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Tony Evans - Mother's Day at the Cliff
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Tony Evans - Mother's Day at the Cliff
Tony Evans - Mother's Day at the Cliff
Happy Mother's Day. Thank you, ladies, for the magnificent job you have done and are doing to raise up children who love God, who are good citizens, and who, off of your leadership, can build strong families for the next generation as you have done [...]
Allen Jackson - The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. I wrote a series of messages around Mother's Day. We're gonna share a part of that with you today. This one, we're gonna focus on some of the unwanted challenges in being a mom, or just in parenting in general. [...]
Allen Jackson - The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood - Part 1
This is kind of fun. I did a Mother's Day sermon last night, and I have a different Mother's Day sermon today. This is kind of fun. You know, for many years, I preached the same message four times on the weekend. And now because of circumstances and [...]
Allen Jackson - Women, Wives, and Mothers - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Women, Wives, and Mothers - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Women, Wives, and Mothers - Part 2
We're gonna wrap up our discussion today on women, wives, and mothers, but what we're really doing is looking for a biblical perspective on our homes. Our culture isn't confused, we're rebellious. We don't want anyone telling us what to do, and we [...]
Allen Jackson - Women, Wives, and Mothers - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Women, Wives, and Mothers - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Women, Wives, and Mothers - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. I did a short series of messages around Mother's Day, and I'm gonna be sharing some of that with you. Now, there is so much cultural confusion around this. There's so much offense. Professional football player [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Spirit of Motherhood
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Jentezen Franklin - The Spirit of Motherhood
Jentezen Franklin - The Spirit of Motherhood
Hello, and welcome to a very special edition of Kingdom Connection. And I really wanna wish all of the mothers watching a very happy Mothers Day, especially my own mother, she's 88 years old. Every day that I'm in town I try to have breakfast with [...]
Creflo Dollar - How To Honor Your Mother
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Creflo Dollar - How To Honor Your Mother
Creflo Dollar - How To Honor Your Mother
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of Exodus chapter 20 and verse 12. Today we celebrate the wonderful gift of motherhood and the important role that mothers play in our lives. It's a day to honor and to show appreciation to our mothers [...]
Michael Youssef - Moms, Bringing Up Champions
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Michael Youssef - Moms, Bringing Up Champions
Michael Youssef - Moms, Bringing Up Champions
And on this Mom's Day, I want to pay tribute to the great moms who are raising up champions for Christ. I want this message to be an encouragement to them to keep on keeping on, to raise champions for Christ. It is no secret today, motherhood is [...]
Matt Hagee - Mom, You Are Enough
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Matt Hagee - Mom, You Are Enough
Matt Hagee - Mom, You Are Enough
Today, I want to take a few moments from the book of Luke 1, and let every woman in this sanctuary know and those who are watching know, mom, you are enough. Oftentimes, we want to disqualify ourselves from being adequate for the job at hand because [...]
Levi Lusko - Don't Give Up the (Mother) Ship
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Levi Lusko - Don't Give Up the (Mother) Ship
Levi Lusko - Don't Give Up the (Mother) Ship
I want to begin with a question. And the question is, would you be willing to do something crazy if you knew it was a part of your calling? Don't answer that, just think about it. Would you be willing to do something deemed by people around you at [...]
Tony Evans - The Ministry Value of Women
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Tony Evans - The Ministry Value of Women
Tony Evans - The Ministry Value of Women
Hello and happy, happy, happy Mother's Day to all of our mothers. You deserve not only today and a day, but every day. Where would any of us be even in our existence or our development without all that mothers have done to impart what God has given [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Motherhood of God
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Skip Heitzig - The Motherhood of God
Skip Heitzig - The Motherhood of God
What? Am I supposed to be Darth Vader now? I don't want to be Darth Vader. I want to be Yoda. Preach to you, I will. Teach? OK, I've always wanted to do this. So speaking, has nothing to do with this movie. But it has to do with another movie. Que, [...]
Skip Heitzig - Jesus and His Mother
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Skip Heitzig - Jesus and His Mother
Skip Heitzig - Jesus and His Mother
Good morning. Happy Mom's Day to you moms. Hey, this is a lot of fun, doing a parking lot service. But can I just say, I miss you all. I miss seeing your faces. I know I've seen some of them through the windows. But I can't wait till we can meet in [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Most Interesting Mom in the World
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Skip Heitzig - The Most Interesting Mom in the World
Skip Heitzig - The Most Interesting Mom in the World
Happy Mother's Day, moms. We're glad you're with us. Glad to see you here at church. Would you turn in your Bibles, please, in the Old Testament to the Book of Judges, chapter 4? Judges chapter 4, easy to find, after the first five books of Moses, [...]
Skip Heitzig - Marks of a Great Mother
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Skip Heitzig - Marks of a Great Mother
Skip Heitzig - Marks of a Great Mother
Would you turn in your Bibles, please, to the book of 1 Samuel chapter 1, 1 Samuel chapter 1. It's in the Old Testament. If you're at Genesis, keep going. If you're at Isaiah, go backwards. 1 Samuel chapter 1. Our purpose today in gathering, first [...]
Skip Heitzig - How Moms Can Change the World
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Skip Heitzig - How Moms Can Change the World
Skip Heitzig - How Moms Can Change the World
Well, moms become grandmas and they turn out to be wonderfully interesting creatures when that happens. I have a story that's simply called "When a Southern Grandma Goes to Court." This takes place in Mississippi: In a trial in a Southern [...]
Craig Groeschel - When They Take You For Granted
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Craig Groeschel - When They Take You For Granted
Craig Groeschel - When They Take You For Granted
I wanna start the message with a story. I was very excited to meet someone who was a hero to me. And before meeting him, I was instructed that it's proper in this culture to bring a generous gift to show gratitude for what this person has [...]
Matt Hagee - The Heart of the House
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Matt Hagee - The Heart of the House
Matt Hagee - The Heart of the House
The first thing that I would like to say on mother's day is that mom, our world, the way God created things to work, it doesn't work, it doesn't function, it cannot exist properly without you in it. Mom, our world doesn't work without you. Yay! I'll [...]
James Merritt - Wonder Woman
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James Merritt - Wonder Woman
James Merritt - Wonder Woman
There are fathers and mothers, and brothers and sisters, and sons and daughters, but one of the longest chapters in the Bible is given over to the description of a mom. You're not going to see what I'm going to show you this morning about a dad, or [...]
Jack Graham - A Mother's Faith
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Jack Graham - A Mother's Faith
Jack Graham - A Mother's Faith
Jesus always, always, always responds to faith! God responds to genuine faith. In fact, "Without faith it is impossible to please God," And God is the "rewarder of those who diligently seek Him". God is the rewarder of those who [...]
Robert Morris - Freedom
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Robert Morris - Freedom
Robert Morris - Freedom
Hey, everyone. Well, I want to also say to all the mothers, Happy Mother's Day. And we've been doing something since the very first Mother's Day that I won't forget, like I forgot on Easter to say "He has risen," and thank you for all of [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Blessing of Showing Honor
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Jentezen Franklin - The Blessing of Showing Honor
Jentezen Franklin - The Blessing of Showing Honor
I want to wish a very, very happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful mothers watching. I want to say Happy Mother's Day to my own mom, Katie Franklin. She's an amazing woman of God and mother, and to my wife, Cherise, mother of our five children. [...]
Craig Smith - Mother's Day. Echoes in Eternity
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Craig Smith - Mother's Day. Echoes in Eternity
Craig Smith - Mother's Day. Echoes in Eternity
Well, hey, welcome to Mother’s Day at Mission Hills, so good to have you with us today. Hey, can I just be honest? They didn’t tell you that Mother’s Day is probably one of the hardest weekends of the year for a preacher, because here’s the thing, [...]
Craig Smith - The Truest Test
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Craig Smith - The Truest Test
Craig Smith - The Truest Test
Good morning. Happy Mother’s Day. Yeah. There’s no right response back to a guy who says that. You just like, “Okay, yeah.” We’re so glad you’re here, whether join us in the big room or down in The Mill or online. We’re so just delighted that you [...]
Victoria Osteen - Protect Your God-Sized Promises
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Victoria Osteen - Protect Your God-Sized Promises
Victoria Osteen - Protect Your God-Sized Promises
Just want to encourage you today that you have the power of the living God on the inside of you. Do you ever get tired of hearing that? I don't either, and I think we constantly need to be reminded that God's power lives in us. You see, you're [...]
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John Hagee - The Portrait of a Mother
John Hagee - The Portrait of a Mother
The sermon today is "The portrait of the mother". And I have the portrait of the queen of the Hagee house in the middle, Diana. To her left are our daughters, Christina, Sandy, and Tish. To her right would be Kendal and Brooks, Dr. Brooks. [...]
TD Jakes - Mommas, Mentors, And Moments
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TD Jakes - Mommas, Mentors, And Moments
TD Jakes - Mommas, Mentors, And Moments
Moses's mama was courageous. She was strong. She birthed her baby under threat of death. And then I have to acknowledge the midwives who could've been killed, but had the courage to lie to Pharaoh so that Moses could be born. Because God knew that [...]
John Hagee - Mother's Wages
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John Hagee - Mother's Wages
John Hagee - Mother's Wages
The message today is about a Jewish mother who lived with her family. They were slaves in Egypt and they had been slaves all of their life. You would think that out of this despicable and depressing environment, nothing good could happen. Pharaoh [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - How To Honor Your Mother
Jentezen Franklin - How To Honor Your Mother
Ephesians 6. "Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise", watch this, "That it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth". The reason that it extends your life is we, the parents, [...]
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TD Jakes - Momma Don't Look Back
TD Jakes - Momma Don't Look Back
You are unsung heroes. When you start talking about great mothers like Eve, she is the mother of all creation. The mother of all creation, and yet, not one time in the New Testament does Jesus ask us to remember Eve. Sarah is the mother for the [...]
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Tony Evans — Mothers Who Believed God
Tony Evans — Mothers Who Believed God
I want to talk to you about a lady that maybe you've never even heard preached on before, and yet she makes a faith act in Scripture that is quite significant and substantial. Her name is Zipporah. We find out about Zipporah and her great faith act [...]
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TD Jakes — Expectant Mothers
TD Jakes — Expectant Mothers
Hello, everybody. I'm so excited. I greet you Jesus' joy. And we are celebrating mothers this week, and it's so appropriate to share this Word with you. Congratulations to all the mothers everywhere for being collaborative in the creation of human [...]
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TD Jakes — Ye Know not What Ye Ask For
TD Jakes — Ye Know not What Ye Ask For
Hello, everybody. I'm excited to have this opportunity to share the Word of the Lord with you. I've got nothing better to share with you than his Word. The message today says, "Ye know not what you ask for". Lord, Lord, so many times we [...]
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Tony Evans — Woman, Time to Straighten Up
Tony Evans — Woman, Time to Straighten Up
So I got good news for anybody in here who been bound. I want you to consider that maybe this is a spiritual issue. Maybe it's not all about all the other stuff you've been doing that's not working. Maybe there's a demon who has made himself at home [...]
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Tony Evans — To Be Made Whole (Mother’s Day)
Tony Evans — To Be Made Whole (Mother’s Day)
Well, you know, today in light of Mother's Day, we have a message called To Be Made Whole. It's God's desire for all of us to be made whole, and it's certainly true for all of the ladies who are celebrating Mother's Day. So let's go to God's Word [...]