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Rabbi Schneider - Waiting on the Lord
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Rabbi Schneider - Waiting on the Lord
Rabbi Schneider - Waiting on the Lord
Yeshua said in John 7:38, "He who believes in me from his", get this, now, "innermost being", got a mosquito there, "will flow rivers of living water". I want to focus on that word "innermost". Where does this [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Handles Delays Patiently
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Handles Delays Patiently
Rick Warren - A Faith That Handles Delays Patiently
Hello, everybody. Hello, Saddleback. Have I told you lately that I love you? I'm Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, author of "The Purpose Driven Life" and speaker for the Daily Hope broadcast. And welcome to week 15 in our series [...]
John Bradshaw - Sixty Gallons of Gas, Down the Drain
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John Bradshaw - Sixty Gallons of Gas, Down the Drain
John Bradshaw - Sixty Gallons of Gas, Down the Drain
A man in Sydney, Australia who stopped at a gas station to put fuel in his boat, put the fuel directly into the fishing rod holder, not the gas tank. 231 liters, more than 60 gallons, 536 Australian dollars worth of fuel, close to 400 US Dollars, it [...]
Robert Jeffress - When God's Patience Runs Out - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - When God's Patience Runs Out - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - When God's Patience Runs Out - Part 2
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". People today often argue that the Bible is outdated. The values held by Jews and Christians thousands of years ago simply don't apply to the 21st century, they say. But [...]
Robert Jeffress - When God's Patience Runs Out - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - When God's Patience Runs Out - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - When God's Patience Runs Out - Part 1
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway To Victory". While all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, God is long suffering. That is, he patiently waits for us to repent. But make no mistake, God won't wait forever. [...]
Joyce Meyer - A Patient Attitude
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Joyce Meyer - A Patient Attitude
Joyce Meyer - A Patient Attitude
Well, thank you for joining me today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, the Word of God is so important, and it's how we keep our spirit strong. And if we're strong enough spiritually, then we can overcome the things that come against [...]
James Merritt - In The Waiting Room
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James Merritt - In The Waiting Room
James Merritt - In The Waiting Room
I want you to turn to the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1, and we're going to study today about two people. We're going to talk about a really old man, and we're going to talk about a really young woman. And, both of them are going to remind us that God [...]
Steven Furtick - The Struggle Of Unfulfilled Promises
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Steven Furtick - The Struggle Of Unfulfilled Promises
Steven Furtick - The Struggle Of Unfulfilled Promises
This is an excerpt from: Forward Not Finished Isn't that a horrible thing that you can see something God wants to give you, but you can't bring it into reality? I'd rather not even know God promised it to me than to hear people talk about it and to [...]
Matt Hagee - Lord, I Don't Deserve This
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Matt Hagee - Lord, I Don't Deserve This
Matt Hagee - Lord, I Don't Deserve This
Today, we begin this sermon series with the message, "Lord, I don't deserve this". And we look at the life of Job: that if he could testify to you today, he'd say, "The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever". Read with me [...]
Rabbi Schneider - He Chooses Patience
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Rabbi Schneider - He Chooses Patience
Rabbi Schneider - He Chooses Patience
God said in the Torah, before Pharaoh hardened his own heart, God said to Moses, "Moses, I'm going to send you before Pharaoh and I'm going to harden his heart". It's true that Pharaoh hardened his own heart, but even deeper than that God [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Patience of God
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Rabbi Schneider - The Patience of God
Rabbi Schneider - The Patience of God
Hear the Word of God, Romans chapter 2 verse 4. "Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience? Not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance"? This is a Scripture in which Paul was saying [...]
Joyce Meyer - Peace, Patience and Humility
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Joyce Meyer - Peace, Patience and Humility
Joyce Meyer - Peace, Patience and Humility
Ginger Stache : Hi everyone. Welcome to Joyce Meyer's Talk it Out podcast, where Joyce teaches the Word of God, in her practical, no-nonsense way. And my friends and I, talk about the real stuff of living it and holding nothing back. I'm Ginger [...]
Leon Fontaine - Be Patient And Grow Your Faith
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Leon Fontaine - Be Patient And Grow Your Faith
Leon Fontaine - Be Patient And Grow Your Faith
There's an interesting story in the Bible that doesn't explain itself. It says something fantastic but then doesn't explain itself. And I want to endeavor to do that today and it's a story of King David. He's not been crowned the king of Israel yet. [...]
Joel Osteen - Your Right Time Is Coming
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Joel Osteen - Your Right Time Is Coming
Joel Osteen - Your Right Time Is Coming
I want to talk to you today about Your Right Time is Coming. We're all waiting for something: waiting for a dream to come to pass, or to meet the right person, for our health to turn around. When it's been a long time, and we don't see any sign of [...]
Craig Smith - The Long Wait
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Craig Smith - The Long Wait
Craig Smith - The Long Wait
Well, hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So good to have you with us whether you’re joining us in person or online for our fourth week of our Noah series. If you’re just joining us, let me get you caught up real quick. So far we’ve seen three kind of [...]
Craig Smith - Patience
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Craig Smith - Patience
Craig Smith - Patience
Welcome. So good to have you here. We are in the midst of our Chasing Peace Series. And here’s what we know already. We know that peace is never a product of circumstances. Even if our circumstances are perfect, we’re gonna worry that they’re gonna [...]
Charles Stanley - The Rewards of Patience
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Charles Stanley - The Rewards of Patience
Charles Stanley - The Rewards of Patience
Aren't you glad that God does not wait until the judgment to give us all the rewards and all the benefits of our life? He's a good God, a God of mercy and love and kindness and thoughtfulness and encouragement. And so what He does oftentimes in our [...]
Charles Stanley - The Patience of God
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Charles Stanley - The Patience of God
Charles Stanley - The Patience of God
More than likely you heard the Gospel many times before you ever trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. You probably heard it from lots of different sources. For example, maybe somebody in your family or maybe at church you heard your pastor. [...]
Craig Smith - The Power of Patience
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Craig Smith - The Power of Patience
Craig Smith - The Power of Patience
Well, good morning. Welcome to Mission Hill. So glad you’re here, whether you’re here in the big room, or in the mill, or joining us online, and we’re just glad that you’ve taken this time to connect with God and see what he has to say to you from [...]
Charles Stanley - Developing Patience
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Charles Stanley - Developing Patience
Charles Stanley - Developing Patience
Patience is one of those qualities all of us need in our life. And yet, it's one of those qualities that oftentimes is very, very difficult for us to live out and to exercise. It's not only a quality we need, it is one of the most powerful qualities [...]
Charles Stanley - Expressing Patience
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Charles Stanley - Expressing Patience
Charles Stanley - Expressing Patience
Have you ever found yourself working on something that just wouldn't work? For example, some of the pieces aren't there. They got left out. One piece just won't fit. And then to make it worse, when you're just frustrated about it, somebody says, [...]
Charles Stanley - The Powerful Attribute of Patience
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Charles Stanley - The Powerful Attribute of Patience
Charles Stanley - The Powerful Attribute of Patience
I wonder how often you and I may miss the promises of God in our lives somehow. If you and I would just think back how many times God has told us to wait, we felt we ought to wait, but somehow deep down inside, we didn't wanna wait, and we just [...]
David Jeremiah - Waiting for God's Promise
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David Jeremiah - Waiting for God's Promise
David Jeremiah - Waiting for God's Promise
Well, hello. I'm David Jeremiah, and welcome to "Turning Point". I would like to begin today's program with a question for you about faith. What is the hardest thing about having faith? Theologically speaking, it is believing when we can't [...]
Andy Stanley - The Patient Parent
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Andy Stanley - The Patient Parent
Andy Stanley - The Patient Parent
So here's something to help launch us into today's topic. I want you to think about this, your parents' behavior. Think about this, your parents' behavior. Your parents' behavior, not their advice, not their advice determined whether or not you [...]
Victoria Osteen - Patient Endurance Brings Forth God's Promises
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Victoria Osteen - Patient Endurance Brings Forth God's Promises
Victoria Osteen - Patient Endurance Brings Forth God's Promises
Thank you, Lord. Oh, we love you and honor you in this place, amen. I think about when my daughter sent out her applications for college. She was going to go to a university, and so it was the end of her senior year, she began to send out [...]
Joyce Meyer - Be Patient With Yourself
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Joyce Meyer - Be Patient With Yourself
Joyce Meyer - Be Patient With Yourself
Well, thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life", and the subject that I want to talk to you about today is one that I think will really help you enjoy your life more. I'm gonna talk to you today about being patient with [...]
Joel Osteen - Travel Steadily
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Joel Osteen - Travel Steadily
Joel Osteen - Travel Steadily
I want to talk to you today about Travel Steadily. We all have things that we're waiting on: waiting for a dream to come to pass, waiting for health to improve, waiting to meet the right person. When it's taken longer than we thought, we don't see [...]
Steven Furtick - Why Is This Taking So Long
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Steven Furtick - Why Is This Taking So Long?
Steven Furtick - Why Is This Taking So Long?
It's frustrating when life feels unfruitful. There's nothing more fulfilling than bearing the fruit you're meant to bear because of the seed God put in you, but there's nothing more frustrating… I'm not talking about feeling unfruitful when you [...]
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Joseph Prince - Receiving Healing With Faith And Patience
Joseph Prince - Receiving Healing With Faith And Patience
All right, look at Deuteronomy chapter 30 for our lesson today. God is talking to the nation of Israel and God says to them, "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and [...]
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Joyce Meyer - I'm In A Hurry And God's Not
Joyce Meyer - I'm In A Hurry And God's Not
Well, have you been waiting on God for something to change in your life or for an answer to prayer? You know, we need to remember that patience is not just waiting, but it's how we act while we're waiting. And, I have a few things to share with you [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Having A Patient Attitude
Joyce Meyer - Having A Patient Attitude
There's two kinds of people in the world. There's people who do things on purpose and there's people that are passive. Now passive people are people who want something good to happen, but they're not gonna really do too much, if anything, to make it [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Does God Keep Me Waiting?
Joyce Meyer - Why Does God Keep Me Waiting?
Time can be very exciting or very aggravating. We can't accelerate or decelerate time, all we can do is wait it out. So, check out this question, it comes from twitter, and it says, "What do you do when you've prayed for a healing miracle for [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Can I Have More Peace And Be More Patient?
Joyce Meyer - How Can I Have More Peace And Be More Patient?
Oh my, just let me tell you today, you are going to be so glad that you're here watching this show because we're going to talk about topics that will definitely impact your life. I know that they will help me out. First of all, peace. Who hasn't [...]
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Joyce Meyer - An Attitude Of Trust And Patience
Joyce Meyer - An Attitude Of Trust And Patience
Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you act while you are waiting. Today, learn how to enjoy life while God is working on your problems. [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith And Patience Receive The Promise
Kenneth Copeland - Faith And Patience Receive The Promise
Yesterday's lesson we're talking about... For two weeks we talked extensively about the curse. In Galatians 3:13 and 14, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of law, being made a curse for us, for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on [...]
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Joel Osteen - It's Worth The Wait
Joel Osteen - It's Worth The Wait
I want to talk to you today аbout: it's worth the wait. We all have things that we're waiting for: a dream to come to pass, problem to turn around, to meet the right person. When it's taking longer than we thought, it's easy to get discouraged, to [...]
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Charles Stanley - Patience is Essential To Experiencing God's Best
Charles Stanley - Patience is Essential To Experiencing God's Best
When you trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, immediately the Holy Spirit came into your life to seal you as a child of God. That's the reason we know that we are eternally secure. It is His work and not our conduct that makes acceptable to [...]
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Priscilla Shirer — The Patience Of God
Priscilla Shirer — The Patience Of God
Gideon’s story highlights many elements of God’s character. Seeing the Midianites unleashed on the Israelites shows the judgment of God. [...]
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Priscilla Shirer — God's Patience
Priscilla Shirer — God's Patience
If there’s anything I can say about my own relationship with Him, it’s that He has patiently pursued me, consistently tolerating my spiritual mood swings. He hasn’t been unnerved when I’ve taken longer than I should to obey Him, believe Him, or [...]
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Priscilla Shirer — God Is Patient With Us
Priscilla Shirer — God Is Patient With Us
God's power is not only seen in what He does but also in what He chooses not to do. Proof of God's patience: 1. Christ came to save sinners. Why would a holy God give any way for us to have a relationship with Him? His grace is sufficient. 2. God [...]