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Jeff Schreve - The Flesh, The Spirit, and the Christian
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Jeff Schreve - The Flesh, The Spirit, and the Christian
Jeff Schreve - The Flesh, The Spirit, and the Christian
Every Christian knows about the internal battle between the flesh and the spirit. If you let the flesh take control of your heart, it will steal, kill, and destroy, but if you, by the Spirit, put to death the deeds of the flesh, you’ll enjoy a life [...]
Jeff Schreve - The Church and The Gates of Hell
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Jeff Schreve - The Church and The Gates of Hell
Jeff Schreve - The Church and The Gates of Hell
In Matthew chapter 16, Jesus said, «Upon this rock,» speaking of Himself, «Upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell will not prevail against it». Today, I’ll conclude my series called «Foundations» by exploring the power and [...]
Marcus Mecum - New Day, Old Demons - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - New Day, Old Demons - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - New Day, Old Demons - Part 2
Daniel pulls away and he goes to his prayer place. When he comes out of his prayer place, he reveals several things that we’ll look at. One is there is a reason for the season. The second thing, he begins to let us know is that God is in control of [...]
Marcus Mecum - New Day, Old Demons - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - New Day, Old Demons - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - New Day, Old Demons - Part 1
Daniel 2, Daniel 2. I’m gonna read several verses. Let’s look at verse 1, «In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams: his mind was troubled and as a result, he could not sleep. So the king summoned magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, [...]
Joseph Prince - How to Win Without Fighting
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Joseph Prince - How to Win Without Fighting
Joseph Prince - How to Win Without Fighting
Remember that at Kadesh Barnea, everything changed. The place they came out, for two years, they were walking with God, but for 38 years, they were wandering in the wilderness. But God collectively calls them 40 years of testing, 40 years of [...]
Allen Jackson - Spiritual Warfare and the End Times
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Allen Jackson - Spiritual Warfare and the End Times
Allen Jackson - Spiritual Warfare and the End Times
It’s good to be with you again. We’re gonna continue our study on spiritual warfare, particularly looking at the end of time. You know, the Bible is a book filled with spiritual conflict. It starts in the opening chapters of Genesis when the serpent [...]
Marcus Mecum - Blessed For The Battle
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Marcus Mecum - Blessed For The Battle
Marcus Mecum - Blessed For The Battle
I'm gonna read one verse to kick the message off, but I'm going to go through the entire chapter. So, what that means is if you have your Bibles, you wanna stay in judges 5 as I set the message up. But verse 23, let's look at it [...]
Kenneth Copeland - You Have the Authority to Use the Name of Jesus Against the Enemy
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Kenneth Copeland - You Have the Authority to Use the Name of Jesus Against the
Kenneth Copeland - You Have the Authority to Use the Name of Jesus Against the Enemy
— Hello, everybody. Welcome to Tuesday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. I'm Kenneth Copeland. And, of course, this is Professor Greg Stephens. And we're talking about the command authority of a follower of [...]
Steven Furtick - When The Enemy Attacks
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Steven Furtick - When The Enemy Attacks
Steven Furtick - When The Enemy Attacks
This is an excerpt from: The God Of After If you will look at your life (and I did it this week), you'll find patterns of "These are the times where the Enemy attacks me. If I build some different things into these rhythms of my life, I [...]
Robert Jeffress - Preparing For War
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Robert Jeffress - Preparing For War
Robert Jeffress - Preparing For War
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. As Christians, we're engaged in a daily battle against an unseen enemy, but gratefully, God has provided us with spiritual armor to defend ourselves against this formidable [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You're Under Attack
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Craig Groeschel - When You're Under Attack
Craig Groeschel - When You're Under Attack
I'm trying to remember, is there anything going on this week at all? I'm trying to remember, like, especially those of you in the U.S., we got people around the world, anything going on this week in the U.S.? Anything? There's [...]
Steven Furtick - God Is Fighting For You
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Steven Furtick - God Is Fighting For You
Steven Furtick - God Is Fighting For You
This is an excerpt from: I'm Going Through But I'm Running Over But if you wrestle at the wrong level, you'll wear yourself out, fighting it where it shows up, but where it shows up is not where it started. So if you got somebody and [...]
Creflo Dollar - How to Defeat the Devil In Your Mind - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - How to Defeat the Devil In Your Mind - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - How to Defeat the Devil In Your Mind - Part 2
I want you to realize something. Do you realize that marketing today is built on the power of suggestion? Follow me now. All you have to do is look at Genesis chapter 3, how the Bible talked about how Satan was subtle, let's do that, Genesis [...]
Creflo Dollar - How to Defeat the Devil In Your Mind - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - How to Defeat the Devil In Your Mind - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - How to Defeat the Devil In Your Mind - Part 1
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of Saint John chapter 10. In verse 10, we're going to start a series today entitled "How To Defeat The Devil In Your Mind". We talked about spiritual warfare in there. I was convinced by [...]
David Jeremiah - Spiritual Warfare
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David Jeremiah - Spiritual Warfare
David Jeremiah - Spiritual Warfare
It was 10 o'clock on September 15, in 2021, and the town of Denton, North Carolina went dark. More than 1,400 people found themselves without power, which is a big deal in a town with a total population of 1,660. A little later that morning, [...]
Allen Jackson - Prayer Warriors
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Allen Jackson - Prayer Warriors
Allen Jackson - Prayer Warriors
Our theme for the year has been "Let's Pray", and for this particular portion of it, we're gonna take a couple of weeks and look at this notion of being prayer warriors. Prayers being more than a passive response to life, or an [...]
Steven Furtick - Why The Devil Attacks You?
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Steven Furtick - Why The Devil Attacks You?
Steven Furtick - Why The Devil Attacks You?
This is an excerpt from: The God Of After If you're not paying attention to the patterns in your life, you are easy prey for the Enemy. You have to get into Spirit-led reflection where the Holy Spirit takes you back through your day and shows [...]
Charles Stanley - Where the Battle Is Won
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Charles Stanley - Where the Battle Is Won
Charles Stanley - Where the Battle Is Won
Jesus is the pattern in the life of every single believer for every aspect of life. In relationship to God the Father? Obedience. In relationship to others? Love. In relationship to things; He always used those to the glory of the heavenly Father. [...]
Charles Stanley - The Armor of God
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Charles Stanley - The Armor of God
Charles Stanley - The Armor of God
Every command that God gives us in His Word has a divine purpose behind it. He doesn't just give commands just to be for giving them. He gives them for a specific reason. It is always for our good. When you and I understand those commands, [...]
Derek Prince - Demons are Stripped of Their Weapons
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Derek Prince - Demons are Stripped of Their Weapons
Derek Prince - Demons are Stripped of Their Weapons
This is an excerpt from: The Cross At The Center - Part 2 Now, go back to Colossians 2:13-15 and you find how He did it. I think I enjoy this because of my background in philosophy because there are some benefits in having been a philosopher, and [...]
Derek Prince - The one You're Fighting Is Already Defeated
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Derek Prince - The one You're Fighting Is Already Defeated
Derek Prince - The one You're Fighting Is Already Defeated
This is an excerpt from: The Cross At The Center - Part 2 This is our second session on the theme of 'The Cross at the Center.' In our previous session I pointed out three major reasons why we have to keep the cross at the center, why [...]
Charles Stanley - Enduring a Satanic Attack
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Charles Stanley - Enduring a Satanic Attack
Charles Stanley - Enduring a Satanic Attack
Have you ever suddenly found yourself confronted with a strong, enticing, very inviting, seemingly irresistible temptation? What did you do? Did you just suddenly walk away, or did you find yourself debating with yourself and trying to decide what [...]
Charles Stanley - The Enemy, A Close Look
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Charles Stanley - The Enemy, A Close Look
Charles Stanley - The Enemy, A Close Look
If you were a general in the army and you were going to war against another nation, one thing you would do very carefully: You would study the life of the opposing general. You would learn everything you possibly could about him. You'd know all [...]
Robert Barron - The Spiritual Life Is a Battle
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Robert Barron - The Spiritual Life Is a Battle
Robert Barron - The Spiritual Life Is a Battle
Peace be with you. Friends, our first reading for this Sunday is one of my favorites. It's from the book of Exodus, and it's about a battle between Israel and the Amalekites. And you'll say, "Well, that's of maybe mild [...]
Sid Roth - I Saw Angels and Demons Fighting Over My Soul
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Sid Roth - I Saw Angels and Demons Fighting Over My Soul
Sid Roth - I Saw Angels and Demons Fighting Over My Soul
Sid Roth : Welcome, Holy Spirit, go and flow. Both Dr. Mina and Yvon Attia were born and raised in Egypt and they understand Middle Eastern culture. This opens a depth few of us here in the West have, they operate in significant miracles. Tell me [...]
Allen Jackson - Battle Between Good and Evil - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Battle Between Good and Evil - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Battle Between Good and Evil - Part 2
We have to understand that when we step away from a biblical perspective, when we take a godly principle that we know to be true, and we choose not to embrace it, that we put our feet on a path that will lead us ultimately towards destruction. [...]
Allen Jackson - Battle Between Good and Evil - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Battle Between Good and Evil - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Battle Between Good and Evil - Part 1
I wanna begin a new series (short series, I think) on a discussion about the battle between good and evil. Have you noticed? That used to be kind of theoretical. You know, and we had to kind of scour the history books to find those blatant [...]
Kerry Shook - Cosmic Conflict
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Kerry Shook - Cosmic Conflict
Kerry Shook - Cosmic Conflict
Hey, Woodlands Church, I'm here in the boxing ring because we're in this series on "Fighting Fair," and so I'm floatin' like a butterfly and stingin' like a bee here. Well, I'm not floating much, that's [...]
Kerry Shook - Battle For The Mind
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Kerry Shook - Battle For The Mind
Kerry Shook - Battle For The Mind
Today we're concluding the series about the spiritual battles that come into our lives, and every one of us have battles to fight, but God wants to give us his power for every battle. And this weekend, we're talking about the most [...]
Michael Youssef - The Armor of God
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Michael Youssef - The Armor of God
Michael Youssef - The Armor of God
In the last message we saw how, when Satan kept on coming at Jesus in the wilderness, tempting him and tempting him and tempting him again, our Lord defeated him over and over and over by the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. One of that [...]
Michael Youssef - The Three Temptations
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Michael Youssef - The Three Temptations
Michael Youssef - The Three Temptations
You know, during World War II, after the collapse of France, Hitler and the Nazis were eyeing the coast of England and thinking of invading the mainland of England, channel the coast. There are some books and movies made on this. But when Hitler [...]
Michael Youssef - Be Vigilant
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Michael Youssef - Be Vigilant
Michael Youssef - Be Vigilant
Please open your Bibles to 1 Peter 5:8 and 9. You can read with me. "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Resist him, stand firm in the faith, because you know that [...]
Michael Youssef - The Structure of Heaven
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Michael Youssef - The Structure of Heaven
Michael Youssef - The Structure of Heaven
Question: "Why would Satan want to target pastors for failure"? I'm sure you've probably thought about it. Why would he be so concerned on leading evangelical leaders for failure? Answer: "Because Satan knows the importance [...]
Michael Youssef - Your Enemy's Enneagram of Personality
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Michael Youssef - Your Enemy's Enneagram of Personality
Michael Youssef - Your Enemy's Enneagram of Personality
Deception is one of your soul's enemy greatest weapon. Deception is rampant today. The danger of the enemy of our soul is that he never shoots straight. He never shoots straight. Even experienced leadership falls for some of his deceptions when [...]
Michael Youssef - Satan's Playbook
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Michael Youssef - Satan's Playbook
Michael Youssef - Satan's Playbook
If you look at the world today, you're gonna discover that the forces of evil are no longer underground like they used to be. The forces of evil are no longer invisible. The forces of evil are no longer hidden from view as they were once were. [...]
Gregory Dickow - Manifesting Your God-Given Blessing Through Spiritual Warfare
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Gregory Dickow - Manifesting Your God-Given Blessing Through Spiritual Warfare
Gregory Dickow - Manifesting Your God-Given Blessing Through Spiritual Warfare
Welcome champions to this international and inspirational podcast, Think Like a Champion. We exist to create a community of champions and a culture of champion level thinking. That's why you're here. That's why I'm here. And I [...]
Chris Hodges - Understanding Spiritual Warfare
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Chris Hodges - Understanding Spiritual Warfare
Chris Hodges - Understanding Spiritual Warfare
Well, it's so great to see all of you here today in church. We're so glad that you came. A big hello and welcome to week number four of a series that we're doing called, "You Asked for It". I'll tell you more about that [...]
Joyce Meyer - Dressed for Battle - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Dressed for Battle - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Dressed for Battle - Part 2
The Bible talks about "Wearing your shoes of peace". You wanna do some high-powered, spiritual warfare, you just enter the rest of God and stay in peace when the devil's trying to stir a bunch of stuff up. My morning was so crazy, I [...]
Joyce Meyer - Dressed for Battle - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Dressed for Battle - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Dressed for Battle - Part 1
We're doing a little series this weekend on the devil. I know you're all happy about hearing about the devil. Some people don't believe the devil's real, but I'm sorry to tell you that he is. And if you don't believe [...]
Steven Furtick - Take Your Mind Back
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Steven Furtick - Take Your Mind Back
Steven Furtick - Take Your Mind Back
This is an excerpt from: I Caught A Thought What happens is the enemy deceives you. He can't take what God gave you. You know that, right? I need to make sure you know that. He can't take what God gave you. But if he can get you to catch [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Force of Prayer
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Kenneth Copeland - The Force of Prayer
Kenneth Copeland - The Force of Prayer
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, Thursday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Are you getting anything out of this where you can see it? If you can see it in linear, in the way that it happened, and watch [...]
Derek Prince - How To Identify The Enemy
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Derek Prince - How To Identify The Enemy
Derek Prince - How To Identify The Enemy
The theme of this and the following session will be Basics of Deliverance. The subtitle is: "All You Ever Wanted to Know About Demons But Were Afraid to Ask". In these two sessions I'm going to seek to achieve a well nigh impossible [...]
Adrian Rogers - Satan's Four Spiritual Flaws
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Adrian Rogers - Satan's Four Spiritual Flaws
Adrian Rogers - Satan's Four Spiritual Flaws
Would you be finding Genesis chapter 3. And that's easy to find because that's the first book in the Bible, just three chapters over. And when you've found it, let me tell you that the world's biggest liar is Satan himself. Jesus [...]
James Meehan - Is Spiritual Warfare Real?
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James Meehan - Is Spiritual Warfare Real?
James Meehan - Is Spiritual Warfare Real?
500 years before the time of Jesus, a Chinese military genius named Sun Tzu wrote about the importance of knowing your enemy when you are in a fight. And in the 1980s, GI Joe taught us that knowing is half the battle, which is why we're [...]
Adrian Rogers - Christian Warfare
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Adrian Rogers - Christian Warfare
Adrian Rogers - Christian Warfare
Would you take God's Word and find Ephesians chapter 6? We're going to talk about a warfare today because there is a dark, diabolical, deadly, dirty war that is being fought in America. It is a form of guerilla warfare: sabotage, [...]
Steven Furtick - Hey Devil! The Attack Didn't Work
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Steven Furtick - Hey Devil! The Attack Didn't Work
Steven Furtick - Hey Devil! The Attack Didn't Work
I want to help in this New Year to set a trajectory for your faith that you can believe that God is going to use you to make a difference wherever you are. Tell somebody next to you, "You're a big deal"! Ask them, "Can I get a [...]
Mike Novotny - How God Fights for You
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Mike Novotny - How God Fights for You
Mike Novotny - How God Fights for You
I wanna take you back, all the way back to 1863 when an escaped slave named Gordon was darting through the fields of Louisiana with the scent of onions on his dark skin. He had been running for 10 days, fleeing from his master, a cruel slave owner [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - Satan's Three Creative Attacks - Part 2
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Frankie Mazzapica - Satan's Three Creative Attacks - Part 2
Frankie Mazzapica - Satan's Three Creative Attacks - Part 2
Thank you for tuning in today, my name is Frankie Mazzapica. The title of my message is "Satan's Creative Attacks, Part Two". I preached part one a couple of weeks ago, we're gonna dive into part two, and we're gonna just [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - Satan's Three Creative Attacks - Part 1
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Frankie Mazzapica - Satan's Three Creative Attacks - Part 1
Frankie Mazzapica - Satan's Three Creative Attacks - Part 1
Thank you for tuning in today. My name is Frankie Mazzapica. The title of the message is "Satan's Three Creative Attacks," Satan's Three Creative Attacks. Here we go. Now, the devil, the snake from hell, he attacks everyone in a [...]
Michael Youssef - Christian Warfare, The World, The Flesh, And The Devil
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Michael Youssef - Christian Warfare, The World, The Flesh, And The Devil
Michael Youssef - Christian Warfare, The World, The Flesh, And The Devil
Dr. Michael Youssef: Hello, friends. Michael Youssef here, and I'm one to tell you that you are in for a treat today of listening to a message by my son, Jonathan Youssef. And I'm thrilled to tell you that it is about conquering and [...]
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