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Jeff Schreve - The Sacredness of Sex
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Jeff Schreve - The Sacredness of Sex
Jeff Schreve - The Sacredness of Sex
In our world today, we have disgraced and discarded the seventh commandment. It clearly says you shall not commit adultery. But there’s a reason why this commandment was given to us by God. So we’d reserve sex for the safe confines of marriage. I’m [...]
Jeff Schreve - The Issue of Unbelief
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Jeff Schreve - The Issue of Unbelief
Jeff Schreve - The Issue of Unbelief
When it comes to the Christian life, sometimes there are issues we wrestle with that become sticking points to our spiritual growth. Hey, is there something in your life right now hindering your progress? Join me today and learn how to wrestle with [...]
Jeff Schreve - The Flesh, The Spirit, and the Christian
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Jeff Schreve - The Flesh, The Spirit, and the Christian
Jeff Schreve - The Flesh, The Spirit, and the Christian
Every Christian knows about the internal battle between the flesh and the spirit. If you let the flesh take control of your heart, it will steal, kill, and destroy, but if you, by the Spirit, put to death the deeds of the flesh, you’ll enjoy a life [...]
Jeff Schreve - The Commandment With A Promise
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Jeff Schreve - The Commandment With A Promise
Jeff Schreve - The Commandment With A Promise
«Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you,» that it may go well with you. I’m Pastor Jeff Schreve, and we’re studying the fifth commandment in my series Written in Stone. Today [...]
Jeff Schreve - The Church and The Gates of Hell
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Jeff Schreve - The Church and The Gates of Hell
Jeff Schreve - The Church and The Gates of Hell
In Matthew chapter 16, Jesus said, «Upon this rock,» speaking of Himself, «Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell will not prevail against it». Today, I’ll conclude my series called «Foundations» by exploring the power and [...]
Jeff Schreve - Jesus and Nicodemus
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Jeff Schreve - Jesus and Nicodemus
Jeff Schreve - Jesus and Nicodemus
How did Jesus interact with people and how did they respond to Him? Hey, did every encounter lead to salvation and healing? Or did some encounters lead to conflict and difficulty? Today we begin my new series called «Divine Encounters: What Happens [...]
Jeff Schreve - Decision Time
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Jeff Schreve - Decision Time
Jeff Schreve - Decision Time
Happy New Year. I’m Pastor Jeff Schreve, and today, as we look to the New Year, we’re going to consider the most important decision that anyone can ever make. It’s the decision concerning Jesus, a decision that determines your eternal destiny. So [...]
Jeff Schreve - The Divine Rescue
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Jeff Schreve - The Divine Rescue
Jeff Schreve - The Divine Rescue
At Christmas time, you’ll often hear the phrase, «Jesus is the reason for the season,» but do you really understand what that means? I’m Pastor Jeff Schreve, and today I’m gonna share three discoveries concerning the real meaning of Christmas and [...]
Jeff Schreve - Spies, Lies, and Grasshoppers
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Jeff Schreve - Spies, Lies, and Grasshoppers
Jeff Schreve - Spies, Lies, and Grasshoppers
If you wanna be a bold believer in these wicked days, you must learn to walk by faith and not by sight. Sadly, most Christians, they do just the opposite, and they miss out on the abundant life God has for them. So, grab your Bible and turn to [...]
Jeff Schreve - Save The Date
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Jeff Schreve - Save The Date
Jeff Schreve - Save The Date
In Isaiah chapter 9, verse 6, the Lord gave us a save-the-date notice concerning the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world. Now, his birth announcement brings great hope to the hearts of people everywhere. I’m Pastor Jeff Schreve, thanks for [...]
Jeff Schreve - Religion or Relationship?
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Jeff Schreve - Religion or Relationship?
Jeff Schreve - Religion or Relationship?
Hey, did you know that God is not impressed by your religious activity? Not at all. But He is well pleased with His Son, the Lord Jesus. And He offers us a relationship with Him that truly is life changing. So grab your Bible and follow along as we [...]
Jeff Schreve - Overcoming The Financial Feud
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Jeff Schreve - Overcoming The Financial Feud
Jeff Schreve - Overcoming The Financial Feud
Money is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master, and a wrong view of money can create all kinds of problems in your marriage and family. Hey, would you like to experience financial peace in your home? Join me, today, to learn how to use money [...]
Jeff Schreve - Idolatry and Divine Jealousy
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Jeff Schreve - Idolatry and Divine Jealousy
Jeff Schreve - Idolatry and Divine Jealousy
God says, «You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the water under the earth». Hi, I’m Pastor Jeff Schreve, and we’re in my series, «Written in Stone,» learning what the second [...]
Jeff Schreve - Has God Said?
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Jeff Schreve - Has God Said?
Jeff Schreve - Has God Said?
The devil is a master liar. He tells lies that sound good and plausible and right. And he tempts us to disobey God by getting us to doubt the goodness and truthfulness of our Creator. And that’s exactly what he did with Eve when he spoke with her in [...]
Jeff Schreve - Hallowed Be Thy Name
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Jeff Schreve - Hallowed Be Thy Name
Jeff Schreve - Hallowed Be Thy Name
The third commandment says, «You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain». Have you been breaking that important commandment? «The LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes his name in vain». Hi, I’m Pastor Jeff Schreve, and we’re in [...]
Jeff Schreve - God's Blueprint For The Family
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Jeff Schreve - God's Blueprint For The Family
Jeff Schreve - God's Blueprint For The Family
We're in a series called "We Are Family," and we're looking at what does God, the manufacturer, have to say about life, about marriage, about family? Because family is super important. You know, before God created and established [...]
Jeff Schreve - God, Government, and Christians
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Jeff Schreve - God, Government, and Christians
Jeff Schreve - God, Government, and Christians
We have been in a series called «Foundations» based on Psalm 11:3, «If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do»? And we’ve talked about the fear of the Lord. It’s the beginning of wisdom and the beginning of knowledge. We’ve talked [...]
Jeff Schreve - God Alone
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Jeff Schreve - God Alone
Jeff Schreve - God Alone
So, today, we want to start with commandment number one. Exodus chapter 20, it says, «Then God spoke all these words, saying, 'I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no [...]
Jeff Schreve - Gifted For Service
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Jeff Schreve - Gifted For Service
Jeff Schreve - Gifted For Service
Now, the greatest giver obviously in the universe is God: «For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son». And the greatest gift that God has ever given is Jesus. But in addition to giving us Jesus, God has given us special gifts, [...]
Jeff Schreve - Future Glory
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Jeff Schreve - Future Glory
Jeff Schreve - Future Glory
We want to talk as we’re going through Romans chapter 8. We wanna talk about future glory because that’s what the scripture deals with in today’s passage, verses 18 through 27. It talks about future glory. Do you have the anticipation in your heart [...]
Jeff Schreve - From Death to Life
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Jeff Schreve - From Death to Life
Jeff Schreve - From Death to Life
But here’s the big, big question on Easter Sunday. Has the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ truly changed your life? We can talk about the resurrection of Jesus and that’s a fact of history. But has that impacted your life? Has that changed your [...]
Jeff Schreve - Fighting For Your Family
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Jeff Schreve - Fighting For Your Family
Jeff Schreve - Fighting For Your Family
Anything worthwhile in life is a fight. It takes work, it takes sweat, and discipline, and prayers, and perseverance, and determination. If it’s gonna matter, you’re gonna have to invest, and it’s not going to be easy. Hey, we’re in a series called [...]
Jeff Schreve - Faith That Works
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Jeff Schreve - Faith That Works
Jeff Schreve - Faith That Works
Do you have your Bible? Please turn to Ruth chapter 2. We’re in a series on the book of Ruth. We started it last week. We’re entitling this series «Beauty for Ashes». And today we want to talk about a very important subject in the Bible. It’s the [...]
Jeff Schreve - Facing The Fire
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Jeff Schreve - Facing The Fire
Jeff Schreve - Facing The Fire
And today’s message is on the three Hebrew boys: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They were three young men who refused to compromise, and they made such a difference for the Lord because they would not bow even in the midst of immense pressure put [...]
Jeff Schreve - Disqualified?
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Jeff Schreve - Disqualified?
Jeff Schreve - Disqualified?
Have you ever had an epic fail in life? You know, most of us have. Those epic failures make us think that we are despicable and disqualified and discarded. But those thoughts are fake news. Peter denied Christ three times and he thought God was done [...]
Jeff Schreve - Circumstantial Evidence
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Jeff Schreve - Circumstantial Evidence
Jeff Schreve - Circumstantial Evidence
Hey, does your trust in God waver, depending on the circumstances? Do you question God’s goodness in the face of trials? Today, we’ll look in depth at the prophet Jeremiah and the hopelessness he felt when Jerusalem was totally destroyed. Yet, even [...]
Jeff Schreve - Breaking The Chains of Guilt and Shame
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Jeff Schreve - Breaking The Chains of Guilt and Shame
Jeff Schreve - Breaking The Chains of Guilt and Shame
Guilt and shame. They’re Siamese twins of the devil that can devastate our Christian lives, if we let them. Now, these terrible feelings can easily become a giant sticking point to our spiritual growth. So join me today as we open God’s Word and [...]
Jeff Schreve - And The Verdict Is...
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Jeff Schreve - And The Verdict Is...
Jeff Schreve - And The Verdict Is...
In Romans chapter 8, we have the court of God's heaven delivering a verdict. And it's a wonderful thing in Romans 8, but actually we see two things taking place in Romans 8, and two different verdicts and everybody in this room, everybody [...]
Jeff Schreve - A Picture of Prayer
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Jeff Schreve - A Picture of Prayer
Jeff Schreve - A Picture of Prayer
Do you desire for closeness and depth in your relationship with the Lord? I’m Pastor Jeff Schreve, and today we’ll learn that it all starts with prayer that honors God and draws us closer to Him. We’ll be in Ruth chapter 3 today in a message titled [...]
Jeff Schreve - A Lion On The Loose
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Jeff Schreve - A Lion On The Loose
Jeff Schreve - A Lion On The Loose
What are we to do when difficult times come in our wicked world? Hey, that’s the situation that Timothy found himself in as Paul, his mentor, was nearing the end of his earthly journey and his ministry for the Lord. Now, how could Timothy find the [...]
Jeff Schreve - A Fork In The Road
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Jeff Schreve - A Fork In The Road
Jeff Schreve - A Fork In The Road
Do you let your feelings, emotions, and circumstances dictate your path in life? Sadly, many choose their own way over God’s way and they suffer the consequences. In today’s message, you’ll be encouraged to believe God’s Word and walk by faith and [...]