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Kenneth Copeland - Protect Your Heart by Casting Your Care

Kenneth Copeland - Protect Your Heart by Casting Your Care
TOPICS: Worry, Trust

Well, praise God for the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast, isn’t it wonderful? Wednesday’s edition, praise God, halfway through the week. And I was telling the class, I was going down a totally different direction. And I was back there praying, and the Lord changed it. You know, we’re going on casting your care. Well, but this is part of it. And so I had to hustle around and add a couple of more things to the outline. Anyway, here we go. Father, we thank You again today. You are the God that is more than enough. And we praise You and honor you in Jesus' name. Thank You. Amen. Worry is a sin. It is fear-based, and we need to learn how to cast.

You know what to cast? And when you look it up in the BLB, it literally means to cast like a fishing rod. Cast. It’s not cast like a cast on your arm. No, but you cast, and I’m a fisherman, the hunter. People say, I mean, you would kill one of those precious little deer. Graveyard dead. Why? I eat him. And elk. I know what they’re fed. I already know ahead of time. I don’t know what’s in that beef. I don’t mess with it. I harvest my own. But I’m pointing out the fact that I am a fisherman. And I remember when I first learned how to use an ABU rig. I backlash that thing. What’s the matter? I wasn’t casting. I was chunking. But you use your thumb. And I eat him.

Anyway, let’s go here to John chapter 13. Now, notice the little paragraph mark on the 31st verse. See the little black paragraph. You have your King James? Anyway, and it starts with the word therefore. Therefore, when he was gone out, Jesus said, now is the Son of Man glorified. God is glorified in him. If God be glorified in him, God shall also glorify him in himself. And shall straightway glorify him. Little children, yet a little while I am with you, you shall seek me. And as I said under the Jews, where I go, you cannot come. So now I say to you, a new commandment.

Now we stop right here. You know the little mini ledger pads, not iPads. They’re legal pads, little small ones. And a little scotch tape would do wonders for you. I did it this morning. I have the Ten Commandments right here. Isaiah 53 right here. It is also written, Jesus came into Peter’s house. And so is my mother. Now Luke said, with a great fever, he rebuked the fever. She got up and ministered to them fulfilling that which Isaiah the prophet said, he took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. I did that this morning. And I had it just scotch tape to my mirror there. All of that. And then the other scriptures in the book of Acts and so forth. But I want to put those in my eyes every day.

And so I advise you to do the same. Some way. Do it some way like that, where you can see it, put it in your eyes and not just memorize it. So now here we go. A new commandment I give unto you that you love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this shall all men and men is italicized, all people, mankind, know that you’re my disciples if you have love one to another. Simon Peter said unto him, Lord, where are you going? Jesus told him, where I go, you can’t follow me now. But you shall follow me afterwards. Peter said unto him, Lord, why can’t I follow you now? That’s what he liked about Peter. He’d just get in his face. But when it came down to it, now, you know that little Renaissance picture where they had this table? No, with Jesus in the middle. No, no, no. Their pads is an upper room. And pads on the floor were very comfortable. But John was just laid over there in Jesus' lap. He said someone’s going to betray me.

Peter said, «John, ask him. Ask him who it is». Isn’t this real? Peter just, he didn’t like the sound of all this. It didn’t bother him. He stirred up on the inside. He didn’t have any idea what’s about to happen. Love. Now, and I’ll just say this in passing without looking up the Scripture for it. He steps away from the cross and the women were crying after him. And your Savior and mine… stopped. He had already been beaten nearly to death. He stopped, turned around, and ministered to those women. I paraphrase. This woman said, blessed, and the breast. No, no, no, no, no, no. Now he said, no, don’t do that. Don’t be crying over this. Meet the needs of the people first. And he’s meeting the needs of the people and he knows it by going to that cross and going to hell and suffer there like no man’s ever suffered and never will suffer again the way he suffered.

Anyway, and next week we can touch on that. He that hath my commandments and keeps them, 21st verse, he it is that loves me and he that loves me shall be loved to my Father. I will love him and I will manifest myself to him. Yee-haw, I will manifest myself to you. Glory to God. And I don’t know about you, of course, 1967, the 24th January of 1967 is when this ministry began. So now I’m in my 58th year of ministry. And it’s just many, many things over the years, but it’s developed into a pattern. I learned a great deal of it from Oral Roberts, a great deal of it from Kenneth Hagin, and a great deal of it from this book. He said, this is a new command. Now this, and I remind myself, in fact, on my shaving mirror, I have right there, John 13, the new commandment.

I have the 10 commandments. I just put the scripture reference down there, John 13, 34, and 35, because I know what it is. But these other things, I want to put them in my eyes. Last thing before I go to bed at night, and the first thing when I open my eyes in the morning, because if you realize it, your life started this morning because yesterday’s dead, though. It’s over. But you can fix what happened yesterday and be quick to repent, slow to anger. Anyway, we go on with this. Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in me.

Now that goes back to the cares of this world. You don’t let your heart be troubled. Look at it again. Let not… because there’s a golden nugget here. Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in me. In my father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I’ll come again and receive you unto myself that where I am, you may be also. And where I go, you know and know the way. I am the truth. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. Now, let’s go over. Well, let’s just follow through this. But we’ll just follow through it.

Let’s go to Isaiah 53. Because this is what I do. And I have it marked the same way. Are you there? Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear. Break forth into singing, cry aloud, that didst not travail with child. For more of the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord. Enlarge the place of your tent. Let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitation. Spare not, lengthen your cords. Thou shall break forth in the right hand, the left hand, fourth verse. Fear not, for thou shalt not be ashamed. Neither shall thou be confounded, or you not be put to shame, for you shall forget the shame of your youth.

Now, oh wow, I mean, I jumped to 54. Well, that’s good, but that’s… Well, now, in this 54th chapter, we find no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Whoa, no weapon, 53rd. Surely, this is sure thing. I can tell you what it is, but I want to read it so you know. Surely, he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. Now, those words are actually translated sickness and disease. Surely, he hath borne our griefs, sicknesses, weaknesses, distresses, carried our sorrows and pains of punishment. Yet, we ignorantly considered him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God, as if by leprosy. Yet, he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities.

And the chastisement needed to obtain peace and well-being was upon him. And with his stripes and wounds, we are healed and made whole. I’ll tell you what. That’s my Master and ours. Glory to God. Okay, now, Matthew… Are you there? 14. When Jesus was coming to Peter’s house, he saw his wife’s mother laid sick of a fever. Now, Luke, the physician said a great fever. And in Luke, it said he rebuked that fever. So I’ll put the two together. He touched her hand. The fever left her. She arose and ministered unto them. When evening was come, they brought many that were possessed with devils. He cast out the spirits with his Word and healed all that were sick.

Now, listen now, this is the way the book is made, the covenant book, right? That it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying himself took our infirmities and bear our sicknesses. Praise God. Now, this is the way I live my life. It took me a long time to come to these things, but okay, first John. Now, we got that. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits where they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God, every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God. And every spirit that confesses not Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God.

And this is that spirit of antichrist where have you have heard and come… even already in the world, you are of God, little children, and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. This is the reason, class. It is so vitally important to follow what the Master said in the book of Acts. Tarry, in Jerusalem, it’s important, expedient that I go. For if I do not go, the comforter will not come. So that’s what they were doing. Praise God. It’s the Holy Spirit speaking with other tongues. That is the gateway, as you know, to the supernatural. So greater is he, the greater one, the Spirit of the living God. I am so… and I thank God for the BLB, the Blue Bible. It is my go to, and I support them financially. Oh, that’s my go to. Flip over there, it wasn’t God. It was El, God, Elohim, plural, Elohim.

And Elohim said, the King James said, «Let there be light». And I won’t go through all that. Years and years ago, we didn’t have any place for a morning service, and Eiley Arnold from Wichita Falls, there was a rabbi that was friend of hers, and she went to him and said, «Could we have the morning service in the synagogue»? He said, sure. And he said, «Brother Copeland, here’s everything. My study». I walked in there. And I picked up one. Young’s literal, the Young’s Concordant says it like it’s written. He said, didn’t let there be. He said, «Light be, light was». Now, the sun wasn’t created until several chapters later. Light energy. I can’t stand it. Book number one. The couple that worked with us, Ivan and Abigail Banda, they had their little daughter. They named her Genesis. She is gorgeous.

And I’ll sing Blue Spanish eyes. She just… Thank You, Jesus. In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And Elohim, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And Elohim saw… And now, here’s light be, 24 hours later, 16 billion, 94 million, 764,800 miles of the universe. And I would say, well, you know, it wasn’t because he’s tired. He rested on the seventh. And I kept saying that and kept saying that. And the Lord arrested me on it. And I was meditating it. And you need to do this thing. You need to meditate through Scripture. You learn a lot of things. And I just read the book of Joshua and said, meditate in my Word, and we’re out of time. But we’re going to get right here tomorrow. Praise God. We’ll be back in just a moment.