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Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 2
I think one of the reasons that we failed to forgive and that we failed to process it is we don't really think there's too much of a consequence for sin. You know, we just don't. We don't often see immediate judgment from God. Everybody doesn't get [...]
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 1
We're working through a series under this general theme of "A Change of Heart". I believe that's really the only solution for the ills that face us. I think we all know by now we're in another election cycle, but as I have said many times, [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Resentment
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Dr. Ed Young - Resentment
Dr. Ed Young - Resentment
Everybody did what was right, but they were wrong. It's the last Verse of the Book of Judges-Judges 25:21 says, "There was no king in the land of Israel, so everybody did what was right in their own eyes". In their own eyes... When [...]
Robert Jeffress - Why the Words I'm Sorry Are Highly Overrated - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Why the Words I'm Sorry Are Highly Overrated - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Why the Words I'm Sorry Are Highly Overrated - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. We've all experienced those agonizing moments. When someone violates our trust, maybe you've been embarrassed by a slanderous rumor, or perhaps you're still reeling from an unwanted [...]
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David Jeremiah - Slaying the Giant of Resentment
David Jeremiah - Slaying the Giant of Resentment
Someone has described resentment as the accumulation of unexpressed anger, anger swept under the rug. My friend Gary Ingrid tells a story of a man who was bitten by a dog, which was later discovered to be rabid. The man was rushed to the hospital [...]
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John Hagee - Rejection and Resentment
John Hagee - Rejection and Resentment
The majority of the people in this audience and the millions who are watching by television over 200 nations have experienced personal rejection, rejection that has left a scar on your soul, rejection that has embittered your mind. It has robbed you [...]