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Samuel Rodriguez - There's A New Anointing Coming Your Way

Samuel Rodriguez - There's A New Anointing Coming Your Way
TOPICS: Anointing

For you and your house, what's forthcoming as you make your way to Rome? Three things, fresh oil, holy fire, and new wine. There's a new anointing coming your way that is going to change absolutely everything. Somebody shout, "Fresh oil". There's an anointing upon you and your family, it's about to change absolutely everything. That new anointing will just bring about greater fruit, you're about to see a greater, just, infusion of the Spirit of God in such a way. There's a new anointing coming your way, and I want you to go crazy on this in a way it where it may sound old school.

When you get back home tonight take some oil, anoint every room, anoint everyone who's in your family even if they don't know it, you don't even have to tell them you're anointing them. Just do it, do it in a very incognito way. Just anoint your hands, start speaking in heavenly language and then, then you hug them without them even knowing put your hand behind their back and let them receive the new anointing. There's fresh oil coming upon you, your family, your home, your marriage, your ministry, your calling, your career. There's holy fire, I'mma explain that if we get to it, and new wine.

Somebody shout, "Fresh oil, holy fire, new wine". If you believe that, give him a shout of praise like you actually embrace what he's saying. You may be seated. Little review real quick here, little review. You and your house are anointed for Rome. The message in anointing, born out of adversity, changes the world. Come hell or high water, I'm on my way to? I'm on my way to? For whatever reason in the next week, coming out of Maui, a lot of people are gonna be just booking their tickets to Rome.

So, numero uno, reveal, little digress here, you and your house are anointed for Rome. You're anointed for greater things. You and your house are anointed for greater things. Number two, you and your house are anointed for the storm and from the storm. The storm does not define you, the storm reveals who you really are. Who you really are. Number three, you are so anointed, you are anointed to make it to Rome even without that ship. Yesterday we talked about the story. You were here yesterday, raise your hand if you were here. If you forgot that you were here yesterday, raise your hand. Yeah, that, that too shall pass.

So, you know, the story we find the apostle Paul on the Island of Malta shaking off a snake. And we get that, we're gonna get to that inevitably, but we get the part where he gets a word. The angel of the Lord visits him and gives him a word. And you know the story well now, here's the word, "Hey, Paul, you see that ship you're in? That ship will not make it, but you will". And we talked about the fact that many of us, if not all of us, we have lost something along the way and yet here we are. We're here. And the reason we're here, we have made it this far, not because we perfectly held on to God but because God perfectly held on to us.

We're here by the grace of God. We're here because we discovered that when life throws you rocks, we build altars. That's the power of making it. And then, the very next point, we're reading from Acts 27, the very next point and it's, it's not just, that wasn't the entire promise. "Last night an angel of the Lord, of the Lord came to me to and belong and said the following, 'don't be afraid, you must stand trial before Caesar and you're gonna make it to Rome and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you'". Here it is, watch this word, "Not only are you gonna make it to Rome, but Paul, that ship will not make it. You're gonna make it, but not just you. Everyone in this ship will make it with you".

I'm gonna slow down now and let that sink in. The word is, "Everyone in your ship will make it with you". There has to be enough faith in this room to believe that your children and your children's children and your children's children's children will make it to their place of destiny in the finished work of Christ. We need to believe in Jesus' name. There is an assault against our children. Everything we have experienced in the past few years, has been an assault against our children.

The battle you and I are facing is way beyond us. We need to be, we need to be less self-absorbed and quasi-narcissistic, believing that everything is about us. No, the things that we're confronting transcend us. It's about our children and our children's children. The enemy is coming after our children and the reason the enemy is coming after our children is the same identical reason why Pharaoh, why they came after Moses, why Herod came after Jesus, the devil always comes after a generation that is anointed to do great things for the kingdom of heaven here on earth.

So, what does that mean? There's an assault against our children. But, I do believe there's enough faith in this room to believe that our children will make it to their place of destiny. Our children, and our children's children will make it to Rome. And a matter of fact, I don't care what you're experiencing with your children, I'm gonna hold on to Acts 16:31, "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you and your household will be saved". I'm gonna hold on to Joshua's declaration in Joshua 24:15, "As for me and my house, we shall," what? Your children will do greater things.

I'll repeat that: your children will do greater things. Your children will not go to hell, your children will be saved. Your children will do greater things in the name of Jesus. They will carry a greater mantle. There is a, an arc embedded from Genesis to Revelation. It's a beautiful arc indeed. God conquers, we possess, our children inherit. And we need to believe that everyone in our ship will make it. Everyone in our ship will make it. The very next thing that happens is pretty dramatic, the ship falls apart. It falls apart.

And the Bible says that they held on to broken pieces and made it to the shoreline of Malta. You will make it to Rome with the understanding that God does great things with broken pieces. I'm gonna repeat that one more time. God does great things with broken pieces. God does amazing things with broken pieces. Broken pieces, we can't discard broken people. We can't do away with people that have been through a process. Broken, God will do amazing things when we surrender the broken into the hands of a mighty God. Broken pieces. Has anyone here ever discovered that a broken praise is still a praise?

A wounded worshipper is still a worshipper. If you've never been broken in your life, well God bless you, let me worship you in about five minutes. But some of us, many of us have been through a process of brokenness. We've been through at least a season where something was broken in our lives, and we discovered that God does amazing things with broken pieces. If there's something broken in your life put, just give God a shout of praise because God's about to use that broken piece for his glory.

Repeat after me, "God does great things with broken pieces". The purpose of God is greater than the brokenness of man. The purpose of God is always greater than the brokenness of man. "We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but we are not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed." 2 Corinthians 4.

God does great things with broken pieces. If it's broken, God can fix it. If it's broken, God can fix it. If it's broken, God can fix it. If it's empty, God can fill it. If it failed, God can restore it. If it's sin, God can forgive it. If it's wrong, God can make it right. If it's crooked, God can make it straight. If it fell, God can pick it up. If it's paralyzed, God can make it move. And watch this, if it died, God can resurrect it. Nothing is beyond God. No matter what, God can do it. God does great things with broken pieces. How do we know this? Luke 1:37, "Nothing is impossible with God". Another version reads, "The Word of God never fails". "But my kids are broken. My generation is broken. American is broken".

God does great things with broken pieces. And we need to change the optics. I love this, they held on to pieces, broken pieces from the ship that fell apart. They held on. They held on to a piece. It was broken, but they held on to a piece. Have you ever been in a season where you held on to a piece of a word that God gave you, to a piece of an anointing, to a piece of an impartation, to a piece of a prayer? If you held on, you will make it to your Rome in the name of Jesus. God does great things with broken pieces.

That's why when I look around, I did the, Fox News interviewed me and they asked me questions about what do I see in America, what do I see forthcoming and so forth. They asked me, "Pastor Sam, what do you see, what do you see"? And they did, I mean, with great intentionality, it was a great interview. They were focusing on the negative things around us and how everything is spiraling down that proverbial rabbit hole of darkness. But then I flipped the script and then I say, "In light of what we're experiencing, I just don't see the brokenness. I don't. I see an awakening and a move of God in our nation like we've never seen before". "But do you see the crime and the violence"?

"I don't negate that, I don't deny that. I see it, but I just don't see the violence and the crime, and the drug addicts, and the gang bangers, and the rejection, and I see apostles and prophets and evangelists rising up in cities across America. I see politicians full of the Holy Spirit. I see Christ centered entrepreneurs and billionaires. The next Elon musk and Mark Zuckerberg's and Jeff Bezos will be Holy Spirit filled, blood washed".

I'mma say this, the most influential people that are about to transform, I call them societal architects, cultural reformers. We're about to see a generation of revivalists and reformers rise up out of Maui, out of this kings ministry all over your campuses. You're not just, you're not Parishioners, you're not just church members, you are about to become some of the most influential human beings on this planet. Does anybody believe that we're about to see and carry the glory of Jesus upon this planet like we've never, how many believe we're about to kick the devil out of communities and cities? We see it. We see it, we see it, because God does great things with broken pieces. He does great things with, so, learn, even if it's broken, learn to worship with your wounds.

To praise with your problems, to move with your mess, to sing through the sorrow and dance in the drought. And I wanna remind you, there is a battle between the broken you and the blessed you. Between your mind and your mantle, we talked about it last year. Between your trauma and your testimony. Your drama and your destiny. But in Jesus' name, rest in the certainty that the battle has already been won. Christ is our victory. 1 Corinthians 15:57, God does great things with broken pieces. And there it is, they get to Malta. Here's, here's Paul, drenched, picks up the brushwood, in the brushwood was a snake.

I wanna speak to you about this Malta principle. I need you all to understand that we all have to go through Malta to get to Rome. Prophetically and metaphorically speaking, we all have a Malta. If Rome is the outcome, Malta is the process, and the God of the process is the same God of the outcome. The God of the wait is the same God of the suddenly. And the process is temporary, but the promise is permanent. Do not make the temporary permanent. Do not confuse what you're going through with where you're going to. Don't build a house in Malta. Don't even sign up a lease in Malta, you're just going through. Yet, what we suffer now, what we're going through now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later, Romans 8:18.

So, I don't know what you're going through, we all have to go through Malta to get to Rome, it's that season of being tested. And, if you're going through what you've never been through before, please stop whining. If you're going through what you've never been through before, please stop complaining. If you're going through what you've never been through before, stop sucking your thumb. If you're going through what you've never been through before, get off the fetal position. If you're going through what you've never been through before, it's only because you are about to occupy promises you've never occupied before.

Is this for anybody in this place? If you're going through what you've never been through before, put a smile on your face. You are about to possess territories you've never, ever, ever, ever possessed. "Paul gathered a pile of brushwood," Acts 28:3, "As he put it on the fire a viper driven out by the heat," driven out by the heat. Driven out by what? (the heat). Let me give you a principle here, show me holy fire and I will show you a snake-free zone. You'll get that in a second. The viper was driven out by what? (the heat). By the what? (the heat). By the fuego, by the fire, by the heat.

We discover from Genesis to Revelation, snakes hate fire. Serpents hate fire. Vipers hate fire. Devils, demons, principalities and powers of darkness hate holy fire. Wherever there is revival fire, the vipers will be exposed. Wherever the fire of awakening is present the vipers and the snakers will be, we need holy fire, we need holy fire. The Matthew 3:11, Acts 2:3, Holy Ghost and fire. Wherever the Spirit of God is present that fire, that fire spirit, there is power, there is freedom, love, holiness and victory. There is holy fire.

Man, we don't, forgive me, we don't need more churches around the world, we need more churches on fire. We don't need more preachers, we need more preachers on fire. We need, I may not get invited again, but you all are part of the same DNA, so I'm preaching to the choir. But the real reason why America's going to hell in a ham basket is not because the devil got stronger, it's because the church grew weaker. The devil is not increasing in his strength, there is nothing that can be theologically or biblically substantiated that will undergird the idea that somehow the devil's getting stronger.

There's nothing in the word that says, "As time progresses, the devil will grow stronger". He has the same amount of strength he had from the moment that he breeched his loyalty to the Almighty. He's not getting stronger. The problem in America, the church got weaker. The church got too politically correct, the church, even the spirit empowered church, I'mma get in trouble now.

Even the Holy Ghost church, the spirited power church, the charismatic church, the Pentecostal church. We say we are but there are so many churches that just don't permit the power of God, the fire of God, the Spirit of God, they no longer believe in casting out devil's, they don't believe in praying for the sick, they don't, in the name of Jesus let me flip it, we are about to see a movement of holy fire in the church.

Does anyone in Maui believe that we're about to see the fire of God inundate churches all across America, all across Asia, all across Europe, if you believe it, shout like you know the fire of God. There's holy fire. Things are igniting. A friend of mine from Europe, he's been Whatsapping me in the past few days. Something crazy is happening in the European continent where they are unleashing the fire of God. Signs and wonders. They'd met in Paris, they expected a few hundred in Paris, France, the hub of secular totalitarianism, this is it, this is Ruso, this is, you know, the rights of men, 1789.

This is it. The declaration of the rights of men, the self-absorbed narcissistic, there is no God world view right there. They expected hundreds to turn out, and right next to the Eiffel tower thousands started showing up and, go ahead, Google it, this just happened. They started showing up, and showing up, and showing up and showing up and they couldn't stop, and they started showing up and they started praying and the fire of God descended and there are testimonies of people from Paris who have never ever encountered the reality of Christ who were healed right there in Paris streets.

Set free from... anybody know we're about to see the glory of Jesus like we've never seen before. It's fire, the fire of God. The fire of God is a sanctifying fire, it's a purifying fire. The fire of God, to the believer, it is not punitive, it is protective. Show me a church on fire and I will show you a snake-free zone. Ah, y'all missed that. Show me a family on fire and I will show you a snake-free zone. Show me a generation on fire and I will show you a snake-free zone.

Repeat after me, raise your right hand, "I have holy fire, therefore en el nombre de Jesus my family is a snake-free zone. My church is a snake-free zone. My mind is a snake-free zone. My generation is a snake-free zone". No more serpents. If you believe it, shout like you actually believe it. Malta's promise, if you can't shake it off, Jesus will wash it off. "But Paul shook the snake off into the fire," verse 5, "And suffered no ill-effects".

Before you get to Rome, you must go through Malta. Before you turn the world upside down for Jesus, you must learn to shake things off in the name Jesus. Many of y'all didn't get that part. Before you turn the world upside down, we all have to go through Malta to get to Rome. We gotta learn how to shake things off. Rome is the fulfillment of your God ordained, assignment and purpose. Before we get to our Rome on this side of eternity, Rome is about, not when... This is... The reason why your... Is your... But before you... You have to go through... So, you're never gonna over there unless you...