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Robert Barron - Who Is God?
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Robert Barron - Who Is God?
Robert Barron - Who Is God?
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the Third Sunday of Lent, and we have the privilege of reading one of the most important texts in the Bible, period. We're in the third chapter of the book of Exodus. It's the text in which God gives himself a [...]
Robert Barron - Greater than the Greatest of All Time
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Robert Barron - Greater than the Greatest of All Time
Robert Barron - Greater than the Greatest of All Time
Peace be with you. Friends, our first reading is from the book of Deuteronomy, the last book of Pentateuch, the last book of the Torah, Deuteronomy from "deuteros nomos," meaning "second law". Deuteronomy really is just a series [...]
James Merritt - Knowing God
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James Merritt - Knowing God
James Merritt - Knowing God
There's very few people you just mention his last name and everybody knows immediately who you're talking about. And one of those names may be at the top of the list, outside of Jesus, 'cause that's not his last name, would be Einstein. You mention [...]
James Merritt - Idol Hands, Devil's Workshop
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James Merritt - Idol Hands, Devil's Workshop
James Merritt - Idol Hands, Devil's Workshop
It will be difficult for some of you to not check out about two minutes in when I tell you what we're gonna talk about today. Because most of us think that what I'm gonna talk about, you think, "That's not my problem. I don't have an issue with [...]
James Merritt - Mountain Top Meetings
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James Merritt - Mountain Top Meetings
James Merritt - Mountain Top Meetings
Well, thank you for being here this morning thanks for watching us online, appreciate all of you who come and listen to God's word today. In February of 1945, a meeting took place in the Lavatia palace in the Black Sea in Crimea and in order to make [...]
James Merritt - When Push Comes to Shove
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James Merritt - When Push Comes to Shove
James Merritt - When Push Comes to Shove
My mentor was Dr. Adrian Rogers, and I remember when I had my first church out of seminary, I went to see him. He taught me more in a day about preaching and pastoring than I learned in seven years at seminary. He gave me a piece of advice I've [...]
James Merritt - Living Hand to Mouth
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James Merritt - Living Hand to Mouth
James Merritt - Living Hand to Mouth
We live, by any measurement, perhaps in the richest nation in the history of the world. We are worth more than the next three richest countries in the world put together. We have 719 billionaires that live in this country. Those 719 billionaires are [...]
James Merritt - When Your Back is Against the Wall
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James Merritt - When Your Back is Against the Wall
James Merritt - When Your Back is Against the Wall
40 Years later, the Israelites had been wandering in the wilderness, trying to get to the promised land, and there are two men named Joshua and Caleb, go into a town called Jericho, and they met a prostitute, a pagan, somebody didn't even know God, [...]
James Merritt - Don't Beat Around the Bush
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James Merritt - Don't Beat Around the Bush
James Merritt - Don't Beat Around the Bush
True story. You won't believe it. This happened. Former of president George W. Bush was in an airport lobby and he noticed a man in this long flowing white robe. He had long flowing white hair and a long flowing white beard. He had a staff in one [...]
James Merritt - Miracle in the Mirror
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James Merritt - Miracle in the Mirror
James Merritt - Miracle in the Mirror
Let me tell you about the most helpless and frightening situation that I've ever faced in my entire life. To this day and it happened many, many years ago, it can still kind of make me almost wake up in a cold sweat. Teresa and I just moved back to [...]
TD Jakes - Worship In The Wilderness - Part 2
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TD Jakes - Worship In The Wilderness - Part 2
TD Jakes - Worship In The Wilderness - Part 2
Moses is leading them forward, almost against their will, because while he's trying to get them out from under Pharaoh, when they heard Pharaoh's army coming up behind them, their emotions took over their intelligence. Have you ever had your [...]
TD Jakes - Worship In The Wilderness - Part 1
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TD Jakes - Worship In The Wilderness - Part 1
TD Jakes - Worship In The Wilderness - Part 1
We see God inviting his estranged children to be emancipated not only to relieve the oppression, but to meet them in the wilderness to worship him. I want you to understand that they had not had a conversation with God for 400 years. They are the [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - Needing Another Chance
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Frankie Mazzapica - Needing Another Chance
Frankie Mazzapica - Needing Another Chance
Thank you for tuning in today. My name is Frankie Mazzapica. The title of the message is "Needing Another Chance", Needing Another Chance. Moses, one of the characters in the Bible that we, most of us, all know, Moses needed another [...]
Robert Morris - Moses and Zipporah
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Robert Morris - Moses and Zipporah
Robert Morris - Moses and Zipporah
All right, we are in a series called Divinely Inspired... No, that's the Bible. Divinely Human. And so, what we're talking about, and we're just going through people in the Bible that are our heroes, men and women greatly used by God, divinely used [...]
Skip Heitzig - Choosing to 'Go Dark'
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Skip Heitzig - Choosing to 'Go Dark'
Skip Heitzig - Choosing to 'Go Dark'
Thank you, Father, that you've brought us together. Thank you for the opportunity to study your word. Thank you for the opportunity to get to know one another, to get involved in smaller groups, where we can build relationships and be vulnerable [...]
Tony Evans - Moses, The Choice of Faith
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Tony Evans - Moses, The Choice of Faith
Tony Evans - Moses, The Choice of Faith
We make decisions every day. Some are minor decisions; they really don't matter one way or the other. Others are medium decisions, they matter somewhat. Others are massive decisions; they carry a great deal of weight. I'm sure we've all made [...]