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Kenneth Copeland - Compassion Heals Them All

TOPICS: Compassion, Healing

I want us to look now before we go further into the actual healing service itself. I want us to look at Mark chapter six and we're looking at the compassion of Jesus, his willingness, his goodness. Mark chapter six verse 31. He's talking to his disciples, the apostles themselves. Let's look at verse 30. The apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus and told him all things, both what they had done and what they had taught. And he said unto them, "Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place and rest awhile". For there were many coming and going, they had no leisure so much as to eat. And then you know the rest.

Verse 34, he came and saw much people. Well, verse 32. They departed into a desert place by ship privately. The people saw them departing and many knew him and ran a foot out of the cities and outran them and came together unto him. And when he came out and saw much people, he was moved with compassion toward them because they were a sheep not having a shepherd. And he taught them many things. And then they saw the day was now far spent, his disciples came unto him and said, "This is a desert place. Now the time is passed". And they interrupted him.

Don't read something into these guys that you don't know about. They were totally exhausted, hungry and exhausted. And now they've got another 20,000 they're going to have to minister to and it's getting dark out here and they're not paying any attention to what he's preaching. They've heard it all before. They've heard the spirit of the Lord is upon me for he's anointed me, and they've heard it over and over. They've preached it themselves and they are completely exhausted and worn out. And it's getting dark. And so they just went up and interrupted him and said, "Boss, we got to do something. It's getting dark. What are we going to do? You got all these people. Where are we going to get food for them"? And then he says, "You feed them".

But now, oh dear Lord. John chapter six, we're almost there. John chapter six. And this is the same situation. Great multitude followed him. They saw his miracles and so forth. Now verse 15, when Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force and make him a King, he departed again into a mountain himself alone. And when evening was now come, his disciples went down under the sea, entered into a ship, and went over the sea toward Capernaum. Say home. That was Jesus' hometown. Toward Capernaum and it was now dark. Jesus was not come to them. The sea arose by reason of a great wind that blew.

So when they had rode about five, and 20, 30 furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea and drawing night of the ship. And they were afraid. And he said unto them, "It is I, be not afraid". Then they willingly received him into the ship and immediately the ship was at the land in Capernaum. They were totally exhausted. So what did he do? He's not going to sit in that boat while these exhausted men try to row that thing in. He just got in the boat and just the angel just picked that thing up and just flew it over there instantaneously and dropped it right where it belonged. And when I saw that, I said, "Jesus, what...", He said, "I want to go home and sleep in my own bed". And he said that these men were exhausted and they needed help. That's your Jesus today. That's the one that knows, that's the one that understands, that's the one that would go to any length to get you out of the situation you're in and get you into the situation you need to be. So give him praise this morning. I said, give him praise this morning. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God.

I heard the name of the city, Wichita Falls, Texas. Anyone here from Wichita Falls? If you're from Wichita Falls, come up here please. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord Jesus. Father, my dear father, thank you in the name. Now when I touch you, I'm going to release my faith. I won't touch you till I'm ready to release my faith. Hold your hands out towards them. You're not spectators. Be praying in the spirit, just like you were up here laying hands on each one. Oh, thank you Father. Thank you Father. Thank you Lord Jesus. I lay my hands on you, my dear sister in the name of Jesus. Now that's his power right there. Gloria, come please. In the name. Come here sweetheart and just... go ahead and lay hands on her.

GLORIA: Be restored whole. In Jesus Name. From the top of your head to the sole of your feet. Restore hope for her. Able to do. Indeed.

KENNETH: This is her family.

GLORIA: Thank you... Thank you for blessing our sister and making her whole.

KENNETH: In the name... Gloria, Would you put your hands right there? In the name of Jesus. A very serious cough in someone's child. Very serious. I don't know whether it's whooping cough, or what it is. Very serious. I just heard it. Your baby's healed, your baby's healed. Measles, measles, someone's child is just healed of measles. Just as I said that. I don't know whether you're here, online or where you are, but I'm telling you, your baby's healed. Your baby's healed. Someone that has had a broken nose and it didn't shut right and one side of your nose is all clogged up. Well, that's not there anymore, glory to God. I said that in a service one time and the woman brought this little boy up there and he was standing right in front of his mother and he goes... and I thought, "Boy, he really got his healing, didn't he"? And I said, "What was wrong with his... was it sinuses or something"? "Oh no, brother Copeland". He said, "He was born without any nostrils". And they said, "He's going to have to be at least 12, 13 years old or older before they could go in there and do it because it's still growing". But he said, "You said that and all of a sudden he's got nostrils and he just..." I mean, that boy was sucking wind. He was really breathing. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Asthma would just heal right up there in that corner. Asthma would just heal. Praise God. Just as I said that asthma is healed, asthma is healed. Bronchitis is healed. Thank you Lord Jesus. Tumors in the esophagus, they're healed. Glory to God. Thank you Lord Jesus. A broken eardrum back over here, a broken eardrum is healed. Praise God forevermore. And yeah, thank you Lord. Sinuses are being healed. Miraculous sinus healings are taking place right now. I mean, all over this building, all over online. Praise God. 55 people been... 65, 75. 171 people have been healed of sinus problems right there. 205 people have been healed of sinus problems. No more allergies. Glory. Nw, all these people from Wichita Falls, Texas. So let's just...

GLORIA: Hanging out at that drugstore?


GLORIA: That's who we're meeting.

KENNETH: In the name... Right here Julia, or Gloria. In the name of Jesus, receive your healing. That is so powerful. Migraines, migraine, migraine headaches. I kept hearing that during the week and I've asked different ones about it, but... I believe it's you. Migraine. You're dehydrated, you're dehydrated, you're not getting enough water. You're eating foods that don't have enough water in them. You need to get over and start eating a lot of vegetables, a lot of vegetables like celery and stuff that has a lot of water in them and just tank up. Praise God. I curse migraine headache. You'll never have another one. In the name of Jesus. Watching that video this morning, somebody took a new vertebrae. Well, you got it. Glory to God. Glory to God. Yeah. Amen. Wichita Falls blessing. Glory to God. Right here, Gloria. In the name of Jesus. Glory be to God. What was this? What was this? What are you believing for? What was this?

GLORIA: My mother.

KENNETH: In the name. In the name. Glory to God. You've got a cloth in your pocket?

GLORIA: Let's pray over this shirt right here.


GLORIA: Yes, the healing, anointing flowing into that shirt.

KENNETH: Okay. Stick this in your hands. In Jesus' name.

GLORIA: Thank you, Lord, for your healing and...

KENNETH: And the anointing... that's in Gloria's hands right now imparted into this cloth according to the 19th chapter of the book of Acts for your mother. Praise you, Jesus.

GLORIA: Mother be made whole, in Jesus' name.

KENNETH: Praise you, Lord Jesus.

GLORIA: For the glory of God.

KENNETH: Praise you Lord Jesus.

GLORIA: Hallelujah.

KENNETH: Thank you Lord Jesus.

GLORIA: Praise God. We receive it.

KENNETH: Yes. In the name of...

GLORIA: Receive it.

KENNETH: The Lord Jesus Christ.

GLORIA: In Jesus' name.

KENNETH: Glory be to God. Glory be to God. Glory be to God. Glory be to God. In the name of Jesus. Oh, fire. Oh, catch David. Fire, the fire of the Holy Ghost. Fire. Oh, glory to God. Glory to God. Put your hands on me. Glory...

GLORIA: Whole, whole, whole. Whole in the name of Jesus. To the glory of God.

KENNETH: Oh, fire.

GLORIA: Whole, whole, whole.


GLORIA: Hallelujah.


GLORIA: Glory to God.

KENNETH: In the name of Jesus. Fire in the name of Jesus. Fire in the name. Ulcers of the tongue. Ulcers of the tongue healed in the name of Jesus, right now.

GLORIA: Take it.

KENNETH: Right now. I break the power of the worry habit right now. Oh yeah. Amen. I'm talking again. I'm speaking again to whomever it was with the migraine, but not only just migraine but bad headaches. Get rid of that worry. Stop being afraid you're going to have another headache and begin to receive your healing. Talk your healing. Amen. Don't put up with that. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Wichita Falls? No, you just work here? Yeah. I should have recognized you. Glory to God. Yes. Glory to God.

GLORIA: Glory to God. Remove... Remove, or parts removed, in Jesus name.

KENNETH: Yes, thank you Lord.

GLORIA: Thank you.

KENNETH: Now don't quit me. Keep praying in the spirit. In the name of Jesus. The fire of the Holy Spirit.

GLORIA: Restoration.


GLORIA: Glory to God.

KENNETH: Go ahead and touch her, Gloria.

GLORIA: Restoration, restoration in this body, Lord. Give her many more years.

KENNETH: Many years.

GLORIA: Many more years.

KENNETH: Many years. Glory to God.

GLORIA: Hallelujah. Praise God.

KENNETH: Is cancer in the line? Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord Jesus. Cancer's close to me somewhere. Anyone in this line, cancer? Not anymore. I knew it was here close to me someplace. Gloria, come. And I'll shift right back and get here... In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Fire. I curse malignant cells. I curse you. Get out of this holy body now. Right now in Jesus name. This very moment in Jesus name. Take your hand off of her. You have to leave her now. I'll tell you to leave. You have to leave. You are gone.

GLORIA: Thank you Lord. Thank you. Praise Jesus.

KENNETH: Right here, Gloria. Right here. No, no, no. Right here. Right here. Okay, okay. Put your index... here, put your index finger right there.

GLORIA: Praise God, praise God. We receive it.

KENNETH: Stomach problems are here close to me someplace. Oh, that's you? Yeah. Amen. Like she said, not anymore.

GLORIA: Glory to God.

KENNETH: In the name of Jesus.

GLORIA: Thank you Lord.

KENNETH: Thank you Jesus. Gloria, see that S right there? That stands for super woman.

GLORIA: Super woman. Okay. Be healed super woman!

KENNETH: In the name of Jesus.

GLORIA: Whole! Whole, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet, receive your healing. Say, "I have it. I take it. It's mine now". Glory to God.

KENNETH: In the name of Jesus.

GLORIA: Thank you Father.

KENNETH: In the name.

GLORIA: Praise you Jesus.

KENNETH: Of Jesus.

GLORIA: Glory... Thank you Lord.

KENNETH: In the name... In the name of Jesus.

GLORIA: Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord Jesus.

MALE: I'm a real bad sleep walker and so... I didn't come down that, I came down for my son. For his healing. I didn't think he'd come down, but he finally came down behind me.

KENNETH: Well, you don't need to be going through that sleep apnea.

MALE: No, I don't like to go through what he's going through either. I'm sick and tired of it.

KENNETH: Snoring and snorting around at night. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command sleep apnea to leave this body, to leave this man now.

MALE: Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.

KENNETH: I've been healed of that, I know... Glory to God. Thank you Lord Jesus.

MALE: Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord.

KENNETH: Thank you Lord.

MALE: Thank you.

KENNETH: No more sleep disorders. For it is written that it is vain to rise up early and sit up late feeding on the bread of sorrow, for he gives his beloved sleep. Glory to God. And in the book of Proverbs, sweet sleep. Sweet sleep, no more sleep disorders. Just sleep all night long.

MALE: Thank you Jesus.

KENNETH: Hallelujah. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Anybody else in here been diagnosed with sleep apnea? Get up on your feet. Take a deep breath as the wind comes out, say, I'm healed of sleep apnea. No more sleep disorders. I am my Lord's beloved. And he gives me sweet sleep. No more snoring. Hallelujah. And quit sleeping on your back. Roll over on that side over there and... Glory to God.

GLORIA: Thank you doctor.

KENNETH: "Thank you doctor", she said. Amen. Hallelujah. Gloria, come. In the name of Jesus, receive your healing from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet.