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Rabbi Schneider - He Has Compassion for You
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Rabbi Schneider - He Has Compassion for You
Rabbi Schneider - He Has Compassion for You
I’m going to share a verse with you, beloved children of God, that should melt our hearts. Hear the word of God. Psalm 103 verses 13 and 14, does this touch you? If it does, make sure you comment in this YouTube because this is just so beautiful. I [...]
Kerry Shook - King of Compassion
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Kerry Shook - King of Compassion
Kerry Shook - King of Compassion
We're leading up to Christmas, and I'm really praying that we'll prepare us, in this series, to experience the most meaningful Christmas of our lives. That's my real prayer for you today, that God will help us prepare our hearts [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - The Comforted Becomes The Comforter
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Frankie Mazzapica - The Comforted Becomes The Comforter
Frankie Mazzapica - The Comforted Becomes The Comforter
Thank you for tuning in today, my name is Frankie Mazzapica. The title of the message is "The Comforted Becomes The Comforter," and the whole premise of this message is to acknowledge that all of us need to be comforted at some point in [...]
Steven Furtick - God's With You In Your Pain
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Steven Furtick - God's With You In Your Pain
Steven Furtick - God's With You In Your Pain
God brings us to these points to see what we will do with our disappointment. She met him at the gate, and she confessed faith in him even in the absence of the miracle she so desperately needed. "I believe that you are the Son of God who is to [...]
Joyce Meyer - Are You Gracious or Grumpy?
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Joyce Meyer - Are You Gracious or Grumpy?
Joyce Meyer - Are You Gracious or Grumpy?
Well, welcome to "Enjoying Everyday Life". And you know something? God does want you to enjoy your everyday life. Not just when you're going on a vacation or you're getting to do something special, but just your everyday Monday, [...]
Jonathan Bernis - The Gift of Compassion
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Jonathan Bernis - The Gift of Compassion
Jonathan Bernis - The Gift of Compassion
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined again today by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. When we look at the life of Jesus, we see that he was often moved by compassion when crowds of Jewish [...]
Jonathan Bernis - The Power of Compassion
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Jonathan Bernis - The Power of Compassion
Jonathan Bernis - The Power of Compassion
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined again today by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. When we look at the life of Jesus, we see that he was often moved by compassion when crowds of Jewish [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Key to Unlocking Compassion
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Rabbi Schneider - The Key to Unlocking Compassion
Rabbi Schneider - The Key to Unlocking Compassion
Beloved we're looking today at one of the most practically deep revelations in the word of God. We're looking at the Book of Luke 23:34 and examining Yeshuas, words as he hung on the cross when He said, "Father, forgive them, for they [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Truth to Live By
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Rabbi Schneider - Truth to Live By
Rabbi Schneider - Truth to Live By
Shalom beloved one, God bless you. I wanna focus today on the Book of Luke, chapter 23 verse 34. A scripture that many of us are familiar with but I just wanna reemphasize it to help us remember this as we move through life. Yeshua's on the [...]
Craig Smith - Compassion
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Craig Smith - Compassion
Craig Smith - Compassion
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills, so good to have you with us today. We’re in the midst of a series called Chasing Peace. And here’s what we know so far. Thank you. We know that peace is never a product of our circumstances. Even if our circumstances [...]
TD Jakes - Scandalous Grace
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TD Jakes - Scandalous Grace
TD Jakes - Scandalous Grace
And how do you manage the conflict and the contradiction when bad and good live in the same house? How do you manage the conflict when the psalmist, the sweet psalmist of David, the sweet psalmist of Israel, and set up a murder, and took a [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Compassionate God
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Rabbi Schneider - The Compassionate God
Rabbi Schneider - The Compassionate God
When we study Psalm number 103 it really helps us align our soul with HaShem, with Father God through the Lord Jesus so that we can live a complete and a full life. And last episode I covered verses number one and two. Let me just read them as an [...]
TD Jakes - Strange Tears
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TD Jakes - Strange Tears
TD Jakes - Strange Tears
This is the opiate of theological understanding. It is the apex of intellectual wisdom and understanding of the purpose and the mandates of God. It all climaxes in these two words: "Jesus wept" at how Lazarus loved him enough to go first. [...]
David Jeremiah - Stay Compassionate
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David Jeremiah - Stay Compassionate
David Jeremiah - Stay Compassionate
A woman was flying from Seattle to San Francisco when unexpectedly the plane was diverted to Sacramento along the way. And the flight attendant explained that they would be a delay and if the passengers wanted to get of the aircraft, the plane would [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Our Covenant God Is Full of Compassion
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Kenneth Copeland - Our Covenant God Is Full of Compassion
Kenneth Copeland - Our Covenant God Is Full of Compassion
— Hello, everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is The Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. Father, we thank You. We are so grateful. We're eternally grateful for Your goodness and Your mercy and Your kindness. And we thank You [...]
Victoria Osteen - Have a Compassionate Heart
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Victoria Osteen - Have a Compassionate Heart
Victoria Osteen - Have a Compassionate Heart
I just want to encourage us all to open our hearts of compassion. You see, sometimes we get so busy in life that we don't even notice the people around us. We have jobs, we have families, we have chores, responsibilities, and sometimes those [...]
Beth Moore - Developing Compassion for the Sexually Abused
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Beth Moore - Developing Compassion for the Sexually Abused
Beth Moore - Developing Compassion for the Sexually Abused
We'd have to have lived under a rock not to be aware of the sexual abuse scandals that have surfaced in the last several years all the way from Hollywood, to houses of worship, rocking denominations from Roman Catholicism, to Southern Baptists. [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - The Compassion of Jesus Will Heal You
Kenneth Copeland - The Compassion of Jesus Will Heal You
Father, we thank you this morning. Lord Jesus, oh, you are so easy to receive from. You did all of the hard work. You did everything that it took to set us free from sin, sickness, disease, fear, and all, everything that belongs to the curse, and [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Compassion Heals Them All
Kenneth Copeland - Compassion Heals Them All
I want us to look now before we go further into the actual healing service itself. I want us to look at Mark chapter six and we're looking at the compassion of Jesus, his willingness, his goodness. Mark chapter six verse 31. He's talking [...]
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David Jeremiah - A Life of Compassion
David Jeremiah - A Life of Compassion
Compassion is about the moment. It's about what I have in my hand, whether it's money or talent or encouragement or a shoulder to cry on, what I have in my hand that will help another person. Compassion is about those times in our lives [...]
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Sid Roth — Move in God’s Compassion
Sid Roth — Move in God’s Compassion
Young R.W. Schambach witnessed a miracle that triggered his faith and launched a great miracle ministry. Now Donna Schambach, his daughter, has launched her own ministry. She shows how you can move in God’s compassion and release THE power of His [...]
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Kay Arthur — Compassion and Justified Anger
Kay Arthur — Compassion and Justified Anger
Have you ever had someone say to you: “I’m sorry, but I don't want a God of wrath, that’s all I heard about when I was growing up in church—about an angry God”? Precious One, He is an angry God, but it is a justified anger. But He is also a God [...]
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Patricia King — Compassion
Patricia King — Compassion
Michal Ann and Patricia King speak on personal stories on compassion for the lost. They teach how Jesus through His compassion, served others. [...]