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Andy Stanley - Tips for a Happy Work Life
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Andy Stanley - Tips for a Happy Work Life
Andy Stanley - Tips for a Happy Work Life
Hi everybody. Welcome to Your Move where we help you make better decisions and live with fewer regrets. I'm Andy Stanley and I'll be your guide. And today, we're talking about how to be happy at work, how to be happy with your work, and how to find [...]
Andy Stanley - The Journey to True Happiness
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Andy Stanley - The Journey to True Happiness
Andy Stanley - The Journey to True Happiness
Hi, everybody. Welcome to "Your Move" where we help you make better decisions and live with fewer regrets. I'm Andy Stanley, and I have a question for you, and I want you to pay close attention to the first thing that comes to mind and [...]
Craig Groeschel - Why Doesn't God Give Me What I Want?
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Craig Groeschel - Why Doesn't God Give Me What I Want?
Craig Groeschel - Why Doesn't God Give Me What I Want?
I wanna start today by giving you a little pop quiz. Little pop quiz. The good news is that this does not count on your final grade, so this is just for fun. We're gonna play true or false. And just to make sure at all of our churches you're working [...]
Kerry Shook - Happiness Hoax
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Kerry Shook - Happiness Hoax
Kerry Shook - Happiness Hoax
In April 2013, a fishing vessel was attacked off the coast of South Africa, killing everyone on board. A TV crew documented marine biologist Collin Drake as he worked to determine the predator responsible. His discovery is presented in shocking [...]
James Meehan - You've Been Lied to About Finding Real Happiness
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James Meehan - You've Been Lied to About Finding Real Happiness
James Meehan - You've Been Lied to About Finding Real Happiness
You have been lied to. And the worst part is that most of us don't even realize it. And yes, this means you, watching from wherever you're watching, whether at Switch in real life or watching this video on YouTube, you have been lied to. And the [...]
Robert Barron - The Key to Happiness
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Robert Barron - The Key to Happiness
Robert Barron - The Key to Happiness
Peace be with you. Friends, we have one of the great passages in the New Testament today for our reading, namely the Beatitudes, taken from the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew, so the very beginning of the Sermon on the Mount. I'm going to go [...]
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 3
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". I appreciate that you're taking this time to spend with me in the Word of God. It may be the best 30 minutes that you've spent, because you may learn something today that's [...]
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 2
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life," where I will be teaching you the Word of God. One of the most important things that you can know is the word. You know, every time you hear the word, it helps renew your [...]
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 1
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". And actually, what I'm gonna be teaching on today goes right along with the name of our show. I'm gonna be talking to you about "Ways that you can increase your [...]
Robert Barron - Finding Lasting Happiness
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Robert Barron - Finding Lasting Happiness
Robert Barron - Finding Lasting Happiness
Peace be with you. Friends, I don't like puritanism in any of its forms. What I mean here is the kind of fussy, dualistic system of religious thought that says we should just fly away from the goods of this world. I've always been with Hilaire [...]
Steven Furtick - The Best Strategy For Happiness
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Steven Furtick - The Best Strategy For Happiness
Steven Furtick - The Best Strategy For Happiness
This is an excerpt from: My Joy Is My Job. I want to learn how to be sitting in something that's unfinished and still be fulfilled. I want to learn how to be able to say, "I've got something to be happy about even though the job's not [...]
Joel Osteen - Choose To Be Happy
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Joel Osteen - Choose To Be Happy
Joel Osteen - Choose To Be Happy
Every morning, when we wake up, we are given a choice. We get to choose how we will live that day. We can live it in faith, happy, expecting God's favor, or we can choose to go through our day discouraged, defeated, focused on our problems. [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Find Your Satisfaction in Christ
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Peter Tan-Chi - Find Your Satisfaction in Christ
Peter Tan-Chi - Find Your Satisfaction in Christ
Today's information is related to legit. We are talking about a series called What? Legit. do you know? I didn't understand this word before. This word is used by young people, legit. What does legit mean? Reality. Get rid of hypocrisy and be free. [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 8
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 8
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 8
You know, since its inception, this church has always been on the side of the persecuted. We stood by the persecuted, we supported the persecuted, we encouraged the persecuted, and we prayed regularly for the persecuted. I had the joy, prior to the [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 7
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 7
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 7
Peace. Peace, peace is the cry of millions. It's a longing of untold numbers around the world. It's that delusion that is pursued by all of humanity; and yet, the reason why this longing for peace is not attained by so many who seek it is because [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 6
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 6
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 6
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God". I want you to know, right at the outset, this sixth beatitude caused me an enormous heartache as a young Christian. It really did, because I took pure in heart to mean sinlessness. I [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 5
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 5
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 5
Mercy is not natural. Mercy is not natural. In fact, I can tell you the absolute truth from personal experience, firsthand experience, it is not natural. And that is why Jesus did not begin the Beatitudes by, "Blessed are the merciful, for they [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 4
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 4
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 4
This fourth beatitude is literally smacked in the middle of the series of messages. The beatitudes that Jesus gives on the Sermon on the Mounts are a superstructure. They were not a bunch of blessed are you, blessed are you, that Jesus threw out [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 3
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 3
We have been looking at the superstructure which we call the Beatitudes. Jesus did not call them that, we call them the Beatitudes. Jesus, when he said, "Blessed are you, blessed are you, blessed are you," he didn't just pluck some [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 2
We have begun this new series last message entitled "Happiness is in You". It's not something you just strive for it, Jesus said it's in you, you've gotta figure out where it is and how you get it. Happiness is in you. Turn with me please [...]
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Happiness is in You - Part 1
Happiness, who wants it? Who is not pursuing it? Who is not craving it? And who has found it? Just about all surveys have indicated that lots of people are pursuing happiness, but they're pursuing it in all sorts of things and all sorts of ways. But [...]
Mike Novotny - How to Truly Satisfy Your Heart
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Mike Novotny - How to Truly Satisfy Your Heart
Mike Novotny - How to Truly Satisfy Your Heart
I hate the morning. I'm not sure how God wired you, but I can stay up at night and read books and grow in my faith. But the morning it's just not my thing. My wife wakes up and she runs five miles and she reads her Bible and she gets dressed and [...]
Mike Novotny - A Love and Happiness That Endures Forever
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Mike Novotny - A Love and Happiness That Endures Forever
Mike Novotny - A Love and Happiness That Endures Forever
I have always been a lover of Broadway, just the way I was raised. My mom, my dad, my older brother took me to shows, "Phantom of the Opera," "Les Mis," "Joseph and His Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". I heard the songs, [...]
Mike Novotny - The Path to the True Pursuit of Happiness
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Mike Novotny - The Path to the True Pursuit of Happiness
Mike Novotny - The Path to the True Pursuit of Happiness
Apparently I can be kind of a jerk as a dad. That's what some people say when I tell them this story. Now, whenever my daughters and I go to the store and of course, they want to walk up and down the toy aisles, they'll always ask me the classic kid [...]
Mike Novotny - Where Is the Happiness That Lasts?
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Mike Novotny - Where Is the Happiness That Lasts?
Mike Novotny - Where Is the Happiness That Lasts?
I have a confession to make. I get a little bit infatuated with celebrities. I don't mean like creeping outside of Justin Bieber's window kind of infatuated. I haven't done that in months. My wife says that I get a little bit starstruck and I'm [...]
Mike Novotny - How Do You Find Happiness?
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Mike Novotny - How Do You Find Happiness?
Mike Novotny - How Do You Find Happiness?
Every man desires to be happy. That's what one of the most famous Christians in the last 2000 years said. Around the year 400 AD, Saint Augustine, a name you may or may not have heard of, said that every man, in fact, every person desires to be [...]
Steven Furtick - Restore Your Joy
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Steven Furtick - Restore Your Joy
Steven Furtick - Restore Your Joy
This is an excerpt from: The Hard Work Of Happiness But I think, according to Psalm 126, there are some decisions you can make in the dry places of your life that will lead you, no matter where you're starting from, into a place of supernatural [...]
Gregory Dickow - A Moment With Jesus
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Gregory Dickow - A Moment With Jesus
Gregory Dickow - A Moment With Jesus
Well, welcome global family from around the world to the power to change today, and, you know, I'm about to share with you something really special. God notices you no matter what it looks like. He's speaking to you no matter what it sounds like. [...]
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From the Religion of Misery
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Gregory Dickow - Freedom From the Religion of Misery
Gregory Dickow - Freedom From the Religion of Misery
Well, merry Christmas, global family, and welcome to the Power to Change today. You know, wherever you're watching our program from around the world, I want to remind you that the best is ahead. Yes, the best is yet to come. Something good is going [...]
Gregory Dickow - Living from Victory: Anxious for Nothing
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Gregory Dickow - Living from Victory: Anxious for Nothing
Gregory Dickow - Living from Victory: Anxious for Nothing
Living from victory, anxious for nothing, and as we continue on our journey in our walk with God, it's really vital that we understand we don't need to defeat the devil. Now, the devil is real, and his impact in this world is real. From Adam and Eve [...]
Skip Heitzig - Happy (Psalm 1)
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Skip Heitzig - Happy (Psalm 1)
Skip Heitzig - Happy (Psalm 1)
It's an honor to be with you this morning. Before we get started, let's start... well, before we get into the Word, let's get started the right way, as we always do, and let's talk to the Lord about what we're going to hear. Father, we rest in the [...]
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Happiness
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Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Happiness
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Happiness
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Let me begin today with a question: do you think Jesus really cares about your happiness, or is the pursuit of happiness too self-indulgent? Well, here's the truth. When we understand [...]
Greg Laurie - Where To Find Happiness?
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Greg Laurie - Where To Find Happiness?
Greg Laurie - Where To Find Happiness?
Let me ask you a question. Have you ever met someone who has said, "I really don't want to be happy. You know, happiness may be good", oh, thank you, "Happiness may be good for some people, but it's not really good for me". Now, [...]
Greg Laurie - Happiness: What Do You Live For?
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Greg Laurie - Happiness: What Do You Live For?
Greg Laurie - Happiness: What Do You Live For?
I saw an advertisement, and I believe it was a computer magazine, quite a few years ago, and it's a picture of a guy shaving in the mirror. And it asked this question, is it an alarm clock or a calling that gets you up in the morning? I thought, [...]
Jentezen Franklin - 2 Secrets To Being Happy
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Jentezen Franklin - 2 Secrets To Being Happy
Jentezen Franklin - 2 Secrets To Being Happy
Open your Bibles with me to the Book of Ecclesiastes 3, Ecclesiastes 3. It's so important that you hear what I share. Today, I'm going to preach on two secrets, "The Two Secrets to Being Happy". Even when you're in overwhelming situations. [...]
Steven Furtick - Jealousy And Joy Can't Coexist
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Steven Furtick - Jealousy And Joy Can't Coexist
Steven Furtick - Jealousy And Joy Can't Coexist
This is an excerpt from: The Hard Work Of Happiness There is no formula for happiness that starts with "If I had…" It doesn't come from them. You can be on an island or you can be in the backroom ready to preach to thousands… God has had [...]
Steven Furtick - The Hard Work Of Happiness
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Steven Furtick - The Hard Work Of Happiness
Steven Furtick - The Hard Work Of Happiness
You know what? It used to be when I would take a little summer break, the day we would get to our vacation as a family… We haven't been on one long vacation, but normally, we'll go away for a little while. I would start thinking immediately about [...]
Jack Graham - The Pathway to Happiness
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Jack Graham - The Pathway to Happiness
Jack Graham - The Pathway to Happiness
When you read the Psalms remember this is the songbook of the Bible. It's right in the center, right at the core in the heart of the Scriptures. In fact when I was a little guy and we were in Sword drill or Bible drill, we call it now, we learned [...]
Greg Laurie - Happiness: Where To Find It?
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Greg Laurie - Happiness: Where To Find It?
Greg Laurie - Happiness: Where To Find It?
The title of my message is "Happiness: Where to Find It. Philippians Chapter 1". Let me ask you a question. Have you ever met someone who has said, "I really don't want to be happy. Happiness may be good for some people, but it's not [...]
Joel Osteen - Choosing To Be Happy
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Joel Osteen - Choosing To Be Happy
Joel Osteen - Choosing To Be Happy
I want to talk to you today about Choosing To Be Happy. When we wake up in the morning we get to choose how we're going to live that day. We can choose to live in faith, happy, expecting favor. Or we can choose to live discouraged, defeated, focused [...]
Joyce Meyer - Stop Diluting Your Joy
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Joyce Meyer - Stop Diluting Your Joy
Joyce Meyer - Stop Diluting Your Joy
Well, thank you for joining us today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". And we're talking about joy and enjoyment today. So I think it's going to be a fun and a happy day. I've actually titled this, "Stop diluting your joy". You know, [...]
Levi Lusko - The Good Life
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Levi Lusko - The Good Life
Levi Lusko - The Good Life
If you're just joining us now, welcome to the Happy Trails series we're taking some time to explore parts Oregon, and Utah, Wyoming. And this week, we're in the heart of the Jewel Basin, just outside of Big Fork, Montana at Camp Misery - what a [...]
Joyce Meyer - Take Time To Enjoy Life
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Joyce Meyer - Take Time To Enjoy Life
Joyce Meyer - Take Time To Enjoy Life
Welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life", I'm so glad that you joined us today. And I just said, "Welcome to Enjoying Everyday Life", and guess what? Today, I'm gonna talk to you about taking time to enjoy your life. Yes, I said [...]
Joseph Prince - The Key To A Truly Fulfilling Life
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Joseph Prince - The Key To A Truly Fulfilling Life
Joseph Prince - The Key To A Truly Fulfilling Life
Today I want to share with you something that is practical, something that will help you. There'll be doctrine, of course, but today is more practical because I'm gonna show you some things that probably will uncover the secrets of many hearts, [...]
Beth Moore - Taking Happy Back
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Beth Moore - Taking Happy Back
Beth Moore - Taking Happy Back
I wonder where your heart is as we meet in this place. I wonder how many of us in this room have the guts to come completely, honestly before the Lord Jesus because that's the only way that the Word lands is the spirit of truth. We come to him, [...]
Joel Osteen - Choose To Be Happy
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Joel Osteen - Choose To Be Happy
Joel Osteen - Choose To Be Happy
Did you know, that God designed you for a life you can enjoy? You don't have to wait for everything to be straightened out in your family, for your business to run smoothly, for all your problems to be solved. You don't have to wait till you lose [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - The Secret To Joyful Living
Jentezen Franklin - The Secret To Joyful Living
Psalms 16:11: "You will show me the path of life: for in Your presence", in Your presence, "is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures for evermore". The stress, the strain, the business of modern day life, and the [...]
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Greg Laurie - Happiness, Hope, And Heaven
Greg Laurie - Happiness, Hope, And Heaven
I heard about an 85-year-old couple. They were both 85. They had been married 60 years, and amazingly they both died on the same day and they went to heaven. They were greeted by saint Peter at the pearly gates. He said, "Welcome to heaven. Let [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - I Serve A Happy God
Jentezen Franklin - I Serve A Happy God
If you have your Bibles, I'm gonna talk to you for just a few moments from Exodus 6 today. Exodus 6. I'll begin with Exodus 6:2. "And God spoke to Moses and said to him, 'I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, and to Isaac, and to Jacob as God [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Seven Ways To Increase Your Happiness
Joyce Meyer - Seven Ways To Increase Your Happiness
I wanna say something from the get-go, 'cause I thought about this, this morning. I felt like God put this on my heart. Our goal in life as a believer, and as believers, our goals are totally different than people in the world. How many of you know [...]
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