let me tell you, read the next verse. What was he supposed to see? «It came about at the seventh time that he said, 'Behold a cloud as small as a man’s hand is coming up from the sea'», from the Mediterranean sea, from the west, «'…Go up, say to Ahab, prepare your chariot, go down so that the heavy shower does not stop you.' In a little while, the sky grew black with clouds and the wind and there was a heavy rain». (1 Kings 18:44–45)

So question, can God send the rain without Elijah? Answer? Of course! So why? This is theology. You now understand the privilege of God’s people. God is allowing Elijah to become His partner in accomplishing His task. Just like you, just like me. God is saying, I will make you my partner. This is how you pray. Someday when you go to heaven, you’ll be amazed how much unclaimed promises that you have wasted in your life because you fail to understand the heart of God. God is giving you opportunity to partner with Him. You know, what is the fourth P? The fourth P is Praise. When God says no to you or when God says, wait, what must you do? Say that with me, you praise Him, you thank Him in advance. You know why?

Let me tell you this quotation is so, I find it so encouraging. «Persistent prayer says I will continue to pray until God answers my prayer or tells me to stop praying. Whatever His answer, I will praise Him and thank Him». Persistent prayer. If you keep praying until God answers your prayer or you keep praying until He tells you to stop. But if God has not given you permission to stop praying, you keep praying. So if I were you, you are praying for the husband. Don’t give up. It’s God’s will for your husband to change, keep praying. You are praying for your children, keep praying, don’t give up. In the case of Paul, God told him to stop. What do I mean?

Let’s close with the example of Paul. «Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelation for this reason to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me, to keep me from exalting myself». Notice, he repeated two times, God’s purpose for not answering his prayer. Remember he said «Concerning this, I implored the Lord three times» (2 Corinthians 12:7) He prayed, «Lord, remove the thorn in the flesh». Now we do not know what is the thorn in the flesh. But many scholars would like to believe the thorn in the flesh is a real physical ailment. Malaria, eye problem. Whatever it is, it’s a physical ailment. Why will God allow Paul to go through pain? Why? Higher purpose.

Remember I told you God’s perspective, God’s plan God’s promises. What was God’s plan, purpose? Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations. You see, God gave Paul amazing revelations. He saw a glimpse of heaven. And Paul said, it was so beautiful, I cannot write it down because God told me, don’t write it down, just for your eyes only. Amazing revelation. But then Paul said something unusual, to keep me from exalting myself to allow me to continue to be humble, there was a thorn. That word thorn is not a small thorn. It’s like a wooden stick. The word used is «to torment me». So Paul was in physical discomfort.

Friends, I learned something. God will sacrifice your physical comfort for your character development. God cares more about your eternal good than your physical comfort. That’s why God allowed him to go through pain. To keep me from exalting myself. In the eyes of God, humility is a greater blessing than physical comfort. In the eyes of God, grace is more important. Read the next verse. «Because he has said to me, (everybody read) 'My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.' Most gladly, (notice, he began to praise God) Most gladly, therefore, I would rather boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. …when I am weak, I am well content with weakness, with insults, with distresses, with persecution, with difficulties for Christ’s sake; (everybody read), when I am weak, then I am strong». (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

Pray. When you persevere in prayer, you unleash what? God’s power. You unleash God’s power when you persevere, when you surrender. And when you say, «Lord, I thank You in advance for the no, I thank You in advance for what You will do». Are you able to praise God right now? If you are praying for something that God has not answered, you thank Him right now. Many of you have heard about God. Yeah, God is good, but for you, it’s second hand information. Today I’d like you to change. You will only persevere in prayer when you believe in your heart that God is good.

Notice, taste and see that the LORD is what? Good. Can you turn to your neighbor, tell your neighbor, the Lord is good. The Lord is really good. I’m telling you now taste and see. Many of you have not tasted the Lord, you only hear about it. You have religion, but you have no personal encounter with God. That’s very sad. Life is too short to miss out on God’s best. Notice, he says, the young lions lack and suffer hunger. But look at the condition, they who seek the Lord shall not be in want of any good thing. Here’s a promise, condition, seek God, prioritize Him. And the Bible promises you, you will not lack what? You will not be in lack of any good thing. Is God good, yes or no? Does God want to bless you, yes or no? Louder! Okay. Praise God!

Tell your neighbor, God is good! Because God is good, what must you do? Persevere in prayer. You know, in light of eternity you can say amen. What you have for me is much, much better than what I would have in this world. The longest time you will have in this world is 100 years. 100 years from now, let me tell you something. All of you will not be here anymore. Yes or no? Where will you be? Just make sure you are there. How can you be sure you are there? You ask yourself, do you know the Lord? Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. And how do you know you know the Lord? Your prayer life.

Let’s bow our heads and pray. If God has been speaking to you and today you want to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you want to really taste and see that the Lord is good. Pray this prayer with me wherever you are, you pray this prayer.

Lord, I want to experience Your goodness. I want to really know You. I now ask You, Jesus to give me a heart of humility. I repent of my sins. Like the Apostle Paul, Lord, I accept whatever is Your will for my life. And I thank You in advance for all that You will do in my life, through my life. Oh, Lord, thank You You are good. I now receive You as my Lord and my Savior. I surrender all. I surrender my prayer requests. I surrender my own desire. I only want You, Lord Jesus, help me to develop a real appetite and a love for You. In Jesus' name we pray, amen and amen.