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James Meehan - Wisdom for Improving Your Family Relationships
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James Meehan - Wisdom for Improving Your Family Relationships
James Meehan - Wisdom for Improving Your Family Relationships
Well, in this week’s message about getting relationships right, we are talking about the people we are supposed to love the most, yet they are often the ones we treat the worst. We’re referring to family: parents, siblings—you know, those people. I [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Wisdom Will Lead You to the Right Path
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Wisdom Will Lead You to the Right Path
Kenneth Copeland - God's Wisdom Will Lead You to the Right Path
Hello, everybody. I’m Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast. And we’re here with the KCBC family, praise God. And I might add, thanks to Dean Erby, that we are an accredited college. And the credits will go to [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Ephesians 1 Prayer, Receive the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding
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Kenneth Copeland - The Ephesians 1 Prayer: Receive the Spirit of Wisdom and
Kenneth Copeland - The Ephesians 1 Prayer: Receive the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding
— Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland and this is Thanksgiving Day. Our family gets together. It's quiet large now, and the first thing we do, is we pray and we give thanks that everyone in our family, all of them, are born-again [...]
Charles Stanley - How to Handle Conflict and Criticism Wisely
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Charles Stanley - How to Handle Conflict and Criticism Wisely
Charles Stanley - How to Handle Conflict and Criticism Wisely
When you find yourself facing conflict and criticism, how do you feel? Do you feel insecure? Do you feel sad? Do you feel angry? Do you feel hurt down inside? Or do you feel guilty? What are your real feelings when all of a sudden you find yourself [...]
Charles Stanley - Wisdom for the Trials of Life
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Charles Stanley - Wisdom for the Trials of Life
Charles Stanley - Wisdom for the Trials of Life
One of the most commonly asked questions is, "Why is it that God allows His children to go through such difficult, trying, painful times in life"? It's very obvious that He does, so it can't be denied. And since He's all [...]
Charles Stanley - How to Deal With Temptation Wisely
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Charles Stanley - How to Deal With Temptation Wisely
Charles Stanley - How to Deal With Temptation Wisely
When you face temptation, what is your first response? Is it immediately to rationalize what you know you're about to do and that is you're about to yield? Or is it to resist in the power of the Holy Spirit? When you think about the things [...]
Charles Stanley - Wisdom for Good Health
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Charles Stanley - Wisdom for Good Health
Charles Stanley - Wisdom for Good Health
How do you view your physical body? Well, you may say, "Well, that's really none of your business". I do understand that. If you had the power to change anything about it, would you change it? What would you change? If you could [...]
Robert Barron - A Wise and Discerning Heart
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Robert Barron - A Wise and Discerning Heart
Robert Barron - A Wise and Discerning Heart
Peace be with you. Friends, our first reading is from the First Book of Kings, and it's one of my favorite passages in the entire Old Testament. And it's one that I think, if you're going on a retreat anytime soon, you're even [...]
James Meehan - How to Level Up Your Finances as a Teenager
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James Meehan - How to Level Up Your Finances as a Teenager
James Meehan - How to Level Up Your Finances as a Teenager
Well, today we're talking about how to level up your finances as a teenager. So, let's make it rain. Starting at level one, the simplest, but still very helpful method. It's called 10/10/80 where you give the first 10% back to God [...]
James Meehan - 3 Ways You Can Be Wise Online
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James Meehan - 3 Ways You Can Be Wise Online
James Meehan - 3 Ways You Can Be Wise Online
So if you wanna be wise online, here's my suggestion. First, curate, second, eliminate, and then third, evaluate. Point number one, curate what you want to see. A museum curator, their job is to decide what gets into the museum and then [...]
Bobby Schuller - Don't Wish It Was Easy, Wish You Were Wiser
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Bobby Schuller - Don't Wish It Was Easy, Wish You Were Wiser
Bobby Schuller - Don't Wish It Was Easy, Wish You Were Wiser
Today, I want to talk about your life and your relationship with God. You say, "I don't believe in God". Well, he believes in you. "I don't know if I believe in all this stuff". Can I tell you, your life right now is [...]
John Bradshaw - Written by Someone Who Knew
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John Bradshaw - Written by Someone Who Knew
John Bradshaw - Written by Someone Who Knew
There are two entire chapters in the Bible that deal with immorality, both written by someone with considerable expertise in the area. Solomon has the dubious distinction of having married 700 women and keeping another 300 as concubines, similar to [...]
John Bradshaw - Sometimes You Just Need to Think
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John Bradshaw - Sometimes You Just Need to Think
John Bradshaw - Sometimes You Just Need to Think
Sometimes all you need to do is think. Now you might have to wrestle with a scientific equation, or to find the solution to an engineering challenge, and that's appropriate, but some things are a matter of common sense. No one has ever provided [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Wisdom of Christmas
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Adrian Rogers - The Wisdom of Christmas
Adrian Rogers - The Wisdom of Christmas
Find the Christmas story, please, in Matthew chapter 2, and we're talking today about Christmas wisdom, how you can have some wisdom in your Christmas. Now let's read this story here, Matthew chapter 2 verse 1 and I'm going to read [...]
Mark Batterson - Get Wisdom
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Mark Batterson - Get Wisdom
Mark Batterson - Get Wisdom
Well welcome to all seven of our campuses as well as our extended family listening via podcast this weekend. Kickoff a new series titled Get Wisdom, not to be confused with Get Smart. Love the TV series, whole different deal, okay? Over the next six [...]
Chris Hodges - Wisdom from Above
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Chris Hodges - Wisdom from Above
Chris Hodges - Wisdom from Above
Oh, can't tell you how good it is to see all of you here today. Are you glad to be in church, everybody? Yeah. Come on, give Jesus the best handclap of praise. Come on, he gave us another day. Come on, he gave us another day to know him, and to [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Wise
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Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Wise
Dr. Ed Young - Money Makes us Wise
Several years ago in the "Wall Street Journal," a writer penning words that went something like this. He said, "Money is the passport that will take you anywhere you want to go, except to Heaven". And said, "Money also is a [...]
Derek Prince - Listen to Wisdom
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Derek Prince - Listen to Wisdom
Derek Prince - Listen to Wisdom
"Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord. But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death." (Proverbs [...]
Derek Prince - Seek Wisdom
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Derek Prince - Seek Wisdom
Derek Prince - Seek Wisdom
"I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me." (Proverbs 8:17, NIV) If you determine to seek wisdom, you will find her. She will not hide from you. She sets her conditions, but she is willing to be found. Then she continues [...]
Derek Prince - The True Source of Wisdom
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Derek Prince - The True Source of Wisdom
Derek Prince - The True Source of Wisdom
"Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many. I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths. When thou goest, thy steps shall not be hindered, and when thou runnest, thou shalt not [...]
Derek Prince - Love Wisdom
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Derek Prince - Love Wisdom
Derek Prince - Love Wisdom
"Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them. Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it costs all you have, get [...]
Adrian Rogers - Family Finances
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Adrian Rogers - Family Finances
Adrian Rogers - Family Finances
Take your Bibles, find First Timothy chapter 6, and when you've found it, let me talk to you a little bit about your family and the finances of your family. I can say without a shadow of a doubt or equivocation that money is a root of all kinds [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Seeking Wisdom
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Dr. Ed Young - Seeking Wisdom
Dr. Ed Young - Seeking Wisdom
And as we look back on Solomon, this as you may know was his autobiography, his memoirs, and he has walked us through a tough, tough place. He is talk about meaninglessness, and he says, "I've tried power, possessions, pleasure, [...]
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Charles Stanley - The Choices We Make
Charles Stanley - The Choices We Make
Can you recall a decision or a choice you made years ago, somewhere back yonder in your life, that you really and truly regret? I heard somebody say, "Yeah". Well, why do you think you made that choice? What motivated you? That is, what [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Source of Wisdom
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Dr. Ed Young - The Source of Wisdom
Dr. Ed Young - The Source of Wisdom
How many here would like a fresh, full dose of wisdom? Would you like to have that? Lift up your hand! If you don't lift up your hand, see me afterwards! How we need wisdom! What is wisdom? Simple pedestrian definition: It's taking [...]
James Merritt - Financial Freedom
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James Merritt - Financial Freedom
James Merritt - Financial Freedom
I wanna begin by telling you a little bit about my financial history. Neither my Mom nor my Dad went to college. My Dad was a gas truck driver. Mom mother was what we called back in the day, a beautician, a hairdresser. The largest paycheck my Dad [...]
James Merritt - Heavenly Guide
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James Merritt - Heavenly Guide
James Merritt - Heavenly Guide
I don't care how successful you may think you are. Let me tell you. Nobody hits on all eight cylinders in every area of their life. It's impossible. You can't do it and the truth of the matter is we just don't have it within [...]
John Bradshaw - Wise Advice
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John Bradshaw - Wise Advice
John Bradshaw - Wise Advice
The split in Israel that divided Israel and Judah happened when Rehoboam became king right after Solomon's death. The people asked King Rehoboam to lighten their burdens. Solomon had worked them severely and taxed them unreasonably, but they [...]
John Bradshaw - Solomon's Secret
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John Bradshaw - Solomon's Secret
John Bradshaw - Solomon's Secret
Not everyone is called to lead a kingdom, but most everyone has been called to lead something. Parents lead a family, employers lead businesses and employees, employees have duties to carry out, and even children influence others. Solomon was called [...]
Joseph Prince - God's Wisdom Goes Beyond Natural Talent and Logic
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Joseph Prince - God's Wisdom Goes Beyond Natural Talent and Logic
Joseph Prince - God's Wisdom Goes Beyond Natural Talent and Logic
This is an excerpt from: Healing And Restoration For Your Mind Now, remember a slave boy called Joseph? Very nice name. He was in prison, and Pharaoh, the king, had a dream. You see, people of the world can have dreams from God, but they cannot [...]
Joseph Prince - God's Wisdom Sharpens Your Mind
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Joseph Prince - God's Wisdom Sharpens Your Mind
Joseph Prince - God's Wisdom Sharpens Your Mind
This is an excerpt from: Healing And Restoration For Your Mind Ask God for wisdom. Such was Solomon. When his father, David, the one who killed Goliath, who became king later on, he died. Solomon, his son, ascended the throne. And he said to God, [...]
Joseph Prince - The 5 Amazing Benefits of Getting Wisdom
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Joseph Prince - The 5 Amazing Benefits of Getting Wisdom
Joseph Prince - The 5 Amazing Benefits of Getting Wisdom
This is an excerpt from: Healing And Restoration For Your Mind "Happy is the man who finds wisdom," the Bible says, amen. Happy is the man who finds wisdom. Now, notice that what Jesus said would happen. If you really understand, suniemi, [...]
Joseph Prince - Healing And Restoration For Your Mind
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Joseph Prince - Healing And Restoration For Your Mind
Joseph Prince - Healing And Restoration For Your Mind
Praise the Lord. This might be the year, amen. This might be the year the Lord comes for us, praise the Lord. Are you ready? Amen, to be forever strong, forever healthy, forever young in that new body. When he comes for us, that's the only [...]
Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You - Part 3
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, the last two days we've been talking about the importance of not wasting the resources that God gives us. We're gonna finish up that teaching today. But [...]
Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You - Part 2
Well, welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life". I am so glad you've joined us today and I believe that you're gonna enjoy today's teaching. You know, the Word of God is so powerful. It's not like regular words. And I [...]
Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You? - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - How Are You Using the Resources God Has Given You - Part 1
Well, I am so glad that you have joined me today for, "Enjoying Everyday Life," and I am excited about what I'm gonna be teaching you today. And I think it's also gonna go into tomorrow. I want to talk to you today about what are [...]
Charles Stanley - The Key to Making Wise Decisions
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Charles Stanley - The Key to Making Wise Decisions
Charles Stanley - The Key to Making Wise Decisions
How do you make decisions? What's the basis of your decision-making process? All of us make decisions every day, sometimes they appear to be insignificant, and they become, as we see, in time, they were very significant. Sometimes those [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Your Words Wisely
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Kenneth Copeland - Choose Your Words Wisely
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Your Words Wisely
— Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is our brother, Professor Gregory Stephens. Thank you. — Thank you. — You know, I kind of like you. — Thank you. I like you. — I appreciate you. — I like it that you like me. — Yeah. Good, good. — [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Operating in God's Faith and Wisdom
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Kenneth Copeland - Operating in God's Faith and Wisdom
Kenneth Copeland - Operating in God's Faith and Wisdom
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast and welcome to ground school. Now, we're talking about the fundamentals of faith. These two airplanes are fundamentally the same but are they [...]
Leon Fontaine - The Two Kinds of Wisdom
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Leon Fontaine - The Two Kinds of Wisdom
Leon Fontaine - The Two Kinds of Wisdom
Today, I want to talk about two kinds of wisdom. Two kinds of wisdom. A lot of people think they are unique and free thinkers. That, you know, they're their own man. They're their own woman. But today, so many people are simply seduced by [...]
John Bradshaw - Ancient Wisdom, Present Power - Part 2
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John Bradshaw - Ancient Wisdom, Present Power - Part 2
John Bradshaw - Ancient Wisdom, Present Power - Part 2
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Up until the 16th century the Bible was not a book that you could have owned. It wasn't available in local languages. It was written in Latin. And owing to printing being a [...]
John Bradshaw - Ancient Wisdom, Present Power - Part 1
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John Bradshaw - Ancient Wisdom, Present Power - Part 1
John Bradshaw - Ancient Wisdom, Present Power - Part 1
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. The Bible, the Word of God, the Good Book, Scripture, Holy Writ, it's the bestselling book of all time. It's said that about 100 million Bibles are sold or given away [...]
Derek Prince - The Secret Hidden Wisdom
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Derek Prince - The Secret Hidden Wisdom
Derek Prince - The Secret Hidden Wisdom
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. - Psalm 51:6, NIV Those words are addressed by the psalmist David to the Lord Himself. What is it that God really looks for in our lives? First and foremost, it is [...]
Sid Roth - Tapping into Heaven's Divine Knowledge Database
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Sid Roth - Tapping into Heaven's Divine Knowledge Database
Sid Roth - Tapping into Heaven's Divine Knowledge Database
Sid Roth : Listen, my guest has taught hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world how to hear God for themselves and speak predictions, and events in people's, to people with their mouth. And Steve, you believe that everyone can do [...]
Derek Prince - True Wisdom
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Derek Prince - True Wisdom
Derek Prince - True Wisdom
Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. — Proverbs 3:13-16, NIV. [...]
Charles Stanley - Acquiring Wisdom
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Charles Stanley - Acquiring Wisdom
Charles Stanley - Acquiring Wisdom
Well, we have come from the agricultural age to industrial age and now information age. We’ve got more information than we know how to deal with. Some of it’s good; some of it’s not so good. But there’s plenty of it. In fact, if you want to know [...]
John Bradshaw - Solomon
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John Bradshaw - Solomon
John Bradshaw - Solomon
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Mel Fisher was a chicken farmer in Indiana before he moved to California and opened one of the country's first dive shops. He went on to become one of the greatest treasure [...]
John Bradshaw - Money, Money, Money
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John Bradshaw - Money, Money, Money
John Bradshaw - Money, Money, Money
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Everybody wants it. I think the truth is most everybody needs it. And when people get it, it seems that what they want next is more. It seems as though we can never be satisfied [...]
Andy Stanley - Connecting the Dots
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Andy Stanley - Connecting the Dots
Andy Stanley - Connecting the Dots
Today we are beginning a brand new series entitled "You'll Be Glad You Did: Timeless Advice for Troubled Times". Now here's what we all have in common. This isn't a religious thing. This is just the thing thing. We have all [...]
Derek Prince - Wisdom Hates Evil
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Derek Prince - Wisdom Hates Evil
Derek Prince - Wisdom Hates Evil
I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion. To fear the LORD is to hate evil. I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. - NIV Wisdom comes to us in the Scripture sometimes as a person and speaks [...]
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