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Peter Tan-Chi - Yahweh Yireh

TOPICS: Be Rooted, Names of God

Greetings in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, a Christ-centered Christmas! How are you going to celebrate Christmas this year? For many of us, traditional ways of celebrating Christmas, such as family gatherings, large gatherings, and dining out, How many have been affected. So how will you celebrate Christmas? I believe that if you understand the true meaning of Christmas, then your celebrations will continue. In fact, it can even make more sense. What do I mean?

Let's look at the Bible. What is the true meaning of Christmas? Luke 2:10 The angel said to them: Do not be afraid! I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all people; for today in the city of David a new life is born for you. the Savior, the Lord Christ. I want you to notice something. Christmas is God's creation. He sent angels to make this wonderful announcement: "I bring you good news". So, that's good information. Not only is it good news, it brings us great joy. You notice, it's not just great joy, it's "for all people" for the rich, for the poor, for the powerful, for the non-powerful, for the outcast, for everyone. What is this good message? "In the city of David" This is very important. This was the fulfillment of biblical prophecy that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. "For to you is born a Savior".

Notice, "The Savior is Christ the Lord". Brothers and sisters, you won't appreciate the good news until you know the bad news. What's the bad news? The bad news is that we all need a savior. The Bible tells us, based on Romans 3:23, that our biggest problem is, "All have sinned". The word "sin," if you go back to Isaiah, it's about self-will. Isaiah 53 "We all like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way" We are doing things our own way. This is self-will contrary to the will of God. What's the solution? There's no solution except that we need to forgive, because by disobeying God we have done something contrary to the Holy Spirit. And I have a good message for you, Christmas is God's greatest provision, a Savior who solves our greatest problems. So when you think about Christmas, think of God as the great provider. He has provided for us redemption, forgiveness, and most importantly, a Savior.

Now, the word "God prepared" is first mentioned in Genesis Chapter 22. Today, I hope we will know who God is by knowing the specific name "God is our Provider". Genesis Chapter 22 Verse 14 tells us, Abraham called the name of that place, The Lord Will Provide (Jehovah Jireh). To this day people still say, "On the mountain of the Lord, it will be provided". What exactly does this mean, "The Lord will provide (Jehovah Jireh)". "Jehovah Jireh"? The word "Jehovah Jireh" comes from this word, remember? Yahweh we learn this, the one who is eternal, the one who wants relationship. But the word "Jireh" comes from "see" and "look ahead" because God has foreseen it and He will prepare it. God, our provider. You'll notice that the English translation also makes sense. Why?

The word "provider" comes from two words: "pro"-before. From the root word "vision" - something you can see ahead of time. So what does Provider mean? God foresaw something that only He could see, and then He provided it. This is what "Jehovah Jireh" really means. In other words, because God sees it beforehand, He knows our true need. Because He knows our true need, He will provide it. Many times, we don't even know what we need. Often times, we fail to see what we need. Many times, what we think we need is not what we need, and what we think we want is not what we need. Worst of all, what we want may even be harmful. Knowing that God is our provider, that He sees ahead, that He knows our needs, and that He will then provide something that is good for us, gives me great comfort, gives me great peace. What do I mean? Many times, we fail to understand the heart of God.

When the Bible says, "God is our Provider," look at the picture in the New Testament. In Matthew 6:31-33, God tells us: "Do not be anxious". Notice, "Don't worry". Are you anxious today? The reality is that we are anxious and we worry. What do we worry about? Most of us still worry about the same things we worried about before: So don't worry аbout: What to eat? What to drink? What to wear? These are the basics: food, clothing, shelter. Notice what Jesus said to His disciples: These are the things that Gentiles, unbelievers, ask for. But notice this distinction. Your heavenly Father knows all the things you need. Lord, our Provider is also our Heavenly Father. The Bible tells us that He knows.

Notice, He knows beforehand, He knows our needs. Therefore, He reminds us: Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. In other words, knowing that God is our provider does not mean that we are lazy, nor does it mean that we are passive, but it just means that you trust God and that you put Him first. Seek first His kingdom, His agenda, what He wants you to do, His righteousness. In other words, God is saying, "You want to make sure you put God first in your life". And then He promises, "these things" to watch out for. "All these things will be added to you". Indeed! The next verse tells us, "So do not be anxious".

Friends, are you anxious? I pray that today, you will learn to have a full understanding, rooted in the knowledge of who God is. Listen, it's not just about knowing God, it's about knowing that He is Jehovah Jireh, our provider. Because God sees beforehand, God knows what we really need. In fact, many times, we don't see what we need. Because we don't see what we need, we don't appreciate what God will provide for us. Some may even refuse, and we may even complain. Why? Because in our hearts, what God gives us is not what we want. But the truth is, God knows what is best, God provides in advance what He sees, and many times, God will protect us because God knows what you really need, but you don't, and what you want may not be Good for you.

Let me give you an example. A few years ago, I got a lot of vaccinations. Do you know how many rabies shots I had? 25 per cycle. During my time, they didn't have one or two transactions. Every day for 25 days. Do you know how many times I was beaten when I was younger? Seventy-five. That means I was bitten by dogs three times, that's why dogs are afraid of me today and I have so many anti-rabies vaccines. Jehovah Jireh, the amazing truth. God foresaw, God provided. Many times, what He provides is unappreciated and may not be what you like. I have learned to be grateful for what God has given. That's why my heart is at rest, I can be thankful, and I can cooperate with God. Because whatever God has prepared is always good for me.

In fact, sometimes He offers something we don't like, a test, a person, or a situation. How do you grow? Timing is not always good. How does your character grow? We don't always surround ourselves with the best people in the world. God will use people, God will use circumstances. Why? To change our character. So God's provision is something you and I need to learn to trust, and give thanks in all things. That's all I have to say. What does it mean that God will provide? God, our provider. What it means: God will work his way, in his time, to provide us with what we need for our ultimate good, and to fulfill his purpose through us. I want you to notice the following: God provides what we need, based on what? God's understanding. God knows, He knows our needs, He knows what we really need. His way, His time. For our, attention, ultimate benefit. What I want may not be what is good for me, but God is not and He knows it. And to achieve His purpose.

Now this is so basic, we are human centered, we always think of God as the Santa Claus of the universe because we are always thinking about our needs. But God says that when He provides, it is to fulfill His divine purpose in and through our lives. To me, that's one of the greatest comforts you can experience, that God is faithful and providing for our needs, for our good, and for His purposes. Now let's see how God will use this to provide. Genesis 22. Let's read this together: After these things, God wanted to test Abraham. He called to him, "Abraham"! He said, "Here I am". Notice, God was the author of the test. What does the Bible actually say? Who wants to test? I don't like testing.

Remember what the word "Jehovah Jireh" means? God foresaw. God knows what is needed. God knew what trials Abraham needed to undergo. The word used in Genesis 22 comes from the root word "nasa". It means revealing who you really are. It's like testing a person's character. You want to see what kind of person that person is. This is a very important thing. What do I mean? When we're going to build a building, we're going to test the strength of the structure, we're going to test the strength of the steel bars. How about flying a plane? You know I learned to fly many years ago. But what can I tell you? I will never be allowed to fly a business jet, like a Boeing 747. I would never be allowed to do that unless I was tested. Why? I'm risking my own life. I'm risking the lives of my passengers. So do you, so do I. God must test us. Why?

Let us know where we need to develop and where we need to improve. Trials are something we don't like, but God gives them to us. Why? Because it's needed. Let's look at the book of James. The Bible tells us: "Count it all joy, my brothers and sisters". To Christians, "Count it all joy; you will fall into various trials". In Genesis chapter 22, when the Bible is translated into Greek, the word is the same: "peirasmos"—test, "knowing that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. But perseverance also has its success, that you may be perfected", complete, lacking nothing. You know what this verse tells me? As children of God, as followers of Jesus, our attitudes must change. "Consider it all joy, my brothers and sisters, that you will fall into various trials and divers tests". The truth is, neither you nor I want to be tested.

Examples of trials: problems in relationships, with your colleagues; family problems, or financial problems, physical problems, any problem. James' context is about suffering, and he tells believers, "Change your mindset". The experiment wasn't bad. Why? It's to help you grow. Notice, the emphasis, "Knowing that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. But let perseverance have its work, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing". God wants to develop our character. Key points to note: Patience, perseverance, and don't give up. Many Christians give up and God says, "Oh, you need to grow in this land". So God allows us to go through trials so that we can grow in character. "Perfect, lacking nothing".

What does this word mean? Fully mature. You know, when the devil tests you, he wants to destroy you. When God allows testing, He always wants us to build up. Experimentation is always for our benefit. My question to you is, have you been tested in any way today? Whatever it is, I want you to have this mindset: Jehovah Jireh, God is our provider. The fact that He provides, His testing, wow, it must be for my benefit. Once you understand the heart of God, your attitude will change. It says: "Consider it all joy" Be positive, not negative. What was that test? Well, according to Genesis 2, God tested Abraham in three areas. You see, God provides more than just physical needs. Praise God that He provides for our physical needs, but He also provides for our spiritual needs.

Let me ask you, which is more important? The truth is, God cares more about our character than our physical comfort. In the case of Abraham, God tested him in three areas: First, the area of ​​love. Second, the area of ​​obedience. Third, the area of ​​confidence. Love, obedience, faith. This is true in your life, and it is true in my life. God sees our needs. We need to grow in love, obedience, and faith. What do I mean? Let's read verse two: God said, 'Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, to the mountain that I will show you. offer him as a burnt offering. I want you to pay attention to the following points: The word "love" is mentioned for the first time in the Bible in Genesis Chapter 22. This is the love of a father for his son.

God told Abraham: "Take your son with you," pay attention to the important points, your only son, your beloved Isaac, why is this significant? Let me tell you. Isaac was Abraham's hope and dream. You must understand that Abraham waited for his son for many years. After 25 long years, God gave Abraham a miraculous son named Isaac. You can imagine the love Abraham had for Isaac. Notice it says: Go to the land of Moriah. Moriah is around Jerusalem. place, in Jerusalem, these are the mountains "offer him as a burnt offering". Do you know what a burnt offering means? Isaac will be killed, Isaac will be burned. What is God trying to do? Before we comment on God, you need to know the end of the story. But before I tell you the end of the story Before, I want you to know something: God is against child sacrifice, you'll read in Deuteronomy, Leviticus, God condemns child sacrifice.

So how do you reconcile the two? Don't. Jump to conclusions and listen to my message. That's why I like you to listen carefully to the end. Let me tell you a story about a couple who tried everything, especially the wife. Doctors, after many, many years, finally succeeded. She got pregnant, and the child was a baby girl. But she didn't realize what was happening to her. Love, she overprotected her and overcontrolled her when that child was growing up, can you guess what happened? The young man felt like he was being suffocated, in Tagalog. Said: "Nassarkar". Why? Because the mother was overly controlling, overprotective. Why? Because that girl became her idol, and God wanted to protect Abraham from that. The impact of the event. You know why? I discovered something: anything you love more than you love God, becomes an idol.

So when I say, anything more than God becomes an idol. Don't think of statues made of stone or wood. Why? This is a real problem. Do you know why? Matters of the Heart. "Son of man, these people have taken their false gods into their hearts," note. Do they ask? You see, idols can be in their hearts, and God describes them as "stumbling blocks" and "sins". Notice. "Therefore thus says the Lord God, Turn back from your idols, the idols of your heart, People cannot see, but God can. 'Depart from your idols and turn from all your abominations.'" God calls idolatry an "abomination". I've seen many Christians say that good things can eventually become idols. Isaac was a blessing. Your idols don't have to be bad. It can be your job, it can be your relationships, a family member, your children, it can even be your ministry. It can be a good thing, but when a good thing becomes important, it becomes your idol. Sooner or later, your idols will destroy you.

You see, anything that becomes an idol will eventually control you. Can I tell you something? This is the truth. No one and nothing can take the place of God. The best people in the world will let you down sooner or later. God protected Abraham from himself. Do you know why? God sees it, God is our provider, Jehovah Jireh, God sees it in advance and He wants to protect us. How do you know you have an idol? Let me ask you. What do you love most? Many times, people say, "I love God most". Well, let me give you a little test: What do you need to make you truly happy? If you're unhappy right now because you say, "Unless God will do this, unless God changes my husband, unless God changes my situation, Then I will be happy".

My friend, you have idols in your life. What about your emotions? What really makes you angry when you don't have something? What really makes you angry when something is taken away from you? That, my friend, is your idol. So please check your heart, take some time to discuss this with God, and be honest with Him. Why? God created us, God designed us, so He gave us the greatest command: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind". God saw the future. God knew that in order to protect Abraham, He needs to look into his own heart. Do you have an Isaac in your life? Well, if you do, watch out, good thing, your Isaac can become your idol. The Bible tells us: "Abraham got up early in the morning, saddled his donkey, took two of his servants and his son Isaac, and chopped the wood for the burnt offering. Then he arose and went to the place God showed him".

Did you notice Abraham's Is obedience tested? What kind of obedience? "He rises early in the morning". You see, what is true obedience? What is true obedience? When you hear what God tells you, you do it. Delayed obedience is disobedience. Postponing obedience is disobedience. Your and my growth in submission is so important. I need to grow, you need to grow. I remember a few years ago, God made a deep impression on my heart and asked me to see a man and call him. I struggled and I struggled and I kept putting it off and God reminded me, God told me in John 14:15. God tells us, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments". God says, "Peter, do you love me? Then do as I say".

Now let me tell you why it's so hard for me to do What God wants me to do. Why do I always put it off? Because I know the couple doesn't like us. I know the couple was disappointed in us, and I know it was, in fact, a challenge for me to get there. But what can I tell you? By the grace of God, I obeyed. I went to meet the couple, and I asked for forgiveness, and I thought, "Hallelujah! It's settled". But you know months later, I found that there was still this pain, this anger. Then God spoke to me again: "Contact them again, contact them again". I have to be honest with you, there are some things I find hard to follow, but that's why you and I need to grow. Remember the scripture we memorized? "Love the brothers and be affectionate to one another".

The truth is, you and I need to grow in our obedience. Why? Because we love God. There may be some people who need to ask for forgiveness today. There may be something today that requires you to do what God wants you to do, to forgive, to reach out to someone. You'll discover something, and obedience brings blessings. Recently, I was invited to a panel of Southern leaders, and I was privileged to hear their stories. But at the end of the group meeting, one of them asked me a question and he told this story. He said: "God moved me not to increase my selling price". You see, he is engaged in the distribution of basic commodities. That morning, there was a typhoon, and God moved him, "Don't raise the price of your goods". He said that he obeyed God reluctantly, and he said that he was very happy because his customers were surprised that he did not take advantage of them.

But, after some time, the government did something. The government imported the same goods, but at a much lower price, so now he cannot sell his product. That's the question he said: "Peter, pastor, why am I, I'm obeying God, but now I'm losing money? Is that really the case? When you obey God, then you end up losing money"? How do you answer that? Me Can I tell you something? I prayed, and God reminded me, "Tell him..." This is what I told them in the group: "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. You guys". I said, "I want you to know something, you will never regret what you did, but how you make up for your losses, I don't know how, but one thing I know, you never will. Regret. But I don't know when, I don't know how, just keep doing the right thing".

Two weeks later, I was shocked, I got the news. Because of the recent Typhoon Ulysses, what happened to the government goods? Their stuff got wet, destroyed, and all the prices went up. You see, God works in wonderful ways that are beyond our ability. He says He can undo His losses, He can make money, and He doesn't take advantage of people. Obedience will be tested. Are you willing to obey God even when you don't want to? Finally, the test of faith. What does it mean? "On the third day, Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place in the distance. Abraham said to his servants: Stay here with the donkey, while I and the boy go over there and worship, and then we will come back to you".

Really! I want to bring something to your attention. Abraham is now making a declaration of faith. He's saying, "The boy and I will go over there and worship, and then we'll come back to you". I want you to know what Abraham should have done. He was supposed to go to the mountain and offer Isaac as a burnt offering, but he could honestly say, we're going there to worship, because the burnt offering is to be worshipped, and we're going to come back. Note the pronouns: "We will be back" I realize that sometimes you can't reconcile circumstances and God's promises. What is faith? Faith is when you learn to wait on the Lord. You've been doing what God wants you to do, but you don't know how God will resolve the tension. How did Abraham do it? A lot of you are saying, "You know Peter, I could never do it. I don't have that confidence".

Well, I've got good news for you. I don't have that confidence either. But you need to learn something about confidence. Confidence is developed gradually, confidence is like a muscle, it grows. But what can I tell you? God develops our faith. God did not ask Abraham to immediately do what He asked him to do. No, God asked Abraham step by step, step by step. What do I mean? Step one, Hebrews 11:8, "By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called and went out to the place he was to inherit;" But please note: "When he went out, You don't know where you are going". This is the first step of faith. "Leave your family and go somewhere". So Abraham walked with God every day, not knowing where that place was. But did you notice anything about progressive confidence? It was developed. Abraham had a conflict with his nephew Lot. Why? They were fighting over the Promised Land.

What did Abraham do? Abraham said to his nephew, "If you want to go to the right, you can have the land on the right and I will go to the left. If you want to go to the left, I will go to the right". What did Abraham learn? God Taught Abraham, "Believe in me and don't rely on your inheritance". Abraham discovered that blessings do not come from inheritance or from the land. Blessings come from Him. Wow! Later Abraham saw what happened to the land Lot had chosen. Lot chose the land of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham saw with his own eyes how the land was destroyed. You see, Abraham's faith grew. Abraham came to understand that walking with God was best. Abraham, when he was tested again, God was training Abraham. God said to Abraham: "You will have a son". At this time, Abraham was already 100 years old. Abraham said to God: "How can I have a son? I am already 100 years old. How can my wife have a son? She is 90 years old".

God said: "Nothing is impossible for God, believe me", that's Isaac. Isaac was born at a time when Sarah could not have had a son. But now, maybe another 20 years later, Abraham must have been walking with God for forty years by this time, and that's why his faith grew. Now you understand why Abraham was able to do as God commanded. Why? Let me share this scripture with you. Hebrews 11 "By Faith" Notice that Abraham did this by faith at this time. "And when he was tested, he offered up Isaac; he who had received the promises with joy offered up his only begotten son".

Let me explain. The Bible says: God gave the promise to Abraham, and the one who received the promise is now offering his son. "Concerning this son, it was said, Through Isaac shall your descendants be called". God said to Abraham, "Thy descendants shall come from Isaac". This is the promise. So, if you were Abraham, you put two and two together. If God promises me a son named Isaac, and God also promises me that my descendants will come from Isaac. What is the logical conclusion? Isaac must live. Isaac could not die because God made a promise to me. That's right. This is what Abraham thought, but he didn't know how God accomplished the burnt offering and the fulfillment of the promise. But look at what he thinks. "He thought that God could also raise people from the dead; he also seemed to receive his Son from the dead".

I want you to remember the word "type". The word "type" comes from the word "topology". It's like a metaphor, it's an illustration, it's a picture of the future. I'll explain it later, but it's important, so keep listening. "God can also raise people from the dead". This is how Abraham put obedience and faith together. Regardless, even if Isaac died and was burned, God would raise him from the dead. That's what he said, "God can also raise people from the dead". So my advice is, your faith will only grow as you know who God is. If your God is small, if your God is weak, it will be difficult for your faith to grow. How can you have faith if you don't know the promises of God? Do you understand what I'm saying? Abraham knew God, he knew His power, and nothing was impossible. Abraham also knew that God keeps His word, and whatever He promises you, He will do it. Because of these two things: God kept His word, and nothing is impossible with God, Abraham sacrificed Isaac.

This, my friend, is the secret of faith and obedience: knowing the promises of God. Let me ask you a question. What is the goal of your faith? Is it circumstances or is it God? What is the goal of your faith? Is it your feelings or is it the word of God, the promises of God? Many, many Christians, because they have not been properly discipled, they are always confused. Can I tell you why? Because they put their faith in their own feelings, and sometimes your own feelings can betray you. If I were Abraham, I would be thinking, "This is impossible. How could God do it"? But Abraham's faith was focused on God, His promises, and God's character. Now what does that mean? He also seemed to have his son back from death. "Ah, I'll explain it real quick, because this is talking about Jesus, but I'll explain it later".

So the Bible tells us: "Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on his son Isaac," and I want you to imagine this. How heavy is the wood? To complete the burnt offering, you need a lot of wood on Isaac's back. So Isaac was not a little boy at this time. The Bible tells us, I love this: "Abraham's hand". He held fire and a sword; so they walked together. Isaac said to his father Abraham, "Father, here I am, my son". Isaac said, "Look, the fire and the wood are there, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering"? A good question, "But where is the lamb for the burnt offering"? Abraham said, "God will provide Himself the lamb for the burnt offering".

Did you notice? Abraham didn't know what God was going to do. Did you notice? Abraham didn't know what God was going to do. He could simply say by faith, God will provide the lamb. He believed God. God will provide. You know, sometimes people come to me for counseling and they say, "Pastor," they say, "Peter, what's going on with my marriage? As I started walking with God, my marriage started falling apart. As I started walking with God, my business started having problems". A lot of times I really don't know what God is going to do, but you know what I'm going to do? I say, "Keep trusting God, because God will provide". "But God's provision, remember, His ways, His timing".

Do you know what happened? Let's read it: "When they came to the place God showed them, Abraham built there". Notice "Build the altar and lay out the wood", and bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar of wood. Let me ask you a question. Why didn't Isaac run away? He could have run faster than his father. Why didn't Isaac resist? He could have been stronger than his father now. Remember, Abraham was already 100 years old when Isaac was born . Let me tell you something. Abraham's admonition to Isaac must have been good, so that Isaac knew that God had given a promise, that he was the son of promise, and that through his descendants, the whole world would be. Blessed. From the seed of Isaac shall come the nations. Isaac knew that he was the promise of God, and Isaac must have believed in his father Abraham. That is why I obeyed you. Isaac believed in his father Abraham. Isaac believed in God's faithfulness, which is why, if you ask me, he didn't resist.

Remember Isaac was a type of, it's ultimately a beautiful portrait of Jesus, and I'll explain in a moment. The Bible tells us: "Abraham. He reached for the knife to kill his son. When he raised his hands, the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven, Abraham! Abraham!' He said, 'Here I am.' 'Do not lay a hand on this boy, do not do him any harm! Now I know that you fear God; for you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me.'" God told Abraham, "In due time". Notice that when God intervenes, it's never too early, and it's never too late. God said, "Abraham, don't touch your son". What did God want to do? God wanted Abraham to learn to always put God first. God knew that Abraham would succeed, but Abraham did not know that he would be willing to give Isaac to God.

You see, that was protection for Abraham. Abraham must have been thinking, as he walked with his son, "Am I going to do it? Am I not going to do it"? Praise God! Abraham handed over his Isaac. The Bible tells us that in due time. Pay attention to what the Bible says: "Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, there was a ram caught by its horns in a thicket of trees". You may ask, what is a ram? A ram is a male sheep. The Bible tells us that Abraham saw it. The ram. Now let me ask you, was the ram there before? Was the ram there later? That's the amazing principle of faith, the holiness of God, when you walk with God and obey Him. Intervention is beyond our comprehension. Do you know why? See, the Bible tells us: "Ah, perfect timing"! And Abraham took the ram and offered it as a burnt offering, in place of his son. Substitution Principle. "Abraham called the name of that place The Lord Will Provide (Jehovah Jireh) To this day it is said that on the mountain of the Lord it will be provided".

Can I tell you something? This is an amazing biblical truth, God's provision is always for our good. God's provision is always for our good. There are things in life you will never know, and you will never Don't realize it until you come along and you obey by faith. Abraham doesn't know what God can do. You and I don't know what God can do in your life unless you surrender by faith. The Isaac. We all have idols, we all have Isaacs in our lives. Have you surrendered your Isaac? You see, Abraham's Isaac was going to have his heart surrendered, and that would include putting God first. Obeying God and doing what God wants to do is going to involve faith. Many of you know what happened to my family a few years ago, about 20 years ago, when I came back from a Bible study. At 12 midnight, I saw police cars all over my driveway and I told my wife, "Something bad happened".

When I saw the police car, when I saw the lights flashing, my heart broke. It seemed to me that maybe my child was dead. I clearly remember God asking me, "You put your family Have you given them to me"? I whispered in my heart: "Yes, Lord, I have given them to you". Then God quietly said to me, "Will you allow me to take one of these"? I started crying, and I said, "God, you have my family. Lord, I know you love my family more than I can love them. So Lord, I give them to you". Can I tell you something? It was very real to me because at that point I didn't know if my baby was hurt, but when I handed over my Isaac, I had a feeling of victory. Feelings. You know I love my family. I wouldn't trade them for anyone, for anything, but that night, I gave them all to the Lord because I knew God loved my children more than I ever had, God knows what is best for my children, God will take care of my children, so when I came into the house, a preacher hugged me and he told me, "Your children are in a safe house, except for your daughter, they are all fine". I said, "What happened"? "Your daughter was raped".

Of course I felt bad, but that day, my wife and I handed over our Isaac. What about you? Do you have Isaac in your life? Why don't you ask God to examine your heart, because God's provision is always for our good? Abraham experienced a miraculous provision when he fully dedicated his son. The most amazing thing is the blessing that Abraham received after his complete obedience. If you read the next verse, God said, "In terms of blessings, I will bless you greatly; in terms of descendants, I will increase your descendants," you Notice something? In the past, God just said, "I will bless you". Now He says, "I will bless you greatly".

Do you know the blessing of Abraham? Remember I told you that the incident on Mount Moriah was God's plan? Give us a prophetic truth: One day, God will do the same thing. What happened to Abraham wasn't just for Abraham, his obedience, his faith, his blessing wasn't just for him, or his children, or the Jewish people. Remember when I explained to you the meaning of Jehovah Jireh? God will prepare according to His will and for good. His purpose was to use Abraham as a blessing, which I believe was something Abraham could not understand. Let me tell you why. Because many years later, on the same mountain, Mount Moriah, the Bible tells us: "Solomon began to build the house of the Lord on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem".

You see, Mount Moriah is a mountain range, and Jerusalem is part of Mount Moriah. The house of the Lord means "the house of God". It was a place where animal sacrifices were offered for the forgiveness of sins. This was a picture, a "type" of what was going to happen when Abraham sacrificed Isaac on Mount Moriah. Because two thousand years later, in the same place, Mount Moriah, somewhere nearby, God sacrificed His only Son. Look at the similarities. Abraham loved Isaac, his only son. God so loved the world that he gave his only son. What's the difference? In the case of Abraham, there was a replacement for Isaac. As far as Jesus is concerned, there is no substitute. He is the Substitute, and God wants you to know the heart of a father. God loves Jesus and God loves you. He loves you and me so much that He gave Him His Son. Jesus, like Isaac, willingly gave his life. Why? Because Jesus loves you.

Friends, Christmas is the story of Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides forgiveness for our sins. The Bible tells us: "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life". I want you to think about what happened on Mount Moriah in the days of Abraham and Jesus. thing. The "God Will Provide" Principle God gave us Jesus to take your place, to take my place. Why? We are sinners, we deserve to be judged, we deserve to be punished, God gave us His Son, Jesus died in your place. The only difference is that no one can replace Jesus because Jesus was the sacrifice. Remember what the angel said. I bring you good news of great joy for all people, that for you a Savior has been born, who is Christ the Lord.

I want you to accept what God has given you. You can ignore His provision, you can get angry, you can be indifferent, or you can say, "Lord, I accept Your provision". I pray that you accept all that God has given us, Jesus Christ, The price to pay for our sins. Those of you who have invited Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I hope you will take this opportunity to share the good news of Christmas. Go Viral! We have prepared some information for you on how to use the Christmas story to Go Viral and tell them about God's wonderful arrangement. When Jesus died on the cross, God gave us Jesus as our substitute to forgive our sins. You can now clearly understand when the Bible uses the word "picture" in Romans 8:32, "God did not spare His own Son," the Bible tells us, if God did not spare His own Son, Jesus, "He gave Him up for us all" or substitution principle, Jesus Christ takes our place. He who is your and my substitute has not also freely given us all things with Him?

Knowing the Lord Jireh gives me great peace. I don't have to worry because God has promised that I will be provided. It gives me great joy. Do you know why? No matter what happens to me, I may not like it, but I can be grateful because God knows what I need. But I know it is ultimately for my good because God sees the future. He knows that everything He puts me through is for my good, because God provides the best and the best, not just for me, but for eternity. What Abraham did not know, to this day, is that what Abraham did will be a blessing to millions of people today.

My friend, you never know what God can do when you hand your Isaac over, and you never know what you might miss out on if you don't hand over your Isaac. Is God speaking to you today? Maybe some of you, you are holding on to something, and that is what is keeping you from receiving God's provision. Maybe it's something you love very much, maybe it's a sinful relationship, maybe it's a belief you hold on to, maybe it's something you know you need to let go of before you accept the gift of God, before you accept Jesus Christ. Whatever it is, I'm going to give you a chance to pray, to hand over your Isaac, to pray and accept God's forgiveness, and to accept the greatest gift this Christmas has ever given us. Because 2,000 years ago, on the first Christmas, God told us, "A Savior is given, a Savior is born". Have you accepted God's plan? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? Is that enough? Let's pray.

Heavenly Father, I pray that if there are people here who can't let go of their Isaac, they can't let go of something, so that they can't accept your blessing because they are Isaacs, help them to trust You, help them to surrender their lives Isaac in.

God maybe someone is saying today, "I want to receive God's gift, I want to receive God's forgiveness of my sins". You want to receive Jesus Christ, please pray with me.

Lord Jesus, I come to You humbly today, relying entirely on You. Thank you for your provision. Lord Jesus, I accept You into my life and into my heart. Be my Lord, be my Savior. I accept your gift of forgiveness. I accept your gift of eternal life and change my heart. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.