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Jeff Schreve - Decision Time
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Jeff Schreve - Decision Time
Jeff Schreve - Decision Time
Happy New Year. I’m Pastor Jeff Schreve, and today, as we look to the New Year, we’re going to consider the most important decision that anyone can ever make. It’s the decision concerning Jesus, a decision that determines your eternal destiny. So [...]
James Merritt - Holy New Year
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James Merritt - Holy New Year
James Merritt - Holy New Year
Well, to those of you who are watching online and to those of you in the building today, Happy New Year to all of you. You know, it is the start of a new year and we’re all in the same boat. It’s called social jet lag, I call it holiday hangover. [...]
Joel Osteen - Uncommon Favor
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Joel Osteen - Uncommon Favor
Joel Osteen - Uncommon Favor
I want to talk to you today about Uncommon Favor. We all have dreams that seem too big to accomplish, and challenges that we can’t overcome by ourselves. We look at things in the natural, logically speaking, and reason it out. Sometimes there’s no [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Face Your Future
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Adrian Rogers - How to Face Your Future
Adrian Rogers - How to Face Your Future
I want you to take God’s Word and turn if you would please to James chapter 4. If you can find James chapter 4 I think it will help you today as we study together the Word of God. Now we’re on a threshold of a brand new year and when we come to the [...]
Steven Furtick - Start Your Year With Momentum
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Steven Furtick - Start Your Year With Momentum
Steven Furtick - Start Your Year With Momentum
This is an excerpt from: Good Morning Midnight «Hey, maybe this could be the moment that things really change for me. Maybe this is my year. Maybe this year I will get a ring. Maybe this year I will get a raise. Maybe this year I will stop being so [...]
Steven Furtick - This Is That Day
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Steven Furtick - This Is That Day
Steven Furtick - This Is That Day
Happy New Year, Elevation Church! You made a good decision to get into the house today. I'm believing this year that God is going to open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing we will not have room enough to receive. Of course, as we [...]
James Merritt - Happy New You
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James Merritt - Happy New You
James Merritt - Happy New You
The most celebrated holiday in America, you may or may not know this is not the one we just celebrated last week, Christmas. It's actually New Year's Day. That is the most celebrated holiday in our country. And you can understand it [...]
John Hagee - Success For The New Year
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John Hagee - Success For The New Year
John Hagee - Success For The New Year
Turn to Proverbs 25:28, as we talk today about the secret of success for the new year. The question is: are you going to have a happy new year, or will the social, moral and political corruption continue to destroy your peace of mind and hopes for [...]
Jentezen Franklin - This is Your Year (Gateway Church)
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Jentezen Franklin - This is Your Year (Gateway Church)
Jentezen Franklin - This is Your Year (Gateway Church)
Thank you so much. Thank you very much. God bless you. You may be seated. The Bible said, if you pray your prayers amiss, He said, I don't answer your prayers because you pray amiss. You missed it on that one, Pastor. You usually hear from God, [...]
Craig Groeschel - 3 Mindsets for a Better Year
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Craig Groeschel - 3 Mindsets for a Better Year
Craig Groeschel - 3 Mindsets for a Better Year
My problem started when I started reading the Bible. It was this Bible, exactly, which was a little old school, with these little tab things. How many of you remember these? Anybody remember these? You can type in the comment, "I remember [...]
Robert Jeffress - Your Most Priceless Gift In The New Year
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Robert Jeffress - Your Most Priceless Gift In The New Year
Robert Jeffress - Your Most Priceless Gift In The New Year
Hi I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway To Victory". There's nothing quite like the prospect of a brand new year ahead. The calendar resets and we have a blank slate with 52 open weeks to accomplish our goals. So [...]
Steven Furtick - This Perspective Can Change Your Year
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Steven Furtick - This Perspective Can Change Your Year
Steven Furtick - This Perspective Can Change Your Year
This is an excerpt from: I'm Glad It Happened Somebody broke up with you and you thought you couldn't make it without 'em and then you looked 'em up on Facebook and you fell on your knees and thanked God that they broke your [...]
Jack Graham - God's Promise for a New Year
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Jack Graham - God's Promise for a New Year
Jack Graham - God's Promise for a New Year
Please take your Bible and turn with me to Romans chapter 8 and verse 28. And it’s always good to look out and to see so many of you opening the Scriptures with us, turning the pages of God’s Word, marking and underlining your Bibles. Well, as we [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Let The Bible Change Your Life Next Year
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Jonathan Bernis - Let The Bible Change Your Life Next Year
Jonathan Bernis - Let The Bible Change Your Life Next Year
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to "Jewish Voice," and thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Well, we're living in unprecedented times. I can only speak for [...]
John Bradshaw - The Promise You Can Never Keep
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John Bradshaw - The Promise You Can Never Keep
John Bradshaw - The Promise You Can Never Keep
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Well, it's about that time, the time when people are thinking about New Year's resolutions. Now, if you don't make New Year's resolutions, that's okay. [...]
Jentezen Franklin - This is Your Year
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Jentezen Franklin - This is Your Year
Jentezen Franklin - This is Your Year
Welcome to Kingdom Connection. Thank you for joining us today. I have an encouraging word that I wanna share with you, and I believe it's from the Lord to your heart. "This is Your Year". That's what I'm preaching today. We [...]
Joseph Prince - 2022, The Year Of Rest And Acceleration
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Joseph Prince - 2022, The Year Of Rest And Acceleration
Joseph Prince - 2022, The Year Of Rest And Acceleration
A very happy new year to one and all. Church we are in exciting days. And this coming year, God has even more beautiful and exciting days in store for you and I. Praise the Lord. And every time we look at the theme of the year from the beginning of [...]
Steven Furtick - Can Something Good Come From This?
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Steven Furtick - Can Something Good Come From This?
Steven Furtick - Can Something Good Come From This?
This is an excerpt from: Something Good Is Coming From This! You don't have to be in a certain place for God to fulfill his promise over your life. I'm going to break that down. "When my kid starts acting right, I'll be [...]
Steven Furtick - Devil You've Held Me Long Enough
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Steven Furtick - Devil You've Held Me Long Enough
Steven Furtick - Devil You've Held Me Long Enough
Are you ready for my first sermon of 2022? Are you sure? You don't know what I'm going to say yet. Are you sure you're ready? Tell them, "You can't handle the truth". That's kind of on subject for today. John, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Love, A New Year's Commandment
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Kenneth Copeland - Love, A New Year's Commandment
Kenneth Copeland - Love, A New Year's Commandment
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is Gloria Copeland, and this is our daughter, Kellie. Praise God. And aren't they pretty? — They're just gorgeous. Thank God she looks like her mother. Isn't that wonderful? — [...]
Steven Furtick - Whatever You Keep Tripping Over
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Steven Furtick - Whatever You Keep Tripping Over
Steven Furtick - Whatever You Keep Tripping Over
This is an excerpt from “Hello From the Other Side” That's what a lot of us really want. When we talk about a new year, a new beginning, what we really want is a new situation. "I want out. God, get me out. Get me out of this debt". [...]
Levi Lusko - Five More Minutes
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Levi Lusko - Five More Minutes
Levi Lusko - Five More Minutes
Gateway Church, Hey, Levi Lusko here and it is such a privilege and a pleasure to be with you as a part of the First Conference. What an incredible thing. Happy New Year. I got some staff here with me to help me, come on. Happy New Year. Gateway [...]
Robert Jeffress - New Year, New Choices
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Robert Jeffress - New Year, New Choices
Robert Jeffress - New Year, New Choices
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and on behalf of everyone at Pathway to Victory let me wish you a happy new year. Well, chances are that you're entering 2021 with a list of worthy resolutions. Maybe it's your goal to exercise more, or to eat [...]
Steven Furtick - Protected By God's Presence
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Steven Furtick - Protected By God's Presence
Steven Furtick - Protected By God's Presence
Hey, thought I'd drop a little bonus sermon on you today. This was recorded at the end of 2019 for our Praise Party at Elevation going into the year 2020. There was a lot we didn't know entering 2020, to say the least, but the word God [...]
David Jeremiah - A Great Promise for the New Year
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David Jeremiah - A Great Promise for the New Year
David Jeremiah - A Great Promise for the New Year
In the northeastern United States, codfish are not only delectable, they are a big commercial business. There's a market for eastern cod all over, especially in sections the furthest removed from the northeast coast. But the public demand poses [...]
Steven Furtick - How To Come Out Of This Year Stronger
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Steven Furtick - How To Come Out Of This Year Stronger
Steven Furtick - How To Come Out Of This Year Stronger
As you look back over what happened to you and for you this year, there may be a temptation for you to reflect to the point of resentment. There may be some people this year who were supposed to support you, and maybe you expected them to be [...]
Steven Furtick - Finish With Favor
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Steven Furtick - Finish With Favor
Steven Furtick - Finish With Favor
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and good will toward men and women on whom his favor rests. Somebody put in the chat, "He's talking about me. That's me. His favor rests on me". I used to let you touch your [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - What Intercessors Will Access in 2020?
Kenneth Copeland - What Intercessors Will Access in 2020?
Kenneth: Happy new year, everybody. Glory to God, amen, Hallelujah, glory. Oh listen, I flubbed a dub yesterday. Gloria: No kidding. Kenneth: Yeah, I did. I really did it. Gloria: What'd you do? Kenneth: Uh, I said about Keith Moore's [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Visions and Dreams in 2020
Kenneth Copeland - Visions and Dreams in 2020
Kenneth: Hello everybody we're Gloria and Kenneth Copeland and this is the Believers Voice of Victory. Broadcast. Somebody out shout. Amen. Happy New Year everybody. Praise God. Amen! 2020 how good is that girl? Gloria: It is going to be a [...]
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Creflo Dollar - Year In Review
Creflo Dollar - Year In Review
Vic Bolton: Now Creflo, you are in Africa so much that when we don't see you on a Sunday, we assume he's in Africa somewhere. Talk about your connection to the African continent and why you feel so driven to be active in that space. [...]
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David Jeremiah - A Psalm for a New Year
David Jeremiah - A Psalm for a New Year
I'm David Jeremiah, thanking you for joining me during December for our series of Christmas messages. And I hope you tuned in last week for our Christmas special from New York City: "Make the Season Bright". Christmas is wonderful [...]
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Joseph Prince - Release The Blessings Of The Latter Rain
Joseph Prince - Release The Blessings Of The Latter Rain
Happy New Year, everybody. Take time to at least greet two or three persons around you, will you? Tell them something like, "You look great". Or tell them, "I'm too blessed to be stressed, how about you"? Look at somebody [...]
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David Jeremiah - What is Your Life?
David Jeremiah - What is Your Life?
You do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Here we are again, on the threshold of a new year, when it seems most natural to make plans for the future. [...]
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Steven Furtick - Come Through Drippin
Steven Furtick - Come Through Drippin
The scripture, in Exodus 14 is of course all about transition and victory. So it's appropriate for tonight, but let me read it to you, Exodus 14:26, "The Lord said to Moses, 'Stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters may [...]
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Steven Furtick - Good Morning Midnight
Steven Furtick - Good Morning Midnight
Please give your attention to Acts, chapter 16. I want to use a familiar passage of Scripture, but we’re going to have some fun with it. It’s familiar if you take it at face value, but I think this passage of Scripture is perfect and precise for [...]
Steven Furtick - Hello From the Other Side
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Steven Furtick — Hello From the Other Side
Steven Furtick — Hello From the Other Side
There's so much more God wants for us than to just get through each year and move on to the next. But what kind of faith do we need in order to cross over while not forgetting where we came from? [...]