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John Hagee - The End of Days
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John Hagee - The End of Days
John Hagee - The End of Days
Will you please stand for the reading of God's word. Turn to Matthew 24. We'll read verses 1-3. As we gather here today, the headlines are screaming the message, "That Iran's supreme leader orders a direct attack on Israel". The [...]
Derek Prince - Russia, Great Britain And Europe In The End Times
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Derek Prince - Russia, Great Britain And Europe In The End Times
Derek Prince - Russia, Great Britain And Europe In The End Times
This is an excerpt from: True and False Christ - Part 2 There is a theory which I'm not necessarily endorsing, let me go back a moment. I want to emphasize this is a theory only. It states that in the time of Noah, angelic beings cohabited with [...]
John Hagee - The King of the North
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John Hagee - The King of the North
John Hagee - The King of the North
Who are these kings? The King of the North is Russia. I'll prove that in just a moment. The King of the South is the Arab Islamic Forces. The King of the West is America and the United Kingdom that will be led by the Antichrist, who will force every [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Resurrection of Russia
David Jeremiah - The Resurrection of Russia
The date was mid-August, 2015, less than 18 months after Russia seized the Crimean peninsula from its parent nation, Ukraine. Putin's ambitions for a reunited Soviet bloc took over in his life. And he not only annexed Crimea, he also infiltrated [...]