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Derek Prince - What Will Happen to The Jews In The End Times?
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Derek Prince - What Will Happen to The Jews In The End Times?
Derek Prince - What Will Happen to The Jews In The End Times?
The next series of questions is about Israel. And naturally, there are a number of questions. How are the church and Israel related? Does Galatians 3:29 not mean that believers are Abraham's seed adopted Jews? We better look at Galatians 3:29. [...]
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 2
Allen Jackson : Now, we need God's help, church. We can't hide in our church buildings and do studies on the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes and not try to process what it means to be salt and light in the midst of the world in which we [...]
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 1
Allen Jackson : I'm gonna introduce our guest in just a moment. I wanna read a passage of Scripture to you, it really is kind of a bit of an introduction to what we're gonna talk about some. Matthew chapter 24, Luke 21 are parallel passages, it's [...]
Allen Jackson - Prophesy Being Fulfilled - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Prophesy Being Fulfilled - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Prophesy Being Fulfilled - Part 2
There are real expressions against what you stand for as a Christ follower that would like to remove your voice from our academic institutions and our business institutions and our governmental institutions. I mean, that's real. It's not an [...]
Allen Jackson - Prophesy Being Fulfilled - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Prophesy Being Fulfilled - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Prophesy Being Fulfilled - Part 1
But I wanna take this session and talk a bit about Israel and a vantage point. My habit, when I've returned from Israel for the last few years, has been to try to give you a bit of an update or some perspectives from what we gleaned. So I've been [...]
Marcus Mecum - Israel and God's Time Clock - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - Israel and God's Time Clock - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - Israel and God's Time Clock - Part 2
God's still winning souls, he's still winning the lost. That's why we're here today, that's what we're all about. The point is, we're gonna continue to gather the end time harvest, but in the end, verse 26 says, "And in this way, all of Israel [...]
Marcus Mecum - Israel and God's Time Clock - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - Israel and God's Time Clock - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - Israel and God's Time Clock - Part 1
I wanna get right to the message, and as I'm preparing for that, you know, if you look at the world events right now, if you look at what's happening in the Middle East, this message in many ways is a current event message and I feel like it's [...]
John Hagee - Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem
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John Hagee - Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem
John Hagee - Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem
The Bible says of Jerusalem, "It is the city of God". God has placed his name there: that it should be remembered forever. That's in the Bible. Jerusalem is the epicenter of the universe. Jerusalem is the shoreline of eternity. That means [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Signs and Wonders to Reach Israel
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Rabbi Schneider - Signs and Wonders to Reach Israel
Rabbi Schneider - Signs and Wonders to Reach Israel
I want to tell you about something really exciting that happened at the NRB, which stands for the National Religious Broadcasters Conference this year. It was in Nashville, Tennessee. It's the largest gathering of Christian broadcasters in the world [...]
Jonathan Bernis - How to Bless Israel
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Jonathan Bernis - How to Bless Israel
Jonathan Bernis - How to Bless Israel
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice and thank you for joining us today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined once again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. We talk a lot on this program about standing with Israel and it has become an [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Israel's Survival
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Jonathan Bernis - Israel's Survival
Jonathan Bernis - Israel's Survival
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. Thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined once again, by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Well, Israel, once again, is at war and contrary to what some understand this is not [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Israel v. Hamas
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Jonathan Bernis - Israel v. Hamas
Jonathan Bernis - Israel v. Hamas
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I wanna thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined, once again, by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. On October 7th of 2023, the world was shocked as Hamas butchered over 1,200 [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 4
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Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 4
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 4
I know that we're not great at geography. Most of us learn geography from a coach, and he didn't want to be in the classroom with you any more than you wanted to be there with them. So we didn't pay a lot of attention, but a little bit of geography [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 3
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Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 3
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 3
I wanna talk this weekend and for the next two or three sessions about "Israel, the Church and the Nations". Three distinct groups with whom God is dealing in the earth these days, towards the same objectives: the establishment of his [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 2
Paul goes into some rather elaborate language in the book of Romans to talk about how we've been grafted in to a tree so that all the blessings that come to us extend from the blessings God made long before Jesus was born in the stable in Bethlehem. [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Israel, The Church and The Nations - Part 1
I wanna continue a little series we've been working through called "God is Moving" because I believe he is. God is moving in the Earth in most unprecedented ways, ways I've never seen in my lifetime. I hear evidence of it week after week. [...]
Robert Barron - One Promise That Can't Be Broken
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Robert Barron - One Promise That Can't Be Broken
Robert Barron - One Promise That Can't Be Broken
Peace be with you. Friends, our first reading for this fifth Sunday of Lent is taken from the thirty-first chapter of the book of the prophet Jeremiah. And there's a passage I want to draw your attention to at the very beginning here, which is super [...]
Mike Novotny - Easter From the Holy Land, Where Death Lost Its Sting
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Mike Novotny - Easter From the Holy Land, Where Death Lost Its Sting
Mike Novotny - Easter From the Holy Land, Where Death Lost Its Sting
In early 2020, I got to explore Israel. "I'm sitting literally in the place where Jesus' feet touched". I saw some amazing places. "The old city of Jerusalem, the Garden of Gethsemane, beautiful Nazareth, and the Mount of Beatitudes, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Help Bring Salvation to Israel
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Rabbi Schneider - Help Bring Salvation to Israel
Rabbi Schneider - Help Bring Salvation to Israel
I began in Romans chapter 9 as I described the urgent prophetic anointing that Paul had to reach Jewish people. I'm continuing today now with Romans 10. 1. Brethren, Paul says, "My heart's desire and my prayer to God for them," speaking of [...]
John Hagee - Israel, God's Chosen People
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John Hagee - Israel, God's Chosen People
John Hagee - Israel, God's Chosen People
In Romans 9, Paul presents eight distinctive features of Israel. First one: Romans 9:4, Paul says at the beginning of the verse, "My kinsmen, who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, and the covenants". Let's go to the [...]
John Hagee - Israel, Abraham To Armageddon
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John Hagee - Israel, Abraham To Armageddon
John Hagee - Israel, Abraham To Armageddon
Turn with me to Genesis 12, as today we begin a new and exciting prophetic sermon series titled, "Israel: From Abraham to Armageddon". As we gather here today, the winds of war are blowing over the holy city Jerusalem, and the Middle East [...]
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
And then I brought you just a quick sampling. I think it's worth noting that, what Jesus told his friends about, they got to see. But I think it's extraordinarily naive and a very poor application of Biblical interpretation to suggest it was only a [...]
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Hatred of God's People - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. We're walking through this series on learning to do difficult things in this session, we're gonna talk about the hatred of God's people. It's uncomfortable, it's unpleasant, but it's a reality of our world. Right [...]
Derek Prince - Prayers and Proclamations for Israel
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Derek Prince - Prayers and Proclamations for Israel
Derek Prince - Prayers and Proclamations for Israel
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel So let me come to the end of my... There's two more, this is number ten and eleven if you've been following. Probably you haven't. Number ten on how to pray for Israel says, pray for the harvest of [...]
Derek Prince - Want to Be Blessed? Bless Israel!
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Derek Prince - Want to Be Blessed? Bless Israel!
Derek Prince - Want to Be Blessed? Bless Israel!
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel Now the next suggestion I have is bless and be blessed. I want to turn to Numbers 24, verse 9. You see, when we pray our grace, which we've just been through, you realize every time we pray it we're [...]
Derek Prince - Why Praying For Peace In Jerusalem Is Important?
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Derek Prince - Why Praying For Peace In Jerusalem Is Important?
Derek Prince - Why Praying For Peace In Jerusalem Is Important?
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel Suggestion number six, pray according to Psalm 102, verses 13 and 18. Let's turn to that and read it. Psalm 102, verses 13 and 18. This is a revelation that was given to the psalmist in a mood of deep [...]
Derek Prince - Israel: What Is The Best Thing To Pray For?
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Derek Prince - Israel: What Is The Best Thing To Pray For?
Derek Prince - Israel: What Is The Best Thing To Pray For?
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel My next suggestion, number four, is identify with God's ultimate purpose, which is what? Why has God tolerated the appalling wickedness of humanity for hundreds and hundreds of years? What is He [...]
Derek Prince - How To Pray For Israel
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Derek Prince - How To Pray For Israel
Derek Prince - How To Pray For Israel
Our final proclamation this evening in the last of this series of messages is the last two verses of the epistle of Jude, which we think are glorious. Now unto Him who is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before the presence [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Events Will Signal The End Times? - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - What Events Will Signal The End Times? - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - What Events Will Signal The End Times? - Part 2
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway To Victory". In light of the war in Israel, I've received a number of questions about Bible prophecy. Many people are asking if we could be living in the end times. Well, for the [...]
Allen Jackson - When God's Plans Break Out - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - When God's Plans Break Out - Part 2
Allen Jackson - When God's Plans Break Out - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you again today. We're gonna continue our discussion on "When God's Plans Break Out in the Earth". I think most of us have had the imagination that if we ever got invited into some supernatural participation [...]
Allen Jackson - When God's Plans Break Out - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - When God's Plans Break Out - Part 1
Allen Jackson - When God's Plans Break Out - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. Our topic today is "When God's Plans Break Out". We're living in a very unique time when the purposes of God seem to be filling the headlines on our daily news. I mean, God is moving in the earth in the most [...]
Robert Jeffress - What Role Will Israel Play In The End Times?
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Robert Jeffress - What Role Will Israel Play In The End Times?
Robert Jeffress - What Role Will Israel Play In The End Times?
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to, "Pathway to Victory". Someone has said that if you want to know where we are on God's prophetic timeline, just look at what is happening in Israel. The nation of Israel is God's prophetic [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
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Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
Baruch Hashem, welcome today to the Seeds of Revelation. You know, all this doesn't happen without a team, okay. I mean, this is not something, it's just rabbi schneider doing all this stuff, I got an awesome anointed God-called team around me. [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Revealing Israel's Destiny - Part 3
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Jentezen Franklin - Revealing Israel's Destiny - Part 3
Jentezen Franklin - Revealing Israel's Destiny - Part 3
Wow. We're so glad that you've joined us today. We're coming to you from Alpharetta, Georgia where we're opening up a new campus soon and you'll hear more about that. But I wanted to come in because of the signs of the times that are taking place [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Revealing Israel's Destiny - Part 2
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Jentezen Franklin - Revealing Israel's Destiny - Part 2
Jentezen Franklin - Revealing Israel's Destiny - Part 2
Well, I wanna welcome you to a very special edition of Kingdom Connection. We are in a very special place. Recently, the Lord blessed us with a new campus, and we are in the process of getting that open. And one of the... it's in the area of [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Revealing Israel's Destiny - Part 1
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Jentezen Franklin - Revealing Israel's Destiny - Part 1
Jentezen Franklin - Revealing Israel's Destiny - Part 1
Welcome, everyone to a very special edition of Kingdom Connection, and I'm so glad to have a live audience with me today. I think they're live. I think... that was not a clap button that you just heard, that's real, living people. And we just wanted [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Israel In Prophecy - Part 2
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Jentezen Franklin - Israel In Prophecy - Part 2
Jentezen Franklin - Israel In Prophecy - Part 2
I am preaching this morning on "Israel In Prophecy", Israel In Prophecy. When I talk about Israel, I want you to draw parallel between natural Israel and spiritual Israel. There are two Israel's, there's natural Israel and the Jewish [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Israel In Prophecy - Part 1
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Jentezen Franklin - Israel In Prophecy - Part 1
Jentezen Franklin - Israel In Prophecy - Part 1
If you have your Bible, I want you to open it to 1 Chronicles 17, 1 Chronicles 17. And I am preaching this morning on "Israel In Prophecy", Israel In Prophecy. When I talk about Israel, I want you to draw parallel between natural Israel [...]
Michael Youssef - Learn From Israel
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Michael Youssef - Learn From Israel
Michael Youssef - Learn From Israel
We're entering into a time of experiencing discrimination, alienation, and harassment. Bible-believing Christians in the West are facing and will be facing difficult time. And so we're about to prepare this generation and the next generation [...]
Jonathan Bernis - How Close Are We to the End Times?
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Jonathan Bernis - How Close Are We to the End Times?
Jonathan Bernis - How Close Are We to the End Times?
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis and I'm joined today by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. We wanna thank you for joining us today. Well, our world today is in a troubling state, and you may find it difficult to [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel and the Purposes of God - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Israel and the Purposes of God - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Israel and the Purposes of God - Part 2
I wanted to start in Zechariah, one of the prophetic books near the end of your Old Testament; and the concluding chapters of Zechariah present us with a series of presentations, and it it's helpful to me there are several ways you can imagine it. [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel and the Purposes of God - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Israel and the Purposes of God - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Israel and the Purposes of God - Part 1
I wanna talk a little bit about Israel and what's happening, and some of it is not great news. But I wanted to start on a little lighter note with an email I got this morning from a friend in Israel. He's a businessman but he also pastors a church, [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Signs of the Times: Are You Ready?
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Jentezen Franklin - Signs of the Times: Are You Ready?
Jentezen Franklin - Signs of the Times: Are You Ready?
If you have your Bibles, I want you to open them to Matthew 24. "Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives the disciples came to Him privately saying, 'Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the signs of your coming and of the end of [...]
Dr. Jack Graham - Why It Matters The Fate and Faith of Israel?
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Jack Graham - Why It Matters The Fate and Faith of Israel?
Jack Graham - Why It Matters The Fate and Faith of Israel?
Dr. Jack Graham : Welcome to a very special edition of PowerPoint, because today we are going to address the recent attacks on the nation and people of Israel and how we as believers and followers of Jesus can love the people of Israel in the [...]
Greg Laurie - Overcoming or Overcome? (Israel At War)
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Greg Laurie - Overcoming or Overcome? (Israel At War)
Greg Laurie - Overcoming or Overcome? (Israel At War)
Israel is at war and this is near the anniversary of the last time Israel was officially at war and what is known as "The Yom Kippur War," back in 1973 when she was attacked by Egypt, Syria, and others. But this was a different kind of [...]
Adrian Rogers - Is God Through with the Jews?
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Adrian Rogers - Is God Through with the Jews?
Adrian Rogers - Is God Through with the Jews?
Turn to Romans chapter 11 if you will; Romans chapter 11. May I tell you while you're finding this, these are dangerous days in which we're living. And many of us can see the storm clouds of Armageddon that are already beginning to gather. And if [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Does God Care What You Think of Israel?
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Jonathan Bernis - Does God Care What You Think of Israel?
Jonathan Bernis - Does God Care What You Think of Israel?
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice and thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis and today on the program my co-host Ezra Benjamin is back with me and we're gonna discussing a topic, Ezra, I think this is probably the [...]
Sid Roth - Warning! Many Believers Are Now God's Enemy
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Sid Roth - Warning! Many Believers Are Now God's Enemy
Sid Roth - Warning! Many Believers Are Now God's Enemy
Hey, you are one of the best studio audiences I've had in a long time. I was just telling everyone here before we went on the air, the Holy Spirit is awesome in this place. I will never find that old. It is so wonderful to know I'm not alone. I'm [...]
Michael Youssef - Experiencing Israel
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Michael Youssef - Experiencing Israel
Michael Youssef - Experiencing Israel
Hello friends, I am honored and privileged to be standing here overlooking the Mount of Olives. This is the Valley of Elah and when David showed up he said, "Who is this Philistine who defies the army of the living God"? As we think of [...]
Allen Jackson - Israel, Lessons In Restoration and Judgment - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Israel, Lessons In Restoration and Judgment - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Israel, Lessons In Restoration and Judgment - Part 2
Well, I want to follow this through, because I'm thinking if Jesus has pronounced judgment on the land that the future is bleak, that there are storm clouds on the horizon, you can see the lightning, there's a storm warning on everybody's television [...]
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