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Michael Youssef - God's Sovereignty
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Michael Youssef - God's Sovereignty
Michael Youssef - God's Sovereignty
How do you get to know anyone? How do you get to know a person? The only way you know anything about any person is what that person says about himself or herself, right? The only way anyone knows something about you is not through what others say [...]
David Jeremiah - God Is in Control
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David Jeremiah - God Is in Control
David Jeremiah - God Is in Control
There's no such thing as luck. Anything that happens to you, good or bad, must pass through his fingers first. There are no accidents with God. I like the story of the cowboy who applied for health insurance, and the agent routinely asked him, [...]
Jack Graham - Chosen
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Jack Graham - Chosen
Jack Graham - Chosen
Take God's Word and turn with me to Romans, the ninth chapter, Romans chapter 9. This is THE ESSENTIAL GOSPEL, our series in the book of Romans. And today's message is all about the sovereignty of God, we're going to be talking about things such as [...]
Derek Prince - God Doesn't Ask Our Permission
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Derek Prince - God Doesn't Ask Our Permission
Derek Prince - God Doesn't Ask Our Permission
This is the second of four sessions devoted to working through Romans, chapters 9, 10 and 11, some of the most important and some of the most stretching chapters in the whole Bible. If you really want to be an intellectually educated person, just [...]
Joel Osteen - Secure In His Sovereignty
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Joel Osteen - Secure In His Sovereignty
Joel Osteen - Secure In His Sovereignty
I want to talk to you today about Secure In His Sovereignty. We all have our own free will. We can make decisions, do what we want, go where we want to go. It's easy to think that our life is based on what we're choosing. And to a point of course [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Does God Have Any Competition?
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Rabbi Schneider - Does God Have Any Competition?
Rabbi Schneider - Does God Have Any Competition?
Modern-day Christians, that don't have a grounding in the theology of the Old Testament, think that everything that's bad that happens happens from Satan and God has nothing to do with that. And everything that good that happens happens from God. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Golden Menorah: The Sovereignty of God
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Rabbi Schneider - The Golden Menorah: The Sovereignty of God
Rabbi Schneider - The Golden Menorah: The Sovereignty of God
If the Son shall set you free, you will be free indeed. Beloved, the Holy Spirit represented by the Golden Menorah is the Spirit of truth, and when you several broadcasts, I've been talking about the Golden Lamp Stand. You'll see on my set here the, [...]