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Creflo Dollar - Resting in the Arms of Jesus - Part 3
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Creflo Dollar - Resting in the Arms of Jesus - Part 3
Creflo Dollar - Resting in the Arms of Jesus - Part 3
We need a guard, because out of your heart flows every issue of life. And if your heart is not being guarded with peace, that's impacting the harvest, the harvest. I guarantee you, you go look at your harvest-less life, and you will notice you also [...]
Creflo Dollar - Resting in the Arms of Jesus - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Resting in the Arms of Jesus - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Resting in the Arms of Jesus - Part 2
Now, listen to this very carefully. Under the old covenant, people would work first and then rest. Okay? Under the new covenant, you start with God's rest, and then your work will be empowered out of that rest. In other words, you learn how to rest [...]
Creflo Dollar - Resting in the Arms of Jesus - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Resting in the Arms of Jesus - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Resting in the Arms of Jesus - Part 1
If you have your Bibles, open them up with me to the book of Hebrews chapter 4, I'm gonna read verses 1 through 11 in the NLT as we end this series on what it means to fall from grace. Today, I wanna talk to you about resting in the arms of Jesus. [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You're Tired of Being Tired
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Craig Groeschel - When You're Tired of Being Tired
Craig Groeschel - When You're Tired of Being Tired
I wonder how many of you often feel anxious or overwhelmed with all that you have to do? Would you raise your hands up right now? Anybody else like there? God bless you. You can all be saved. I see your hands everywhere. We see it all the time, [...]
Jonathan Bernis - The Beauty of Shabbat
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Jonathan Bernis - The Beauty of Shabbat
Jonathan Bernis - The Beauty of Shabbat
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis and I'm joined by my co-host Ezra Benjamin. Well, as many of us approach life we struggle to find a balance between work and rest. We live in a fast-paced society and many of [...]
Michael Youssef - Finding True Peace - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - Finding True Peace - Part 2
Michael Youssef - Finding True Peace - Part 2
I want to talk to you about three things, three double-barrel pillars. The first one is a double burden; and the second, the double invitation; and thirdly, the double blessing. I want that to just sink in in your mind so you don't forget it, okay? [...]
Michael Youssef - Finding True Peace - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - Finding True Peace - Part 1
Michael Youssef - Finding True Peace - Part 1
I am so glad you got to enjoy and be blessed by what we get blessed with at the Church of the Apostles almost every Sunday with Mac Powell, when he's not on the road, yeah; truly anointed man of God. You know, this event was supposed to take place [...]
Chris Hodges - The Invitation to Rest
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Chris Hodges - The Invitation to Rest
Chris Hodges - The Invitation to Rest
So good to see you. Thanks for coming to church, tonight. Y'all ready to study the Word of God? I said you ready to study the Word of God, everybody? 'Cause I'd like to introduce your guest speaker tonight. It's me, everybody, all right? So, yeah, [...]
Chris Hodges - Choose to Follow God's Plan For Rest
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Chris Hodges - Choose to Follow God's Plan For Rest
Chris Hodges - Choose to Follow God's Plan For Rest
All right, who's glad to be in church today? Anybody out there? Yeah, awesome. So glad you're here today. Big hello to all of our locations, our campuses. We are one church that meets all over the state of Alabama and right into Columbus, Georgia. [...]
James Merritt - Rest Easy
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James Merritt - Rest Easy
James Merritt - Rest Easy
Well, I wanna say again, good morning to all of you who are with us today. And I want you to be aware of something. I prepare my messages weeks ahead of time. I've been doing this for years. And so, I actually prepared this message, it's probably [...]
Derek Prince - The Believer's Rest
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Derek Prince - The Believer's Rest
Derek Prince - The Believer's Rest
If you look now in your outline, Page 3/2, you'll see that this is the first occurrence of the word rest. And between this verse and chapter 4, verse 13, this word occurs 12 times. Without any question, a major theme of this particular section is [...]
James Merritt - Rest Stop
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James Merritt - Rest Stop
James Merritt - Rest Stop
It's one thing to experience physical fatigue but I believe there's another kind and other kinds of fatigue that are a lot more debilitating and a lot more difficult to deal with and I'm talking about spiritual fatigue, emotional fatigue, relational [...]
Tony Evans - Entering God's Rest
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Tony Evans - Entering God's Rest
Tony Evans - Entering God's Rest
If you've been living long enough and have gone through enough, then you've come to understand life can get tiresome. I'm sure you've asked the question, "Does life have to be this hard"? One day everything is looking sunny, the next day [...]
Joseph Prince - Rest For Your Soul In Restless Times
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Joseph Prince - Rest For Your Soul In Restless Times
Joseph Prince - Rest For Your Soul In Restless Times
That was good, Pastor Lian. She always looks younger and younger, right, when she comes out? And, weren't you all blessed the last two Sundays when she preached? Right, the word was amazing, amen. You know, I'm so glad, I'm so proud of our pastors [...]
Kenneth Copeland - There Is Rest for the People of God
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Kenneth Copeland - There Is Rest for the People of God
Kenneth Copeland - There Is Rest for the People of God
— Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. Welcome once again to the Believer's Voice Of Victory broadcast. And let me remind you of Greg Stephens' qualifications. There's a reason why that I've spent a lot of time, at the Lord's direction, with him [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Enter Into God's Rest by Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Enter Into God's Rest by Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Enter Into God's Rest by Faith
— Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. Let's have a word of prayer. We'll get right into today's Bible lesson. Father, we thank You today. We give You praise about this time, this special time, into which we have entered and we step into it by [...]
Kenneth Copeland - A Sabbath Rest for Your Spirit, Soul and Body
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Kenneth Copeland - A Sabbath Rest for Your Spirit, Soul and Body
Kenneth Copeland - A Sabbath Rest for Your Spirit, Soul and Body
— Hello everybody. You know who I am, you know who he is, you know who you are. Let's get into. — Let's do it. Amen. — Amen. — Amen. — Now we're talking about the absolute accuracy, total complete accuracy of both covenants beginning with the first [...]
Craig Smith - Forget Balance, Find Rhythm
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Craig Smith - Forget Balance, Find Rhythm
Craig Smith - Forget Balance, Find Rhythm
Well, hey, so good to have you with us today. We are in the middle of a deep dive into the Ten Commandments here at Mission Hills. If you’re just joining us, here’s probably the most important thing you need to know about the Ten Commandments. We’ve [...]
Christine Caine - An Invitation To Rest, Part 2
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Christine Caine - An Invitation To Rest, Part 2
Christine Caine - An Invitation To Rest, Part 2
I am so excited that you've come back to join us in week, and I'm believing that the Holy Spirit has a word for you that you have tuned in exactly at the right time in the right place, and we are continuing on talking about what it is to come to [...]
Christine Caine - An Invitation To Rest, Part 1
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Christine Caine - An Invitation To Rest, Part 1
Christine Caine - An Invitation To Rest, Part 1
I am so fired up that you've joined us today. I believe that God has a word for you. I'm excited about sharing this particular message with you today because so many of us there's no doubt about it. We're feeling weary, defeated, perhaps beaten up [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Find Peace
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Rabbi Schneider - Find Peace
Rabbi Schneider - Find Peace
Jesus, we read in the Gospel of John chapter twenty, verse twenty one and twenty two, He breathed on His disciples and He said, "My peace, my shalom, which means wholeness, healing, completeness, My supernatural shalom I give to you". And [...]
David Jeremiah - Experience God's Best
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David Jeremiah - Experience God's Best
David Jeremiah - Experience God's Best
I'm David Jeremiah, and welcome to this edition of, "Turning Point". If you're like me, getting enough rest is a daily challenge. Between work, family, and personal commitments, there's always a reason to cheat ourselves out of a good [...]
Bill Winston - No More Toil
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Bill Winston - No More Toil
Bill Winston - No More Toil
Hello. I'm Bill Winston. Welcome to another program. The program that you're watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight. Oh, do we have an exciting teaching for you today. It's called No More Toil, No More [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Warfare of Rest
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Joyce Meyer - The Warfare of Rest
Joyce Meyer - The Warfare of Rest
It's so important to understand that we are in a battle. You can feel it. You can feel it. You know you feel war in your soul, one part of you wants to do what's right, one part of you wants to do what's wrong. One part of you is selfish, and one [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Relax in God to Be Healed
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Kenneth Copeland - Relax in God to Be Healed
Kenneth Copeland - Relax in God to Be Healed
Open your Bibles first of all of the book of Matthew. We won't be able to cover nearly all of these this morning, but in the gospels, there are 19 examples of individual healings in the ministry of Jesus. Now it seems like there's a lot more than [...]
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Creflo Dollar - The Contrast: Self Effort vs Rest
Creflo Dollar - The Contrast: Self Effort vs Rest
I believe that we can be empowered by rest. I'm gonna show you how you can get from God without having to earn it. Be empowered by rest. Now let's go through some things real quick. Hebrews 4, let's start at verse 1. Let's look at this. I believe [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Stay Seated In God's Supernatural Rest
Joyce Meyer - Stay Seated In God's Supernatural Rest
Has anybody been even a little bit convicted that maybe you need to make a few changes in how you are? Well, good, that's what it's all about. I rarely ever read this scripture 'cause it... People who don't really know the Word could get a wrong [...]
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Robert Morris — The Principle of Rest
Robert Morris — The Principle of Rest
So we're in this series, talking about "God's Top Ten List", the Ten Commandments, but I want to remind you that I think there's a principle behind each commandment that will enhance our relationship with God and others. So this week, I [...]
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Joseph Prince — Rest! God Is Working Behind The Scenes
Joseph Prince — Rest! God Is Working Behind The Scenes
When you rest, it's an act of faith. You're saying, "God, all right, you have finished everything. And if there's any area not finished, I'm resting so you can finish it in me, through me." You are resting in work. It is not inactivity. [...]
Joseph Prince - Rest In Jesus' Faith For Miracles
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Joseph Prince - Rest In Jesus' Faith For Miracles
Joseph Prince - Rest In Jesus' Faith For Miracles
We go right into the Word today, and let's look at Mark chapter 9. It's a very beautiful story. Many of you are familiar with the story. It's repeated more than one time in the in the gospels, all right? But we look at Mark's account. Mark chapter [...]
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Joseph Prince — Your Only Battle is Fight to Remain at Rest
Joseph Prince — Your Only Battle is Fight to Remain at Rest
If there's anything we believe in, we believe in this gospel that has transformed our lives. Has it touched your lives? Has it caused you to see God in a way that you have never seen him before? Then all the more, we gotta make sure that this gospel [...]
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Joseph Prince - Rest And Receive At Jesus' Feet
Joseph Prince - Rest And Receive At Jesus' Feet
Let's dive right into the Word of God. We are continuing on the book of Ruth. We ended at this point in Ruth 2, verse 20, "Naomi said to her daughter-in-law Ruth, all right, 'This man'", because remember she came back with the blessing [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Resting In Jesus
Creflo Dollar — Resting In Jesus
Rest is not inactivity. It's not rest from work, but rest in work. It's resting while you are working. This is what God wants. He has not created us to operate out of stress, He has not created us to operate out of worry, He has not created us to [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Laboring to Rest
Creflo Dollar — Laboring to Rest
"The Bible says the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord." So how are we making it not having God to order our steps? How are we even making it without having a personal relationship with God if He's the One that orders our [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Having Confidence to Rest
Creflo Dollar — Having Confidence to Rest
When you are at rest, then God will be at work; but if you're in stress and worry and care, and if you're trying to work, then God's gonna rest. The place of rest is the place of manifestations. The place of rest is the place where you're gonna see [...]
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Creflo Dollar — God Works While You Rest
Creflo Dollar — God Works While You Rest
I'm telling you, you need Jesus every day, every morning, every second, every minute, every hour! You need Him all the time. My message is simple today: You need Jesus! It's time for to you rest in Him more than you rest in your own ability and your [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Finding Rest In Jesus
Creflo Dollar — Finding Rest In Jesus
So we're talking about resting and how when you finally get to that place of rest, that's when you're gonna see manifestation in your life. Rely on the truth that it's finished. I have to rely on that. I have to lean on the truth that it is already [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Entering into God's Rest
Creflo Dollar — Entering into God's Rest
There cannot be authentic belief without resting in what you believe has already been done. So this thing about Christians going around and say, "I believe it," somebody said, "Well, they said they believed." No, no, no, no, no. [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Empowered By Rest
Creflo Dollar — Empowered By Rest
The evidence of belief is rest. And when you're not at rest, that becomes the evidence of unbelief. When you find yourself in stress and worry and care, let it indicate to you that you're not in rest. Anything that distracts your rest is also [...]
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Charles Stanley — Resting in the Faithfulness of God
Charles Stanley — Resting in the Faithfulness of God
When you find that you're faced being tested and you don't know what God's doing in your life. And your prayers seem to go unanswered for some reason. And the devil just harasses you, and your plans are frustrated, and your friends have all deserted [...]
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Bill Winston — Entering into His Rest
Bill Winston — Entering into His Rest
In this series Dr. Winston teaches how to renew your mind and rest in the peace of God. How to reach new levels of peace and prosperity without toil and hard labor by speaking and meditating the Word of God [...]
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Joel Osteen — Rest From Your Enemies
Joel Osteen — Rest From Your Enemies
In every person’s life, there are limiting things that need to be removed. These are things like low self-esteem, depression, anger, addictions or toxic friendships. They are personal and unique to each of us. Most often, what we struggle with [...]
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Joel Osteen — Living At Rest
Joel Osteen — Living At Rest
I wanna talk to you today about "Living at rest". Rest doesn't mean that you're on vacation, we all have to work and deal with challenges and interact with different people. But we're supposed to do it from a place of peace, not stressed [...]
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TD Jakes - Be Seated
TD Jakes - Be Seated
You are a child of God by virtue of your position, not your condition. Your condition will fluctuate. You will see good days and bad days. You will have moments of great victory and moments of great defeat. You will have moments that you can summons [...]