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Samuel Rodriguez - Holy Fire
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Samuel Rodriguez - Holy Fire
Samuel Rodriguez - Holy Fire
The devil is not increasing in his strength. There is nothing that can be theologically or biblically substantiated that will undergird the idea that somehow the devil's getting stronger. There's nothing in the word that says, "As time [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - There's A New Anointing Coming Your Way
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Samuel Rodriguez - There's A New Anointing Coming Your Way
Samuel Rodriguez - There's A New Anointing Coming Your Way
For you and your house, what's forthcoming as you make your way to Rome? Three things, fresh oil, holy fire, and new wine. There's a new anointing coming your way that is going to change absolutely everything. Somebody shout, "Fresh oil". [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Healing Is Here
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Samuel Rodriguez - Healing Is Here
Samuel Rodriguez - Healing Is Here
You should know the phrase already, come hell or high water...(I'm on my way to Rome). Come hell or high water...(I'm on my way to Rome). So, last night after 12 O' clock midnight, this is the word God gave me for this house. So, this is not like an [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Your Ship May Not Make It, But You Will
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Samuel Rodriguez - Your Ship May Not Make It, But You Will
Samuel Rodriguez - Your Ship May Not Make It, But You Will
Let's go a little bit prophetically rogue here for a second. Raise your right hand, repeat after me. Repeat after me, "I decree and declare that in the next 12 months more people will come to Jesus through my testimony, my ministry and my [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - You and Your House Are Anointed For Greater Things
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Samuel Rodriguez - You and Your House Are Anointed For Greater Things
Samuel Rodriguez - You and Your House Are Anointed For Greater Things
I want you to touch the neighbor you like the most and tell 'em, "Come hell or high water, I'm on my way to Rome". Tell your other neighbor the one you barely tolerate, tell that neighbor, you know who it is. Come on, don't fake it. Go to [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Open Your Eyes To God's Original Design
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Samuel Rodriguez - Open Your Eyes To God's Original Design
Samuel Rodriguez - Open Your Eyes To God's Original Design
Folks, get ready. I know it's a final season. The final iteration of this version of jump start. I recognize that, that's why I'm honored forever for my brother of 32 years, for me to be here right now in this space, but I do need you to get ready [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Look Up, and See the Glory of Jesus
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Samuel Rodriguez - Look Up, and See the Glory of Jesus
Samuel Rodriguez - Look Up, and See the Glory of Jesus
Your identity in Christ will bring an end to your captivity in life. Ephesians 2:20, "We are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared me for at the original plan that we should walk in them". If this word [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - It Begins With Faith
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Samuel Rodriguez - It Begins With Faith
Samuel Rodriguez - It Begins With Faith
High five your neighbor and tell 'em, "I believe it". Your other neighbor, tell 'em, "I believe it. I believe it. I believe it". You may be seated. It really begins with faith. Somebody say, "Faith". Not just any faith, [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - The Malta Impartation - Part 2
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Samuel Rodriguez - The Malta Impartation - Part 2
Samuel Rodriguez - The Malta Impartation - Part 2
I have no idea what to do next. Every snake jumped out. Every negative thought. Every contrarian, adversarial, hostile, opposition, antagonistic thought just jumped out. And I'm fighting with every single snake simultaneously, and literally, the one [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - The Malta Impartation - Part 1
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Samuel Rodriguez - The Malta Impartation - Part 1
Samuel Rodriguez - The Malta Impartation - Part 1
Acts 28, let's dissect now. He finally gets to Malta. I'm gonna speak to you briefly on the Malta impartation. We're gonna exegetical extrapolate verse by verse. The first eight verses of Act 28. Number one, the Malta principle: you do have to go [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Faith, Fire, and Favor
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Samuel Rodriguez - Faith, Fire, and Favor
Samuel Rodriguez - Faith, Fire, and Favor
I went through a fire season. Let me explain. I lived this out. The whole faith, fire, favor, I've lived it out. In the past 12 months, since I was here last, something happened to us last year in our church in California. "By the grace of [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - We Are People of Faith
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Samuel Rodriguez - We Are People of Faith
Samuel Rodriguez - We Are People of Faith
You really can't separate. Before you're seated, just do one thing here, and it's not an exercise. You'll understand. It's not some sort of triggering emotional manipulative strategy for the purpose of enticing in some sort of exUberate [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Look What The Lord Has Done
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Samuel Rodriguez - Look What The Lord Has Done
Samuel Rodriguez - Look What The Lord Has Done
Let me land right here. This guy, right here, don't settle for trees. He said, "I see people, I can't see them clearly, they look like trees". First, the fact, the man said, "I see people, but they look like trees". It's about [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Don't Settle For The Old
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Samuel Rodriguez - Don't Settle For The Old
Samuel Rodriguez - Don't Settle For The Old
John 9, "As Jesus was walking, he saw a man who had been blind from birth". You need to underline that part 'cause we're gonna juxtapose two biblical narratives. Verse 6, "He spit on the ground," which is messy. This is Jesus [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - You're Anointed For The Storm
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Samuel Rodriguez - You're Anointed For The Storm
Samuel Rodriguez - You're Anointed For The Storm
Come hell or high water, I'm on my way to Rome. If you're ready for revival, praise like you believe it, worship like you believe it, pray like you believe it, live like you believe it, think like you believe it, serve like you believe it. You and [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - You're Anointed For Greater Things
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Samuel Rodriguez - You're Anointed For Greater Things
Samuel Rodriguez - You're Anointed For Greater Things
Okay, this is what God placed in my spirit for you today, here it is. Acts 28, Acts 28. "Once safely on shore, we found out that the island was called Malta," Malta. "The islanders showed us unusual kindness, they built a fire and [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Here Comes The Rain
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Samuel Rodriguez - Here Comes The Rain
Samuel Rodriguez - Here Comes The Rain
I'mma say this right now. Planet shakers, get ready. If you've been through your drought, Melbourne and you've been through your fire, the next thing coming your way... Hey, hey, hey! The next thing coming, is anybody ready for this? The next thing [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Leadership, The Five Stones
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Samuel Rodriguez - Leadership, The Five Stones
Samuel Rodriguez - Leadership, The Five Stones
How many check their social media platforms: Instagram, X, whatever it maybe? First thing you do, and I was guilty of this, so this coming from a person that went through a restorative, repentance process. First thing you do, intimacy is, first [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - How to Face Giants
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Samuel Rodriguez - How to Face Giants
Samuel Rodriguez - How to Face Giants
I wanna show you something, maybe, that you've not expect. Put the pictures up there. This is interesting. These two personalities will never be seen ever together outside of this sort of setting. That's Eva Longoria, and that's Cindy Jacobs. And [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Drought, Fire, and Rain
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Samuel Rodriguez - Drought, Fire, and Rain
Samuel Rodriguez - Drought, Fire, and Rain
You may be seated, we're gonna expedite the process here. Man, oh wow, show me your glory. Let me share with you what the Spirit of God placed in my heart for this assignment this morning. And to put it in a 21st century context, we'll biblically [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Stand Firm In The Faith
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Samuel Rodriguez - Stand Firm In The Faith
Samuel Rodriguez - Stand Firm In The Faith
Measurable, in the millions. So, they called us up, and said, "Pastor Sam, would your church be interested in merging with our church, taking over"? Big property, 80 acres, highway frontage, worth 75-80 million us dollars and crazy stuff [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - We Must Preach The Good News To Rome
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Samuel Rodriguez - We Must Preach The Good News To Rome
Samuel Rodriguez - We Must Preach The Good News To Rome
Acts 28. If you wanna be seated at your discretion whatever your polity may be. Act 28. All the other pastors and leaders who are here I greet you and honor you, each and every one of you. Act 28, I'm gonna get right into this. Where is the time [...]
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Samuel Rodriguez - Be Light
Samuel Rodriguez - Be Light
You may be seated. It's not a coincidence that the first time the universe hears the uttered words of God, God's voice, it was not to say let there be joy, peace, or even love. The voice of the sovereign, the divine, the glorious, uttered the [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Watch Me
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Samuel Rodriguez - Watch Me
Samuel Rodriguez - Watch Me
From the life of David, 1 Samuel 17:33, "'Don't be ridiculous'! Saul replied. 'There's no way you can fight this Philistine and possibly win'". No way. Somebody say, "No way". 2 Samuel 5:6, "David then led his men to [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - In Jesus Name, Watch Me Change The World
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Samuel Rodriguez - In Jesus Name, Watch Me Change The World
Samuel Rodriguez - In Jesus Name, Watch Me Change The World
Two verses. Watch this. 1 Samuel 17:33, "'Don't be ridiculous!' Saul replied. 'There is no way you can fight this Philistine and possibly win'". 2 Samuel 5:6, years later, "David led his men to Jerusalem to fight against the [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Don't Settle For Trees
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Samuel Rodriguez - Don't Settle For Trees
Samuel Rodriguez - Don't Settle For Trees
I'm gonna get into the word before we get into the word. What we're gonna do is one little exercise. I come from the city of Sacramento, California. In Sacramento, California, we have a basketball team that's mediocre half the time, so, the [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Stop Wearing Saul's Armor
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Samuel Rodriguez - Stop Wearing Saul's Armor
Samuel Rodriguez - Stop Wearing Saul's Armor
Might as well land it. Let's land this. With your hands raised. This is my last point and minus, let's just, yes, let's just stand with... You are standing. Point three, you're anointed to prove hell wrong by removing Saul's armor. "Then Saul [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Anointed To Make History
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Samuel Rodriguez - Anointed To Make History
Samuel Rodriguez - Anointed To Make History
Anointed people do not focus on the darkness they turn on the light. Anointed people do not make excuses, anointed people make history. This conference is not just filled of participants, in the name of Jesus, this conference is filled of history [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Fresh Oil To Prove Hell Wrong
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Samuel Rodriguez - Fresh Oil To Prove Hell Wrong
Samuel Rodriguez - Fresh Oil To Prove Hell Wrong
Let me get into the word because I've never preached this word before. It's just, things are happening. Anyway, here we go. Okay. So, that's Richard's story. So, Richard Montanez was this gang banger, southern California second grade education, and [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - We All Have A Rome
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Samuel Rodriguez - We All Have A Rome
Samuel Rodriguez - We All Have A Rome
"They built a fire and welcomed us because it was raining and cold. Paul gathered a pile of brushwood, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened himself on his hand". Another version would read that the snake bit [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - The Storm Does Not Define You, It Reveals Who You Really Are
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Samuel Rodriguez - The Storm Does Not Define You, It Reveals Who You Really Are
Samuel Rodriguez - The Storm Does Not Define You, It Reveals Who You Really Are
Please, one more time, tell your neighbor, "I'm on my way to Rome". Tell your other neighbor, the one that's ignoring you, "I'm on my way to Rome". Number two, quickly. The anointing for the storm. You're either storm driven, or [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - God's Promises Are "Yes" and "Amen"
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Samuel Rodriguez - God's Promises Are "Yes" and "Amen"
Samuel Rodriguez - God's Promises Are "Yes" and "Amen"
Five generations see it forever and they would have triggers forever more. I would be coming up here and I'm coming up and I'm going to distract your selfish forefeel. Oh Lord, come Lord Jesus come. So, I'm coming up I go right here, the guy looks [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Integrity Over Influence
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Samuel Rodriguez - Integrity Over Influence
Samuel Rodriguez - Integrity Over Influence
You may be seated. You may be seated. I'mma get right into the word here. Are there any questions? Okay. I'm honored to be here. I'm gonna share with you. We are officially living in a different time as it pertains to how to best attach the [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - My House Stands on the Word of God
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Samuel Rodriguez - My House Stands on the Word of God
Samuel Rodriguez - My House Stands on the Word of God
Reece, did I tell you about this? I didn't. I saw you on national day of prayer. We need to... I didn't... Did I reference what happened... Okay so, in California... We're streaming? Okay. So, in California... Right before Christmas, I get a call. [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - God Will Give You Something You Never Had In The First Place
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Samuel Rodriguez - God Will Give You Something You Never Had In The First Place
Samuel Rodriguez - God Will Give You Something You Never Had In The First Place
As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. This man was not losing his sight, he did not lose his sight, he never had it in the first place. He was born blind. This circumstance facilitates the environment for Christ to [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Get Ready For More People To Come To Jesus Than Ever Before
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Samuel Rodriguez - Get Ready For More People To Come To Jesus Than Ever Before
Samuel Rodriguez - Get Ready For More People To Come To Jesus Than Ever Before
If we get this right, then we need to get ready. We are about to see more people come to Jesus than ever before in human history. I'm gonna repeat that one more time. We are about to see more people come. We are about to see our prodigal sons and [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - There Is A Miracle Behind Your Mess
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Samuel Rodriguez - There Is A Miracle Behind Your Mess
Samuel Rodriguez - There Is A Miracle Behind Your Mess
Before you're seated, all I want you to do is this. I do believe that what we just heard about shouting down the walls even from Nicki Gamble's foundational teaching regarding the impetus. What drives us to do what we do in sharing the gospel. Let's [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - All You Have To Do Is Go Wash Yourself
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Samuel Rodriguez - All You Have To Do Is Go Wash Yourself
Samuel Rodriguez - All You Have To Do Is Go Wash Yourself
You don't have his DNA on top of you, you have his DNA inside of you. You have the spirit, you don't have just any spirit. Romans 8:11, "The same, identical spirit". Not a kindred spirit, not a tendential spirit, not a similar spirit, not [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Open Your Eyes To The Spirit
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Samuel Rodriguez - Open Your Eyes To The Spirit
Samuel Rodriguez - Open Your Eyes To The Spirit
Here 's a passage. Let me give it to you. John 9. I'm gonna have a couple guys illustrate this, so Jason come up real quick and I think we have one more person. Jason Fortick is my travel assistant but he's not your normal cup of tea. Jason Fortick [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle Is For The Plow Pusher
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Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle Is For The Plow Pusher
Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle Is For The Plow Pusher
And said, "You gon' die in 24 hours". Hey kings, do you realize it's been 2800 years approximately? Guess who has yet to die? I don't know if you understand what this means for you and for me. The next time we see Elijah, what does it [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - God's Abundant Rain
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Samuel Rodriguez - God's Abundant Rain
Samuel Rodriguez - God's Abundant Rain
We all gotta go through the fire. The fire season is that season in our lives, when that sanctifying Matthew 3:11 reality kicks in. It's God sanctifying, purifying, we know about instantaneous and progressive, but it's God removing things from [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Activate Your Mantle
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Samuel Rodriguez - Activate Your Mantle
Samuel Rodriguez - Activate Your Mantle
We're from Puerto Rico and... One person. God bless you. So, Puerto Rico. The founding pastor back in 1930 was a Puerto Rican, and then an Italian came in. It's the same connection. We're Puerto Ricans and we love Italian food, man. So, it's really [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - I Have A Mantle And I Am Not Afraid To Use It
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Samuel Rodriguez - I Have A Mantle And I Am Not Afraid To Use It
Samuel Rodriguez - I Have A Mantle And I Am Not Afraid To Use It
"So he departed from there, and found Elisha the son of shaphat, who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen before him. Elijah passed by him and threw his mantle on him". 2 Kings 2:13, "He," Elisha, "Took up the mantle of [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Wherever The Glory Is Present, The Enemy Can't Win
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Samuel Rodriguez - Wherever The Glory Is Present, The Enemy Can't Win
Samuel Rodriguez - Wherever The Glory Is Present, The Enemy Can't Win
Before you're seated, you need to come in agreement with me that you and your family are about to step into through the greatest open door you have seen thus far in your life. I don't know if you heard that. I need you to put a smile on your face [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Open Your Eyes To The New
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Samuel Rodriguez - Open Your Eyes To The New
Samuel Rodriguez - Open Your Eyes To The New
Hey, I have a special guest with me, 'cause last time, I've been here a number of times, but she's never been with me until now. I met her when I was 11 years of age in an assembly of God church. We're originally from Pennsylvania. And I met her, [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - God's Original Design For Your Life
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Samuel Rodriguez - God's Original Design For Your Life
Samuel Rodriguez - God's Original Design For Your Life
I wanna remind everyone here, the Holy Spirit is not a denomination. The Holy Spirit is not a network. The Holy Spirit is not an emotion. The Holy Spirit is not a moment, not even a service, a conference, ideology, or a Philosophy. The Holy Spirit [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - God Always Begins By Turning On The Light
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Samuel Rodriguez - God Always Begins By Turning On The Light
Samuel Rodriguez - God Always Begins By Turning On The Light
Pastor, did you read my notes? Did you, like, reference? Did someone on your team... I'm not being facetious, I'm acting for real, like the integrity ti... So, they didn't give you like, seriously? 'cause you came up and your tagline at, and the mix [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Holy Blueprint
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Samuel Rodriguez - Holy Blueprint
Samuel Rodriguez - Holy Blueprint
You don't have the spittle: you have the spirit. You have literally the Romans 8:11 spirit, the one that took Jesus out of the tomb. Which means if Jesus came out of the tomb, you can come out of anything. You can come out of addiction. You can come [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Holy DNA
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Samuel Rodriguez - Holy DNA
Samuel Rodriguez - Holy DNA
God, God, I sense the Lord, man, I just sense Jesus. God is up to something. You may be seated. I'm gonna go here. I'm gonna give you what God gave me. Please forgive me 'cause I'm gonna, there's a disclaimer here. I'm wired. I'm not weird but I'm [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - Don't Drag The Glory
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Samuel Rodriguez - Don't Drag The Glory
Samuel Rodriguez - Don't Drag The Glory
I'm the glory of God, I'm the ark of God. Your job is, just like it happened, this really happened, you're gonna carry me, you're gonna place me right next to the statue of Dagon. Your job is to carry me, now, I'm just, let me, as you carry me, I [...]
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