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Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Satisfaction
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Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Satisfaction
Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Satisfaction
Take your Bibles and open, would you please, to Exodus chapter 20 and we look now at verse 17. Exodus chapter 20 and verse 17. And while you're finding it, may I say that Madison avenue has done a job on the American people. It has given us a bad [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Discerning Reality
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Rabbi Schneider - Discerning Reality
Rabbi Schneider - Discerning Reality
God is not some place. Often times people conceive of God, they conceive that He's some place, that He's in heaven. But God does not live, beloved, in a place. It's true that there is a place called heaven. Don't misunderstand. But God exists, [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Find Your Satisfaction in Christ
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Peter Tan-Chi - Find Your Satisfaction in Christ
Peter Tan-Chi - Find Your Satisfaction in Christ
Today's information is related to legit. We are talking about a series called What? Legit. do you know? I didn't understand this word before. This word is used by young people, legit. What does legit mean? Reality. Get rid of hypocrisy and be free. [...]
James Merritt - Totally Satisfied
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James Merritt - Totally Satisfied
James Merritt - Totally Satisfied
I wanna confess to you today one of my greatest fears, and I'm being serious about this. Everybody I guess has a phobia and I've got a fear and it actually is increasing as I age. And I'm not the only person who has this fear. In fact, we're now [...]
Mike Novotny - How to Truly Satisfy Your Heart
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Mike Novotny - How to Truly Satisfy Your Heart
Mike Novotny - How to Truly Satisfy Your Heart
I hate the morning. I'm not sure how God wired you, but I can stay up at night and read books and grow in my faith. But the morning it's just not my thing. My wife wakes up and she runs five miles and she reads her Bible and she gets dressed and [...]
Mike Novotny - How to Satisfy Your Soul
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Mike Novotny - How to Satisfy Your Soul
Mike Novotny - How to Satisfy Your Soul
But instead of you having to build something like this, instead of spending your whole life trying to build something so impressive you can get like from your life to the presence of God, Jesus says he just gives it. Wow! We are here! Jesus was [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Never Satisfied
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Dr. Ed Young - Never Satisfied
Dr. Ed Young - Never Satisfied
We're starting the Book of Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiastes is the book of sheer philosophy. It's the only book in the Bible that presents life without God. It's a book about meaninglessness, but it has a great deal of meaning. Say, "How can this [...]
Joseph Prince - The Real Reason You're Unsatisfied
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Joseph Prince - The Real Reason You're Unsatisfied
Joseph Prince - The Real Reason You're Unsatisfied
This excerpt is from the sermon, Powerful Keys To Unlocking God's Word, preached on Sep 4, 2022. Jeremiah 15:16, this is what he says, "Thy word was found, and I ate them". The first thing, your first assignment is not to look at the Word [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Can't Get Any Satisfaction?
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Rabbi Schneider - Can't Get Any Satisfaction?
Rabbi Schneider - Can't Get Any Satisfaction?
Shalom ahuvim. Shalom, beloved ones. I want to begin today by singing a little chorus for you today. I'm going to be focusing on Psalm 118:14. And this little song, this little chorus incorporates that 14th verse. Some of you may have heard it [...]
Rabbi Schneider - You Can Be Satisfied
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Rabbi Schneider - You Can Be Satisfied
Rabbi Schneider - You Can Be Satisfied
A lot of times when people think prayer, automatically their head goes to religion. But prayer is not about religion. I don't even like talking about those two words in the same sentence. Because God's not about religion. God created you and I in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Keys to Satisfaction
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Rabbi Schneider - The Keys to Satisfaction
Rabbi Schneider - The Keys to Satisfaction
In John 7:37 Yeshua said this, "If any man is thirsty let him come to Me and drink". And then when we look at this beautiful river flowing and we think of Yeshua saying, "He that believes in Me, I will become within him a well of [...]
Craig Smith - Satisfied (Psalm 84)
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Craig Smith - Satisfied (Psalm 84)
Craig Smith - Satisfied (Psalm 84)
Welcome to Mission Hills. So glad you are here in all of our campuses and online. I’m thrilled that you are here for the beginning of a new series. I loved the Book of Daniel. God taught me so much through the Book of Daniel. I loved it. Oh, so glad [...]