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Bill Winston - Word Power

Bill Winston - Word Power
Bill Winston - Word Power

We're going to teach on a subject that I think is probably the most vital subject in these last days. So we're going to call this Word Power. Word Power. All right. Now, in this, we got some scriptures here. We're going to use this foundation. Let's put some scriptures on the monitor, please. First one is John 1:1 through 3, and then verse 14. In the beginning, you know this, was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word, what? The same was in the beginning with God. And what else does it say? All things were made by Him. Without Him was not anything made that was made. And then we go to verse 14. And the Word was made flesh, human, and dwelt among us. And we're going to use that.

And also over in Hebrews, Hebrews chapter 1, verse 3, it talks about the Word of His power. That all these things are held in place by the Word of His power. So in the beginning, God created the earth. The Word was used to create. That's one of the biggest reasons for the Word. And it creates things. Brother Copeland says something that you... if you didn't write it down, you need to write it down. Because the Word comes with its own power to bring itself to pass. That is profound. All right? So Genesis 1:1. And this is where God created the heavens and the earth. And God chose the earth with void and form. And darkness was upon the face of the deep. And He said, "Let there be light". And there was light. So once that happened, we get the beginning of God creating all things. Now, this Word is what really brought me into the kingdom of God, into the body of Christ.

A man named Charles Capps. I used to listen to him in the morning going to work at IBM. "No matter what the day may bring, it's something to do". You know, his theme song. But he was an excellent Bible teacher. And he taught me. So in that, I was at IBM. And I realized something was missing. Now, I had just finished a tour in Vietnam and flying airplanes. And I decided to get out and do civilian work. And so I did that and got a job with IBM and computers. And so a dear lady saw me one day and she said, "Hey, Bill, you want to go with me tonight"?

Well, I was going through some tough times because when you don't have Christ, there are tough times ahead. And so as a result of that, I went with her that night. I thought we were going out, you know, dancing or something. Something dancing. But she took me to the schoolyard, the back of the schoolyard and pulled up in the parking lot. And I parked and we went in the auditorium of the school. And next thing I know, everybody was praising God. And I said, "Oh, Lord, what have I got myself into"? That night, I got born again. That night. And so then, you know, I didn't know much about God. I'm trying to buy some little tabs that you put in your Bible, you know. And I didn't know what I was doing, but I was trying. And I went by this Catholic church. I wasn't Catholic, but she was. So she had an influence on me.

So I went, she was Catholic charismatic. They met by themselves. And so I went by this Catholic church on my way to work because I was living downtown. And then, you know, I got down and praying, trying to discover God, you know, trying to find out who He was. And I was just praying and God, you know, and so forth and mumbling. And then something said, "Don't worry, William, you'll be all right". And I looked up and, whoa, I didn't see anybody. I looked at everybody else in the place and they were still, you know, on their knees. Well, I had to kind of look around because last time I had done that in that church, I was down on my knees, you know, you let this little thing down and you get on your knees and, you know, smoke and stuff. And so somebody put their hand on my head, you know, and said, "You'll be all right, son".

And then I was thinking, oh, this is... this is great. I found God in a holy, oh, boy. And then all of a sudden I heard this rustling, you know, somebody grabbing somebody. And I looked out and there was a police. They said, "He just came out of an insane asylum and we had to get him and take him back" and so forth. So I was very leery of somebody saying, "Don't worry, William". But from that day forward, the things that I was struggling with at IBM, I never struggled again. That healed my body, everything. One word from God will fix your problem. I'm telling you. So then I began to listen to Charles Capps and he used to, he was teaching the Word of God. And basically he taught me what I call some strange things. He taught me to point at my bills and command that they be paid off.

So I said, "Okay, I'm going to do that". Now, if you look at Mark chapter three and verse 21 and 22, you'll see that Jesus, his relatives wanted to take him because they thought he had lost his mind. So he must've been doing some strange things too. So I pointed at those bills. Now you can listen at this and just listen at it and laugh, or you can go home and point at your bills too. So I said, "Bills, I'm talking to you. Shut up. I'm talking to you" cause they'll try to talk back. I said, "I'm talking to you. I command you in Jesus' name be paid off, dematerialize, disappear". And so I waited. And then about, oh, between that time and a few months, every bill I had was paid off and it was done super naturally.

So I saw that was something to this stuff that I call crazy faith. This is the kind of faith that you can't explain, but works. So I paid that, those bills off. And then one day my car wouldn't start out in a cold winter morning out on the lake front. And I said, "Wait a minute, if I can point at my bills, I can point at this car". So I went out there and car wouldn't start, wouldn't say, uh-uh. And so I looked around to see if anybody was looking like somebody cared. And, but see, we're not used to acting that way. I said, "Car, I'm talking to you in the name of Jesus, start"! And then I went back in the house and got some tea and look at the ball game for about a half hour, give God a chance to work. And then I came back out and started the car right up.

Now I'm telling you, this is what Charles Capps taught. Now I'm saying that because you're hearing me and I don't want you to go home and not be a doer of the Word. God doesn't want you to spend all your time in this earth trying to pay somebody's bills. God, come on. I mean, God wants you to have a car that'll start. Hallelujah. Now my point to you is, is not enough of the supernatural is taught that everybody, you know, pretty much so we just do these things that are highly acceptable with man. But I'm telling you, I'm teaching a series or I taught it before, I whipped the devil, that, you know, old school, let's go back to old school. I said, let's go back to old school.

Come on. It's time now for us to get some supernatural results. We've been playing around with this thing long enough. And now we need to... I'm talking about when you, people shouldn't, they should see you're weird, right? I mean, you know, not weird plus, but... but you should be known for doing things. And Paul said, "My speech and my preaching are not in the enticing words of man's wisdom, but in the demonstration of the Spirit and in the power". So it's your faith will not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God, put the scripture up there, please. There's Proverbs chapter 18 and verse 20, Proverbs chapter 18 and verse 20, put it on the board.

All right. Uh, is that coming up? All right. Ready? Read. Now, increase of his what? Lips. Lips. Increase. I can show you a scripture where you can speak against your tithes and cancel it. Word power. This is it. Word power. And you learn how to do these words as some interesting things that can happen with your life. And I'm saying now that I took that Word and what happened is every month we supposed to give a forecast of what kind of computers we're going to sell. You know, I was in sales and, we went and started, giving that forecast. But when I got this knowledge, I said, "That's not my forecast. That's my confession". And so where I would confess that it would happen for me. So I took and began to confess what business I was going to have for that month. And lo and behold, it started working supernaturally.

Next thing I knew I was number one salesman downtown in Chicago. Now I'm not giving myself any credit. I'm giving the Word of God all the credit. Now, listen to that. We're talking about increase. So I didn't even, you know, I didn't know anything about this principle. I didn't, I just knew that if I believe what I spoke, it would come to pass. And now I'm speaking in line with God's Word. God is wanting me to increase. He said in Psalm 115 and verse 14, the Lord shall increase you more and more. So he wants me to increase. And then he wants to take me to the top. He said that over in Genesis chapter 12, you know, he talked about in verse two and three, he said, "I'm gonna make your name great".

You know, over in Deuteronomy 28, he said, "You'll be the head". Come on now. So I'm just saying, I'm watching this thing, this increase in my life. Now I even did this, this fellow, this fellow manager of mine when I was a manager and he was in the company and he had some kind of, I don't know what you call it, but the muscles sometime would give way and he couldn't walk or whatever, have you? Well, I said, "Listen, Matt, this is what you do. Take these healing scriptures and say them every day". I said, "Say them in the morning and say them at night". So he started doing that. Now he came and told me, "I told my wife, I'm going to drive to Virginia". She said, "Oh no, you can't do that". He said, "Why"? She said, "You know your condition". He said, "No, I'm going to drive to Virginia".

Now this is after he had confessed the Word of increase. He is confessing his health and the Bible says, I think in Proverbs chapter four and verse 20, "Attend to my Word, incline thine ears to my saying and let them not depart from my eyes. Keep them in the midst of thy heart for they are life to those that find them and health and medicine to all their flesh". So the Word is medicine. So he was taking medicine twice a day. So then he told his wife, he's going to drive to Virginia because he said they had a some kind of a, you know, a school had a, what do you call those things? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Reunion at the school.

So his wife did not want him to go. He got in the car, drove halfway, stopped overnight, slept, got up the next day and drove on in from Chicago. Then he said he had a great time. Then he said he got in the car, drove halfway back, rested that night and drove all the way back. He said, "What did you give me"? You see what I'm saying? I'm saying it worked for him and he didn't even know what he was doing. And I'm saying this Word power is the power that we need to fix anything. I said it will fix anything.

Now I'm saying that because now I'm out of idea. And where am I? I'm at my own, you know, I started at our first church. It was at Lake Pulaski. Anybody got the picture? They got the picture of that? Okay. They got the picture. Lake Pulaski. You got that picture up there? Oh, it was just a hole in the wall on the west side of Chicago. Well, that's where we started. But we started to increase and I went up to Forest Park, where we are now. And in Forest Park, we rented this little space and people were staying away by the hundreds. I said, okay, we're going to put a confession up on the screen that we will say every Sunday. People are coming to our services. We're having three services full. People are lined up down the street waiting on the next service.

Without a doubt, in a very short time, people were packed in that little place, three services full and people on the sidewalk lined up down the street waiting on the next service. Now, let me say that the enemy would love to make me pack up my bags and go back where I came from, but I got increase on my lips and I can speak that and speak it and believe that what I say will come to pass and I have what I say. Are you with me here? All right. Now, you can take the Word of God and the Word of Faith and build it to the point that it will undo anything that Satan has done and watch this, leave no trace. Let me try it again. It will undo anything that Satan has done and leave no trace that you've been there.

This man in Mark chapter five, this man had run up to Jesus and had demons in him running him and Jesus sent the disciples and them in town. He then began to minister to the man. He called the demons to come out of the man. They came out and he dealt with them and then the disciples came back from town and saw Jesus and the man. The man's condition, he was clothed, verse 15, and in his right mind.

I can guarantee you his scars were gone. You better hear what I'm saying. I'm talking 4D now. My book is just about to come out on 4D, but I'm going to make you get up there where you're supposed to be. This man was clothed. Where did Jesus get an extra pair of clothes that would fit that man? Come on, 4D. He was clothed and in his right mind sitting at the feet of Jesus and I can guarantee you there were no scars because words, power, filled with faith can undo anything that the devil has done and erase the trace of what you've been through.