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Peter Tan-Chi - Yahweh

Peter Tan-Chi - Yahweh
TOPICS: Be Rooted, Names of God

Greetings all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am so excited to join you all in worshiping God and continuing this amazing series on the name of God. Get Rooted: Know God in His Name. You and I don't value names because in our culture it's not very prominent or clear that names have meaning. But when the Bible was written, the names had meaning. Why is this important? Because God has revealed Himself to you and me in His different names. No one name can describe all of God's attributes. God is infinite. God is so wonderful that God gradually reveals Himself to us through His Word and through different names. This way you and I can keep getting to know him. Let's see what the Bible says. Hosea 6:6 tells us that I desire... the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. God wants us to know Him. God wants us to know Him, and He reveals Himself to you and me through His name and through His words. This is such great news.

I have learned that the more I know God, the better your and my understanding of God will be. The more, the more you and I learn to trust Him and the more you know Him, the more you love Him and the more you love Him, the more you serve Him. You see, obedience and loyalty to God are directly proportional to your understanding and knowledge of who God is. So the more we know Him, the more you want to follow Him and obey Him. Today we will focus on the second name of God mentioned in the Bible. The scripture is in Genesis 2:4. Let's read it together. The origin of the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the days of the Lord God. Notice in your Bible: Capital letter "L", capital letter "O", capital letter "R", capital letter "D" This is what YHWH means.

What did you notice about the name switch in the day when the Lord God created the heavens and the earth? Let me give you another verse. Verse 7: The Lord [Yahweh] God [Elohim] formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living being. The turning point is in chapter two. Why? Because Chapter 2 is about the creation of man. You see the word "Lord" in capital letters L, O, R, D. You see the word "Lord" in capital letters L, O, R, D. People usually translate it as "Jehovah," but it's not. Jehovah, is Yahweh "YHWH". The name "Yahweh" is God's unique proper name. The name "Yahweh" is God's unique proper name. The word "Yahweh" was never used to describe any pagan god. This is no one else's name but God Himself.

How many times does it appear? In Genesis 2, 11 times. In Genesis, 164 times. In the entire Old Testament, 6,823 times. The word "Yahweh" is the most important name for God used throughout the Old Testament. Why is this so? Today, I pray that you will understand the meaning of God's name Yahweh as described in Genesis and Exodus and other parts of the Bible. This is not a complete commentary, nor a complete explanation of His name. But here's the basic idea I wish we had. First, YHWH focuses on God's personal presence. God is a real person, He is personal. Not only is He personal, He is also related to the surroundings. He is love. He wants to have a relationship with His creation.

God, when He created the earth, He didn't just work endlessly. He gave some rules, He gave some spiritual laws, some physical laws, He gave some guiding principles, and then boom, He was gone. This is not the God taught in the Bible. God is personal, He is relational, and He wants to have a relationship with us. The second thing I want to emphasize is that Yahweh is not just the Creator, He is the supreme moral being. In other words, God is the standard of what is right and wrong. God is holy. He cares about how you and I live. Finally, God is the promise keeper. He is a covenant keeper. He is faithful; when He says, it is done. Every word of God is true and whatever He says happens.

Now what do we think? In Genesis 2 and Genesis 3. In Genesis 2, you will see the significance of God's personal involvement in creation, especially the creation of man. "The Lord (Yahweh) God planted a garden in Eden in the east. and placed there the man whom he had created. The LORD God made out of the ground all kinds of trees to grow, trees that were pleasing to the sight and whose fruit was good for food. In the midst of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil". Just in this verse alone, you'll notice something about God, which is that God cares for us. He planted a garden, and it was beautiful. The Bible says: "The Lord God caused every tree to grow out of the ground", what is pleasing to the eye, notice. What is pleasing to the eye? What fruit is good for food? Can you see God's wonderful involvement? Wonderful provision?

What does Yahweh mean? God is personal and He is related to all things. The most important thing is that He loves us. He is involved in our lives. In addition, the Bible also mentions two trees. What are those two trees? First, there is life in the garden. The other is the tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Two names, two kinds of trees. What else can we learn about God? "The Lord God placed the man in the garden of Eden to work it and to keep it". Have you noticed? God is not just personal, He is not just relational, God has a job for man. This is where you and I learn the purpose of life, the meaning of life because God is relational Yes, He wanted Adam to understand His role. It was a wonderful job: "Repair and Keeper".

If you read the rest of Genesis, we are to steward the world God created, to cultivate it, and to take care of it. Neither you nor I know what the meaning and purpose of life is until you connect with our Creator. Today Many people find their lives meaningless and without purpose. For some, they create their own purpose. But I promise you, not until you have a connection with your Creator, otherwise you will not truly appreciate the full meaning of life. God is our Designer, our Creator, and He desires to have a relationship with us. The Lord God commanded Him: Fruit of every tree in the garden, You are free to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but you are not allowed to eat from it because in the day you eat from it you will surely die.

Let me ask you a question, why would God invent something, say, from every tree in the garden? You can eat whatever you want. You know what I'm thinking? Sapodilla, Venus apple, rambutan, attis, rambutan. God says you can eat all the fruits from any tree except one? Which one? The Fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil, Have you ever asked yourself "why"? Many times people don't understand why God put limits on Adam and Eve. This is where you start to learn that God is the supreme being, is a moral being. My question is: Why is it right for Adam to eat any fruit in the garden? Why is it wrong for Adam only to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil? What is used to judge right and wrong? Ah, you Now understand that only God, Yahweh, can tell, He is the Master, He is the Creator. He has every right to tell us what we can and cannot do, and more than that, God has the right to tell us what we can and cannot do, because God created us, He designed us, and He knows what is good for you and what is good for me.

The challenge is this: Are we going to trust Him? Are we going to trust that He commands us to do good things. Is it bad or harmful to us to believe that what He commands us not to do? God is the supreme moral being. He could have made us into robots, but He didn't. It's because of God's nature, God is love, and He follows Himself. He created us in the image of God. So God gave humans the ability to make choices, and choice is the ability to follow God. God can, remember, God can make us robots, but once we become robots, we are no longer human. So God, as a supremely moral being, wants people to take responsibility. You know, this became very true in my life when I decided to marry my wife because the nature of love is what you want. Response, you want free will.

Can you imagine if I pointed a gun at my wife and said you have to marry me, you have to say yes to me, is that love? No, that's not the love God wants us to use. Free will responds to Him by saying, "Yes, I choose to follow You". My friend, God is the supreme moral being. We are not just physical beings, we are moral beings. What about you? Have you ever made a choice where you would willingly and lovingly choose God? It is so important that you and we have a good relationship with God: What is your relationship with God? Do you spend time reading His word? Do you spend time listening to Him? Do you talk to Him? You see God wants a relationship. He is love. He wants a relationship with us. Yahweh our God desires a loving relationship with Him.

I want you to have this desire to spend time and study His Word. Time to pray. Why? If you don't read God's Word and spend time with Him, you don't know Him. Most importantly, the key to knowing Him is the right attitude. I find that the more I listen to God, the more I listen to Him. The more you obey Him, the more you understand Him. When God tells you something and you don't do it, what makes you and me think that God will continue to reveal Himself to us? This is extremely important, knowing Yahweh. Our God is the one who loves us and is the one with whom we can have a relationship.

In Exodus 3:13 and 14, God appeared to Moses in the most amazing way. The context is this. God told Moses: Moses, why did I want you to go to Egypt? You'll see the context of the verse I'm about to read. This is the context: The Lord said, "I have seen the distress of my people in Egypt; I have heard the cry of those who are under the control of their taskmasters. I know their pain, and I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians, to bring them out of the land into a place flowing with milk and peace. Honey Land". You'll notice something. Yahweh God showed Moses that He cared. What can we learn from our personal spiritual God? God is saying, "I have also heard their cry". In other words, God hears our prayers. When you cry to God, God is saying, "I know, I'm not deaf. I know". And the Bible tells us, "I know their pain".

You know, sometimes you feel like you're in pain. Lonely, you may feel like no one really cares about you. But I want you to know that Yahweh our God is a personal God and He loves us and He cares for us. He wanted to do something. Notice He said: I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them out of that land into a good and spacious land, flowing with milk and honey. "This is the promise God made to Abraham hundreds of years ago. Our God keeps His promises. He remembers His promises. More importantly, look at what His great plans are for us. God's plan is: and delivered them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and brought them out of that land into a good and spacious land, flowing with milk and honey". That was the way God designed for His people.

You see, God is more than personal, more than love, Yahweh loves us. Most importantly, He wants you to know Him: He is good. He knows our pain. Why? Because God is the supreme moral being. What do you think of when you see the word "morals"? What is right and what is wrong? God cares about us, what is right and what is wrong. Notice how God describes Himself in Exodus 3:13-14, Moses said to God: "I come to the children of Israel and say to them: The God of your fathers [Elohim] has sent me to you. Come. What shall I say to them if they ask me, What is his name? God [Elohim] said to Moses: 'I am that I am'" Wow. I am that I am. ; Wow. I am who I am; He who is has sent me to you. "What does that mean"?

And as we read on, God [Elohim] said to Moses again, You shall speak to Israel. This is what they say: The Lord [Yahweh], the God of your fathers [Elohim], the God of Abraham, Elohim the God of Isaac, and Elohim the God of Jacob, sent I come to you, the LORD is my name forever, and this is my memorial to all generations. In Exodus 3, God Himself describes His own name. So the word "Yahweh" is a very personal name for God. It was never used to describe pagan gods. It is never used in the plural sense. Because Yahweh is the name of God. Hebrew word "I am" – haya Hebrew word "I am" – haya Also "Lord", capital "Y", capital "H", capital "W", capital "H" – Both forms of YHWH come from the same Hebrew verb "Yahweh". "Yahweh" means "I am that I am". The verb is "I will," so you can translate it as "I Let it be" It shows God as our supreme being.

You will notice in Exodus 6:2 and 5 that God spoke to Moses and said: I am the LORD (Yahweh). I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as the Almighty God. My name is the LORD (Yahweh). Wei), they did not know. My covenant with them is firm: I will give them the land of Canaan, where they live as aliens. God is saying, that name was not fully explained to the patriarchs, the ancestors. But God is now saying, "I have made it clear to you". So Yahweh means He is a supreme being, He is eternal, He exists independently He is independent, not like you, not like me. We cannot live long without oxygen, but God is independent. He says, "I am, I am". He needs nothing, for He exists alone. Let me give you an example of how the word Yahweh is connected to God. Say to all the congregation of Israel: You shall be holy, for I The Lord your God is holy. What do you notice? The Lord wants us to be holy. "You must be holy, for I, the Lord your God, am holy".

What does that mean? You'll see a lot of pagan gods, you'll see this in a lot of religions, their gods don't care how they live, as long as you can perform the rituals, as long as you go to a specific place with some people Once a year, some people once a week, but your god, their god doesn't care how you live, and Yahweh is not like that. Yahweh is a supreme moral being, He cares about how you and I should live, pay attention. We, you, shall be holy, for I, the LORD your God, am holy. Look at the context of this verse, and honor your father and your father, each of you, in a manner that pleases God. How you treat your mother is part of holiness. In other words, Yahweh our God cares about how we treat each other and how we treat our parents. In fact, if you look at Exodus 20:1 and 2 it tells us: I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

Note: "I am the Lord your God". And then if you read Exodus 20:3-17, He now gives you the Ten Commandments. God's holiness is expressed in His commandments. Our God Yahweh, our Creator, our Designer, our Creator, He knows what is best for us, He created us, so He has the right to tell us what is right and what is wrong. You see, what makes something right and what makes something wrong? Is it culture? Is it majority rule? What makes adultery wrong? Why is same-sex marriage wrong? Sometimes people ask us. It's not me telling you what is right and wrong. But Yahweh. God knows what is best and God wants the best. Therefore, God tells you: "I created you, I designed you, I am God and I am Yahweh, your Creator. I will tell you what is right and what is wrong, for what is right for you is Okay, what is wrong is bad for you".

My friends, let me ask you a question: What do you think of God's commandments? When you read about what God wants you to do, what God wants you to do. What goes through your mind? Do you feel too restrictive? Do you feel God is very controlling? Do you and I have a tendency to violate His rules and commandments? You see, carnal people, those who are not truly People who know God will find that God's words limit us and that God's words control people too much. On the other hand, if you know God, you will find that God's Word, God's commandments are for our protection and for our good. Why? Because God is absolutely holy, and because He is holy, He wants you to be holy. Why? Because He cares. God cares how you and I live.

Can I ask you a question? How are you treating your wife? How are you treating your parents? How are you treating your children? How are you treating your employees? How do we connect to each other? We do this with respect for each other. In fellowship? In love? That is our Yahweh, He cares for us, He is the absolute moral being. By the way, what do you think of when I use the word "holy"? For most of us, we don't fully understand what the word "holy" means. When it is used to describe God, it describes God as being clearly superior to all His creations. It describes God as being clearly superior to all His creations. No one can compare with God. But then it also describes His attributes, but then it also describes His attributes, His moral character. So the word "holy" means "God is the sum total of all virtues". He is absolutely pure, without a trace of sin, without any evil.

The Bible tells us: "God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all". Yahweh is completely pure and holy. The perfection of His character. He is absolutely perfect, if there is such a term. It is unchanging and eternal. So when God says, "I am I am". Do you know what God is saying? For eternity past, eternity present, eternity future, I am I am, I do not change, I am absolutely Holy. Because God is perfect, He does not change. Because He doesn't need to change. Because God is perfect, He cannot be better. Because God is perfect, He cannot become worse. This means you can trust Yahweh completely. This is a wonderful truth that you need to know about our God. He is more than our Creator, He is more than Almighty, He loves you, He wants a better relationship with you. But more than that, He is a supreme moral being. He is completely holy, He is perfect, and you can trust Him completely.

Stephen Charnock said: "Power is the hand of God, omniscience is the eye of God... Eternity is His life, holiness is His beauty". God's holiness summarizes all of His wonderful attributes. Exodus 34:5 and 7, "The LORD came in the cloud, and stood there with Moses, proclaiming the name of the LORD. The LORD stood before him and proclaimed: LORD, LORD, Yahweh, a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity...and sin, and by no means clearing the guilty Sin..."

What does the holy nature of God mean? It means the perfection of His character, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in love. But you know what? He added something. Not only does He forgive people, but He also judges sin. Because God is holy, He will judge sin. If you want to understand the holiness of God, you have to look at the cross. If you don't understand the holiness of God, you won't fully understand the meaning of the cross. The reason Jesus suffered and died on the cross was because of the holiness of God. Sin must be dealt with. Sin must be judged. The Bible tells us that Jesus suffered and died on the cross for your sins and for my sins. We do not fully realize all of God's attributes; we pick and choose (of which we like). Most of us love God's love. We love God's forgiveness, but God is holy. Note that from the root word "wholeness," God is holy and perfect. He wants the best for us, and God will punish sin.

You see the word "holy" doesn't mean He doesn't judge sin. Someone once said: "Indifference to sin is a moral defect". Let me say it again. Indifference to sin, indifference to evil, is a moral defect. If a leader doesn't care about right and wrong, he is not a good leader. Can you imagine a country where the law is not followed? Where it's okay to kill, to steal, to rape? What would that place be like? Imagine a work environment. What kind of work environment would it be if you were in a company or had a boss that tolerated stealing, lying, cheating, and unethical behavior? My friends, I praise God. Yahweh is not only loving, individual, and relational, but he is the supreme moral being who cares and who also judges sin. Now you begin to understand the importance of knowing God and obeying His Word.

Notice Genesis 2:16-18, "The LORD God commanded him, saying, From every tree of the garden you may freely eat. Notice, God is very merciful. From every tree, Except, you shall not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for in the day you eat from it you will surely die". I have come to a point in my life where I take His warnings seriously because God is faithful. He keeps His word. I realized that God is good. I desire to obey Him. I don't always like to obey and I don't always like to do what He wants me to do. But deep down in my heart, I firmly believe that God knows what is best and that what He wants me to do is for my greatest good. If I choose my own way, I will cause harm to myself. Why? Because God is Yahweh. God makes the rules. God decides what is right and what is wrong.

Sorry, you are not God and I am not God. What's your question today? Today's question is this: Satan, the serpent in Genesis 3 "The serpent was more subtle than any creature of the field which the Lord God had made". The serpent said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You shall not Eat from every tree in the garden"? Have you noticed Satan's strategy? He wants us to doubt God's word: Does God really say that? Next. The snake said to the woman: You will not necessarily die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. What does Satan want to do? Satan wants to cause people to doubt not only the Word of God, but also the character of God.

This, my friends, is the anatomy of temptation. Satan will make you doubt the Word of God. Satan will make you doubt his character. Satan would have you believe that God does not have your best interests in mind and that God is selfish. Satan will denigrate the character of God. The Bible tells us: "Then when the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and that it made people wise, she took some of its fruit and ate it, and gave it to her husband; Also ate". What do you notice from the scripture? The woman, after being tempted by Satan's lies, did not listen to God's word but used her own judgment. In her heart, she saw that the fruit of that tree was good for food. She sincerely believed it was pleasing to the eye. She sincerely believed that it made people wise. She sincerely believed that if she would do these things, don't exaggerate about disobeying God, don't focus on disobeying God, and just focus on doing the things you love to do, in her mind she would be happier and would be a better person.

You see, no one disobeys God. No one would sin because I would become miserable. I've never seen anyone do this. What is sin? When you disobey God's will. When you disobey Him. Let me tell you, in my life, I have never seen anyone intentionally disobey God, sin, because they thought, "You know what? I want to ruin my life, I want to ruin my family. I want to be miserable". None. Satan is an amazing liar. The Bible tells us that Jesus is described as: He is a liar and he attacks your mind. Isn't it amazing that the Chinese character for devil is talked about in Genesis 2 and 3? Isn't it incredible? Look at the Chinese word for devil Móguǐ-devil. You have cover, hide, there are two trees in the garden. It is a whisper, a word whispered to a person. Isn't that incredible? The devil told us that someone was whispering in the garden.

What, what has the devil been doing? Whispering in your ear that God is bad. Isn't the word "greed" surprising and incredible?. The word "covet" and you have two trees, as mentioned in Genesis. You talk to women. Why not a man? Why a woman? It was Eve who picked the fruit and ate it. What did you notice? God is always there to help, too. The Bible tells us: The Lord God was walking in the garden, and He was looking for Adam and Eve. The Bible tells us, He said, "Where are you"? What were Adam and Eve doing? If you look at Genesis 3:8, the Bible tells us, "Where are you? They hid themselves among the trees in the garden". Not only did they hide, they were ashamed.

The Bible tells us in Genesis 3:10, "I was afraid; because I was naked, I hid myself". You see, sin always has consequences. When we disobey God, the consequences are bad. In this case, you have fear, you hide, you feel shame. One of the consequences of sin is found in Genesis 3:17 and 20. God said: "Because you obeyed your wife and ate of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed for your sake; you must labor all the days of your life to get anything to eat from it. The land will give You bring forth thorns and thistles; you shall eat your bread by the sweat of your brow until you return to the dust". The Bible says, "For you are dust, and to dust you shall return".

You see the consequences of sin are more than shame. You see the consequences of sin are more than shame. The consequences of sin, the earth is cursed. God makes no apology for it. Who cursed the world? God. Why? Because? God is holy, and God will judge sin. Because of Adam's sin, you have thorns, you have thorns, and that's why you get sick, you get bacteria, and then you get thorns. You will die. What I have learned, friends, is that when He gives a warning, take it seriously, and hold on to it because God will always keep it. His promises, because Yahweh is the absolute moral being, when He promises something, He does what He says. Question: "Why would a loving God allow suffering and suffering"?

My friends, this is what God says: God is holy, God is love, and God is righteous. But there is always sin. Consequences. The consequences of sin, believe it or not, are also redeemable. Because God allows pain, God allows suffering to wake us up and make us think: What are we doing? You'll notice that bad news isn't just bad news, and then there was good news. The prompt is as follows. Genesis 3:21, "The Lord God (Yahweh) made clothes of skins for Adam and his wife". Why was it enough for Adam and Eve to wear fig leaves? The Bible tells us that after Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command, they were ashamed. They covered themselves with fig leaves and put on leaves (dresses made of leaves). I call this The first Hawaiian fashion show for mankind. Why is this enough? Why would God make clothes out of leather? Now, here's a foreshadowing of God's future provision.

You see the fig leaf, it's a foreshadowing of human effort, it's dependent on human beings. Work to solve the problem. It's never enough. Why? Look what God has done: "Leather Clothes" What kind of leather coat do you want? To have a leather coat means you have to kill an animal. Why? Because the Bible hopes that we will one day see the only thing that can cover the sin of mankind, which is the blood of Jesus. Here is the earliest type of God's wonderful plan of redemption. To understand the Bible, You have to see the big picture. God wants us to enjoy eternity with Him. You notice the shedding of blood in Revelation 13. In verse 8, the Bible says: Those in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain. What does that mean? Even before the world was born, God knew that was going to happen.

In 1 Peter 1:18-20, He knew you. Did you notice that you were redeemed from the futile ways inherited from your fathers, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish or spot? The truth of the matter? The Bible tells us: "You are not redeemed" Salvation does not come from money, silver or gold. Our salvation is so expensive. Money cannot buy salvation, good works cannot buy salvation, only the blood of the Lord Jesus.Why is it so precious? It's the precious blood of the Lamb of God, the pure and innocent Lamb. Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to know, I want us all to know, Our God Yahweh is not just love, He is also personal and He wants to have a relationship with us. Do you know Him? More than that, our God is a moral God and is an absolutely perfect moral being.

What does He tell us? What is right and what is wrong. He wants you to be holy. Finally, do you know that God is faithful? He keeps His promises. Take it seriously. Believe in every promise. What promises has God given you during this COVID-19 crisis? Did you know that God has given us many promises? God gives us promises when you are in emotional need. Do you know His promises? Are you learning God's promises? How can you enjoy God's promises? If you don't know God, if. You don't know His Word, and you'll notice that from Genesis to Revelation, this is a theme, the theme of redemption. You'll notice, for example, in Genesis 12, when God made a promise to Abraham. What word was used? Genesis 12:1, God [Yahweh] said, Look, God is making a promise. God said to Abraham: "I will make you a great nation".

God said to Abraham: "You will be fruitful and increase in number". God said to Abraham: "All the families of the earth will be blessed through you". These are God's promises, but there is one question. In Genesis 12, Abraham was 75 years old and his wife was barren. Sarah was wasted, she was childless, she was barren. But what can you learn from Yahweh? When Yahweh makes a promise, it comes true. The Bible tells us: "Abraham and Sarah were very old". Do you know how old they were? Almost a hundred years old, Sarah was 90. "Old Age" The Bible tells us: "Sarah's menstruation had ceased". She could not have any more children. Not only was she unable to have children, she was decayed. The Bible tells us: God said to Abraham: "Don't worry, Abraham, Sarah will have a child next year".

When Sarah heard the promise, she smiled. She said, "How can I have a baby? I'm old". And God said, I love this. Look at verse 14: "Is anything too hard for the Lord"? "Is anything too hard for the Lord"? You see, when the Lord says something, He does it. Did you know? God's promises are fulfilled in the name of Jesus among Abraham's descendants. Here's what happened: The Jews confronted Jesus, "You are not fifty years old, and have you seen Abraham"? Jesus was confronting the religious leaders. How can you say you have met Abraham? Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham existed, I am". Do you see the word "I am"? It's from the Greek word "ego" eim, I am, the same expression used in Exodus 3: "I am that I am".

The Jews understood this when Jesus said "I am". When the Jews heard this, they were very angry, because the word "I am" was reserved only for God and God Himself. Jesus said: Before Abraham was, I was. So they stoned Him; why? Why did they stone Him? If you read on, do you know why? Because they said, "You are only a man, but you count yourselves as Be God" You see, God keeps His promises. God has sent a Savior, a Messiah, in the name of Jesus. He died on the cross for your sins and for my sins.

You see, Jesus is the greatest God. My encouragement is this verse: Jeremiah 9 verses 23-24, This is the Lord, this is Yahweh capital L, capital O, capital R, capital D. Every time you see those capital letters it is Yahweh. Say: "Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, nor the mighty man in his might, nor the rich man in his riches. But he who boasts boasts because he understands and knows that I am the LORD, I am the LORD, and that I delight in lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness in the earth". You know God wants us to know Him. Do you know God? Do you really know Him? Do you want to know Him? My prayer is that your faith will be rooted in the knowledge of God. This way when life When the storm comes, you can stand up.

When the temptation comes, when Satan's lies come, you can stand firm because you know the character of God. God is good. God is absolutely holy. Yes, He wants what's best for us, and when God says something, it's for our good. When God tells you not to do something, it's not good for you. Do you have that faith that Yahweh is holy? He has a personal relationship with you. He wants you to know Him. The most important thing to know is that He wants you to know Him, He loves you. You will notice that life is ultimately about choice. It is a choice to follow God and do His will. To do what we want.

You see, sin is going against God's desire, Yahweh's desire, and Yahweh wants us to experience His best because God created us, God designed us, and He is human. Yes, He knows what is best for us, and He wants what is best for me and you. Ultimately, someone once said, "At the end of your life, there are only two possibilities: One is Your will be done," or God is telling you, "Your will be done". In my case, I choose to say, "Lord, Your will be done". Now, you begin to understand why only God's people, Those who choose to do His will will be in Heaven. They can go to heaven. Do you know why? If you go against God's will, if you feel God is strict, if you feel God is too authoritative and you rebel against Him, you just don't want His will, why do you want to enjoy heaven? Because heaven wants to In the presence of a loving God. It's about trusting Him and believing in Him.

In my case, I choose to believe in God. I choose to believe that God is good and that His will is best for me. I rejoice, not unwillingly but willingly to do His will. Make your choice today. God is relational, He is personal, and He wants you to love Him. You will never know what life will be like if you don't follow Him. If you don't follow Him you will never know what you are missing. Follow Him and you will begin to experience the true meaning of life. Because Yahweh, God is not just the Creator, but a loving God who cares about us. If you really want to know God, I want to give you an opportunity to pray with me, a prayer to Yahweh, to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. Let's pray.

Lord Jesus, I know that You are not only the Creator of the universe, You are also a loving God. You want us, you want me to have a relationship with you. So Jesus, today I surrender myself to Your will. I know that Your will is the best for my life. I invite you to be my Lord and my Master. I accept your forgiveness, and I accept your gift of eternal life. Please come into my heart, change my life, and help me take root in you. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.