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Tony Evans - The Intercessor
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Tony Evans - The Intercessor
Tony Evans - The Intercessor
I want to challenge you to ask a question, to make a request: «Lord, whatever you do, make me more like Jesus». So God allows circumstances external to conform us in order that he might transform us internally. So if he’s pressing you, stretching [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - El Shaddai
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Peter Tan-Chi - El Shaddai
Peter Tan-Chi - El Shaddai
It is my privilege and honor to greet all of you a blessed happy new year! As we face the new year I want to remind all of us that Satan would like to paralyze us with our past regrets past failures he wants us to live in the past may I suggest let [...]
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Peter Tan-Chi - Yahweh Yireh
Peter Tan-Chi - Yahweh Yireh
Greetings in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, a Christ-centered Christmas! How are you going to celebrate Christmas this year? For many of us, traditional ways of celebrating Christmas, such as family [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Yahweh
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Peter Tan-Chi - Yahweh
Peter Tan-Chi - Yahweh
Greetings all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am so excited to join you all in worshiping God and continuing this amazing series on the name of God. Get Rooted: Know God in His Name. You and I don't value names because in our [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Elohim
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Peter Tan-Chi - Elohim
Peter Tan-Chi - Elohim
Hello everyone! Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What a joy and honor it is to worship with you. You may ask, "Why do I always say, 'What a joy, what an honor'"? Let me tell you why. Because God is truly [...]
Rabbi Schneider - El Elyon, A Name Most High
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Rabbi Schneider - El Elyon, A Name Most High
Rabbi Schneider - El Elyon, A Name Most High
So one of the titles of the Lord in the Tanakh in the Hebrew Bible the Hebrew Bible, is the title for the creator, El Elyon. El Elyon means God, El, Most High. God Most High. The first time this descriptive title of our creator is used is the book [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What the Lord’s Name Reveals?
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Rabbi Schneider - What the Lord’s Name Reveals?
Rabbi Schneider - What the Lord’s Name Reveals?
So we're gonna dive in now. Very first verse of the Hebrew Bible, we have a title of God. All of us are familiar with the verse: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. You'll see in my studio here that I've actually [...]
John Hagee - The Blessing of God's Name
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John Hagee - The Blessing of God's Name
John Hagee - The Blessing of God's Name
If you have your Bibles, turn with us please to numbers 6:27, as we continue today talking about "The blessings of God's name". God has ordained that his supernatural blessing be passed from generation to generation. How many of you [...]
Dr. Ed Young - God Is
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Dr. Ed Young - God Is
Dr. Ed Young - God Is
A child's question, "Who made God"? Isn't that a question children ask? I can remember, I don't know exactly when or how old I was, but I can remember asking that question, "Who made God"? Anybody else remember [...]
Dr. Ed Young - What's In A Name
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Dr. Ed Young - What's In A Name
Dr. Ed Young - What's In A Name
How many of you like to get on the water? You like the water, whatever, raise your hand. Aw yeah. How many of you would just as soon, you never got on a boat and got in the water again? Would you lift your hand? Yeah, yeah. About 60% like it and the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God and His Names Are One
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Kenneth Copeland - God and His Names Are One
Kenneth Copeland - God and His Names Are One
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. This week, we are studying God and his name. Let me change that. God and his names are one. His name can do anything He can do. We found that out [...]
John Hagee - The Sacred Name
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John Hagee - The Sacred Name
John Hagee - The Sacred Name
Today, "The Sacred Name". Have you ever considered the power of God's name? Do you know the danger of using the sacred name in vain? Consider the rich benefits of keeping the Ten Commandments. It's the blueprint for a great [...]
Jonathan Bernis - The Names Of God, El Elyon
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Jonathan Bernis - The Names Of God, El Elyon
Jonathan Bernis - The Names Of God, El Elyon
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice, and thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis. Today, my co-host, Ezra Benjamin, and I are going to be sharing with you a revelation about the Word of God that you may have never [...]
Jonathan Bernis - God Sees You
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Jonathan Bernis - God Sees You
Jonathan Bernis - God Sees You
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. And thank you for joining us today. I'm Jonathan Bernis. Today, my co-host Ezra Benjamin joins me today as we continue looking at one of the most significant Hebrew names of God found in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Who Is God to Me? (Yahweh Shalom)
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Rabbi Schneider - Who Is God to Me? (Yahweh Shalom)
Rabbi Schneider - Who Is God to Me? (Yahweh Shalom)
We're going through the Old Testament or as we say in Hebrew, the Tanakh, and we're looking at places where Father God identified himself by name, Yahweh, and connected his sacred holy name to a function of salvation that he's [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How Can We Be Holy?
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Rabbi Schneider - How Can We Be Holy?
Rabbi Schneider - How Can We Be Holy?
The reason this series is so special, beloved ones, is because in the Hebrew Bible, in what we call the Tanakh, or the Old Testament, the Lord revealed to Moses in Exodus, chapter 3, and in Exodus, chapter 6, his personal sacred name. He said to [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Can God Heal Me?
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Rabbi Schneider - Can God Heal Me?
Rabbi Schneider - Can God Heal Me?
We are in the midst of a very important series on The Covenant Names of God. We're looking in the Hebrew Bible. We're looking in the Old Testament, or what Jewish people call the Tanakh. And we're looking to when God attached his [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Does Yahweh Yireh Mean?
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Rabbi Schneider - What Does Yahweh Yireh Mean?
Rabbi Schneider - What Does Yahweh Yireh Mean?
Did you know the Lord said that it's through the foolishness of preaching that men are saved? And so as God's Word goes forth it literally changes people's lives. Even as the Lord spoke the heavens and the earth into existence and he [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Who Is Elohim?
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Rabbi Schneider - Who Is Elohim?
Rabbi Schneider - Who Is Elohim?
I want to talk about the names of God in Scripture. Particularly we're gonna be looking, beloved ones, in this series at God's covenant name. Did you know that the Lord actually has a personal name; that Father God actually has a personal [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Stay With God's Power for Inevitable Victory
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Kenneth Copeland - Stay With God's Power for Inevitable Victory
Kenneth Copeland - Stay With God's Power for Inevitable Victory
Now then, I wanted to get over to that place where we begin looking at covenants of promise, being strangers from the covenants of promise. God is a good God, Jesus is a good Savior. Faith in God who is so good is good. Faith is good. Fear is bad. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Uncommon Power of Jesus' Name
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Kenneth Copeland - The Uncommon Power of Jesus' Name
Kenneth Copeland - The Uncommon Power of Jesus' Name
We're talking about the name. The mighty name of Jesus. We're talking about the greatness of Jesus' name, and the uncommon power in that name. We talked about the fact that Jesus inherited His name from the Almighty God. Now, and we [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Greatness of Jesus' Name
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Kenneth Copeland - The Greatness of Jesus' Name
Kenneth Copeland - The Greatness of Jesus' Name
The greatness of Jesus' name. We'll first look in the Book of Hebrews chapter 1. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord Jesus. The Book of Hebrews is a magnificent book. Well, they all are. Hallelujah. God, who at sundry times and in divers [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Names Of God Reveal His Covenant
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Kenneth Copeland - The Names Of God Reveal His Covenant
Kenneth Copeland - The Names Of God Reveal His Covenant
Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland and this is the believer's voice of victory broadcast. So give the Lord a great big praise and honor him with a shout, glory to God. We've been studying all last week and all this week, covenant [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Yireh
Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Yireh
Did you know the Lord said that it's through the foolishness of preaching that men are saved? And so as God's Word goes forth it literally changes people's lives. Even as the Lord spoke the heavens and the earth into existence and he [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Tsidkenu and Shammah
Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Tsidkenu and Shammah
This is my final message today on a series that I've called The Covenant Names of God. We've been going through the Old Testament, the Tanakh, and identifying where Father God has attached his personal covenant name that he gave the Jewish [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Shalom
Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Shalom
We're on a journey together through what I'm calling The Covenant Names of God. When we think of the word covenant, what does that mean? It means that we have a relationship with somebody, and there are terms to that relationship that [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Ropheka
Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Ropheka
We are in the midst of a very important series on The Covenant Names of God. We're looking in the Hebrew Bible. We're looking in the Old Testament, or what Jewish people call the Tanakh. And we're looking to when God attached his [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Rohi
Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Rohi
We're on a journey together through what I'm calling The Covenant Names of God. When we think of the word covenant, what does that mean? It means that we have a relationship with somebody, and there are terms to that relationship that [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Nissi
Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Nissi
We are in the midst of a beautiful series called The Covenant Names of God. And what we're doing is we're looking at those places in the Hebrew Bible, in the Old Testament, where Yahweh, which is the Father's personal name, reveals [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Macadesh
Rabbi Schneider — Yahweh Macadesh
Welcome today to this very important edition of Discovering the Jewish Jesus. We're continuing in a series today that, that I'm calling The Covenant Names of God. The reason this series is so special, beloved ones, is because in the Hebrew [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Elohim
Rabbi Schneider — Elohim
God bless you and Shalom, beloved ones. My name's Rabbi Schneider welcome today to this very important edition of Discovering the Jewish Jesus. We're gonna be beginning a brand new series today. I'm calling it The Covenant Names of [...]
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Tony Evans — Elohim: The All Powerful Creator
Tony Evans — Elohim: The All Powerful Creator
I'mma be up taking care of business while you sleepin' because Elohim can take a nothing and bring up something. And when he gets something, let it perpetuate itself, even when it looks like nothing is happening. I'm tryin' to [...]
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Patricia King — El Shaddai
Patricia King — El Shaddai
Are you in need of a breakthrough? Have you been waiting on a promise from God that seems like it may never come to pass? Robert Hotchkin joins Patricia King to talk about the impossible things God is about to do for His people - including you! [...]
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Tony Evans — The Majesty of God's Names
Tony Evans — The Majesty of God's Names
So, O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together. Somebody ought to raise your hand and pump it up, pump it up, pump it up, pump it up. Because his name is Elohim. Hello, this is Dr. Tony Evans with "The Urban [...]
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Tony Evans — Jehovah Rohi and Jehovah Jireh
Tony Evans — Jehovah Rohi and Jehovah Jireh
We learn about God’s name Jehovah-Jireh in the biblical story of Abraham offering up his son Isaac on the altar of sacrifice. The root word for the name Jireh literally means “to see.” Yet the compound name when put together means “to provide.” [...]
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Tony Evans — Jehovah Nissi and Jehovah Tsaba
Tony Evans — Jehovah Nissi and Jehovah Tsaba
God's names reveal His character and attributes. As you discover more about God's names, you will discover more about Him. In this powerful teaching series by Dr. Tony Evans, you will learn about seven names of God. Each message is [...]
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Tony Evans — Jehovah and Adonai
Tony Evans — Jehovah and Adonai
The study examines 11 names of God. The words translated as name show up over one thousand times in Scripture and routinely carry with them power, responsibility, purpose, and authority. A name not only expresses the essence and significance of what [...]
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Tony Evans — El Elyon and El Shaddai
Tony Evans — El Elyon and El Shaddai
God's names reveal His character and attributes. As you discover more about God's names, you will discover more about Him. In this powerful teaching series by Dr. Tony Evans, you will learn about seven names of God. Each message is [...]