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Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 2
Allen Jackson : Now, we need God's help, church. We can't hide in our church buildings and do studies on the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes and not try to process what it means to be salt and light in the midst of the world in which we [...]
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 1
Allen Jackson : I'm gonna introduce our guest in just a moment. I wanna read a passage of Scripture to you, it really is kind of a bit of an introduction to what we're gonna talk about some. Matthew chapter 24, Luke 21 are parallel passages, it's [...]
Allen Jackson - Afghanistan and Ukraine (Front Line Perspective) - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Afghanistan and Ukraine (Front Line Perspective) - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Afghanistan and Ukraine (Front Line Perspective) - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. I'm excited about this program. We're going to give you a front line perspective from what's been happening in Afghanistan and Ukraine, not something gleaned from the news. I'm going to introduce you to some [...]
Allen Jackson - Afghanistan and Ukraine (Front Line Perspective) - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Afghanistan and Ukraine (Front Line Perspective) - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Afghanistan and Ukraine (Front Line Perspective) - Part 1
I'm very excited about the program we get to share with you today. It's really a perspective, the truth about Afghanistan and Ukraine, we're going to get a front line perspective from some friends. I sat down and interviewed them. They have been in [...]
Allen Jackson - From Ukrainian Christians
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Allen Jackson - From Ukrainian Christians
Allen Jackson - From Ukrainian Christians
Hey, it's an honor to be with you again. Today is a special broadcast. You know, through these last few months and actually the last couple of years, every time we have been at a decision point, God has given us a window with insight in order to [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Is God Looking For?
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Rabbi Schneider - What Is God Looking For?
Rabbi Schneider - What Is God Looking For?
Shalom Aleichem, welcome today to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. It's a special episode, part number 2, of a teaching I did at a pastor's conference in Kiev, Ukraine. As pastors, our ministry needs to be an overflow of our own relationship with God. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Receive the Fullness of God's Love
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Rabbi Schneider - Receive the Fullness of God's Love
Rabbi Schneider - Receive the Fullness of God's Love
Welcome to today's very special episode on Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I'm gonna bring you inside Kiev, Ukraine. When I travel overseas I generally have two objectives. Number one, we do large mass evangelistic outreaches. But my second mission is [...]