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Chris Hodges - Spiritual Gifts
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Chris Hodges - Spiritual Gifts
Chris Hodges - Spiritual Gifts
Come on church. How about we give Jesus all the praise everybody? And I want to say thank you to Libby and her family who right now are at the Greystone campus. They're attending this service. Can we just say thank you for the courage, come on [...]
Marcus Mecum - Three Gifts Everyone Needs - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - Three Gifts Everyone Needs - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - Three Gifts Everyone Needs - Part 2
And so, the shipmaster this Easter is wanting to ask you some hard questions. "Are you on the run today? What's this last season been like to you? What happened"? Jonah says, "When the ship master says 'you're not gonna sleep through [...]
Marcus Mecum - Three Gifts Everyone Needs - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - Three Gifts Everyone Needs - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - Three Gifts Everyone Needs - Part 1
Matthew 16, and I want to show you why it's appropriate to look at the story of Jonah on Easter. Jesus is dealing with a religious crowd in Matthew 16 that want a sign from heaven. They're really looking for him to clear up who he is through some [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is a Vital Part of the Christian Life
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is a Vital Part of the Christian Life
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is a Vital Part of the Christian Life
Hello, everybody. Now, before I start in today, it's good for you to know, but for this radio and television audience, this is what we do at Kenneth Copeland Bible College. This is what the Lord has directed us to do. The Lord said this to Gloria [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Gifts, Great Expectations - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Great Gifts, Great Expectations - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Great Gifts, Great Expectations - Part 2
So, I think about reading our Bibles and the challenge that represents. It's 66 books written by dozens of authors over an extended period of time in different cultures. It's not arranged chronologically. There's a variety of different types of [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Gifts, Great Expectations - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Great Gifts, Great Expectations - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Great Gifts, Great Expectations - Part 1
I really built the weekend to try to add a little momentum to the Bible reading. You know, it's so easy to put that in the category of something else to do and I'd rather not do that. It's an invitation to spend some time with God. So, in this [...]
Matt Hagee - The Impartation of His Gift
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Matt Hagee - The Impartation of His Gift
Matt Hagee - The Impartation of His Gift
The power of the Holy Spirit, is a promise for you when you become his child. The reason that this is important for you to understand is because so many times through our own traditions and our own backgrounds, we have come to decide who is [...]
Mike Novotny - Because of 14 Spiritual Gifts You Already Have
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Mike Novotny - Because of 14 Spiritual Gifts You Already Have
Mike Novotny - Because of 14 Spiritual Gifts You Already Have
Last week we kicked off this series talking about gratitude and cultivating a thankful heart, and if you heard it, I am not sure how it impacted you, but I know how it impacted me. Hearing what God has to say about gratitude, it changed me, it stuck [...]
Chris Hodges - Spiritual Gifts
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Chris Hodges - Spiritual Gifts
Chris Hodges - Spiritual Gifts
All right, who's glad to be in church today, anybody? Would you do me a favor at every campus? Come on, put your hands together. Come on, give Jesus some praise today. It's awesome, that's awesome. And welcome to week number four of the series that [...]
Charles Stanley - Gifted for Service
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Charles Stanley - Gifted for Service
Charles Stanley - Gifted for Service
One of the greatest tragedies in life is for a person to live their whole life with no purpose, no sense of direction, no goals. They're just floating through life, just sort of managing to live from one day to the next or maybe from one week to the [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Discovering and Using Your Gifts
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Dr. Ed Young - Discovering and Using Your Gifts
Dr. Ed Young - Discovering and Using Your Gifts
What if everybody in this church were like you? What kind of church would we have? Would we be able to turn on the lights? Would we be able to sing? Would be able to have worship? Would be able to go on mission trips? Would we be able to care for [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Discover Your Spiritual Gift
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Adrian Rogers - How to Discover Your Spiritual Gift
Adrian Rogers - How to Discover Your Spiritual Gift
Take God's Word, find Romans chapter 12, and when you've found it look up here. Now, we're thinking today about spiritual gifts. Romans 12, look if you will in verse 6 of this chapter, "Having then gifts differing," that's all I want to [...]
Adrian Rogers - You Are a Gifted Child
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Adrian Rogers - You Are a Gifted Child
Adrian Rogers - You Are a Gifted Child
In the Christian world we've kind of divided people up into the clergy, that's those who are in fulltime ministry, and the laity, these are the ones in the pew. A little girl was asked to define, describe, the clergy and the laity, and she said, [...]
Allen Jackson - In The Power of the Spirit
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Allen Jackson - In The Power of the Spirit
Allen Jackson - In The Power of the Spirit
We're gonna start a new study this weekend. I'm excited about it. We're gonna talk about life "In the Power of the Spirit". Thank you for that enthusiastic response. I can tell you're excited too. My goal is really simple. We're gonna take [...]
Joseph Prince - God Wants Us To Flow In The Gifts Of The Spirit
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Joseph Prince - God Wants Us To Flow In The Gifts Of The Spirit
Joseph Prince - God Wants Us To Flow In The Gifts Of The Spirit
This is an excerpt from: The Kairos Year Of Right Time, Right Place - Part 2 So this year as we look at the Word of God, we'll see some insights into what God has for us this year. Today, there are more prophetic stuff that I'll be sharing with you [...]
Allen Jackson - About Spiritual Gifts - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - About Spiritual Gifts - Part 2
Allen Jackson - About Spiritual Gifts - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're talking about one of my favorite topics. We're talking about spiritual things, and specifically the Holy Spirit and how he leads us and directs us, how the power of God is brought to bear in our lives by his [...]
Allen Jackson - About Spiritual Gifts - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - About Spiritual Gifts - Part 1
Allen Jackson - About Spiritual Gifts - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. Our topic today is "Spiritual Gifts". In reality, we wanna talk about spiritual things. You know, the unfortunate circumstance for much of American evangelicalism is we imagine we're gonna outthink evil. [...]
Derek Prince - Churches' Declining The Spirit's Gifts, Can Never Be His Bride
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Derek Prince - Churches' Declining The Spirit's Gifts, Can Never Be His Bride
Derek Prince - Churches' Declining The Spirit's Gifts, Can Never Be His Bride
This is an excerpt from: True And False Church - Part 2 And then we look in Revelation 19 in verse 8, a picture of the Church ready to be married. And notice all heaven is excited. I think heaven is much more excited than the Church at the moment [...]
Robert Jeffress - You and Your Spiritual Gift
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Robert Jeffress - You and Your Spiritual Gift
Robert Jeffress - You and Your Spiritual Gift
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Let me ask you an important question. As a Christian who believes the Bible is truly the Word of God, have you determined which spiritual gift God has given to you? Embracing your [...]
Jack Graham - Better Together
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Jack Graham - Better Together
Jack Graham - Better Together
I want to encourage you to take your Bibles right now and turn with me to Romans chapter 12, the twelfth chapter of the book of Romans. And this is our ESSENTIAL GOSPEL series. Romans 12 is one of the great chapters in the Bible. I want to be a [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Is the Gift of God
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Is the Gift of God
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Is the Gift of God
In the book of Mark, chapter 11. "And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. People calling remembrance unto it said, 'Master, behold the fig tree which you cursed is withered away.' Jesus, answering, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Purpose of the Gifts of Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - The Purpose of the Gifts of Healing
Kenneth Copeland - The Purpose of the Gifts of Healing
Hello, everybody. Welcome to class again this morning at Kenneth Copeland Bible college. Just take your seat there and get your Bibles to make notes on, because we're going into this thing big time. We're over in to the 1 Corinthians, the 12th [...]
Robert Morris - Evangelists
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Robert Morris - Evangelists
Robert Morris - Evangelists
I just want to remind you ladies that Pink Impact is coming up, and this is our first time in two years to be able to have it live again where we gather. And if you want to wear a mask, please feel welcome. No one's going to look down on you for [...]
Robert Morris - Prophets
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Robert Morris - Prophets
Robert Morris - Prophets
We're in a series called The Gifts of Jesus. And these are not to be confused with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We believe fully, fully in the Person and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, fully. But these many times are lumped in with the gifts of the [...]
Robert Morris - Apostles
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Robert Morris - Apostles
Robert Morris - Apostles
Alright. So we are beginning a new series called The Gifts of Jesus. And this is not to be confused with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. And yet there are many categories of gifts. So there are many that take these five and join them with the gifts of [...]
Derek Prince - Use Your God-Given Talents and Gifts, Or You'll Lose Them
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Derek Prince - Use Your God-Given Talents and Gifts, Or You'll Lose Them
Derek Prince - Use Your God-Given Talents and Gifts, Or You'll Lose Them
This is an excerpt from: Pressures, Tests you lazy and wicked servant. You see, we all have a kind of religious set of values which is not always realistic. Most churches will not tolerate drunkenness, quite rightly. But many churches tolerate [...]
David Reagan - Interview with August Rosado
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David Reagan - Interview with August Rosado
David Reagan - Interview with August Rosado
I grew up in a church that taught that all supernatural gifts of the spirit, and all miracles ceased in the First Century when the last apostle died. That teaching greatly limited my faith and my growth in the Lord. It wasn’t until I was in my 30’s [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Gift of Self-Control
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Joyce Meyer - The Gift of Self-Control
Joyce Meyer - The Gift of Self-Control
Well, thank you, for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". Today, I'm gonna be continuing to teach on self-control, which I started yesterday. And I know you are just so happy to hear about this subject. And today, I'm calling the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Are Gifts of the Spirit?
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Rabbi Schneider - What Are Gifts of the Spirit?
Rabbi Schneider - What Are Gifts of the Spirit?
I want to pick up today where I left off last week. We're in the Gospel of John, chapter number 1. Now I ended last week by talking about John the Baptist introducing Jesus to the world as the Lamb of God. I want to continue now today as we see [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Prophetic Gifts of the Spirit
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Rabbi Schneider - Prophetic Gifts of the Spirit
Rabbi Schneider - Prophetic Gifts of the Spirit
I have found over the forty plus years that I've been walking with the Lord, that the people that seem to be most excited about Yeshua, about Jesus, in their walk with God, are people that are experiencing God's activity, His presence, His [...]
Derek Prince - Why Exercise the Gifts of the Spirit?
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Derek Prince - Why Exercise the Gifts of the Spirit?
Derek Prince - Why Exercise the Gifts of the Spirit?
If you come into this experience and you walk in it, it will bring you into a new dimension of personal communication with God. I spoke to you yesterday about finding your place. I think I challenged some of you to seek God for your calling. This is [...]
Derek Prince - When You Have Doubts and Fears about the Gifts
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Derek Prince - When You Have Doubts and Fears about the Gifts
Derek Prince - When You Have Doubts and Fears about the Gifts
Now, the Lord spoke through Ruth and He said, there are many that have doubts and fears and you are to lay them aside. I want to pray for those that are troubled by doubts and fear right now. If you would raise your hand, I’m going to pray for you. [...]
Derek Prince - The Word of Knowledge and The Word of Wisdom
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Derek Prince - The Word of Knowledge and The Word of Wisdom
Derek Prince - The Word of Knowledge and The Word of Wisdom
Now first of all, most translations say "the word of wisdom" but the Greek says "a word of wisdom". I understand it's very much like the gift of faith but it's wisdom. God has got all wisdom. But if He were to dump all wisdom [...]
Derek Prince - The Gift of Miracles
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Derek Prince - The Gift of Miracles
Derek Prince - The Gift of Miracles
The next gift, miracles, can go further. Miracles go beyond healings, for instance, this is from an example that's occurred more than once in my ministry. If a person has what they call otitis media, which is inflammation of the middle ear, you can [...]
Joseph Prince - Activate The Gifts Of The Spirit
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Joseph Prince - Activate The Gifts Of The Spirit
Joseph Prince - Activate The Gifts Of The Spirit
Our God is a God who loves to hear his people pray, talk to him, and love does that, doesn't it? Love desires the presence of the one loved, even to hear the voice of the one loved, and we know that, during this time of this lockdown, we long to [...]
Derek Prince - The Gift of Healings
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Derek Prince - The Gift of Healings
Derek Prince - The Gift of Healings
All right. So... We go on to the next of the gifts of power which is the gift of healing. And notice in the original it's all plural. Gifts of healings. I personally am inclined to believe that every healing is a gift. And it generally works out [...]
Derek Prince - The Gift of Faith
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Derek Prince - The Gift of Faith
Derek Prince - The Gift of Faith
The number one gift of power is faith. Now, faith is used in many ways in the New Testament. "The righteous shall live by faith". I have a book that's called Faith to Live By. That's the kind of faith every Christian has to be a Christian. [...]
Derek Prince - Practice the Gift of Prophecy
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Derek Prince - Practice the Gift of Prophecy
Derek Prince - Practice the Gift of Prophecy
All right. So now, step three is very simple. What’s step three? Prophesy, isn’t it? Let’s look at a few Scriptures again that encourage us to prophesy. We’ll start in 1 Corinthians 14:1. All right. 1 Corinthians 14:1 Why don’t we all read it [...]
Derek Prince - Practice the Gift of Interpretation
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Derek Prince - Practice the Gift of Interpretation
Derek Prince - Practice the Gift of Interpretation
Now all we’re going to do is act on it. Are you all ready? This is how we’re going to do it. At a given signal from me, every one of you will turn to the Lord, shut yourself in and speak in a tongue. All right? You remember, your will is the switch. [...]
Sid Roth - I Saw Heaven and Returned with an Incredible Gift
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Sid Roth - I Saw Heaven and Returned with an Incredible Gift
Sid Roth - I Saw Heaven and Returned with an Incredible Gift
Sid Roth: Hello. My name is Sid Roth. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest is one of these people that has God experiences all the time. In fact, he said to me God is so talkative. Now most other people, they say, what's [...]
Derek Prince - Discovering the Gift of Prophecy
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Derek Prince - Discovering the Gift of Prophecy
Derek Prince - Discovering the Gift of Prophecy
And then, prophesying just goes one step further. Prophesying is speaking in a language that is known words that are given by the Holy Spirit. They do not proceed from human understanding, they are given supernaturally by the Holy Spirit. The [...]
Derek Prince - Discovering the Gift of Interpretation
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Derek Prince - Discovering the Gift of Interpretation
Derek Prince - Discovering the Gift of Interpretation
The gift of interpretation has no meaning apart from the gift of tongues. But, if someone has spoken in an unknown tongue by the Holy Spirit, the gift of interpretation enables either that person or another person by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, [...]
Derek Prince - Discernings of Spirits
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Derek Prince - Discernings of Spirits
Derek Prince - Discernings of Spirits
But we'll go on to the next which is discerning of spirits. Actually, both parts are plural. It's discernings of spirits. Like gifts of healings, workings of miracles, kinds of tongues; there are several of the gifts which are plural in both parts [...]
Derek Prince - Categorizing the Gifts of the Spirit
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Derek Prince - Categorizing the Gifts of the Spirit
Derek Prince - Categorizing the Gifts of the Spirit
It’s been common amongst Bible teachers to divide up those nine gifts into three groups of three. This is not doctrine, it’s just convenience. I’ll do it briefly before we focus on the particular gifts that I want to deal with in this session. There [...]
Derek Prince - Assurance of the Gifts
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Derek Prince - Assurance of the Gifts
Derek Prince - Assurance of the Gifts
Now, bearing in mind that these two happen to be in the wrong order, I said that’s just to keep you alert, we’re going on to what is number three on the outline is number two for me. Specifically to interpret. Okay? We’re going to come now to the [...]
Sid Roth - How To Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit
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Sid Roth - How To Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit
Sid Roth - How To Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit
Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest Steven Brooks operates in all nine gifts of the Spirit and he says every true believer in the Messiah can operate in these gifts. There's no [...]
Joseph Prince - Moving By Grace In The Holy Spirit's Gifts
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Joseph Prince - Moving By Grace In The Holy Spirit's Gifts
Joseph Prince - Moving By Grace In The Holy Spirit's Gifts
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord. There's gonna be miracles, signs, wonders, the flow of God's Spirit. I'll tell you right now, already the Lord is showing some things to me even now, and I want to tell you right now that this kind of flow is gonna [...]
Greg Laurie - The Church, A Place to Call Home
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Greg Laurie - The Church, A Place to Call Home
Greg Laurie - The Church, A Place to Call Home
Let me ask you a question. How many of you have ever received a gift you did not like? Raise your hand. You did not like it. Okay. So there are people that give you certain gifts. Sometimes it's something you wear, and then they ask you: have you [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - Choosing To Grow Up
Jentezen Franklin - Choosing To Grow Up
There is something that makes a plant grow. I'm not a botanist, but if you look it up, there's something in every plant life, whether it's a tree, a flower, a bush. It has something called meristem. The meristem, or the meristem line. And it's where [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Gift Of Awareness
Joyce Meyer - The Gift Of Awareness
What I wanna talk to you about today is something that's been on my heart for myself personally for a few months, and I've started praying this on a regular basis, and that is "The gift of awareness". Now, that's not an official gift [...]
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