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Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed: You Have Victory Over Death
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Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed: You Have Victory Over Death
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed: You Have Victory Over Death
Hello everybody, I’m Kenneth Copeland, and right there on your screen does it say Victory Channel? Back in the radio days, because of what I heard… languages and so forth, how can we get total immersion? And then total immersion in the Victory [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Fear and Destruction
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Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Fear and Destruction
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Fear and Destruction
Thank You, Lord Jesus. We just praise You and thank You, Father. Holy Spirit, we humble ourselves before You again today. And thank You that You’ve taken me in directions that I didn’t plan to do. And I praise You for that, because You always do [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed to Enjoy a Long Life
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Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed to Enjoy a Long Life
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed to Enjoy a Long Life
Father, thank You. We rejoice that we, through Jesus, You’re our very own Father. And in my case, I’m Your very own, Your son, because Jesus is my blood brother. And I pray it and thank You for it in the name of Jesus. Amen. All right. Let’s go to [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Sickness and Disease
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Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Sickness and Disease
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Sickness and Disease
Now, let’s go back to my routine, and I told you, I’m saying to Gloria, «Good night, my love. I love the Lord, my God, with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, and all my strength. And I love my neighbor as myself, fulfilling all the law and the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - What Are You Redeemed From?
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Kenneth Copeland - What Are You Redeemed From?
Kenneth Copeland - What Are You Redeemed From?
Hello everybody, I’m Kenneth Copeland and this is the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast. Every believer has a voice and it is the voice of victory. Praise God, you believe that? Father, we thank You this morning. We thank You Lord Jesus and we [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Day of Atonement and Jesus' Sacrifice
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Rabbi Schneider - The Day of Atonement and Jesus' Sacrifice
Rabbi Schneider - The Day of Atonement and Jesus' Sacrifice
Today we're going to launch into a new appointed day of the Lord, the Day of Atonement, called in Hebrew "yom", meaning "day", or "kippur", meaning "covering". Why do we call it Yom Kippur, or the Day of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Themes of Redemption (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot)
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Rabbi Schneider - The Themes of Redemption (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and
Rabbi Schneider - The Themes of Redemption (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot)
Welcome and shalom, beloved friend. This is a very exciting and important time of year in conjunction with God's sacred calendar that's revealed to us in the book of Leviticus, we call it in Hebrew "Vayikra", chapter number 23. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - He Died in Our Place
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Rabbi Schneider - He Died in Our Place
Rabbi Schneider - He Died in Our Place
Baruch Hashem, blessings to you, my beloved friends. Thank you for letting me minister to you today. We're looking at the Gospel of John, two foundational scriptures from John chapter one. Reading the Word of God, chapter one verse three says [...]
John Hagee - The Two Resurrections
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John Hagee - The Two Resurrections
John Hagee - The Two Resurrections
Here is the resurrection story. Late Thursday night, 2,000 years ago, following the Passover meal with his disciples, Jesus of Nazareth was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Just outside the Eastern walls of Jerusalem, his disciples slept as [...]
Michael Youssef - The Prodigal Son, A Journey from Recklessness to Redemption
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Michael Youssef - The Prodigal Son, A Journey from Recklessness to Redemption
Michael Youssef - The Prodigal Son, A Journey from Recklessness to Redemption
Beloved, the Bible calls parents to lead their children, not the other way around; and I could not help this week as I was writing my notes and I thought about our first grandson. He was 14 months and he was learning to walk, and he just learned [...]
Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven? (Enduring Wisdom)
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Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven? (Enduring Wisdom)
Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven? (Enduring Wisdom)
Beloved, labels have never saved anyone. Labels have never taken anyone to heaven. And our passage for today in Luke 13 beginning at verse 23, some unknown person asked Jesus, "Lord, will those who are saved be few"? Listen carefully to [...]
Adrian Rogers - Redeeming Faith
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Adrian Rogers - Redeeming Faith
Adrian Rogers - Redeeming Faith
Would you open the Word of God to Hebrews chapter 11 and we are going to spend some time together enjoying the Word of God. We're in a series of Bible studies entitled "Champions of Faith". And last week we spoke of Moses. This week, [...]
John Bradshaw - Redemptive
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John Bradshaw - Redemptive
John Bradshaw - Redemptive
When you're dealing with someone who's done wrong, made mistakes, it's important that you deal with that person redemptively. You want your actions to ultimately benefit that person; especially important when you're dealing with [...]
Michael Youssef - Kinsman Redeemer
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Michael Youssef - Kinsman Redeemer
Michael Youssef - Kinsman Redeemer
In the first message of chapter 1, we saw very clearly in the winter season of Naomi's life, she trusted in the living God. She experienced bitterness, but she never became bitter. Do you know the difference? And there's a world of [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Redemption
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Dr. Ed Young - Redemption
Dr. Ed Young - Redemption
We are wrapped up with superheroes. When I was a boy, I went to the movie almost every Saturday. Cost a dime. Can you believe that? And I watched Roy Rogers and Gene Autry and... most you've never heard of, Whip LaRue. Anybody ever heard of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Yom Kippur, The Power of the Blood of Jesus
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Rabbi Schneider - Yom Kippur, The Power of the Blood of Jesus
Rabbi Schneider - Yom Kippur, The Power of the Blood of Jesus
The Bible tells us in the book of Ephesians, chapter 1, verse 7, "In Him, in Yeshua we have redemption through His blood". In Him we have redemption through His blood. The word redemption, beloved one, carries the idea of being bought. God [...]
Tony Evans - The Verdict of Calvary
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Tony Evans - The Verdict of Calvary
Tony Evans - The Verdict of Calvary
Many of us need a verdict for us to relieve us from the guilt of the accusations against us. Many of you know what it is to need a not guilty verdict, to need mercy in the court. To release you because what happens with the verdict affects your [...]
Michael Youssef - God's Redemption
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Michael Youssef - God's Redemption
Michael Youssef - God's Redemption
Hello, friends, so many people don't understand how can the shedding of the blood of the Son of God, there are some pastors who are now calling the crucifixion a child abuse. But let me explain to you, this is God's way, not their way or [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Mountain of Redemption
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Dr. Ed Young - Mountain of Redemption
Dr. Ed Young - Mountain of Redemption
In biblical days, the rabbis would walk around and teach, but when they sat down that indicated hold on. They were going to say something really eternal and important and, therefore, they were no longer walking around, but now they sat down, and the [...]
Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
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Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
I want us to turn tonight to the fifth chapter of the book of Galatians. "And I brethren, if I preach works, if I preach legalism, why do I suffer persecution? Then is the offense of the cross ceased". Now we're living at a moment in [...]
Adrian Rogers - Redeeming Love
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Adrian Rogers - Redeeming Love
Adrian Rogers - Redeeming Love
Would you turn, please, to Ruth, the book of Ruth; Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and turn to Ruth chapter 4. This is the fourth in a series of messages entitled, "Redeeming Love". We come to the end of this four-chapter book today, and it's [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Every Sickness and Disease
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Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Every Sickness and Disease
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed From Every Sickness and Disease
— Hello, everybody. Again we're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. And we, as you know, most of you anyway, we usually go to our prayer cabin in southwest Arkansas. But we had to cancel again this year. And we're quite sure we'd be next [...]
Andy Stanley - Of First Importance
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Andy Stanley - Of First Importance
Andy Stanley - Of First Importance
So today I would like to begin with a question that if you are a Christian, you may have been afraid to ask, 'cause it's like I don't, can we ask questions like that? So I'm just gonna say maybe what you were thinking, but [...]
Kenneth Copeland - You Are Redeemed by Love
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Kenneth Copeland - You Are Redeemed by Love
Kenneth Copeland - You Are Redeemed by Love
So now the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. No condemnation. Free from the law of sin and death. Walk not after the flesh. The Spirit that raised up Christ. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. Now, then, cursed is everyone [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Yom Kippur
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Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Yom Kippur
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Yom Kippur
The most holy day, beloved one, on God's sacred calendar is called in Hebrew "Yom", which is the Hebrew word for day, and "Kippur", meaning covering. So, Yom Kippur, the Day of Covering. This was the day that the high priest [...]
John Bradshaw - At the Cross
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John Bradshaw - At the Cross
John Bradshaw - At the Cross
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Standing at the side of an enormous memorial a little more than 30 miles from the Spanish capital, Madrid, is the world's largest cross. It's almost 500 feet tall, 150 [...]
Joseph Prince - Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus (Good Friday Special)
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Joseph Prince - Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus (Good Friday Special)
Joseph Prince - Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus (Good Friday Special)
Why is the cross such a powerful thing? Because at the cross Jesus shed his blood. God says, "When I see the blood," even though there's an innocent lamb, the guilty parties, the people guilty of death, judgment of death in the house. [...]
Skip Heitzig - John 11:33-12:11
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Skip Heitzig - John 11:33-12:11
Skip Heitzig - John 11:33-12:11
So there were three sisters, elderly sisters, who live together. Their ages were 92, 94, and 96, respectively. They were old gals. They had survived, and they were sharing a home. And as they were getting older, they were getting more frail. And the [...]
Charles Stanley - The Cross: A Debt Paid in Full
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Charles Stanley - The Cross: A Debt Paid in Full
Charles Stanley - The Cross: A Debt Paid in Full
A debt is an obligation. And probably most people have been in debt at some point in their life or the other. And nobody likes debt because it's a pressure that seemingly increases over a period of time. And usually people will try to pay off [...]
James Merritt - Off Ramp
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James Merritt - Off Ramp
James Merritt - Off Ramp
If you're like me, for most of us at least, if not all of us, life is full. As a matter of fact, it's more than full. Sometimes it feels like it's overfilled. Now, I'm not looking for sympathy, but let me just give an example. We [...]
Derek Prince - The Miracle of Redemption
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Derek Prince - The Miracle of Redemption
Derek Prince - The Miracle of Redemption
Then He brought them out with silver and gold; and among His tribes there was not one who stumbled. - Psalm 105:37, NASB This is the psalmist's inspired description of the deliverance of Israel by the Lord out of Egypt and it focuses on two [...]
Matt Hagee - Permanently Stained
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Matt Hagee - Permanently Stained
Matt Hagee - Permanently Stained
If you would please stand for the reading of God's word. And if you brought your Bibles, turn them to Romans 8, beginning at the 31st verse, as this morning we discuss the topic of being "Permanently stained". We're given this [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Lion Is the Lamb
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Skip Heitzig - The Lion Is the Lamb
Skip Heitzig - The Lion Is the Lamb
Why is it that you look fresher and happier today? Could it be Easter? I don't know why. You just look really good. Well, some of you don't. No, I'm just kidding. You all look really good. Anyway, happy Resurrection day. We're [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Cure for the Curse
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Skip Heitzig - The Cure for the Curse
Skip Heitzig - The Cure for the Curse
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, this morning to Genesis, chapter 3. We're going to look today at a single verse of scripture. Genesis, chapter 3, verse 15. And leave it to me to squeeze 5 points out of a single verse. It shouldn't [...]
Skip Heitzig - A One-Man Show
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Skip Heitzig - A One-Man Show
Skip Heitzig - A One-Man Show
And would you please turn, in your Bibles, to the Book of Romans, chapter 5? And we always say that, don't we, when we begin a service, "turn, in your Bibles, to." And that's because we believe that God speaks through what God [...]
Skip Heitzig - His Death Foretold
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Skip Heitzig - His Death Foretold
Skip Heitzig - His Death Foretold
That which we once viewed as just a reflection in a distant mirror comes to us as reality. There was a time when we only knew in part, but now there comes a promise to be fully known, a promise made by the prophets, a promise that the angels [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Beauty of Sacrifice
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Doug Batchelor - The Beauty of Sacrifice
Doug Batchelor - The Beauty of Sacrifice
Message today, we're going to be talking about really a very important central, core Bible theme dealing with the beauty of sacrifice. Sacrifice, and typically when we think about sacrifice, we recoil a little bit at the idea because it makes [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Forgiven
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Rabbi Schneider - Forgiven
Rabbi Schneider - Forgiven
Growing up in a Jewish Home in Beachwood, Ohio, in Eastern suburb of Cleveland, it was very obvious to all of us, all the Jewish community, that the Most Holy sacred day on our Hebrew calendar of the Jewish year is Yom Kippur, translated in English [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Passover: Redemption, Deliverance, and Freedom
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Rabbi Schneider - Passover: Redemption, Deliverance, and Freedom
Rabbi Schneider - Passover: Redemption, Deliverance, and Freedom
As we approach this, Pesach, or this Passover season, one of the things that I'm wanting to encourage all of us to do is to find relevancy from it, into our lives today. During Passover, we try to imagine Jewish peoples are celebrating what we [...]
TD Jakes - Blood of the Vine
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TD Jakes - Blood of the Vine
TD Jakes - Blood of the Vine
I love the holidays, any kind of holiday, Thanksgiving... I'll make up a holiday. I love holidays 'cause you have great food, and you have great fun. People come over. I like to entertain and have a good time. Fourth of July is one of I [...]
#290 Joseph Prince - Jesus, Born To Save You
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Joseph Prince - Jesus, Born To Save You
Joseph Prince - Jesus, Born To Save You
Hallelujah, I wanna share with you two signs of Christmas. Two signs of Christmas. The first one, Luke chapter 2, verse 10 to 12: "Then the angel said to them," now, the "them" here are the shepherds that Christmas Eve. What [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Forgiveness of Sin and the Justice of the Lord
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Rabbi Schneider - The Forgiveness of Sin and the Justice of the Lord
Rabbi Schneider - The Forgiveness of Sin and the Justice of the Lord
Beloved, the tabernacle, the mishkan is a pattern for walking in intimacy with God today. In giving instructions for the tabernacle, the Lord told Moses in the Book of Exodus or Shemot in Hebrew, chapter 25 verse number 8, that it should be built, [...]
Derek Prince - By One Offering He Provided For Everyone
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Derek Prince - By One Offering He Provided For Everyone
Derek Prince - By One Offering He Provided For Everyone
Hebrews 10:14, which speaks about what Jesus accomplished by His death on the cross: For by one offering, or by one sacrifice, He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. The one offering, or the one sacrifice, is the sacrifice He made [...]
Derek Prince - The Exchange At The Cross
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Derek Prince - The Exchange At The Cross
Derek Prince - The Exchange At The Cross
Hebrews 10:14, which speaks about what Jesus accomplished by His death on the cross: For by one offering, or by one sacrifice, He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. The one offering, or the one sacrifice, is the sacrifice He made [...]
Billy Graham - The Death and Resurrection of Christ
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Billy Graham - The Death and Resurrection of Christ
Billy Graham - The Death and Resurrection of Christ
My message is going to be brief, and my text is going to be Luke the 23rd chapter beginning at verse 42. "Remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, 'Verily, I say unto thee, today thou shall be with me in [...]
Joseph Prince - The Cross: Your Redemption From Shame and Reproach
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Joseph Prince - The Cross: Your Redemption From Shame and Reproach
Joseph Prince - The Cross: Your Redemption From Shame and Reproach
I want to share with you about how God wants to defeat the wrong mentality in our lives and how that you can watch out, whether this mentality is trying to creep into your life, amen? So let's go to the story of David hallelujah. 1 Samuel 17, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Why Did Jesus Die?
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Rabbi Schneider - Why Did Jesus Die?
Rabbi Schneider - Why Did Jesus Die?
These holy days of the Lord, these appointed days, as the word of God calls them are actually an unveiling of God's prophetic redemptive plan for humanity. Now we're focusing on the fall holy days. We covered the first of these feasts in [...]
Creflo Dollar - Your Redemption is Done
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Creflo Dollar - Your Redemption is Done
Creflo Dollar - Your Redemption is Done
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of Galatians chapter 2:16, in the New Living Translation. We are in the middle of a series entitled How to Respond to Grace. In other words, how do you respond to the finished works of Jesus Christ? We [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed Into The Blessing
Kenneth Copeland - Redeemed Into The Blessing
Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believers Voice of Victory broadcast. Praise God. Give the Lord a praise. Hallelujah. Amen. We're here in Eagle Mountain International Church from Fort Worth, Texas. Praise gun. I've [...]
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Charles Stanley - Jesus is Our Substitute
Charles Stanley - Jesus is Our Substitute
"Let Him be crucified". That's what they cried, especially the religious leaders of the day. Let Him be crucified. Because they wanted to get rid of Jesus at any price. And the crucifixion was the worst kind of death. In fact, it was [...]
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