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Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care About Debt on the Lord
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Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care About Debt on the Lord
Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care About Debt on the Lord
Hello, everybody. I’m Kenneth Copeland. There’s very, very important things. We have to remember that these are blood-backed covenants. Covenants in the animals, circumcision, all pointing to the sinless blood of Jesus that ratified everything in [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Believe the Love of God and Cast Your Care
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Kenneth Copeland - Believe the Love of God and Cast Your Care
Kenneth Copeland - Believe the Love of God and Cast Your Care
The Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast, I’m Kenneth Copeland, and as I’ve told the class, this ministry started 24th of January, 1967. So, and you know, I was 30 years old. Well, let me do the math. Now, I’m 88. Gloria is 5 years younger than [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Protect Your Heart by Casting Your Care
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Kenneth Copeland - Protect Your Heart by Casting Your Care
Kenneth Copeland - Protect Your Heart by Casting Your Care
Well, praise God for the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast, isn’t it wonderful? Wednesday’s edition, praise God, halfway through the week. And I was telling the class, I was going down a totally different direction. And I was back there praying, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care on the Lord To Stay in Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care on the Lord To Stay in Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care on the Lord To Stay in Faith
Hello, everybody, I’m Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer’s Voice of Victory Broadcast, and I’m going to tell you something. Last night, I got in the bed, I thought, well, I’ll just catch up on my 700 Clubs. I hadn’t watched them in a long time. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care by Renewing Your Mind to God's Word
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Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care by Renewing Your Mind to God's Word
Kenneth Copeland - Cast Your Care by Renewing Your Mind to God's Word
Hello, everybody, I’m Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast. Now, I remember, well, Brother Hagin said to me, or the night he separated me to the office of the prophet, and he began to talk. You’re going to have to [...]
James Meehan - Does God Care About My Worries?
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James Meehan - Does God Care About My Worries?
James Meehan - Does God Care About My Worries?
I believe that the words of Jesus that we are going to study today will absolutely transform many of you in ways that maybe you don't quite expect, and in ways that for some of you, you honestly don't want, because you have been living a [...]
Charles Stanley - Overcoming Worry
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Charles Stanley - Overcoming Worry
Charles Stanley - Overcoming Worry
What do you worry about most in life? Is it your health, your marriage, your children? Maybe you worry most about what other people think about you. Maybe it's because you're worried because you don't know what God thinks about you [...]
Allen Jackson - An Opportunity
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Allen Jackson - An Opportunity
Allen Jackson - An Opportunity
It's good to be with you again. Our topic today is freedom from worry. Wow, we've been living this one out, haven't we, for several months now. It started with a virus that came our way from China, but it's continued right [...]
Greg Laurie - What Jesus Says About Worry and Anxiety
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Greg Laurie - What Jesus Says About Worry and Anxiety
Greg Laurie - What Jesus Says About Worry and Anxiety
How many of you struggle with fear, anxiety, and worry? Raise your hand. Okay, quite a few of you. I read recently that millennials and gen Z are the most stressed generations ever. For this generation, antidepressants are the bestselling [...]
Craig Groeschel - Finding Freedom From Your Worries
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Craig Groeschel - Finding Freedom From Your Worries
Craig Groeschel - Finding Freedom From Your Worries
Well, I'm curious, how many of you right now might have something that you're a little bit worried about? Raise your hand, again. Some of you go, "I got a lot that I'm worried about". I don't blame you, because [...]
Chris Hodges - The Stress Solution
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Chris Hodges - The Stress Solution
Chris Hodges - The Stress Solution
Anybody? Oh I know, me too. And we are beginning a brand-new series today, Part 1 of a 7-part series, called "You Asked For It," and I'll tell you more about that in just a second. But let me begin by looking into the camera, saying [...]
Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When You Don't Understand
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Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When You Don't Understand
Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When You Don't Understand
What do you think is the most disobeyed verse in the Bible? Think about it. What do you think is the most disobeyed verse in the Bible? Now, nobody knows for sure and nobody can prove it, but one could argue that one of the most important verses is [...]
Joel Osteen - A Healthy Soul
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Joel Osteen - A Healthy Soul
Joel Osteen - A Healthy Soul
To live long and healthy, to have plenty of energy and vitality, that's what we all want. The good news is, that's God's dream for your life as well, but we have to get in agreement with him. We don't always realize how much our [...]
James Meehan - Worry vs. Trust
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James Meehan - Worry vs. Trust
James Meehan - Worry vs. Trust
— Welcome to Switch Uncut! I am one of your hosts, James Mihen. This is our other host, Katelyn Caffrey, and today we're gonna be talking about faith following Jesus and the Bible, walking through some scripture to figure out what does it mean? [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Don't Worry, God Will Take Care of You
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Peter Tan-Chi - Don't Worry, God Will Take Care of You
Peter Tan-Chi - Don't Worry, God Will Take Care of You
What was the message last Sunday? Serve God. Remember you cannot serve two masters, you have to serve God. Okay, today we continue to talk about Chapter 6 of Matthew. It's about worry. Don't worry. Let's say I did a study. on Google. [...]
Michael Youssef - Don't Worry
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Michael Youssef - Don't Worry
Michael Youssef - Don't Worry
In many ways, hypocrisy, which we looked at in the last message, and greed, belong to two different realms of life, two different areas of our life, and yet they're both very essential. Those realms are very essential for our existence. [...]
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, A Conversation on Depression
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John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, A Conversation on Depression
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, A Conversation on Depression
John Bradshaw : This is "It Is Written". I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Depression and anxiety continue to be major problems in first-world nations. Around the world, it appears, in fact, it very much is, that depression [...]
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, Understanding Depression
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John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, Understanding Depression
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, Understanding Depression
John Bradshaw : This is "It Is Written". I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. For decades and decades, depression and anxiety have presented the United States and other first-world countries around the world with a major health [...]
James Merritt - Stress Out
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James Merritt - Stress Out
James Merritt - Stress Out
I wanna go ahead and get started and see if I'm about to waste my time or not. And I'm being serious when I say this. So here's a simple question. Is there anybody here that has any stress in your life? Just, anybody? All right, good. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Get Rid of the Care and Be Healed
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Kenneth Copeland - Get Rid of the Care and Be Healed
Kenneth Copeland - Get Rid of the Care and Be Healed
Turn to 1 Peter 2, verse 24. You're laying there in the bed. Oh, I wish I hadn't done that. Boy, you're just remembering it in your mind. Oh, Jesus, I wish I hadn't done that. I wish I hadn't done that. I wish I hadn't [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Cast All Your Cares and Worries on Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - Cast All Your Cares and Worries on Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Cast All Your Cares and Worries on Jesus
Father, we come before this holy desk tonight in the name of Jesus, our Lord and our Savior. And I thank You, Father, for the anointing to deliver this message tonight accurately. And I praise You and thank You that the Word of the Living God lives [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Keep Fear and Worry Out of Your Heart
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Kenneth Copeland - Keep Fear and Worry Out of Your Heart
Kenneth Copeland - Keep Fear and Worry Out of Your Heart
Happy, blessed, absolutely wonderful 2024. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. I'll tell you, this is still just rather strange to me to have my name on a Bible college. I used to think, why would anybody want to know [...]
Joyce Meyer - Don't Worry, God Is in Control
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Joyce Meyer - Don't Worry, God Is in Control
Joyce Meyer - Don't Worry, God Is in Control
I just wanna tell you, when we're talking about worry, that one of the things you can do, when you're worried, is just really get it, get some good worship music on and get into God's presence and get your mind off of the stuff [...]
Joyce Meyer - Freedom from Worry
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Joyce Meyer - Freedom from Worry
Joyce Meyer - Freedom from Worry
Well, I wanna talk to you about freedom from worry. And I know probably none of us need that, right? Does anybody here need that? You know, there certainly is plenty to worry about in the world today. To be honest, sometimes, I feel like that the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - He Will Be With You Tomorrow
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Rabbi Schneider - He Will Be With You Tomorrow
Rabbi Schneider - He Will Be With You Tomorrow
A Scripture that most of us are familiar with comes from the Book of Matthew Chapter six, verse 34. It's the words of Yeshua himself. So let's first of all receive this as the arrow and sword of the Lord. It's what Yeshua said. He [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Danger of Worry and Care
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Kenneth Copeland - The Danger of Worry and Care
Kenneth Copeland - The Danger of Worry and Care
— Well, give the Lord a praise this morning. Glory to God. Hallelujah. This is the day the Lord has made. It's one day closer to the resurrection. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus. Let's go home. — Yes, sir. — Thank you, Lord. Now we [...]
Mike Novotny - What to Do With Worry
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Mike Novotny - What to Do With Worry
Mike Novotny - What to Do With Worry
I bet if I asked you if you worry, the answer would be obvious. The better question would be: what are you worry about today? Wow! We are here! Jesus was here, not around here. But here. Earlier this year, I got to explore Israel. I'm sitting, [...]
Joel Osteen - Living Unoffended
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Joel Osteen - Living Unoffended
Joel Osteen - Living Unoffended
I want to talk to you today about Living Unoffended. We all have opportunities to get upset and be offended: co-worker is rude, someone cut you off in traffic, a friend leaves you out. It's easy to get sour, try to pay people back, hold a [...]
James Merritt - Worry Free
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James Merritt - Worry Free
James Merritt - Worry Free
Well, I want to say good morning to those of you who are in our room, those of you who are watching online by TV. Thanks for joining us today. If I were to ask all of you right now, how are you feeling today, and you answered honestly, what would [...]
James Merritt - Help Me With Worry
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James Merritt - Help Me With Worry
James Merritt - Help Me With Worry
There're certain things we all should be concerned about. For example, if you have children, you ought to be concerned that they get a good education. You ought to be concerned that they hang around with the right kids and the right people, and [...]
James Merritt - Rest Stop
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James Merritt - Rest Stop
James Merritt - Rest Stop
It's one thing to experience physical fatigue but I believe there's another kind and other kinds of fatigue that are a lot more debilitating and a lot more difficult to deal with and I'm talking about spiritual fatigue, emotional [...]
John Hagee - Stop Worrying and Start Living (Battle For Your Mind)
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John Hagee - Stop Worrying and Start Living (Battle For Your Mind)
John Hagee - Stop Worrying and Start Living (Battle For Your Mind)
Listen to saint Paul's command. Saint Paul commanded the New Testament church, "Be anxious for nothing". Say that with me, "Be anxious for nothing". That means don't worry about anything. Let me give you proof that God [...]
Joseph Prince - Do This And You'll Rise Above Your Troubles
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Joseph Prince - Do This And You'll Rise Above Your Troubles
Joseph Prince - Do This And You'll Rise Above Your Troubles
This is an excerpt from: The Kairos Year Of Right Time, Right Place - Part 2 "How do I come to the place, Pastor, that this year... is there one thing I can do?" Yes. Real quick, last part. Few verses only. Last part, let you go, okay? I [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Be Set Free From Worry and Cares
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Kenneth Copeland - Be Set Free From Worry and Cares
Kenneth Copeland - Be Set Free From Worry and Cares
— Well, here we are Thursday. Praise the Lord. And we're talking about the truth. And Jesus is the truth. He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. And no man comes to the Father except by me". Now, let's go to in the [...]
Doug Batchelor - Worrying About Stuff - Part 2
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Doug Batchelor - Worrying About Stuff - Part 2
Doug Batchelor - Worrying About Stuff - Part 2
It's a very common topic in the Bible to address the anxiety and concern that people have. Jesus, in His Sermon on the Mount, got right into it. He said, in chapter 6 of Matthew, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will [...]
Doug Batchelor - Worrying About Stuff - Part 1
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Doug Batchelor - Worrying About Stuff - Part 1
Doug Batchelor - Worrying About Stuff - Part 1
Now, I don't know if I’m the only one that has a tendency to worry. Are there any worriers out there? If you don't have anything to worry about, I could probably help you think of something. There's a lot of things that, if you want [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Why You Should Not Fear the Future
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Rabbi Schneider - Why You Should Not Fear the Future
Rabbi Schneider - Why You Should Not Fear the Future
Great scripture, beloved one, something that you and I really wanna warfare into through prayer. What do I mean by warfare into, through prayer? I mean like sometimes we hear scriptures and we say it's a great scripture, but we don't [...]
Craig Groeschel - Why Do I Always Worry?
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Craig Groeschel - Why Do I Always Worry?
Craig Groeschel - Why Do I Always Worry?
I wonder how many of you are worried right now? You've got an ongoing weight, a burden, someone you love, something you care about, something that you want to change, but you can't figure out how to change. It's a never ending weight, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Don't Worry, Cast It All on Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - Don't Worry, Cast It All on Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Don't Worry, Cast It All on Jesus
Let's open our Bibles tonight to... Well, go back over here to the fourth chapter of Mark. I want to show you something that I learned a long time ago. If you don't deal with, it'll tear your finances all to pieces, or anything else. [...]
Robert Jeffress - Winning Over Worry
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Robert Jeffress - Winning Over Worry
Robert Jeffress - Winning Over Worry
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. How many hours do you spend entertaining worried and anxious thoughts, even though they rob you of sleep, joy and peace. If you're like most people the answer is probably [...]
Craig Smith - Getting Free From the Weight of Worry
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Craig Smith - Getting Free From the Weight of Worry
Craig Smith - Getting Free From the Weight of Worry
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us today. If it’s your first time joining us, let me catch up real quick. We are in the midst of a series called “Travel Light” where we’ve been taking a look at a teaching from Jesus [...]
Steven Furtick - How To Eliminate Worry
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Steven Furtick - How To Eliminate Worry
Steven Furtick - How To Eliminate Worry
Worship is worry in reverse. See, worry is when I start with my situation, and then I spin around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around, but God said, "Stop spinning". Instead of starting your [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Anxiety to Peace - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Anxiety to Peace - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Anxiety to Peace - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. It seems like every headline gives us something new to worry about, wouldn't you agree? There are times when the future of our country appears uncertain at best and in our [...]
Robert Jeffress - Victory Over the Worry Wars
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Robert Jeffress - Victory Over the Worry Wars
Robert Jeffress - Victory Over the Worry Wars
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. How many hours do you spend entertaining worried and anxious thoughts, even though they rob you of sleep, joy and peace? If you're like most people, the answer is probably [...]
Joyce Meyer - Worry and Anxiety
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Joyce Meyer - Worry and Anxiety
Joyce Meyer - Worry and Anxiety
Well, thank you for joining me today on Enjoying Everyday Life. It's always my desire that after you spend this 30 minutes with me, that you're gonna feel so much better than you did before you started listening. The Word of God is [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Remedy for Worry
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Jentezen Franklin - The Remedy for Worry
Jentezen Franklin - The Remedy for Worry
I wanna talk to you today on "The Remedy to Worry". The Book of Esther is centered around King Ahasuerus who is mean and he's a pagan, and he is ungodly. There's nothing about him that seeks the Lord. He is what he is. And to [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Effect Of Worry
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Leon Fontaine - The Effect Of Worry
Leon Fontaine - The Effect Of Worry
Today, I want to talk about a sin nobody thinks about. Today, I want to talk about a sin that is destroying so many lives, shutdown so many miracles, and people don't get it that it's a sin. Now, the word "sin" is different in [...]
Robert Jeffress - Choosing Faith Over Worry
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Robert Jeffress - Choosing Faith Over Worry
Robert Jeffress - Choosing Faith Over Worry
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Few things wreak havoc on the mind like the effects of worry. Worry keeps us awake at night, it distracts us from the present, and it prevents us from experiencing [...]
Jimmy Evans - How to Change Worry and Anxiety
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Jimmy Evans - How to Change Worry and Anxiety
Jimmy Evans - How to Change Worry and Anxiety
This message is called "I Changed My Mind About Worry and Anxiety". At the end of this message, I believe that you will not see worry and anxiety the same, nor will you experience it the same. That's my prayer. In Romans, chapter 12, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Where Do Thoughts of Fear, Worry, and Anxiety Come From
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Rabbi Schneider - Where Do Thoughts of Fear, Worry, and Anxiety Come From
Rabbi Schneider - Where Do Thoughts of Fear, Worry, and Anxiety Come From
Jesus said, "He that overcomes as I have overcome shall sit down with me on my throne even as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne". What did Jesus overcome? Well, beloved ones, as soon as he started his ministry what [...]
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