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Rabbi Schneider - Claim Psalm 91 for Yourself
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Rabbi Schneider - Claim Psalm 91 for Yourself
Rabbi Schneider - Claim Psalm 91 for Yourself
I'm going to read a scripture now most of you are familiar with: Psalm number 91, verse one. It says this: “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty” And for those of you that know the rest of Psalm 91, [...]
Joseph Prince - Intimacy With The Father Brings Protection
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Joseph Prince - Intimacy With The Father Brings Protection
Joseph Prince - Intimacy With The Father Brings Protection
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, hallelujah. I wanna tell you something about the sermon series that I'm doing now, Psalms 91. We have done this before in 2003 and then in 2003 we had an incident, in fact, not just a national [...]
Sid Roth - This Bible Passage Will Protect You from What's Coming
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Sid Roth - This Bible Passage Will Protect You from What's Coming
Sid Roth - This Bible Passage Will Protect You from What's Coming
My guest was in deep fear. Torment, actually lost her mind. The only solution doctors had at that time was eight years of horrific shock treatments. After that, no hope. Then, a miracle happened. She was set free. But later on, God gave her a dream [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Overcome Fear With Psalm 91
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Rabbi Schneider - Overcome Fear With Psalm 91
Rabbi Schneider - Overcome Fear With Psalm 91
Did you know that in the Book of Revelation, chapter 21, verse 8, Yeshua actually said that hell was for the fearful? Let me read that to you. The grass withers and the flowers fade but the Word of the Lord, hallelujah, bless his name, abides [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Psalm 91, Living in Divine Protection
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Kenneth Copeland - Psalm 91, Living in Divine Protection
Kenneth Copeland - Psalm 91, Living in Divine Protection
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. Excuse me. During the break, the Word of the Lord has come to me. This nation, as other nations of the world, are under attack. The people of the nations do [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Healing Mercies for Long Life
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Healing Mercies for Long Life
Kenneth Copeland - God's Healing Mercies for Long Life
Let's turn to the 91st Psalm. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He shall abide under the shadow of Shaddai, the God who is more than enough. He just got through telling [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Finding Healing in Psalm 91
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Kenneth Copeland - Finding Healing in Psalm 91
Kenneth Copeland - Finding Healing in Psalm 91
This is Healing School, an opportunity to learn the laws that govern healing and so forth. So Psalm 103. Well we could go on through this 103rd psalm. I do want to go to the 20th verse. "Bless the Lord, you his angels, that excel in strength, [...]
Joseph Prince - Positioned In His Protection
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Joseph Prince - Positioned In His Protection
Joseph Prince - Positioned In His Protection
You know, we are, increasingly we are living in dangerous times. And the Apostle Paul puts it this way, "The Holy Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the last days, perilous times shall come". Perilous means danger, danger, the word danger, [...]