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Jeff Schreve - The Sacredness of Sex
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Jeff Schreve - The Sacredness of Sex
Jeff Schreve - The Sacredness of Sex
In our world today, we have disgraced and discarded the seventh commandment. It clearly says you shall not commit adultery. But there’s a reason why this commandment was given to us by God. So we’d reserve sex for the safe confines of marriage. I’m [...]
John Hagee - Intimacy Is Sacred
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John Hagee - Intimacy Is Sacred
John Hagee - Intimacy Is Sacred
What do we mean by adultery? The seventh commandment is very simple. Sex outside of marriage is forbidden. Period. It means keep sexually pure. Some of you believe that you are sexually pure, but in just a minute, I’m going to introduce you to the [...]
Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 5
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Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 5
Michael Youssef - Appropriating the Happiness That Is in You - Part 5
The verses that I'm about to deal with in this part of this series are of uttermost importance, and I'll tell you why, because our culture is absolutely sexually-charged culture. Look with me, please, at what Jesus said regarding the [...]
Michael Todd - Lay with Fire
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Michael Todd - Lay with Fire
Michael Todd - Lay with Fire
What's going on Switch? I said what's going on Switch? Yo, I am so excited to be here tonight, and I am really excited about what God's gonna do tonight. So I need everybody to pull out your smartphones, your dumb phones, or some [...]
Mike Novotny - Sex Is Fiery
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Mike Novotny - Sex Is Fiery
Mike Novotny - Sex Is Fiery
Today, I wanna wrestle with a really important question. And the question is this. Why are Christians so different? When it comes to sex, why is the teaching of Christianity so different than the teaching of our culture? 'Cause you know, by [...]
Mike Novotny - Sex Is Work
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Mike Novotny - Sex Is Work
Mike Novotny - Sex Is Work
A few weeks ago, I sent a survey to the members of our church family, and part of the survey said, "If you could ask God any one question about sex, what would that question be"? And you know what the most common response I got to that [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Sex in Marriage
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Dr. Ed Young - Sex in Marriage
Dr. Ed Young - Sex in Marriage
Well! Every survey you read says the basic need, number one need of every married man, take any survey with almost no exceptions... It may be verbalized a little different. The number one basic need of every married man is sexual fulfillment. The [...]
Mike Novotny - Sex Is Unnecessary
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Mike Novotny - Sex Is Unnecessary
Mike Novotny - Sex Is Unnecessary
Back in 2005, actor Steve Carell, who became famous through his role as Michael Scott in the show The Office; ever seen that before? He played the role of Andy Stitzer who was an electronic salesman and avid toy collector and as the title of the [...]
Mike Novotny - Sex Is Good
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Mike Novotny - Sex Is Good
Mike Novotny - Sex Is Good
That's a really good question, which is why before I just jump into the Bible, I want to give you three really good answers to that really good question. Why talk about sex in church? If you're taking notes in your program, let me give you [...]
Mike Novotny - Why Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex?
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Mike Novotny - Why Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex?
Mike Novotny - Why Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex?
Why does God want us to wait until marriage to have sex? That actually is a great question. You know, it's a great question because some people would say if, if sex is such a vital part of a relationship and if the Christian church says that [...]
Dr. Ed Young - What Every Husband Needs to Know about Sex
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Dr. Ed Young - What Every Husband Needs to Know about Sex
Dr. Ed Young - What Every Husband Needs to Know about Sex
Sex! I've always wanted just to shout that out! It's amazing how some people think that that subject should not be brought up in church. Today, we're gonna talk about, from a Biblical perspective, what every wife would like for her [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Is Sex Sacred?
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Dr. Ed Young - Is Sex Sacred?
Dr. Ed Young - Is Sex Sacred?
I'm not going to spend a lot of time proving to you that we live in a culture that virtually worships sex and sexuality. We live in a world that is all about pleasure, and for most people, the ultimate pleasure is expressed in the sexual realm. [...]
Levi Lusko - What to Think About When You Think About Sex
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Levi Lusko - What to Think About When You Think About Sex?
Levi Lusko - What to Think About When You Think About Sex?
In 2013, a man named James Howell threw out an old hard drive. He had a couple of them in a desk drawer, and one of them he knew was no good. He didn't need it anymore. He didn't need the information on it, and so he tossed it out, tiny [...]
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Sex Life
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Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Sex Life
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Sex Life
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. One of the leading causes for divorce is and always has been infidelity. It's nearly impossible to regain trust after a mate has carelessly thrown it away. So how can we [...]
Robert Jeffress - Sex And The Single Christian
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Robert Jeffress - Sex And The Single Christian
Robert Jeffress - Sex And The Single Christian
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Today's generation of young adults are choosing to marry much later in life. When Amy and I married in our early twenties, it wasn't unusual whatsoever. However, today [...]
Craig Groeschel - How to Quit Porn
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Craig Groeschel - How to Quit Porn
Craig Groeschel - How to Quit Porn
Well, the temptation started for me in the seventh grade. And just to give you context in case you forget what a seventh grader looks like. This was me in the seventh grade, very proud that I was on the all-star team. But just a little kid asked to [...]
Tony Evans - Reversing Sexual Consequences
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Tony Evans - Reversing Sexual Consequences
Tony Evans - Reversing Sexual Consequences
We have become a sex-saturated society. TV, music, smart devices all give us access to and permission for this particular sin. It has become the drug of choice within the culture, and as the culture has devolved, increasing in that devolution of the [...]
Billy Graham - Sex, Power, Riches and Materialism
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Billy Graham - Sex, Power, Riches and Materialism
Billy Graham - Sex, Power, Riches and Materialism
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to the 12th chapter of Matthew. The 12th chapter of Matthew, and beginning at verse 38. Somebody asked me what version I'm using. I'm using the same one Paul used - the King James version. You know, [...]
Joseph Prince - Experience Victory Over Sexual Immorality
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Joseph Prince - Experience Victory Over Sexual Immorality
Joseph Prince - Experience Victory Over Sexual Immorality
Turn to your neighbor, smile at somebody and say "Something good is going to happen to you in this service". I believe it, it's not a cliché, I believe it. I really believe it. The gospel is all about God's goodness. The gospel [...]
Robert Jeffress - Graze In Your Own Pasture
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Robert Jeffress - Graze In Your Own Pasture
Robert Jeffress - Graze In Your Own Pasture
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Moral compromise has become an epidemic in our culture. The lines of appropriate behavior have become blurred and boundaries we once considered sacred are often sacrificed for the [...]
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Levi Lusko - Deeper Than Skin
Levi Lusko - Deeper Than Skin
So I went to the dentist this past week. And that's always the beginning of a great story right there. You know what I'm saying? Everyone just kind of channels their inner... Don't worry. I was able to talk my way out of the X-rays. [...]
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Steven Furtick — Sex is a Good Thing
Steven Furtick — Sex is a Good Thing
You can do a good thing in the wrong way, and it becomes a bad thing. Sex is a good thing... to little teach that in the church. We teach, you know, sex is dirty, sex is gross, sex is disgusting, so save it for your husband. But the passion is pure, [...]
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Robert Morris — The Principle of Intimacy
Robert Morris — The Principle of Intimacy
We're in a series called, "Relationship Through God's Top Ten". And so, we're on the seventh commandment, and I'm calling it "The Principle of Intimacy". I believe this tells us how to have intimacy with God [...]
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Patricia King — Sex Booze and Popcorn
Patricia King — Sex Booze and Popcorn
Sex, Booze & Popcorn - what the bible has to say. Join Patricia King and Robert Hotchkin for this one hour webcast rewind. [...]
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Greg Laurie — God's Plan for Sex and Marriage
Greg Laurie — God's Plan for Sex and Marriage
I am in the high line right now. It is a park in New York city in an area that is called the Meat Packing District. It actually used to be a place where the trains would run. It is sort of elevated above the city. A really cool park. This is a [...]
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Andy Stanley — Designer Sex
Andy Stanley — Designer Sex
Exclusivity is the key to great romance in marriage, but to get it requires setting a personal standard in advance. Even though making choices that honor God with your body might seem like a sacrifice now, it will open the door for marital intimacy [...]
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Steven Furtick — It is Good for a Man Not to Have Sexual Relations
Steven Furtick — It is Good for a Man Not to Have Sexual Relations
Single people dream of being married. Married people fantasize about being single. The truth is, most of us like the idea of being in a relationship more than the reality of what it takes to make it work. And, when we look to other people to satisfy [...]