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Jonathan Bernis - The Day of the Dragon

Jonathan Bernis - The Day of the Dragon
TOPICS: Israel, Bible Prophecy

Jonathan Bernis: Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. A program to help you to better understand Bible prophecy, Israel and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, and the Jewish roots of your Christian faith. Thank you for joining me today, I'm Jonathan Bernis. I'm so glad my dear friend, Jonathan Cahn is back with us today because he's helping us to understand the spiritual roots of the conflict in the Middle East that seems to have no solution. Why? Because it's spiritual. He also has so much prophetic insight to share, and I know you can agree with me that in the chaos of this world around us, we all need to hear from God. Please welcome back my dear friend, Jonathan Cahn. Jonathan, always a joy, always.

Jonathan Cahn: Likewise.

Jonathan Bernis: You know, I was saying last time you were here, we've known each other 35 years.

Jonathan Cahn: It's hard to believe. We were like two years old at the time we met

Jonathan Bernis: Alright. So many parallels.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Jonathan Bernis: But over the last 12 years we've had the joy of having you on this program as you've written book after book after book unfolding prophetic Revelation about 9/11, about the spirits, the principalities and power that are at work in the world.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Jonathan Bernis: And now, you've been focusing your attention on the Middle East, which is the center of the world.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah. I actually was planning on doing one on the return of sequel and it got interrupted. I saw a dragon, literally. And I didn't know, as I'm working on this, it turns out, this is the year of the dragon and this is the prophecy of Revelation that says so much of what's happening right now.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah. Well, I think you're right in the center of what is happening in the world. So, the Lord steered you in the right direction. We talked before about October 7.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Jonathan Bernis: And it's obviously a 9/11. Not only for Israel, which sadly was the greatest loss of Jewish life since the holocaust and the greatest life, loss of Israeli life since 1948.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Jonathan Bernis: Just tragic.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Jonathan Bernis: But there's a lot of spiritual implications as well. And I wanna, you made the statement that the name 'Hamas' appears in the Bible.

Jonathan Cahn: Mhmm.

Jonathan Bernis: I want you to go back and talk about where. And also, you made the statement that this attack by Hamas was actually foretold in the scriptures when it would take place, where it would take place.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: Where, when, how.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah. Total. There's so much to it. And the thing is that, first, Hamas is not only an Arabic word. It's a Hebrew word that appears in the Bible. It means death, violence, and destruction, which makes sense. And so, when you look in the Bible, you actually see Hamas throughout and it talks about Hamas with the evil of Hamas. Lord, save me from Hamas. The Hamas has risen up as a rod of evil in the land. Bloodshed because of Hamas. Hamas dwells in the dark places of the earth, like the tunnels. And it says, that ultimately rid the land of Hamas. So, Hamas is actually throughout the entire Bible. That's number one. And it's no accident. Number two, yeah, and I don't use hype. And the thing is that, but I actually was lead , and I'm not saying I knew all this stuff. This has only just me to share of this mystery from the Bible. It's an ancient 3,000-year-old mystery and I shared it. It actually ordained that there would be an attack on Israel in the year 2023, in October of 2023 on a Hebrew holy day, on the sabbath day, on the first Saturday of October of 2023. And I shared it on Friday night, the night before, and then it happened.

Jonathan Bernis: You shared it where? In your...

Jonathan Cahn: I shared it up in Israel the night before, and then it happened. Actually, before midnight of our time it happened, it started happening in Israel at that time. But it's all there. And actually, this mystery may enable, so, I will, this is kind of like a extra thing, but I since I shared this from the Lord, is that three other events happened according to that same mystery. So, this may actually enable us to tell us what is actually gonna happen and when.

Jonathan Bernis: How were you able to see this?

Jonathan Cahn: The Lord... I can take no credit for it. He just does it and he kind of makes sure that I see it. If I miss something, he guides me to it or something will come up, or a person will say something, or something will come into my mind. I'll go and check it out and it's there. I take no credit for it 'cause I can never reproduce it. It just happens.

Jonathan Bernis: It's just incredible that it's in there if you're able to see it.

Jonathan Cahn: It's there.

Jonathan Bernis: It is there.

Jonathan Cahn: God is amazing as we would expect.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah. Well, I wish Israel knew.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: Well, you also have talked about another Revelation you've had about the sea peoples.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: What do these people have to do with what we're seeing unfold in Israel?

Jonathan Cahn: And again, Jonathan, once you see it it's like yeah. But the thing is that the enemy is an imitator of God. He always imitates the things of God. God has resurrected his ancient people of Israel. So, the enemy has his own resurrection and that is that he has resurrected another ancient, but people that are an enemy of Israel. And so, at the same moment that Israel comes back, he begins resurrecting another people. And they are called, and they don't know what they're doing. They're pawns, but they are called the Palestinians. People don't realize. The word Palestinian means literally, the Philistines, literally. The word in Arabic is literally Philistine. That's, I mean, it's so obvious. And the thing is that as soon as Israel came back, that's when the Gaza strip was resurrected. It did not exist. Gaza did, but not the Gaza strip. And so, in 1948, the Gaza strip goes like, all of a sudden, they all flood to the Gaza strip. Where the ancient Philistines used, they use to attack Israel, they used to raid Israel, from the Gaza strip and from the city of Gaza. And they would raid Israeli villages. In fact, if you look in the Bible it actually identifies the place they would raid, a place called the Shephelah and the Negev. And where they overlap, that's where that music festival was. That's where the kibbutz was. It was the ancient exact spot. And what do they do? They took Israelis back captive to Gaza, in the Bible. This is a replay. In fact, I'll just throw this quick thing in. We all grew up with the story of Samson. Quick thing, what is that thing? They'd taken Israelite. They take them as a captive to Gaza. Okay. But, you know, Samson brings down the temple, 3,000 Gazans are struck down. On October 7 it says, who came? Gazans came to attack Israel. How many? About 3,000. It was the resurrection of the Gazans.

Jonathan Bernis: Jonathan, it's like a recycle of history. The same people raised up the Jewish people, the same enemies of Israel, Philistines, Palestinians. The same spirits at work.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Jonathan Bernis: Right?

Jonathan Cahn: That's right.

Jonathan Bernis: And so, this keeps, this circular motion of God's redemptive plan and then the attempts of the enemy to thwart it, at some point this moves towards the last days.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Jonathan Bernis: Talk about that. Like, how does this all tie into what's ahead?

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: And what's been prophesied.

Jonathan Cahn: And even something, you just triggered something. Even something, when you look at the ancient Philistines, it says Goliath was a man of war since his youth. They trained their children to be solders from youth, that's exactly what's happening now. It's overtaking them, they don't know. But the thing is that October 7th was really a shadow and, really, a precursor of what's happening in the end times. Bible says in the last days the whole world will come against Israel. The key issue that is has been triggering that is the issue of Palestine, which is the issue of the Philistines, so you know, number one. But also, you know, all over the world it erupted in this anti-Israel hatred. This is the dragon, this is his, what I call the orgidzo, which talks about his rage against Israel. Not rational, over the world. And they chanted from the river to the sea, "Palestine shall be free". Which is basically calling for the destruction of Israel.

Jonathan Bernis: Right.

Jonathan Cahn: But even...

Jonathan Bernis: Push Israel into the sea.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah. And even that has the fingerprints of the dragon because what is that? It's a perversion, it's a twisting of the Abrahamic promise. God gave Abraham, he said, "This land is yours from the sea to the river". He kept saying, "The sea to the river". So, the enemy inverts it, "The river to the sea". You know, and the Book of Revelation it speaks about spirits coming out of the dragon in the form, as frogs, going to the world to rage the world against Armageddon. Well, we saw a shadow of that. What we just saw was also the most widespread outbreak of anti-semitism, anti-Israel hatred in history. It was all over the entire world. After October 7th, you'd expect people to have mercy on Israel, but it erupted in this irrational..

Jonathan Bernis: It lasted about two weeks.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah...

Jonathan Bernis: A week to two weeks of empathy and this anti-semitism spread like wildfire across the earth.

Jonathan Cahn: And even the next day, Jonathan, there was all, there was hatred of Israel too in the world and demonstrations as well, even after this. So, this is the dragon. You can understand how there's gonna be Armageddon. You had a little taste of how that can be. It's gonna be multiplied. Here's another quick thing, you know, and that is that in the Bible, in Revelation, it speaks about the colors of the apocalypse. It talks about the horsemen and there is white, and then there is red, and there is black and green. Yeah. And so when you look at that, you know, and this is ultimately gonna be against Israel. Well, interesting, because when you look at the flag of Palestine it is white, it is red, it is black, it is green. And every nation that has those colors is an enemy of Israel.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah. Wow. Too many coincidences, my friend. Too many coincidences. We need to take a short break. I need to take a short break. This is so much information. I want you to be able to see the eternal impact that you're having around the world when you support Jewish Voice, especially on the ground in Israel during this ongoing crisis. What the enemy has sought for evil, God is working for good and you're helping to make that happen. Take a look right now.

Jonathan Bernis: Welcome back to this fascinating program with my friend, Jonathan Cahn. Before we get back into our discussion, I wanna thank you for your support of Jewish Voice. We simply could not do this without you. We can continue standing with Israel. As you continue standing with us you're helping us make a difference. So, from everyone here at Jewish Voice and for the thousands and thousands of Jewish people, we've reached scattered tribes of Israel throughout the nations, thank you. Thank you. Well, Jonathan, I wanna jump back into October 7th and I wanna move it towards the Book of Revelation. And let's talk a little bit about the end of days. We've seen that there's a circular pattern...

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: Where the same spirits keep coming back up to try to destroy Israel. But at some point, we're gonna move into the end of the end days.

***:. Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: So, talk about the Hamas invasion in connect it to the Book of Revelation.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah. Interesting thing. In Revelation 12, it talks about the dragon, the enemy, attacking the woman, Israel. And the thing is that it says that he spewed a flood out of his mouth and try to flood her away basically, flood her away. Interesting thing, Jonathan, because the attack that came on Israel, Hamas is a code word for it. They called it Operation Toofan. Toofan is a Arabic word. You know what it means? Flood. It was operation, the flood. Just like in Revelation, it was the dragon's attack. He tried to flood them, overwhelm them. There's so much. Even though, I'll give you another, you know, the Bible speaks about end time prophecies, speaks about Ezekiel and the prophecy that there will be a great invasion of Israel. It may be the next great event.

Jonathan Bernis: Right. It was gonna go into that.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah. Yeah. Just to say that the... I will just say this. I won't go into details. We can actually identify, pretty much identify the people's or lands of this. And the amazing thing is today there are all enemies of Israel pretty much, and many of them are in alliances against Israel. But the other thing is this, each one of them, jon, what I found out, each one of them, whether it's Sudan, Libya, turkey, and Iran, each one what took part in the invasion on October 7th. Each one of them, there's, it says they're gonna take part in an invasion. Well, it's not yet, but they, each one of them were supplying Hamas, were training Hamas. Every single one of them identified. And one of them is Iran. You know, the Bible actually speaks about something called the Sar Paras. It's an ancient entity. We talked about entities. That is in Daniel. The entity that tries to stop Daniel, stop the Revelation, stop the angel. It's talking about Israel and the end times. Well, Sar Paras means the ruler of Iran, literally. So, it's no accident that Iran, you look at world events, is an archenemy of Israel. It says it will attack Israel. And for the first time in prophetic history, they actually attacked Israel directly just now. Just now. And yet, the Bible also says that there's something called the Sar Israel, which is Mikhail, Michael. And so, you have one, an entity attacking Israel and an entity defending Israel. Then you have Iran send all these missiles, 99% of them were struck down. I believe there was a spiritual thing here. That was no accident, no accident that Iran and Israel are archenemies. It's all in the Bible. It's all spiritual.

Jonathan Bernis: It is. It is. I wonder if there is a connection between the recent president of Iran dying in the helicopter crash against the mountain?

Jonathan Cahn: He is the only president of Iran that actually oversaw an attack, a direct strike on Israel. The Bible says when you touch Israel, you touch the apple of my eye. And whatever you do to Israel is gonna be done to you. About 30 days after he struck Israel, he was struck down dead, about 30 days after. And actually, he also threatens to annihilate Israel, which is blaspheming. You cannot annihilate Israel. And the thing is, on that weekend when he was struck down, the ancient appointed scripture that was read all over Israel and all over the world in the scrolls of the synagogues was about, "The blasphemer shall be struck down".

Jonathan Bernis: You think the Lord took him out?

Jonathan Cahn: I have no question. And the other thing is interesting it says that, "The nations that come against Israel and Ezekiel, I will bring them against the mountains".

Jonathan Bernis: I was thinking of that very first.

Jonathan Cahn: He's the first one of those nations that actually did something, and he was struck down against the mountains.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah. He who keeps Israel never slumbers nor sleeps. He's watching over Israel.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: Let me shift to what happened after October 7th. After things calmed down a little bit, there was world outpouring of sympathy. It lasted about two weeks.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: And then, there were these waves of antisemitism that started spreading through Europe, spreading into the U.S. We saw college campus riots. We saw Jewish people attacked. Not randomly.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: They were told by the Palestinian leadership, by the Hamas leadership, "Kill Jews".

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: "Kill Jews". And it's been spreading.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: Where do you see this leading to?

Jonathan Cahn: Well, it shock people, but it shouldn't because this is the ancient war. They were just used of that ancient war. This all, and again, in Revelation when it speaks about these spirits that will go out and gather the whole world against Israel, against this tiny, little New Jersey-sized nation. Makes no sense but you could actually see it happening. You can actually see it happening. In the last days, Jonathan, the dragon has two wars. The one war is against Israel, but it says he also war against the rest of her children, those who keep the commands of Messiah, Yeshua. So, he's not only warring against Israel, he warring against all believers. And so, you've got a double war. And as the time goes on, we are, you know, believers, the church, is gonna be joined to Israel more and more just by this. And there's so much to share, but I'll just throw this in. They keep something in mind. In the Book of Revelation, it talks about the dragon and the lamb. Now, if you have a dragon and the lamb, you'd expect, you wouldn't put your bets on the lamb, but the lamb wins. And the thing is that, that we are on the side of the lamb. We do win. And the other thing is that Israel has had to learn how to fight. You know, they can't just sit back, and we have to learn how to fight spiritually in the last days. And then, the other thing is, keep in mind, all the attacks on Israel for 4,000 years to wipe 'em out. But all the nations, all those enemies are gone. Israel lives. That means the God of Israel lives, the Messiah of Israel lives. And if you are serving the God of Israel, you're gonna live. We are on the side of victory.

Jonathan Bernis: Amen. The only "Ites" that survived are the Israelites. Why? Because God declares, "He who keeps the sun by day and the stars by night, will preserve the children of Israel before him". And unless they disappear, "God will preserve the Jewish people," Jeremiah 31. You know, it's right there.

Jonathan Cahn: And he'll preserve everyone who serves the God of Israel.

Jonathan Bernis: And what an exhortation to trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Jonathan, when I read the scriptures, I cannot ignore that the last days are turbulent times. The earth is shaking, everything that can be shaken will be shaken. It's going to be a very, very, difficult time. It's gonna be a horrendous time. But at the same time, I see a move of God that is gonna be unprecedented and I see God protecting his people. Talk about that.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah. It is, it is both. The end times are not just dark, it's dark and light. And it's polarization. The dark gets darker, the lights get brighter. Those are set. And the thing is, so, it's just like Israel because, you know, Israel is back in the world, you know, now. And, Israel has had to fight for its existence because the dragon wants to destroy them. For so many years, you know, Jewish people weren't known for fighting. We weren't known for fighting. But, also they came back to survive, they had to become fighters, they became among the greatest fighters in the world. But people don't realize, you know, if you're a Christian, if you're a believer in Jesus, you are not only a spiritual Jew, you're a spiritual Israelite, you're a spiritual Israeli. That's the word in the Bible, it's Israeli. So, if the spirit, the Israelis had to become fighters in the world, we have to become fighters in the spirit like the first believers. You know, they had to go back to where they were, the believers have to go back to the Book of Acts, which were fighters. Jewish believers and gentile believers, we're to become fighters. And the other thing about it is when you read it, you know, it's actually in Revelation 12, the vision of the dragon, that's where it says, "But they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony". And the word for overcome is nikao which is actually spoken in the past tense. It's something that's gonna happen, but it's as good as done.

Jonathan Bernis: Yes.

Jonathan Cahn: So, we have the victory in the lamb. Remember, we are on the winning side. You know, the enemy cannot destroy Israel, he cannot destroy you. You just keep going and fight the good fight.

Jonathan Bernis: We have weapons and we can pull down strongholds and it's time for those strongholds in your life to be pulled down in Yeshua's name. Pull down in Yeshua's name. Whatever is holding you back, whatever is keeping you in fear, whatever is keeping you from that healing, whatever's keeping you from fulfilling the destiny that God has spoken to you, tear it down, tear it down. Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. I'm telling you, the greatest days are yet ahead, Jonathan.

Jonathan Cahn: I agree. I agree.

Jonathan Bernis: I hope you believe that too. Your best days are yet ahead. Don't get caught up with all the terrible things that are happening. Now is the time to rise up, you are a spiritual Israeli. I so like that, a spiritual Israeli. You are a warrior, you just have to get back in the game, rise up in faith and fight the good fight of faith. If you will draw near to God, he will draw near to you. Don't waste another day. Praise God. We want you to hear about an opportunity to share the gospel through our partner ministries in Israel. We want you to be part of this. And, we'll be back in a moment to pray for you and your family as well as offer the gift of eternal life. Today is the day of your salvation. We'll be right back.

Jonathan Bernis: What an incredible program today with Jonathan Cahn. We just have a couple minutes left and I wanna do what I always try to do in every program and that's to pray for you, to pray for your family, to pray for the needs and the challenges you're facing because we care about you, we really do. Before we pray for you, I just wanna say this, the most important thing, the most important decision that you can make in this lifetime is to give your life to Yeshua, to Jesus. God so loves you that he sent his only son, Yeshua, in Hebrew, Jesus, to die for you and to pay the price for your sin. We care about your eternal life but more importantly, God cares about your eternity. And so, if you haven't made that decision, Jonathan and I wanna encourage you, today is the day of your salvation. All you have to do is to ask God to come into your life, ask him to forgive you of your sins and tell him you wanna live for him and he'll do the rest. And if you make that decision, please, email us, write to us, call us. We have prayer warriors here that will pray for you by name and we wanna, just, rejoice with you. So, please, don't wait another day. Jonathan, there's so many needs. We're getting so many emails. Would you join us in prayer?

Jonathan Cahn: Sure.

Jonathan Bernis: Would you lead us in prayer?

**. Sure.

Jonathan Bernis: Thank you.

***: Lord, we ask your blessing on everyone watching, Lord. Whatever is need in their life, father, we ask for victory in the lamb. By the power of Messiah, bring victory, father, open doors, breakthroughs, healings, father. A deeper walk with you. We just ask for a great amount of things. You've promised victory, let it be so. And we praise you in the name of Yeshua, Messiah, our great king, Jesus. Amen.

Jonathan Bernis: ...Touch you, deliver and bring eternal life into homes right now as we pray, amen, and amen. If you'd like more information about our ministry, you can log on to our website, it's, Jewishvoice (one word) .TV. You'll find many helpful resources, and you can send your prayer requests to us right on the website. I want you to know that we care about you, and more importantly, God cares about you too. We have a team of prayer warriors committed to praying for you and your loved ones by name. As we close the program today, I wanna remind you what God asks each of us every day, Psalm 122:6, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, may they prosper who love thee". Until next time, this is Jonathan Bernis saying thank you for joining me today along with Jonathan Cahn, saying shalom and God bless you.