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Joseph Prince - Make Jesus Your Priority and Prosper
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Joseph Prince - Make Jesus Your Priority and Prosper
Joseph Prince - Make Jesus Your Priority and Prosper
Today, I want to share something that I think in that light, you will see light. Let’s go straight to Exodus 25 verse 31. «Let them make Me a sanctuary,» God says, «that I may dwell among them,» mikdash in the Hebrew. «According to all that I show [...]
James Merritt - The Domino Effect
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James Merritt - The Domino Effect
James Merritt - The Domino Effect
The domino effect actually refers to this cumulative effect that’s pronounced when one event sets off a series of related events and it causes a chain reaction. I’ll give you a perfect example, classic example. Matter of fact, it was the domino [...]
Derek Prince - The Cross At The Center - Part 2
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Derek Prince - The Cross At The Center - Part 2
Derek Prince - The Cross At The Center - Part 2
This is our second session on the theme of 'The Cross at the Center.' In our previous session I pointed out three major reasons why we have to keep the cross at the center, why God's plan and our salvation really doesn't work [...]
Robert Barron - Focus on the One Thing Necessary
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Robert Barron - Focus on the One Thing Necessary
Robert Barron - Focus on the One Thing Necessary
Peace be with you. Friends, the Gospel for today is that wonderful and familiar story of Martha and Mary. But the Church sets us up for this in a really interesting way by giving us a first reading from the book of Genesis. We're in chapter 18; [...]
Derek Prince - Is The Cross In Your Life Displaced From The Center?
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Derek Prince - Is The Cross In Your Life Displaced From The Center?
Derek Prince - Is The Cross In Your Life Displaced From The Center?
This is an excerpt from: The Cross At The Center - Part 1 Now let's look at one other statement by Paul in Romans 8:31 and following. Again, Paul emphasizes the all sufficiency of the sacrifice of Jesus. Romans 8:31 and following. What then [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - When Discouraged, Fix Your Eyes on God
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Peter Tan-Chi - When Discouraged, Fix Your Eyes on God
Peter Tan-Chi - When Discouraged, Fix Your Eyes on God
Prioritize first things first. This is the real foundation. We mess up, we have problems, because you don't know how to prioritize things first. There is a Chinese saying called "Look at the importance". Do you know this? You have to [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - First Things First
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Peter Tan-Chi - First Things First
Peter Tan-Chi - First Things First
We are starting a new series. Our topic today is: First Things First. It's about priorities. Why are priorities important? Does anyone have an answer? Ask yourself, why is prioritization important? Second question, what are your top five [...]
Tony Evans - Loving God First
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Tony Evans - Loving God First
Tony Evans - Loving God First
Did you know one of the greatest sins noted in the Bible is ingratitude? When we are not grateful, when we are thankless rather than thankful, we have insulted God. Romans chapter 1, talking about men abandoning God. He says, "And neither were [...]
John Bradshaw - God First
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John Bradshaw - God First
John Bradshaw - God First
If there was someone who knew what it was like to lose his grip, that person was Peter. From "I'm willing to die for you" to "I don't even know the man" in just a couple of hours. So, the advice he gives comes from [...]
Beth Moore - Finding What Matters
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Beth Moore - Finding What Matters
Beth Moore - Finding What Matters
What is our confession is what we're doin'. We're goin' back to the fundamentals. What is it we're confessing? Working definition of confession in early New Testament church practices was this: a way of expressing allegiance [...]
Matt Hagee - The Priority of Principle
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Matt Hagee - The Priority of Principle
Matt Hagee - The Priority of Principle
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to the book of 2 Timothy 3:1 through 5, as this morning we begin a sermon series entitled "Prospering in perilous times". I don't think you have to look too far in the world that we're living [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Your Money Can Keep You Out of Heaven
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Dr. Ed Young - Your Money Can Keep You Out of Heaven
Dr. Ed Young - Your Money Can Keep You Out of Heaven
Once every generation or so, you have just an outstanding young man come along. He was graduated from high school top of his class, played four sports. Was an excellent athlete. Received a full academic scholarship to Rice University, and there he [...]
Dr. Ed Young - What Really Matters
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Dr. Ed Young - What Really Matters
Dr. Ed Young - What Really Matters
John chapter 14. Jesus says, "Do not let," stop it, "do not let your heart be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me". What's he saying? He said, "If you believe in God," yes, "you believe also in [...]
Charles Stanley - The Priority of Obedience
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Charles Stanley - The Priority of Obedience
Charles Stanley - The Priority of Obedience
I was only in the first grade, but I still remember that big, long key that unlocked and locked the door of my home where my mother and I lived. And it was one of those long black keys. And I would take that key after I left in the morning and [...]
Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 3
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Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 3
Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 3
What's going on my friends? My name is Michael, and I want to thank you for tuning in to today's program. And I've just got a question for you: are you ready to put God first? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, over what you eat, over your [...]
Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 2
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Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 2
Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 2
What's going on, everybody? And welcome to today's program. I want to let you know something you may not know about me. I have kids. And my little girls always want me to watch frozen with them. We watch it at least 2 times every day and [...]
Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 1
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Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 1
Michael Todd - First Ain't Second - Part 1
Hey, what's going on friends. Thank you so much for joining today's program. And today we're about to dive into a message from a series that is changing so many people's lives. It's called "Paper Chasers". And [...]
Joseph Prince - The One Prayer to Prioritize This Year
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Joseph Prince - The One Prayer to Prioritize This Year
Joseph Prince - The One Prayer to Prioritize This Year
This is an excerpt from: Pray For Good Success Today So, Pastor, is there anything the Lord is telling us about kairos? Yes, I just wanna drop one thing in your heart about kairos, okay, about right time, right place this year. The thing that He [...]
Matt Hagee - The Awesome Power of Your Priorities
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Matt Hagee - The Awesome Power of Your Priorities
Matt Hagee - The Awesome Power of Your Priorities
So often we wake up wondering if God is on our side. Just look at all that he has done, and ask yourself, "How can he not be"? He wants to bless you. But the "If" is not in him. The "If" is in us. And the "If" [...]
Derek Prince - Setting Right Priorities
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Derek Prince - Setting Right Priorities
Derek Prince - Setting Right Priorities
Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. - Psalm 90:12, NIV What does that mean, to number our days aright? Well, let me ask you another question. If I were to ask you, What is the thing in your life that you find [...]
Joseph Prince - Be Occupied With The Word Not The Enemy
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Joseph Prince - Be Occupied With The Word Not The Enemy
Joseph Prince - Be Occupied With The Word Not The Enemy
Good morning. I wanna thank all of you for being here, especially this crowd because you braved the rain, and the fire, and the storm. Amen, that means this is the backbone of the church, amen? Solid. You all remind me of Pastor Mark. Now you all [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Is The One Thing That Is Necessary
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Rabbi Schneider - What Is The One Thing That Is Necessary?
Rabbi Schneider - What Is The One Thing That Is Necessary?
Shalom beloved. Since I'm wearing my Jewish happy face t-shirt today, you can see the peyos here and the smile. I like to wear this shirt, cause it makes me happy, the color yellow and the smiley face. And because I'm wearing my happy [...]
Matt Hagee - What Matters Most
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Matt Hagee - What Matters Most
Matt Hagee - What Matters Most
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to John 4, beginning at the 23rd verse, as this morning we begin a brand-new series entitled "What a way to live". In the world that we're currently existing in, people are asking, "How do [...]
Tony Evans - The Priority of Prayer
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Tony Evans - The Priority of Prayer
Tony Evans - The Priority of Prayer
"Thy kingdom come". Everything is about God's kingdom. From Genesis to Revelation, the word "kingdom" is the driving narrative of the story, the rule of God from eternity into history, but in relationship with his people. [...]
Matt Hagee - First Things First
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Matt Hagee - First Things First
Matt Hagee - First Things First
Matthew 16:24 is one of the places where you turn in scripture, and when you read the words, many people oftentimes say, "Well pastor, I just don't understand. I don't understand how if you try to save your life, you're going to [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Put The WORD of God First Place
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Kenneth Copeland - Put The WORD of God First Place
Kenneth Copeland - Put The WORD of God First Place
Open your Bibles tonight with me to Philippians 2:5, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made of himself of no reputation. He took upon Him, [...]
Robert Jeffress - Investing For Maximum Returns
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Robert Jeffress - Investing For Maximum Returns
Robert Jeffress - Investing For Maximum Returns
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. There's no shortage of financial analysts who will tell you how to invest your money on Wall Street. They'll tell you when to buy and when to sell to get the biggest [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Do You Know What You're Pursuing?
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Rabbi Schneider - Do You Know What You're Pursuing?
Rabbi Schneider - Do You Know What You're Pursuing?
Some time back, I'm going back now, I don't know how many years ago, probably close to 10 years ago, I had a sense that the Lord was calling me to spend an entire year in the Song of Songs. So I spent a full year, beloved ones, just [...]
Joyce Meyer - Leaving the Crowd Behind - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Leaving the Crowd Behind - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Leaving the Crowd Behind - Part 2
The title of my message this morning is "Leaving the Crowd Behind". And we've all got a crowd. You know, it may be your crowd in your neighborhood, or your crowd at work, or your crowd at school. Or maybe, some of your extended [...]
Joyce Meyer - Leaving the Crowd Behind - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Leaving the Crowd Behind - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Leaving the Crowd Behind - Part 1
Well, how many of you are ready for the word this morning? You know, I never just go anywhere and just pull out some message and preach it. I'm purposeful about what I bring you. And I pray that I'll always have the right word in due [...]
Jack Graham - One Thing
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Jack Graham - One Thing
Jack Graham - One Thing
God has a plan for every life. And success in life is knowing and doing the will of God. If you get to where you're going at the end of your life, where will you be? That's a good question, right? If you get, or when you get because [...]
Derek Prince - The First Thing On God's List
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Derek Prince - The First Thing On God's List
Derek Prince - The First Thing On God's List
This is an excerpt from: You Can Come Through Victorious Now we’ll come to the reason why I read that scripture. I was going to lead up to the first prayer in the Lord’s Prayer. This is prayer number one for all of God’s people. Your kingdom come, [...]
Charles Stanley - Treasures of the Heart
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Charles Stanley - Treasures of the Heart
Charles Stanley - Treasures of the Heart
When you think about treasure what comes to your mind? Well, most people would say, "Well, money, prosperity, riches; all of those things come to mind". Well, if the only thing that comes to your mind when you think about riches is [...]
Robert Jeffress - Putting First Things First - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Putting First Things First - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Putting First Things First - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. As children of God, it's important to engage in frequent conversations with our Heavenly Father. But what exactly is the purpose of prayer? What are we supposed to say, and [...]
Robert Jeffress - Putting First Things First - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Putting First Things First - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Putting First Things First - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. When you bow your head in prayer, what's the first thing you say? Maybe you thank God for the day's blessings, or ask for his direction on an important decision. Well, [...]
Craig Groeschel - Your Most Focused Year Yet
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Craig Groeschel - Your Most Focused Year Yet
Craig Groeschel - Your Most Focused Year Yet
Well, happy new year to you. It's great to have 2020 behind us. Not that that makes a whole lot of difference, but we're gonna do the best we can with what we have. If you're new with us, we're crazy passionate about building [...]
Craig Smith - Picking Your Priority
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Craig Smith - Picking Your Priority
Craig Smith - Picking Your Priority
Hey. Welcome to Mission Hills. So honored to have you with us this weekend as we dive into our new fall series on the Ten Commandents. And I realized that we created a little bit of confusion with this. I know because I got some emails this week. [...]
Craig Smith - What Matters Most
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Craig Smith - What Matters Most
Craig Smith - What Matters Most
Hey, welcome to Mission Hill. So glad to have you here this weekend. Before we get into our content for today, I want to do a little bit of a celebration from something that happened last weekend. Last weekend was Compassion Weekend. We have a [...]
Craig Smith - gods on the Ground (Psalm 82)
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Craig Smith - gods on the Ground (Psalm 82)
Craig Smith - gods on the Ground (Psalm 82)
Welcome to all of our campuses. So glad you are here for week number two for our interlude in the Book of Psalms. I will be honest with you, I picked the Psalm we are going to look at today because I have never understood it. I have read it many [...]
Derek Prince - Order Your Priorities For Your Calling
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Derek Prince - Order Your Priorities For Your Calling
Derek Prince - Order Your Priorities For Your Calling
This excerpt is from: How To Find Your Place Going back to 1 Timothy 1:9, we find it’s even more exciting. It says: God has saved us and called us with a holy calling... I want to emphasize that your calling is holy. Once I realized what God had [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Prayer Is The Priority
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Jentezen Franklin - Prayer Is The Priority
Jentezen Franklin - Prayer Is The Priority
Turn with me to the Book of Leviticus 6. And I'll go to verse 13. "A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out". A fire I want on the altar, God said. Your body is the temple, now. That's the Old [...]
Craig Smith - Where The Heart Is
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Craig Smith - Where The Heart Is
Craig Smith - Where The Heart Is
Good morning. Welcome to Mission Hills and week number two of our six-part Easter series. We actually have three stages to the series, there’s dark, dawn and day. We’re kind of in the middle of the dark. Because as we follow along in the Gospel of [...]
Victoria Osteen - Put God First In Your Life
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Victoria Osteen - Put God First In Your Life
Victoria Osteen - Put God First In Your Life
Thank you, Lord. We are a grateful people, amen? You may be seated. I just want to encourage us all, at the first of this year, to not allow busyness to consume our lives, too not allow just the busyness of life to overwhelm us and overtake us. We [...]
Joseph Prince - The Most Effective Leaders Prioritize This
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Joseph Prince - The Most Effective Leaders Prioritize This
Joseph Prince - The Most Effective Leaders Prioritize This
This excerpt is from: Leadership Keys (NCC Leadership Conference) Be a feeding center, be a feeding church, Be a feeding ministry. Feed, feed! Don't worry about leadership. Don't worry about the ten things to do, the hundred things to do [...]
Kenneth Copeland - A Life Worth Living Puts First Things First
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Kenneth Copeland - A Life Worth Living Puts First Things First
Kenneth Copeland - A Life Worth Living Puts First Things First
Father, we thank You tonight. It is so wonderful to understand and to know how to live by faith. Thank You. I praise You for it and I worship You tonight. We're learning more and more and more in these days that those of us that live and walk [...]
Kenneth Copeland - First Things First
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Kenneth Copeland - First Things First
Kenneth Copeland - First Things First
Now then, Matthew chapter 6, the 33 verse. 6:33, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you, take therefore no thought for the morrow. For the morrow will take thought for the [...]
Charles Stanley - Life's Number One Priority
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Charles Stanley - Life's Number One Priority
Charles Stanley - Life's Number One Priority
Do you often feel the tension between doing what you want to do and what you feel like you should do? Well, what areas of your life do you feel that tension the most often? And how do you respond? That is, which one wins over the what you want to [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Putting Spirit, Soul and Body in the Right Order
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Kenneth Copeland - Putting Spirit, Soul and Body in the Right Order
Kenneth Copeland - Putting Spirit, Soul and Body in the Right Order
Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Father we thank You for the Word today. Oh, we thank You for revealed knowledge, knowledge revealed by Your spirit into our spirit, literally [...]
Joyce Meyer - First Things First - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - First Things First - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - First Things First - Part 1
Thank you so much for joining us today. I believe that the time you're investing is going to pay great dividends in your life because we are gonna talk about something really important today. We're gonna talk about priorities. Actually, [...]
John Hagee - Feast of the First Fruits
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John Hagee - Feast of the First Fruits
John Hagee - Feast of the First Fruits
God demands to be first. The Bible says, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things"... Say that with me. "And all these things". What does that mean? That means the cornucopia of God, the three [...]
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