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Bill Winston - Word Power
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Bill Winston - Word Power
Bill Winston - Word Power
We're going to teach on a subject that I think is probably the most vital subject in these last days. So we're going to call this Word Power. Word Power. All right. Now, in this, we got some scriptures here. We're going to use this foundation. Let's [...]
Bill Winston - The Mystery of Meditation - Part 3
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Bill Winston - The Mystery of Meditation - Part 3
Bill Winston - The Mystery of Meditation - Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Somebody say, good news. It will be good news for everybody. No matter who you are, where you from, or what your pedigree is, it's going to be good for you. Look what it says in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 22, but you are come [...]
Bill Winston - The Mystery of Meditation - Part 2
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Bill Winston - The Mystery of Meditation - Part 2
Bill Winston - The Mystery of Meditation - Part 2
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 In Psalm 102, this is a scripture that we use for this year's basically a word that God had given for this year's ministry. He said in Psalm 102 in verse 13, for thou shall arise and have mercy upon Zion. Zion symbolizes [...]
Bill Winston - The Mystery of Meditation - Part 1
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Bill Winston - The Mystery of Meditation - Part 1
Bill Winston - The Mystery of Meditation - Part 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 David Winston: Hello I'm pastor David Winston, international director of Bill Winston ministries. And of course, I'm here with Dr. Bill Winston, my father, who is a global leader, a general of faith, and also the founder [...]
Bill Winston - Do Bread Come With This?
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Bill Winston - Do Bread Come With This?
Bill Winston - Do Bread Come With This?
What we said about prayer is prayer is a declaration of your dependence on God. On God, I'm talking about true prayer now. And that he said when you pray, say. So words have authority here in this Earth. And the law of faith demands that whatever [...]
Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 4
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Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 4
Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 4
If you belong to Christ, then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. Are you Abraham's seed? Are you an heir? What he spoke to Abraham, is that for you? How are you going to receive it? Now, that means you get up in the morning, [...]
Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 3
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Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 3
Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 3
So this blessing is going to take you to the top. I don't care where you start out, this empowerment from God to make you successful. And the lifestyle of a believer should stagger the imagination of the world. Why? You should be operating that far [...]
Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 2
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Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 2
Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 2
Job, here he was. "He had three daughters and seven sons". Then it says "And His sons went and feasted in their houses, every one his day; and sent and called for their three sisters to eat and to drink with them. And it was so, when [...]
Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 1
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Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 1
Bill Winston - Rising To The Top, Part 1
God is not waiting on you to do it. He's waiting on you to have confidence that He can do it. Genesis chapter 12, versus two, "I'll make of you a great nation," watch this. "I'll bless you, make your name great and you'll be a [...]
Bill Winston - Applied Faith, Part 2
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Bill Winston - Applied Faith, Part 2
Bill Winston - Applied Faith, Part 2
God wants you to have the best. And he's made it so that you get born again. And all of a sudden you get born again, all that he has is yours. All that he has is yours. Everything in the visible and the invisible. Look what he says here in first [...]
Bill Winston - Applied Faith, Part 1
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Bill Winston - Applied Faith, Part 1
Bill Winston - Applied Faith, Part 1
This is a time that's FaceTime and I call it faith time. And it's a time that we talk faith in really understand faith more and how to, how to apply faith. It's a matter of fact, this particular teaching today is going to be called, is called [...]
Bill Winston - Faith Puts You In Command - Part 2
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Bill Winston - Faith Puts You In Command - Part 2
Bill Winston - Faith Puts You In Command - Part 2
Fear tolerated is faith contaminated. I'll try it again. Fear tolerated is faith contaminated. And when faith is contaminated, just like anything else, it won't work. So the enemy tries, one of his shots is to try to shoot you with panic or fear or [...]
Bill Winston - Faith Puts You In Command - Part 1
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Bill Winston - Faith Puts You In Command - Part 1
Bill Winston - Faith Puts You In Command - Part 1
Faith is an inner man issue, an inner person issue. Okay, not one ounce of faith comes out of your head, but what your head does contain is your will. Contains your mind, will, emotions, intellect, and imagination. So it contains a will, which one [...]
Bill Winston - Living on Top of the World
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Bill Winston - Living on Top of the World
Bill Winston - Living on Top of the World
Hello, this is Bill Winston. Welcome to the Believer's Walk of Faith, where we walk by faith and not by sight. Well, it's God's will that we live on top of every situation. I call it living on top of the world. Praise God. From your finances to [...]
Cancel All Debt
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Bill Winston - Cancel All Debt
Bill Winston - Cancel All Debt
The Bible says, "Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for this written curse is everyone that hangeth on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might [...]
Bill Winston - Understanding the Anointing
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Bill Winston - Understanding the Anointing
Bill Winston - Understanding the Anointing
The anointing abides in you and whatever you do should what? Should prosper. Say amen to this. So I'm saying, Jesus is saying, "Wait a minute. The same thing that was on me is on you, and so this anointing by even using this anointing, this [...]
Bill Winston - Awakening Your Potential
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Bill Winston - Awakening Your Potential
Bill Winston - Awakening Your Potential
Saints of God, you've been born again. But let me tell you, redemption doesn't come without divine provision. When they released the slaves, the emancipation proclamation, thank God, they were free. But they were free and broke! I'm telling you, the [...]
Bill Winston - The Force of Faith
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Bill Winston - The Force of Faith
Bill Winston - The Force of Faith
Faith is a force, a spiritual force. If you know anything about spiritual things, you know that physical things are controlled by the more powerful world of the spirit. Physical things are controlled by the more powerful world of the spirit. Now, [...]
Bill Winston - Revelation of Royalty
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Bill Winston - Revelation of Royalty
Bill Winston - Revelation of Royalty
Once you come into the kingdom, you are a new creature. Got it? So if the enemy would try to do anything many times, he tries to hold us back through something called condemnation. He tried to remind us of the past. So God says in his Word over in [...]
Bill Winston - Entering into Canaan
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Bill Winston - Entering into Canaan
Bill Winston - Entering into Canaan
Let's go now to Deuteronomy chapter 6:10, "And it shall be when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land which He swear unto thy fathers, to Abraham and to Isaac and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities which thou [...]
Bill Winston - The Foundation of a Righteous Man
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Bill Winston - The Foundation of a Righteous Man
Bill Winston - The Foundation of a Righteous Man
Adam was supposed to take the garden with the power of the blessing and take that garden and duplicate it all over the earth. What happened? Then God said, "Don't eat of that tree. Every tree you can eat of, but not that one. That's mine". [...]
Bill Winston - Faith for the Supernatural
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Bill Winston - Faith for the Supernatural
Bill Winston - Faith for the Supernatural
Transformation, for the most part, has not been taught. When I say that, I mean this, that there were two parts to it. Go ye in all the world and what? Preach the gospel to every creature. Over here in Matthew 28, he said, "Make [...]
Bill Winston - Faith for the Last Days
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Bill Winston - Faith for the Last Days
Bill Winston - Faith for the Last Days
You and I have been called by God, for these last days. So, God knows what you have in you, and you have to see yourself like God sees you. One of the things that God sees you, is he sees you in his class, say, Amen to that. He does not see you [...]
Bill Winston - God's Protection in Troubled Times
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Bill Winston - God's Protection in Troubled Times
Bill Winston - God's Protection in Troubled Times
Here's Jacob, and he worked for a man named Laban. Laban is deceiving him now, he's deceiving him. See, anybody on that system can be deceived. And so he's on the system. What I'm saying is this, I'm saying that he forgets about his covenant and now [...]
Bill Winston - Agents of Change
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Bill Winston - Agents of Change
Bill Winston - Agents of Change
You are not a mistake. God pre-determined you in this earth and also has already pre-planned your success. You are not any kind of spiritual mishap. So no matter how you were conceived, whether you know your mother or father, or you don't know them, [...]
Bill Winston - Getting in the Drivers Seat
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Bill Winston - Getting in the Drivers Seat
Bill Winston - Getting in the Drivers Seat
Hello, I'm Bill Winston and welcome to The Believer's Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight. Well, today's message is entitled, "Getting Into the Driver's Seat". This is an example of the enemy as he tries to hitchhike. You [...]
Bill Winston - The Greater Works
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Bill Winston - The Greater Works
Bill Winston - The Greater Works
This anointing is God's burden removing, yoke destroying power. It's the most powerful force in the earth. It's virtually God himself in that anointed form doing what God wants to do in these last days. This Christ in you is a revelation, a hope of [...]
Bill Winston - The God Factor
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Bill Winston - The God Factor
Bill Winston - The God Factor
The Word of God, the gospel is going to come with its own evidence. It's going to come with its own power, that you don't have any power in this earth that can match the kingdom of God, and you and I have the kingdom within us. I'm not talking about [...]
Bill Winston - Be Fruitful
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Bill Winston - Be Fruitful
Bill Winston - Be Fruitful
See, you don't need to hang around to see if the Word works. God just wants a vessel to get his word through so that his word, he can bring his word to pass. And we call it being fruitful. It's manifesting what God has already spoken already done, [...]
Bill Winston - Developing Godly Leadership
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Bill Winston - Developing Godly Leadership
Bill Winston - Developing Godly Leadership
Hello, I'm Bill Winston, and welcome to the Believers Walk of Faith, where we walk by faith, and not by sight. Well, we have a special teaching for you today. God has really placed on my heart a topic of leadership. As you can look around, you can [...]
Bill Winston - Occupy Till I Come
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Bill Winston - Occupy Till I Come
Bill Winston - Occupy Till I Come
It's called Possessing Your Inheritance, and the subtitle is Occupied Till I Come. Let's go now to Romans over chapter five, verse seventeen. In the King James, "For if by one man offense death reigned by one, much were they, which receive [...]
Bill Winston - Planting the Heavens
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Bill Winston - Planting the Heavens
Bill Winston - Planting the Heavens
Planting the heavens. All right. In Deuteronomy 2, I'm going to start reading there and I'm going to progress through these scriptures, and when I give them to you, is because I'm giving it to you so you can meditate these scriptures, during your [...]
Bill Winston - The Wealth Transfer
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Bill Winston - The Wealth Transfer
Bill Winston - The Wealth Transfer
"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven". God's plan never changed. He still desires that earth be like Heaven. This kingdom is initially an invisible reality that is lived out of the heart, not out of the head. [...]
Bill Winston - The Power of Prayer and Praise
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Bill Winston - The Power of Prayer and Praise
Bill Winston - The Power of Prayer and Praise
Prayer's kind of been looked at as a mystery. You'll see that it's not really a mystery at all. It's just truth. Once you got revelation, revelation brings you right into faith. You don't have any doubt when you can see it. So revelation lets you [...]
Bill Winston - The Comforter Has Come
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Bill Winston - The Comforter Has Come
Bill Winston - The Comforter Has Come
Over in Psalm chapter 91, look what it says here. They shall there shall be no evil before you, neither shall any plague come nigh your dwelling. Thou shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilent [...]
Bill Winston - Christ in You
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Bill Winston - Christ in You
Bill Winston - Christ in You
Welcome to the Believer's Walk of Faith, this is Pastor Bill Winston, where we walk by faith and not by sight. Praise God. Well today's teaching, we share with you one of the reasons why a lot of people don't reach their destiny and the reason why [...]
Bill Winston - The Vengeance Of The Lord
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Bill Winston - The Vengeance Of The Lord
Bill Winston - The Vengeance Of The Lord
Jesus had a mission in the former reign, put it up there, Isaiah chapter 61. This is where he was reading from and let's see what he read, "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the [...]
Bill Winston - Radical Faith
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Bill Winston - Radical Faith
Bill Winston - Radical Faith
For we walk by what? Faith and not by sight. So once we get born again, now faith is coming and this faith enables us to do things. As you saw Jesus, he spoke to a tree and the tree dried up from the where? From the roots. And I'm saying that he was [...]
Bill Winston - Manifesting the Sons of God
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Bill Winston - Manifesting the Sons of God
Bill Winston - Manifesting the Sons of God
Hello, I'm Bill Winston and welcome to another program. The program that you're watching is called The Believer's Walk of Faith, where we walk by faith and not by sight. We have an exciting program for you today. We're talking about manifesting the [...]
Bill Winston - The Priority of Prayer
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Bill Winston - The Priority of Prayer
Bill Winston - The Priority of Prayer
Mark 11 and starting reading here at verse 15, "and they come to Jerusalem and Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that [...]
Bill Winston - Facing the Giants
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Bill Winston - Facing the Giants
Bill Winston - Facing the Giants
You were never designed to speak anything you didn't want to happen. Some people call it "Running off at the mouth", okay. And so what you have to do is understand over in Ephesians, which is the book of warfare. He says in verse chapter [...]
Bill Winston - Living the Higher Life
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Bill Winston - Living the Higher Life
Bill Winston - Living the Higher Life
What's the reason why you should learn about faith? One is that faith is needed to release the blessing or the anointing of God for the supernatural. If you recall, the Bible says over in Genesis chapter 1 verse 28, "And God blessed them. And [...]
Bill Winston - Fulfilling Your Dominion Mandate
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Bill Winston - Fulfilling Your Dominion Mandate
Bill Winston - Fulfilling Your Dominion Mandate
Hello, Bill Winston here and welcome to The Believer's Walk of Faith, where we walk by faith and not by sight. In Genesis 1:28, it says, "And God blessed them, and God said unto them 'Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue [...]
Bill Winston – Faith and Corresponding Action
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Bill Winston - Faith and Corresponding Action
Bill Winston - Faith and Corresponding Action
Faith works on revelation. If you remember when Jesus told Peter to launch onto the deep and let down his nets for a draught, Peter said something he said, in verse 5 Simon-Peter answered and said to him, "Master we have toiled all night and [...]
Bill Winston - No More Toil
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Bill Winston - No More Toil
Bill Winston - No More Toil
Hello. I'm Bill Winston. Welcome to another program. The program that you're watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight. Oh, do we have an exciting teaching for you today. It's called No More Toil, No More [...]
Bill Winston - The Normal Christian Life
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Bill Winston - The Normal Christian Life
Bill Winston - The Normal Christian Life
Well welcome to The Believer's Walk of Faith, Pastor Bill Winston here, where we walk by faith and not by sight. Well, we have an exciting program for you today. As believers, we have the power of God residing in us. It's Christ in you, the hope of [...]
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Bill Winston - Healing Your Wounded Soul
Bill Winston - Healing Your Wounded Soul
Once you're born again, your spirit is perfect. It's perfect. There are no spiritual defects. All the spirits of God's children are perfect. The Bible says God is the Father of spirits. It's all perfect. Means you can't improve on it, that your [...]
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Bill Winston - Day of His Power
Bill Winston - Day of His Power
One of the things that the enemy tries to do is keep you in your natural ability, keep you in this molecular world, one man calls it. And letting the molecular world determine your future, letting your natural man determine your future. But you [...]
Bill Winston - The Word of the Kingdom
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Bill Winston - The Word of the Kingdom
Bill Winston - The Word of the Kingdom
Now, the kingdom of God is this government that contained everything that mankind would need, this kingdom. And so now, Jesus was preaching this kingdom and demonstrating the power of this kingdom which he brought with him. And when he taught in [...]
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Bill Winston — You've Been Upgraded
Bill Winston — You've Been Upgraded
Faith is the key to you having success in God, it really is, you can't even please God without faith. The other thing is that faith allows the power of God to flow through your life, you see there's great power God, because he's God is able to do [...]
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