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Craig Groeschel - God Can Handle Your Doubts
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Craig Groeschel - God Can Handle Your Doubts
Craig Groeschel - God Can Handle Your Doubts
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there’s a real, genuine spiritual hunger with people today. In almost 30 years of leading the church, I think that I’m seeing perhaps more of a kind of organic spiritual hunger with people asking questions and [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Benefit of Doubt
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Craig Groeschel - The Benefit of Doubt
Craig Groeschel - The Benefit of Doubt
What do you do when you have questions about God, but you don’t have any easy answers? For example, you might have really prayed and believed by faith that God would heal your friend that had cancer, and you prayed and you prayed and you prayed, but [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Doubting God's Promises?
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Peter Tan-Chi - Doubting God's Promises?
Peter Tan-Chi - Doubting God's Promises?
Three qualities that I want you to learn from the faith of Abraham. Alright? The first one is Obedience. The second one is restedness, Rest, the third one is total Surrender. Let’s begin with the first one, the faith of Abraham, The evidence of true [...]
Steven Furtick - Stepping Out In Doubt
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Steven Furtick - Stepping Out In Doubt
Steven Furtick - Stepping Out In Doubt
This is an excerpt from: It's The Motion That Matters How many of you are dealing with uncertainty right now in an area of your life where you are trying to figure out whether the doubt you have is something you should pay attention to as [...]
James Merritt - The Benefit of the Doubt
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James Merritt - The Benefit of the Doubt
James Merritt - The Benefit of the Doubt
A few years ago, the Barna Research Group conducted a poll that found that spiritual doubt is much more common among Christians than we might have considered. About 65% of Christians said they had questioned what they believed about religion and [...]
James Meehan - Doubt, Deconstruction, and Discipleship
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James Meehan - Doubt, Deconstruction, and Discipleship
James Meehan - Doubt, Deconstruction, and Discipleship
Well, hello, there, my name is James Meehan and I'm really excited that you're taking some time to go on this journey with us together at "Switch" of becoming more like Jesus for the sake of others, because that's what this [...]
Mike Novotny - I Sometimes Doubt God
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Mike Novotny - I Sometimes Doubt God
Mike Novotny - I Sometimes Doubt God
In the last month, I had two conversations with two very different women from two very different backgrounds, but the conversations ended up being about the exact same thing, doubt. Doubts about the faith that I believe in, doubts about the book [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Thomas, Defeating Doubt
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Dr. Ed Young - Thomas, Defeating Doubt
Dr. Ed Young - Thomas, Defeating Doubt
There was a time on this earth when Adam and Eve, their mind was in perfect agreement with the mind of Almighty God. The garden of Eden, pristine utopia. God, mankind. In the garden there was beauty, joy, freedom, celebration, because the mind of [...]
Andy Stanley - For Those Who Doubt
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Andy Stanley - For Those Who Doubt
Andy Stanley - For Those Who Doubt
So if you are in the middle of a difficult season of your life, maybe something going on in your marriage, maybe there's you fear, there's something going on in your marriage. You can't quite put your finger on it, but there's [...]
Michael Youssef - What Is The Healthy Way to Approach My Doubts?
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Michael Youssef - What Is The Healthy Way to Approach My Doubts?
Michael Youssef - What Is The Healthy Way to Approach My Doubts?
First thing you need to realize that you are not the only one who is experiencing doubt. Even the great heroes of the Bible, they all experienced doubt. The question is not whether you have some doubts, it is how long you stay in that doubt. That is [...]
Steven Furtick - Drag Your Doubt Into The Light
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Steven Furtick - Drag Your Doubt Into The Light
Steven Furtick - Drag Your Doubt Into The Light
This is an excerpt from: Challenge The Shadow Sometimes what you're going through feels like the end. It is a valley. But one thing you have to remember about a valley is the only way there can be a valley is that there is a mountain on either [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Doubters
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Doubters
Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves Doubters
Good morning, would you turn in your Bibles to two places in your New Testaments: the first gospel, the gospel of Matthew, and the fourth gospel, the gospel of John; Matthew, chapter 11, and John, chapter 20. Dennis was a doubter. Dennis grew up in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Where You are Looking Makes all the Difference
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Rabbi Schneider - Where You are Looking Makes all the Difference
Rabbi Schneider - Where You are Looking Makes all the Difference
In the book of Matthew chapter 14, we read about the very familiar story of Yeshua, of Jesus, walking on the water. The disciples were on the boat and they saw Jesus at night walking upon the water. And we know Peter's personality, very [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How You Can Defeat Doubt and Confusion
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Rabbi Schneider - How You Can Defeat Doubt and Confusion
Rabbi Schneider - How You Can Defeat Doubt and Confusion
At the very end of Paul's life, he said this: "I have fought the fight and I have won the race". What fight was he fighting? It was the fight of faith. It was the fight of faith. And every single day You and I are being tested. By [...]
Steven Furtick - God, Help Me Overcome Doubt
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Steven Furtick - God, Help Me Overcome Doubt
Steven Furtick - God, Help Me Overcome Doubt
This is an excerpt from: You Didn't Lose It "I do believe. Help me overcome my unbelief". I'm not asking God to just take it away. I'm asking God "Help me overcome it". My faith is not gone. I just have to learn [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How to Ignore the Wind and the Waves
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Rabbi Schneider - How to Ignore the Wind and the Waves
Rabbi Schneider - How to Ignore the Wind and the Waves
In the 14th chapter of the book of Matthew, we read about Yeshua walking on water, and we marvel at that sensational, spectacular, glorious miracle. And we wonder, "Wow, is it possible that I could ever walk on water"? We know that Peter [...]
Jack Graham - Choosing Faith Over Doubt
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Jack Graham - Choosing Faith Over Doubt
Jack Graham - Choosing Faith Over Doubt
And of the choices we make, what we consider today is one of the most important, which is to "Choose Faith over Doubt". I didn't say faith over unbelief, but faith over doubt. And there is a difference in doubt and unbelief. We do not [...]
Craig Groeschel - Dealing With Your Doubt
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Craig Groeschel - Dealing With Your Doubt
Craig Groeschel - Dealing With Your Doubt
Jesus was suffering and dying on a cross. And he looked up to heaven and declared to his Father, "It is finished. I did everything that you sent me to do". And he said, "Into your hands, I commit my spirit". And he breathes his [...]
Jack Graham - Bird in a Cage
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Jack Graham - Bird in a Cage
Jack Graham - Bird in a Cage
Today in the message we're introduced to a man that Jesus called the greatest man born of woman. Now if someone were to ask you "Who is the greatest mortal who ever lived"? Not Jesus Himself, the God-Man, the Creator of all, but any [...]
Jentezen Franklin - So What if They Don't Believe?
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Jentezen Franklin - So What if They Don't Believe?
Jentezen Franklin - So What if They Don't Believe?
I wanna go quickly, but I wanna go to Romans 3:3. "For what if some do not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true and let every man a liar. As it is written". I love [...]
Craig Smith - Dealing With Doubt
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Craig Smith - Dealing With Doubt
Craig Smith - Dealing With Doubt
Welcome to Mission Hills. So glad you are here for our continuing journey through the Gospel of John. Today we’ll talk about something not often talked about in church. That is doubt. There are five letters in it, but we treat it like a four letter [...]
Robert Jeffress - Without a Doubt - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Without a Doubt - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Without a Doubt - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. The Bible teaches that while all have sinned and deserve God's judgment, God's gift of salvation is freely available to anyone who will put their faith in Jesus Christ. [...]
Robert Jeffress - Without a Doubt - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Without a Doubt - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Without a Doubt - Part 1
Hi, I'm Dr. Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden by eating the forbidden fruit, they brought sin into the world, and their sinful choice put us at odds with [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt to Faith -  Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt to Faith - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt to Faith - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Very few Christians are willing to admit it, but we all struggle with doubt myself included. Maybe your thoughts are frequently overrun with questions about God's goodness, [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt to Faith -  Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt to Faith - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt to Faith - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. In Matthew 17:20 Jesus said, "If you have faith as tiny as that of a mustard seed you can move mountains". So how do we develop the kind of faith that allows us to [...]
Leon Fontaine - Are You Double Minded?
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Leon Fontaine - Are You Double Minded?
Leon Fontaine - Are You Double Minded?
What I'm going to say is going to unlock some things that I believe are going to help you in a tremendous way. Don't be proud and think, "Oh, I don't have time". You don't have time for God. That's pride. You [...]
Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Doubt - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Doubt - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Doubt - Part 2
Okay now, I think that sometimes we do doubt God but I think more than we doubt God, we doubt ourselves. So, we're gonna talk a lot tonight about self-doubt. And what I mean by that is we don't doubt that God can do it, but will he do it [...]
Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Doubt - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Doubt - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Dealing with Doubt - Part 1
I want to talk tonight about "Dealing With Doubt". Because if we're going to trust God, then we have to do something all the doubts that come against us. How many of you experience doubt from time to time or a million times every day [...]
Steven Furtick - God, I Don't Understand
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Steven Furtick - God, I Don't Understand
Steven Furtick - God, I Don't Understand
Often, the first impulse when God really shows up in your life is fear, and it is only in pushing through the fear that you find the love of God on the other side of your fear. "What's this all about"? But the angel said to her, [...]
Derek Prince - When You Have Doubts and Fears about the Gifts
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Derek Prince - When You Have Doubts and Fears about the Gifts
Derek Prince - When You Have Doubts and Fears about the Gifts
Now, the Lord spoke through Ruth and He said, there are many that have doubts and fears and you are to lay them aside. I want to pray for those that are troubled by doubts and fear right now. If you would raise your hand, I’m going to pray for you. [...]
Steven Furtick - When Your Doubt Trips You Up
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Steven Furtick - When Your Doubt Trips You Up
Steven Furtick - When Your Doubt Trips You Up
One of the most disturbing questions in the Bible is in Matthew, chapter 11. What makes it so disturbing isn't necessarily the content of the question but who it came from. In Matthew, chapter 11, a question was asked of Jesus, and this is just [...]
Robert Jeffress - For Those Who Doubt
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Robert Jeffress - For Those Who Doubt
Robert Jeffress - For Those Who Doubt
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". At some point nearly every Christian goes through a season of doubt regarding God's existence, or at least God's goodness. And many people are too ashamed [...]
Leon Fontaine - Doubt Vs Faith
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Leon Fontaine - Doubt Vs Faith
Leon Fontaine - Doubt Vs Faith
I want to teach you today how to deal with doubt. I want to show you that the miraculous is your birthright as a Christian. That from the cross onward there is no example of a person who followed Christ, who did not see miracles in their lives. And [...]
Charles Stanley - Faith That Wavers
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Charles Stanley - Faith That Wavers
Charles Stanley - Faith That Wavers
Well, one of the greatest assets you have in your life is your faith. It affects everything you do. You're planning to get up tomorrow morning, right? You may have some plans about going to work. We live by our faith. We make plans. Some [...]
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Steven Furtick - 50/50 Faith
Steven Furtick - 50/50 Faith
And I have a scripture for you today that I think will be a great blessing in your life. It's in 1 Samuel 14:6. The Bible says, "Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, 'Come, let's go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Can I Deal With Doubt?
Joyce Meyer - How Can I Deal With Doubt?
You know, I think doubt, nagging doubts, you've made a decision, now here comes the nagging doubts, it's like having a bad hangnail. You just never know when it's going to go... Such a little thing, but such a huge problem. Have any [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Dealing With Doubt
Joyce Meyer - Dealing With Doubt
I want to talk tonight about "Dealing with doubt". Because if you're going to trust God, then we have to do something all the doubts that come against us. How many of you experience doubt from time to time or a million times every day [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Fear And Doubt
Joyce Meyer - Fear And Doubt
When we feel anxious, God's Word has answers to help us stay peaceful. Learn how to apply your faith in God during times of fear and uncertainty. God never leaves us without a way... He IS the way! Today, Joyce Meyer shares why you can [...]
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David Jeremiah - Slaying the Giant of Doubt
David Jeremiah - Slaying the Giant of Doubt
It should not surprise us to discover that in the Bible, there were many people who doubted. If you read through the Psalms, or you examine the lives of men like Job or Solomon, particularly as he wrote the Book of Ecclesiastes, or even in reading [...]
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Charles Stanley - The Challenge of Wavering Faith
Charles Stanley - The Challenge of Wavering Faith
Do you often wonder why God hasn't answered your prayer when you've come to Him over and over again about the same issue? And you tell Him about it; you give Him all the details and yet nothing happens. Could it be it's because of [...]
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Leon Fontaine - Do Not Doubt
Leon Fontaine - Do Not Doubt
We've been on a topic now for a couple of days about spoken words and the power that they have in all realms. Spiritual, mental, physical, relational. And so, faith is what we're gonna talk about today and Christians are famous for every [...]
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Steven Furtick — How To Defuse Your Doubt?
Steven Furtick — How To Defuse Your Doubt?
Now I want to read about this first person to you in verse 28, the first force of doubt, that David encounters. I want you to look for yourself in this passage and see how this relates to you and where you are today. It says verse 28: "When [...]
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Steven Furtick - The Benefit of the Doubt
Steven Furtick - The Benefit of the Doubt
In Matthew 1, the record goes: "This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came аbout: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her [...]
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Greg Laurie — Dealing With Doubt
Greg Laurie — Dealing With Doubt
Have you ever felt like God has let you down? Have you ever had doubts about your faith? If you have, you are not alone. Even men of faith like Moses, Abraham, and Elijah had their moments of doubt. Pastor Greg offers encouragement to us as he [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Overcoming Doubt
Rabbi Schneider — Overcoming Doubt
Shalom and God bless you, beloved ones. Welcome to a very special edition of Discovering the gonna take you into Israel to the Sea of Galilee. Did you know that the Sea of Galilee on earth? It's also called the River flows into it. So many [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — How to Be a Devout Dissolver of Doubt
Jesse Duplantis — How to Be a Devout Dissolver of Doubt
There is power in personal faith. In his message, Jesse Duplantis shares why faith matters. It matters in church, politics, business, and every area of life. Discover the joy of standing for truth and being the one that encourages others to do the [...]
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Tony Evans — Sarah: The Doubter God Used
Tony Evans — Sarah: The Doubter God Used
It’s been said that the “facts” speak for themselves. But Thursday on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans explains why the facts don’t always tell us the whole story as he takes a look at how God’s promises can rewrite our reality. If you've ever [...]