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James Merritt - Keep On Keeping On
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James Merritt - Keep On Keeping On
James Merritt - Keep On Keeping On
I wanna ask you a question. I kept two of my grandkids over the weekend. And I’m tired. But I kept two of my grandkids over the weekend. And so we asked them yesterday, when they come, my goal is always to make sure they have such a great time, they [...]
Joel Osteen - The Miracle of Endurance
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Joel Osteen - The Miracle of Endurance
Joel Osteen - The Miracle of Endurance
I want to talk to you today about the Miracle of Endurance. When we think of miracles, we think of when God suddenly turns things around. Jesus touched the blind man, and instantly his eyes were open. Prayed over five loaves of bread and two fish, [...]
James Merritt - Eye on the Prize
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James Merritt - Eye on the Prize
James Merritt - Eye on the Prize
Well, good morning to those who are watching online, those who are watching by television, those who at our Mill Creek campus, and those of course at our Sugarloaf campus, thanks for being a part of the service today. As always, I'm so excited [...]
David Jeremiah - God Hears Your Prayers
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David Jeremiah - God Hears Your Prayers
David Jeremiah - God Hears Your Prayers
I heard a story once about a mother who got a call from school saying that her young daughter was ill. She hurried to pick up her child and then she called the doctor, but the doctor's schedule was already overbooked that day. He could see the [...]
James Merritt - Perseverance, Run the Stop Sign
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James Merritt - Perseverance, Run the Stop Sign
James Merritt - Perseverance, Run the Stop Sign
I wanna welcome those who are watching online, those are watching by TV, those at our Mill Creek campus and those here at Sugarloaf. Most people don't know this, but I have come close to dying on two occasions, literally. And they both involved [...]
Jack Graham - Training Ground
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Jack Graham - Training Ground
Jack Graham - Training Ground
The book of Hebrews is all about this race that we're running, and that we would endure, that we would persevere, that we wouldn't quit, go back or give up, but that we would go onward and upward to maturity and ultimately when we see [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Hard Times and God's Process
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Rabbi Schneider - Hard Times and God's Process
Rabbi Schneider - Hard Times and God's Process
As I begin today, I want to briefly review one concept with you and that is the three primary covenants of scripture. Beloved, the foundational covenant of scripture is the Abrahamic covenant. Abraham entered into a relationship with the Lord, that [...]
Robert Morris - Passing the Prison Test
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Robert Morris - Passing the Prison Test
Robert Morris - Passing the Prison Test
So, we're in a series called "From Dream to Destiny". Every person has a dream from God. Every person has a destiny from God. We're using the life of Joseph, and yet Joseph went through these tests that we all go through. [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You Feel Like Giving Up
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Craig Groeschel - When You Feel Like Giving Up
Craig Groeschel - When You Feel Like Giving Up
I wanna talk to those of you today who feel like quitting, maybe you feel like throwing in the towel. It could be your marriage, you've tried, and you've tried, and you've tried, and you don't feel like there's any way to [...]
Robert Jeffress - Choosing Perseverance Over Defeat
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Robert Jeffress - Choosing Perseverance Over Defeat
Robert Jeffress - Choosing Perseverance Over Defeat
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Everyone loves a good underdog story. There are few things more inspiring than seeing rocky reach the top of the stairs at the Philadelphia art museum, or watching [...]
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David Jeremiah - Relentless Determination
David Jeremiah - Relentless Determination
Back in 1983, the Australian Ultra Marathon was a foot race of 544 grueling miles from Sydney to Melbourne and, at this particular race, a very odd competitor showed up. Everyone else was highly trained, commercially sponsored, professional, but [...]